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Immigration Crisis at the border

more Fake News

Father says little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Honduran toddler pictured sobbing in a pink jacket before U.S. President Donald Trump on an upcoming cover of Time magazine was not separated from her mother at the U.S. border, according to a man who says he is the girl’s father.

The powerful original photograph, taken at the scene of a border detention by Getty Images photographer John Moore, became one of the iconic images in the flurry of media coverage about the separation of families by the Trump administration.

Dozens of newspapers and magazines around the globe published the picture

For the life of me, in this whole debate that has lasted since the 2016 campaign, I STILL have no idea what the liberal/democratic platform is for immigration. Not a clue.

I think I know what Trump and the conservative platform is mostly based on. To me, it's pretty straight forward and logical:

1. Strong border control to stop illegal crossings of our borders (this can be accomplished in any number of ways from a Wall, to maximum enforcement of the law, to increase border agents, to using the National Guard, et. al.)
2. New immigration laws that eliminate family chain migration and shift to a merit based system.
3. Executive branch control to determine the place and number of immigrants allowed into the country.

Now understand this is separate from the debate on WHAT we do with illegals here, both DACA eligible and everyone else. The debate on amnesty, how much, etc. is all over the place.

But fixing immigration laws seem pretty simple to me and for the life of me I can't really pin down what the democrats want.

Do they want catch-and-release policies for illegal crossings? How to they propose to lower illegal crossings or don't they care? Do they want the number and place of immigrants to be determined by Congress instead of the Executive branch? Or something else entirely? Do they LIKE the current rules on how immigrants become allowed to enter? Do they like the family based system over a merit based system?

All these questions I really have NO CLUE where the liberal mind stands. Only that my point of view is bad. Only that whatever "law" I choose is still about letting some in and some out and that is "cruel". Do liberals want EVERYONE allowed to come in? Do they understand the ramifications of that type of policy?

NOT ONE of these leftist media types is talking at all about this. Only pointing fingers and crying "SHAME!" "SHAME!" "SHAME!"

When are democrats going to realize this is the same as calling us all deplorable or calling us all racist or calling us all stupid?
For the life of me, in this whole debate that has lasted since the 2016 campaign, I STILL have no idea what the liberal/democratic platform is for immigration. Not a clue.

Ask 83Fan. She's damn sure that the Conservative answers are evil and is leaning more Left, so she must see the answer in the Democratic party's approach to illegal immigration.

I too would love an explanation to the problem, because all we've seen is Democrats wanting to open the doors to this country wider and wider and wider.

Can't get votes internally, import them!
And given the alternative of left or right, I'd never be associated with anything on the right after seeing this administration. I think that's what's scary as well as some that support it..

Yes, because the Left is a haven for peace and love right? Their supporters so "tolerant?"

The Left is a dark, violent place these days when one opens one's eyes.

The Left doesn't embody tolerance. Tolerance isn't enough. It's about acceptance and conforming. There is no room for alternate opinions.

Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen's home: 'No justice, no sleep'

A group of protesters gathered outside Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s Virginia townhouse Friday morning, chanting “no justice, no sleep” and blaring audio of immigrant children crying.

About two dozen protesters with the progressive group CREDO Action chanted with megaphones, waved signs that read “child snatcher” and played the ProPublica audio clip of immigrant children being separated from their parents at the border, HuffPost reported.

Ms. Nielsen was forced to walk by protesters shouting “Shame!” when she left her house, according to video posted on social media. One man shouted, “You belong in the Hague!” and, “You’re a modern-day Nazi!” as Ms. Nielsen entered her vehicle and left.

Heidi Hess, the co-director of CREDO Action, said it’s important to hold members of the Trump administration accountable “everywhere.”

“There’s a child snatcher living in Alexandria, Virginia,” Ms. Hess said in a statement. “Rightfully so, there’s a huge amount of attention focused on the border and the detention centers but the people who are making the decisions are here in DC, so it’s important to shine a spotlight on them as well.”

The protest took place just three days after Ms. Nielsen was chased out of a Mexican restaurant near the White House by protesters with the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.


The woman was chased from a restaurant by the loving, tolerant Liberal mob. Her home surrounded, by the PeaceNiks from the loving Left.

Videos of these lovables in the article.



And we all remember this lovable Liberal right?


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Ask 83Fan. She's damn sure that the Conservative answers are evil and is leaning more Left, so she must see the answer in the Democratic party's approach to illegal immigration.

I too would love an explanation to the problem, because all we've seen is Democrats wanting to open the doors to this country wider and wider and wider.

Can't get votes internally, import them!

