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Immigration Crisis at the border

And more tolerance and compassion from the left:

"Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."

- Sarah Sanders

And what they did to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at another restaurant (led by a DOJ employee) and then at her home was even worse.
Here it goes then I'll sit back and watch you rip apart what I say cause that's what you do and then state it's "confusing".....

1. I've stated time and time again it's a complex situation. I've stated time and time again I'm not sure there's a fix. I've stated how I feel about the wall and how I feel it's NOT gonna solve the problem. I've stated time and time again this problem was a problem long before now and no solution has ever been accomplished and nothing good is being done now.
2. I don't have blind faith in politics. I've stated that I "used" to feel skeptical about politicians until now. I don't know what the dems fix is, also don't know what the pubs, you know the majority in office, is either. Doesn't appear to be anything but the blame game.
3. I relate now and always have to the dems because that's what I am/always been. I've stated how I feel about lifelong politicians and how I feel it's time for new blood and fresh ideas. It might help. And if I were ever to think of flipping to any other party, it definitely wouldn't be now. I've always seen pubs for the rich and dems for the middle class. You know my personal experiences and I don't find them coincidental. I see a man fixated on a wall that I feel won't solve the problem. I see a man who flip flops all over the place by signing a useless executive order to "prevent" these kids be separated from their parents then blame everyone but himself for getting nothing done. He's the "president", he can fix it any way he wants to right now and yet...nothing. Just more finger pointing, foot stomping and waaaa I want my wall and I want it now BS. So no, to be blunt, I don't see this office "trying" to do anything but blame everyone else for a problem that, if you have a good answer for, can be fixed right now by the majority. The pubs can't even agree with one another let alone the dems, so yes, they're just as much to blame.

I don't know where I'm not being clear. Instead of criticizing my views, why don't you offer an option of where you think I'm wrong, or dare I say a true discussion. It's raining, I'm stuck at home, I got all day.

In short, you have no plan or ideas, but you're damn sure Trump's approach is wrong.

How can one be so convinced an approach will fail while simultaneously having no suggestions on fixing the problem? Unless of course, like most Liberals, you actually don't see it as a problem at all.

I love after a school shooting how the Liberal mantra is we must try something, and if it saves one life. But when it comes to illegal immigration, it's the opposite approach. Lives lost in this venue are irrelevant (RIP Kate Steinle), and we should try NOTHING AT ALL.

You seem to be advocating doing nothing (like all Liberals - cuz ya need the voters) because it's "complex."

In short, you have no plan or ideas, but you're damn sure Trump's approach is wrong.

How can one be so convinced an approach will fail while simultaneously having no suggestions on fixing the problem? Unless of course, like most Liberals, you actually don't see it as a problem at all.

I love after a school shooting how the Liberal mantra is we must try something, and if it saves one life But when it comes to illegal immigration, it's the opposite approach. Lives lost in this venue are irrelevant (RIP Kate Steinle), and we should try NOTHING AT ALL.

You seem to be advocating doing nothing (like all Liberals - cuz ya need the voters) because it's "complex."


Dear God, you could be trump's stand in when he talks, you sound just like him. Not a compliment. You are aware that domestic violence is higher than violence from illegals right? Nah, you're not and of course you don't care. Pick and choose what crimes you want highlighted, just like your leader. You want to treat these people like felons like your leader, that's your solution. Isn't that trump's approach? Treat everyone like felons for a misdemeanor including kids? And your "need voters" rhetoric is old and stale not to mention nothing more than talking points from your leader. But I digress cause I see this going nowhere. Yeah Tim, in the words of Aggie "you got it all figured out tough guy." What you have provided though is proving you're only good for having your opinion as fact....you're a bad bad lib who wants everyone murdered by the illegals you want to come in and vote. Crazy **** talk like that can't even be replied to, just shaking my head as usual. LOL so be it, I ain't going there with you because it's beyond stupid. Sad really, but from a trump supporter, I expect nothing less. Have fun with your fellow alt-rights here, the only ones you're interested in talking to, talking tough and giving high fives cause you know "winning" and all lol.
Dear God, you could be trump's stand in when he talks, you sound just like him. Not a compliment. You are aware that domestic violence is higher than violence from illegals right? Nah, you're not and of course you don't care. Pick and choose what crimes you want highlighted, just like your leader. You want to treat these people like felons like your leader, that's your solution. Isn't that trump's approach? Treat everyone like felons for a misdemeanor including kids? And your "need voters" rhetoric is old and stale not to mention nothing more than talking points from your leader. But I digress cause I see this going nowhere. Yeah Tim, in the words of Aggie "you got it all figured out tough guy." What you have provided though is proving you're only good for having your opinion as fact....you're a bad bad lib who wants everyone murdered by the illegals you want to come in and vote. Crazy **** talk like that can't even be replied to, just shaking my head as usual. LOL so be it, I ain't going there with you because it's beyond stupid. Sad really, but from a trump supporter, I expect nothing less. Have fun with your fellow alt-rights here, the only ones you're interested in talking to, talking tough and giving high fives cause you know "winning" and all lol.