LOL I signed on just in time for this. Tim say what you want, you will anyway. My views on conservatives are no different than yours on democrats. I see no good in them, you see no good in dems. You vilify them, they vilify you. You're no different and neither am I. Not changing your mind on anything, you won't change mine. Simply saying that what this administration is doing for me is pushing me further left.
LOL I signed on just in time for this. Tim say what you want, you will anyway. My views on conservatives are no different than yours on democrats. I see no good in them, you see no good in dems. You vilify them, they vilify you. You're no different and neither am I. Not changing your mind on anything, you won't change mine. Simply saying that what this administration is doing for me is pushing me further left.

Thanks for avoiding the question.

So you are either saying you don't know the Democratic position on addressing the problem of illegal immigration or you support open doors and illegal immigration?
Thanks for avoiding the question.

So you are either saying you don't know the Democratic position on addressing the problem of illegal immigration or you support open doors and illegal immigration?

I'm stating my opinion which is unimportant to you and all conservatives. Why would I want to answer a question to be ridiculed and singled out yet again lol? Besides that, I've already stated many posts ago I have no solution, it's the job of the politicians and lawmakers put into office for this purpose.
Newsflash: Trump supporters did not support Obama on anything.

I agreed with Bomma on one thing. Cutting back NASA. Waste of money.
I can't think of anything else. That's all I got.
I'm stating my opinion which is unimportant to you and all conservatives. Why would I want to answer a question to be ridiculed and singled out yet again lol? Besides that, I've already stated many posts ago I have no solution, it's the job of the politicians and lawmakers put into office for this purpose.

Didn't we put Trump into office? So when he tries to handle an existing problem, why the freak-out?

Seriously, I have not mocked you. You threw out a comment, basically challenging me on the fact that the Mexican government gives pamphlets to illegals, giving them advice on how to illegally enter the country and stay hidden. I provided solid evidence in support of my statement, and even posted a copy of a small portion of the pamphlet. Your reply?


Further, every in-depth analysis of the border situation shows that the problems with minors dates back years, and was exacerbated when Obama declined to prosecute illegals who brought minors with them. Hey, guess what happened? A bunch of disgusting human traffickers jumped on board and basically appropriated unaccompanied kids, claimed them as their own (after repeatedly raping the girls), and claimed asylum.

And you are disgusted by DONALD TRUMP?!?
and when libtards go into the hysterical frothing at the mouth conniptions against something, you know whatever that is, is almost 100% certain to be the right thing to do

Now them screaming Nazi at it every 5 minutes makes it a clear that controlling our borders is 100% the right thing to do to

MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal immigrants, charged in deaths of Virginia teens

Eleven MS-13 gang members – all of whom are illegal immigrants except one – are facing life in prison after being charged in the kidnappings and deaths of two teens whose bodies were dug up in a Virginia park last year.

The ages of the male gang members charged Friday ranged from 20 to 27. All of them are from El Salvador and only one – who is believed to have fled the country – is not in police custody, according to NBC Washington.

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The democrat answer to families being separated when they illegally cross the border is to make policies that encourage more criminal behavior. As will all things liberal, their solution makes the problem worse.
and when libtards go into the hysterical frothing at the mouth conniptions against something, you know whatever that is, is almost 100% certain to be the right thing to do

Now them screaming Nazi at it every 5 minutes makes it a clear that controlling our borders is 100% the right thing to do to

MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal immigrants, charged in deaths of Virginia teens

Eleven MS-13 gang members – all of whom are illegal immigrants except one – are facing life in prison after being charged in the kidnappings and deaths of two teens whose bodies were dug up in a Virginia park last year.

The ages of the male gang members charged Friday ranged from 20 to 27. All of them are from El Salvador and only one – who is believed to have fled the country – is not in police custody, according to NBC Washington.


And Trump is racist when he says they are not sending their best.
I'm stating my opinion which is unimportant to you and all conservatives. Why would I want to answer a question to be ridiculed and singled out yet again lol? Besides that, I've already stated many posts ago I have no solution, it's the job of the politicians and lawmakers put into office for this purpose.

You didn't offer an opinion. You avoided the question posed to you about how the Democrats should handle illegal immigration - twice.

Just as you've avoided Steeltime.

You easily disagree with those here, but when asked for your stance will often simply say "la la la la la la" and "I offered my opinion" which really wasn't nor was it an answer, just some finger pointing about Conservatives Bad.

Good chat.
Didn't we put Trump into office? So when he tries to handle an existing problem, why the freak-out?

Seriously, I have not mocked you. You threw out a comment, basically challenging me on the fact that the Mexican government gives pamphlets to illegals, giving them advice on how to illegally enter the country and stay hidden. I provided solid evidence in support of my statement, and even posted a copy of a small portion of the pamphlet. Your reply?


Further, every in-depth analysis of the border situation shows that the problems with minors dates back years, and was exacerbated when Obama declined to prosecute illegals who brought minors with them. Hey, guess what happened? A bunch of disgusting human traffickers jumped on board and basically appropriated unaccompanied kids, claimed them as their own (after repeatedly raping the girls), and claimed asylum.

And you are disgusted by DONALD TRUMP?!?

LOL, I challenged you? By saying I'm going to ask my friends to see a pamphlet is a challenge? Jesus. LOL ok, again I will respond by whatever. Yes I'm disgusted by trump on more reasons than this. I didn't reply because again why bother? I read your response and felt it didn't require a response. You provided a pamphlet, so what? What would you like me to say? The dems in office have no answer? I don't know if they do or don't. Neither does what's in office now. Neither has anyone before. Already been stated. There's no discussions here unless it's confrontations. You don't like my responses or lack of responses so again I say why bother.
You didn't offer an opinion. You avoided the question posed to you about how the Democrats should handle illegal immigration - twice.

Just as you've avoided Steeltime.

You easily disagree with those here, but when asked for your stance will often simply say "la la la la la la" and "I offered my opinion" which really wasn't nor was it an answer, just some finger pointing about Conservatives Bad.

Good chat.

Dude you're confrontational and judgmental. I don't need that kind of "discussion." I've given my stance before several times, been ignored or bashed...good discussion is right. LOL I thought real political forums were bad LOL.
Dude you're confrontational and judgmental. I don't need that kind of "discussion." I've given my stance before several times, been ignored or bashed...good discussion is right. LOL I thought real political forums were bad LOL.
What's a "real political forum"?
What's a "real political forum"?

One that I don't consider a Steelers board first. Needs to be relabeled "right wing board, no others allowed cause we're gonna drive you away". I really don't see anyone here anymore who isn't from the right. Tibs every now and again, Trog maybe...no one else. I should congratulate you guys though, you've done a good job of keeping opposing voices off here and making me see some of my fellow Steelers fans in a different light. I suppose I asked for it.
Dude you're confrontational and judgmental.

If the shoe fits. You admit to having no solution. You want to place blind trust in politicians. You won't acknowledge the previous administration made the illegal immigration problem worse, not better. But you hate this administration for trying to fix the problem.

Talk about confusing.


President Trump: 'We do a much better job' with children at the border than Obama

“OBAMA KEPT THEM IN CAGES, WRAPPED THEM IN FOIL” We do a much better job while at the same time maintaining a MUCH stronger Border! Mainstream Fake Media hates this story."


US Customs center in Nogales, Arizona, June 18, 2014.
LOL, I challenged you? By saying I'm going to ask my friends to see a pamphlet is a challenge? Jesus.

You implied that I was making up what I said. I provided proof of my statement. You can admit you were wrong.

Yes I'm disgusted by trump on more reasons than this. I didn't reply because again why bother? I read your response and felt it didn't require a response. You provided a pamphlet, so what? What would you like me to say?

"Okay, the Mexican government is providing instructions to its citizens on how to enter the US illegally. Unaware of that, and it certainly does show the extent of the problem of illegal aliens entering our country."

Something like that would have been called for. Or maybe, "Huh, I thought you were making up the pamphlet thing, but I guess I was wrong," or "Hey, is Mexico still doing that" or "I can see why a lot of US citizens are fed up with illegals. Wow, a pamphlet, really?" Need more examples? Or is that enough?

The dems in office have no answer? I don't know if they do or don't.

I do - their answer, as evidenced by the past 50 years, is to encourage and support illegals to enter the country to change the demographic and generate more Democrat voters. Ted "Killer" Kennedy was a mover behind the immigration changes that brought vastly more immigrants from Asia and Latin America. His incentive was to change the Western United States. Kennedy looked at how population was booming in the West, and how at the time, the Western US was heavily Republican. He feared that the (D) party was relegated to the trash heap without a radical change, and he pushed that change in the form of massive changes to the immigration laws in 1965.

Those changes brought hundreds of thousands, and soon to be millions, of immigrants from Mexico and Central and South America. The immigration statutes also favored families of the immigrants ("chain migration"), a self-feeding process to bring in more immigrants from Latin America. And Kennedy's immigration approach worked - California went from arguably the most Republican state in the continental United States as of 1964 to a single-party state, dominated (and now being destroyed) by (D)umbasses.