Name the country that doesn’t treat people as breaking the law when they illegally try to come in?
Dear God, you could be trump's stand in when he talks, you sound just like him.
Indeed. Ironically, just like Trump, his supporters tend to be mentally frail and thin-skinned as well. Who would've thought?
Indeed. Ironically, just like Trump, his supporters tend to be mentally frail and thin-skinned as well. Who would've thought?
Now that's funny. Typical liberal rhetoric - accuse the opponent of acting like you. Who could possibly be more mentally frail and thin skinned than the libtards losing their minds since the election?
Indeed. Ironically, just like Trump, his supporters tend to be mentally frail and thin-skinned as well. Who would've thought?

LOL you'd think I'd learn my lesson, seriously. It's like self punishment really. From now on I'll be more selective of who I'll interact with. Wish there were more rotten, evil, murderous "libs" on this board. Lol good thing I chose nursing as a career, you know, so I can only care for illegals. But I can certainly see why there aren't more dems here.
LOL you'd think I'd learn my lesson, seriously. It's like self punishment really. From now on I'll be more selective of who I'll interact with. Wish there were more rotten, evil, murderous "libs" on this board. Lol good thing I chose nursing as a career, you know, so I can only care for illegals. But I can certainly see why there aren't more dems here.

Are you into S&M?

You are aware that domestic violence is higher than violence from illegals right? Nah, you're not and of course you don't care.

That statement is absolutely and utterly false. I have previously posted DoJ figures that show the rate of crime among illegals is higher than our domestic population.

And lest we forget that EVERY illegal alien is already a criminal when they ILLEGALLY enter the country.

Pick and choose what crimes you want highlighted, just like your leader.

Please show where I am picking and choosing. I'll wait.

You want to treat these people like felons like your leader, that's your solution.

And here we go. It only takes Liberals a few posts before they devolve into these baseless labels. Where have I said I want to treat them like felons? I'll wait.

I welcome all legal immigration. I, as a taxpayer, am tired of this country spending $1.8Billion annually to support ILLEGALS ILLEGALLY entering this country. Are there criminals among them? Yep. Are they all? Nope. Nowhere can you find me saying all illegal aliens are felons. They are all criminals however technically speaking as they have broken US law by illegally entering our country.

And your "need voters" rhetoric is old and stale not to mention nothing more than talking points from your leader.

Interesting deflection, considering we have seen exposed Democratic memos that state specifically they need illegal aliens to bolster the Democratic vote. Odd again huh?

you're a bad bad lib

Now you've clearly gone off the reservation. It's quite obvious to everyone who's been here longer than 10 minutes that I'm no Liberal.

Sad really, but from a trump supporter, I expect nothing less. Have fun with your fellow alt-rights here, the only ones you're interested in talking to, talking tough and giving high fives cause you know "winning" and all lol.

And there we go again. Liberals can't help themselves but devolve into the name calling. AltRights. Yep, all Conservatives are AltLefters now to the Left. All of us are deplorables. You forgot to include racist, xenophobe, homophobe and nationalist in your insults though. It's the Alinsky Liberal way.

I encourage you and your brethren to keep it up, especially Hollywood and the media. It'll drive an even greater vote. It's just perpetual benefit to the Right.
Now that's funny. Typical liberal rhetoric - accuse the opponent of acting like you. Who could possibly be more mentally frail and thin skinned than the libtards losing their minds since the election?
Nope, just calling things as I see them. Don't blame me you elected a president who's five steps past bat **** crazy 24/7. That's a cop out, to blame liberals and the media for the constant **** show in the WH. The elephant in the room is there in plain sight. Trump supporters continually turn a blind eye, for whatever reason - my guess is fear of being wrong and being humiliated. That's your choice to make. But again, don't blame others for this mess. You guys own it. Well, you own it until you no longer have to.
That statement is absolutely and utterly false. I have previously posted DoJ figures that show the rate of crime among illegals is higher than our domestic population.

And lest we forget that EVERY illegal alien is already a criminal when they ILLEGALLY enter the country.

Please show where I am picking and choosing. I'll wait.

And here we go. It only takes Liberals a few posts before they devolve into these baseless labels. Where have I said I want to treat them like felons? I'll wait.