Obama's immigration policy was simply to not return minors, supposedly for humanitarian reasons. So some of the worst of the worst south of the border took advantage of that, and "teamed up" with children who were not theirs and claimed to be a parent or guardian as a way to get into the country. By the by, as has been noted in this forum, approximately 2,300 children were separated from their parents - while more than 10,000 came to the country alone or in the company of rapists and human traffickers pretending to be their parents.

Nielsen answered by calling the US a "country of compassion" and then pointed out the 10,000 of the 12,000 children in care of Health and Human Services who she said had arrived to the US as unaccompanied minors.


Why was this happening? Because Obama was not deporting minors, so parents were sending their children - as young as 4 years old - by themselves to the United States. The theory was that since the children were not deported, if they remained in the US, then the parents would get the benefit of "chain migration" and join them later.

Yes, that is correct - parents were sending their 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-year old children unaccompanied across thousands of miles to seek asylum so that the parents could then get a "ticket" to the United States. You think I'm making this up?

Chris Cabrera, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent and spokesperson for the National Border Patrol Council, said Tuesday agents have seen girls coming across the border as young as 12 years old who are put on birth control “because they know getting violated is part of the journey." “When you see a 12-year-old girl with a Plan B pill or her parents put her on birth control because they know getting violated is part of the journey, that’s a terrible way to live,” Cabrera said. “When you see a four-year-old girl traveling alone with just her parents’ phone number written across her shirt. I mean, come on now, you know, something needs to be done.” Cabrera also told CNN about a 9-year-old boy who died of heat stroke last year “with no family around and that’s because we’re allowing people to take advantage of this system.”


So Donald Trump is responsible, right? RIGHT? Not the parents, not the squalid and corrupt countries supporting the illegal immigration, not a policy that allowed illegal minors to remain, not a policy that established "chain migration," not Mexico for turning a blind eye towards the exodus of Central Americans across its border, not Mexico for encouraging illegal immigration. No, it's that evil ******, Trump.

Why just look at the cover of Time - what an *******!! Wait, that kid was not separated from mom, who thought it a good idea to illegally enter the US? And the entire image is a photoshopped phony? Never mind. It's still Trump's fault.

Neither does what's in office now. Neither has anyone before. Already been stated.

Wrong. Deport illegals, like every other nation on earth. Don't give illegals money - room, board, etc. - and as we have agreed, punish employers who hire illegals. Take away every financial incentive for illegals to enter our country. Problem solved.

Compared to the (D) approach of encourage and ignore.

There's no discussions here unless it's confrontations. You don't like my responses or lack of responses so again I say why bother.

Huh? You think what I wrote is confrontational? I countered the points you raised. I did not name-call at all. I provided very specific facts, including links, with what I say.

That's not "confrontational," it's factual.
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If the shoe fits. You admit to having no solution. You want to place blind trust in politicians. You won't acknowledge the previous administration made the illegal immigration problem worse, not better. But you hate this administration for trying to fix the problem.

Talk about confusing.

Here it goes then I'll sit back and watch you rip apart what I say cause that's what you do and then state it's "confusing".....

1. I've stated time and time again it's a complex situation. I've stated time and time again I'm not sure there's a fix. I've stated how I feel about the wall and how I feel it's NOT gonna solve the problem. I've stated time and time again this problem was a problem long before now and no solution has ever been accomplished and nothing good is being done now.
2. I don't have blind faith in politics. I've stated that I "used" to feel skeptical about politicians until now. I don't know what the dems fix is, also don't know what the pubs, you know the majority in office, is either. Doesn't appear to be anything but the blame game.
3. I relate now and always have to the dems because that's what I am/always been. I've stated how I feel about lifelong politicians and how I feel it's time for new blood and fresh ideas. It might help. And if I were ever to think of flipping to any other party, it definitely wouldn't be now. I've always seen pubs for the rich and dems for the middle class. You know my personal experiences and I don't find them coincidental. I see a man fixated on a wall that I feel won't solve the problem. I see a man who flip flops all over the place by signing a useless executive order to "prevent" these kids be separated from their parents then blame everyone but himself for getting nothing done. He's the "president", he can fix it any way he wants to right now and yet...nothing. Just more finger pointing, foot stomping and waaaa I want my wall and I want it now BS. So no, to be blunt, I don't see this office "trying" to do anything but blame everyone else for a problem that, if you have a good answer for, can be fixed right now by the majority. The pubs can't even agree with one another let alone the dems, so yes, they're just as much to blame.

I don't know where I'm not being clear. Instead of criticizing my views, why don't you offer an option of where you think I'm wrong, or dare I say a true discussion. It's raining, I'm stuck at home, I got all day.
You implied that I was making up what I said. I provided proof of my statement. You can admit you were wrong.