I welcome all legal immigration. I, as a taxpayer, am tired of this country spending $1.8Billion annually to support ILLEGALS ILLEGALLY entering this country. Are there criminals among them? Yep. Are they all? Nope. Nowhere can you find me saying all illegal aliens are felons. They are all criminals however technically speaking as they have broken US law by illegally entering our country.

Interesting deflection, considering we have seen exposed Democratic memos that state specifically they need illegal aliens to bolster the Democratic vote. Odd again huh?

Now you've clearly gone off the reservation. It's quite obvious to everyone who's been here longer than 10 minutes that I'm no Liberal.

And there we go again. Liberals can't help themselves but devolve into the name calling. AltRights. Yep, all Conservatives are AltLefters now to the Left. All of us are deplorables. You forgot to include racist, xenophobe, homophobe and nationalist in your insults though. It's the Alinsky Liberal way.

I encourage you and your brethren to keep it up, especially Hollywood and the media. It'll drive an even greater vote. It's just perpetual benefit to the Right.

I stand by my assessment and won't go into it anymore with you. Your leader is the king of name calling and deflection and funny how ya'll think that's cool, so yeah, I really don't care. Funny talking about hollywood when ya'll elected a reality tv star, always makes me chuckle. Not to mention a dem before a pub, oh and an independent before a pub and now just a whack job.
I stand by my assessment and won't go into it anymore with you. Your leader is the king of name calling and deflection and funny how ya'll think that's cool, so yeah, I really don't care. Funny talking about hollywood when ya'll elected a reality tv star, always makes me chuckle. Not to mention a dem before a pub, oh and an independent before a pub and now just a whack job.

And the biggest liar ever elected to public office. That to me is the biggest surprise with his supporters here on the board and elsewhere. They are seemingly numb and immune to Trump's constant, incessant, non-stop lying. Trump lies, deceives and contradicts himself, then moves on to the next lie and deceit. Yet his base just solemnly plows ahead repeating his lies like loyal servants. Not to speak of the constant insanity and deception on Fox/Breitbart, day in and day out. And Trump supporters cry and weep how biased mainstream news is. Blows the mind, really does. It has to be said, it has become a cult. There is no other way to describe it.
Nope, just calling things as I see them. Don't blame me you elected a president who's five steps past bat **** crazy 24/7. .

A self made billionaire that everyone wanted on their show, at their wedding, his political endorsement, his business advice......until he became President. Now he is a nazi, a misogynist, and all around racist.....and crazy person(even though the White House doc gave him clean bill). No Tibs, the only crazy one's are the lefty loonies that fall prey to the Mainstream Pravda media....moving from one hysteria to another, with the speed of a Sidney Crosby one timer. You think that Mueller is going to magically take him down, when the evidence shows that the only one's going down are from the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Look at the facts, and not your hysterical wish list. **** is going down, and it isn't the Donald. And that Blue Wave you are counting on in November aint going to happen.

Tibs, you are as out of touch with middle America as the elites from the Upper West Side. You haven't learned anything from the last election because your media sources haven't either. But keep on wishing, because the Democratic Party has no other platform. They have lost the middle class working family, and are attempting to replace them with illegal aliens. The Donald is putting an end to that too, which is why he will be re-elected.

In the meantime, I laugh at every new libtard hysteria that crops up every week. I happen to believe that the Donald feeds into the hysteria just to keep you from noticing all the changes he is effecting. It is a shitshow, but the show is the Dem Party and the Pravda media. I laugh at stooges like Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and the rest of the circus.

Maybe Bill Maher has the magic elixir.........he is hoping for a recession. LOL. The laughs keep coming.
And the biggest liar ever elected to public office. That to me is the biggest surprise with his supporters here on the board and elsewhere. They are seemingly numb and immune to Trump's constant, incessant, non-stop lying. Trump lies, deceives and contradicts himself, then moves on to the next lie and deceit. Yet his base just solemnly plows ahead repeating his lies like loyal servants. Not to speak of the constant insanity and deception on Fox/Breitbart, day in and day out. And Trump supporters cry and weep how biased mainstream news is. Blows the mind, really does. It has to be said, it has become a cult. There is no other way to describe it.

You aren't kidding, I have no words. We were talking at work and we were saying the biggest problem we have is that trump's created a new norm and it ain't good. I got no problems with different viewpoints and everyone has them and not everyone is gonna agree ever, but man the lies, hate and venom he spews, I just can't. Same goes for faux Christian Sarah Sanders. He can blame the media all he wants (ala Hitler and Nixon), but man, I only need to hear him talk and listen. Don't need the media to know exactly what he is. Baffling. Miss my mom and dad every day, but I'm so glad they aren't here for this.
The left has no problem with different view points. MY BIG OLD *** YOU DO !

That is the jest of it all. You still can't get over losing along with every other liberal in the country. That is the new norm. The liberal left has nothing , no platform , no leaders , nothing. Just I hate Trump syndrome. It is hilarious how out of touch you and the rest of the left are. Just more winning for US !
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You aren't kidding, I have no words. We were talking at work and we were saying the biggest problem we have is that trump's created a new norm and it ain't good. I got no problems with different viewpoints and everyone has them and not everyone is gonna agree ever, but man the lies, hate and venom he spews, I just can't. Same goes for faux Christian Sarah Sanders. He can blame the media all he wants (ala Hitler and Nixon), but man, I only need to hear him talk and listen. Don't need the media to know exactly what he is. Baffling. Miss my mom and dad every day, but I'm so glad they aren't here for this.

“I did not have sexual relations with that women”
The left has no problem with different view points. MY BIG OLD *** YOU DO !

That is the jest of it all. You still can't get over losing along with every other liberal in the country. That is the new norm. The liberal left has nothing , no platform , no leaders , nothing. Just I hate Trump syndrome. It is hilarious how out of touch yopu and the rest of the left are. Just more winning for US !

Who you talking to? LOL whatever dude. Yeah I only care about losing, LOL, Continue in your alt-right alternative universe there bubba. Keep on hating and spewing rhetoric, it's all the alt-right has. Shaking my head some more with some more chuckles. Where did you guys crawl out of?
And the biggest liar ever elected to public office. That to me is the biggest surprise with his supporters here on the board and elsewhere. They are seemingly numb and immune to Trump's constant, incessant, non-stop lying. Trump lies, deceives and contradicts himself, then moves on to the next lie and deceit. Yet his base just solemnly plows ahead repeating his lies like loyal servants. Not to speak of the constant insanity and deception on Fox/Breitbart, day in and day out. And Trump supporters cry and weep how biased mainstream news is. Blows the mind, really does. It has to be said, it has become a cult. There is no other way to describe it.

This exactly how we feel about the Left and their non stop lying and moaning and bitching. Posting pictures about Trump that just so happen to be from Obama outright fabrications of abuse of Melania etc.. Trump does not lie anymore than any other President has it is just the way he is portrayed by the media and in reality many of his so called lies are not they are just twisted by the left. I don't love the man or would even want him as a friend but he has done a fantastic job so far despite the lies and hate spewed by the alt left who ARE A CULT worshipping at the alter of diversity and so called inclusiveness which is actually code for being bigots towards any with a different viewpoint.

When you post reasonable responses you get reasonable discourse when you post hate and venom towards anyone who dares agree with Trump you get the same in response. Most on heer are more than willing to honestly debate policy when it is done free from hate and anger but after having been put down for our feelings and beliefs by the left we are ready to fight back and Trump is the result of that. We are not racist misogynistic klansmen nazis or any of the crap you make us out to be we just disagree with how the world works and how we fix it. We hate the idea of group politics because we value individual freedom above and beyond anyone saying my group is treated unfairly. I care how any one person and their personal circumstance determine how they are treated.
Who you talking to? LOL whatever dude. Yeah I only care about losing, LOL, Continue in your alt-right alternative universe there bubba. Keep on hating and spewing rhetoric, it's all the alt-right has. Shaking my head some more with some more chuckles. Where did you guys crawl out of?

Every conservative on here has talked about how to handle the issue of illegal immigration. You have added nothing but bitching about Trump and using every liberal catch phrase in the book.
Every conservative on here has talked about how to handle the issue of illegal immigration. You have added nothing but bitching about Trump and using every liberal catch phrase in the book.

WTF? I asked about the wall, I gave my opinions about the wall, I attempted to say I PERSONALLY have no ideas how to handle illegal immigration issues only to be told I'm lying, being told I'm a lib who wants to let illegals in this country. I'd really like to know where I said that. You put me on the defense, you're gonna get defensive bitching. Do I feel bad, oh hell no. Giving back what I'm getting. I've tried the nice approach, doesn't work on this board.
And more tolerance and compassion from the left:

"Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."

- Sarah Sanders

And what they did to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at another restaurant (led by a DOJ employee) and then at her home was even worse.

Curious what the response from 83 and Tibs are on this. The responses from an article in the Washington Post overwhelmingly support the business owner, saying she had every right to ask them to leave, because, you know Sanders works for such an evil man.

So explain to simple, thinned skinned me, is it OK to discriminate just because you don't like someone? Because that's exactly what the owner did.

I'll wait for the response.