"Okay, the Mexican government is providing instructions to its citizens on how to enter the US illegally. Unaware of that, and it certainly does show the extent of the problem of illegal aliens entering our country."

Something like that would have been called for. Or maybe, "Huh, I thought you were making up the pamphlet thing, but I guess I was wrong," or "Hey, is Mexico still doing that" or "I can see why a lot of US citizens are fed up with illegals. Wow, a pamphlet, really?" Need more examples? Or is that enough?

I do - their answer, as evidenced by the past 50 years, is to encourage and support illegals to enter the country to change the demographic and generate more Democrat voters. Ted "Killer" Kennedy was a mover behind the immigration changes that brought vastly more immigrants from Asia and Latin America. His incentive was to change the Western United States. Kennedy looked at how population was booming in the West, and how at the time, the Western US was heavily Republican. He feared that the (D) party was relegated to the trash heap without a radical change, and he pushed that change in the form of massive changes to the immigration laws in 1965.

Those changes brought hundreds of thousands, and soon to be millions, of immigrants from Mexico and Central and South America. The immigration statutes also favored families of the immigrants ("chain migration"), a self-feeding process to bring in more immigrants from Latin America. And Kennedy's immigration approach worked - California went from arguably the most Republican state in the continental United States as of 1964 to a single-party state, dominated (and now being destroyed) by (D)umbasses.

Obama's immigration policy was simply to not return minors, supposedly for humanitarian reasons. So some of the worst of the worst south of the border took advantage of that, and "teamed up" with children who were not theirs and claimed to be a parent or guardian as a way to get into the country. By the by, as has been noted in this forum, approximately 2,300 children were separated from their parents - while more than 10,000 came to the country alone or in the company of rapists and human traffickers pretending to be their parents.

Nielsen answered by calling the US a "country of compassion" and then pointed out the 10,000 of the 12,000 children in care of Health and Human Services who she said had arrived to the US as unaccompanied minors.


Why was this happening? Because Obama was not deporting minors, so parents were sending their children - as young as 4 years old - by themselves to the United States. The theory was that since the children were not deported, if they remained in the US, then the parents would get the benefit of "chain migration" and join them later.

Yes, that is correct - parents were sending their 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-year old children unaccompanied across thousands of miles to seek asylum so that the parents could then get a "ticket" to the United States. You think I'm making this up?

Chris Cabrera, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent and spokesperson for the National Border Patrol Council, said Tuesday agents have seen girls coming across the border as young as 12 years old who are put on birth control “because they know getting violated is part of the journey." “When you see a 12-year-old girl with a Plan B pill or her parents put her on birth control because they know getting violated is part of the journey, that’s a terrible way to live,” Cabrera said. “When you see a four-year-old girl traveling alone with just her parents’ phone number written across her shirt. I mean, come on now, you know, something needs to be done.” Cabrera also told CNN about a 9-year-old boy who died of heat stroke last year “with no family around and that’s because we’re allowing people to take advantage of this system.”


So Donald Trump is responsible, right? RIGHT? Not the parents, not the squalid and corrupt countries supporting the illegal immigration, not a policy that allowed illegal minors to remain, not a policy that established "chain migration," not Mexico for turning a blind eye towards the exodus of Central Americans across its border, not Mexico for encouraging illegal immigration. No, it's that evil ******, Trump.

Why just look at the cover of Time - what an *******!! Wait, that kid was not separated from mom, who thought it a good idea to illegally enter the US? And the entire image is a photoshopped phony? Never mind. It's still Trump's fault.

Wrong. Deport illegals, like every other nation on earth. Don't give illegals money - room, board, etc. - and as we have agreed, punish employers who hire illegals. Take away every financial incentive for illegals to enter our country. Problem solved.

Compared to the (D) approach of encourage and ignore.

Huh? You think what I wrote is confrontational? I countered the points you raised. I did not name-call at all. I provided very specific facts, including links, with what I say.

That's not "confrontational," it's factual.

I won't admit to anything. I wasn't wrong at all. I wasn't "implying" anything, you know what they say about assuming. I'm going to ask my friends about this and see what they have to say. You know what that's implying...I'm going to ask my friends and see what they say. I'm not saying your pamphlet doesn't exist or isn't true, I simply have nothing to add.
I simply have nothing to add.

That seems to be true. I addressed numerous points, and you simply ignore them.

And once again - the solution to illegal immigration, a $100 billion annual problem, is enforcing the law and guarding the border. It really is that simple.
That seems to be true. I addressed numerous points, and you simply ignore them.

And once again - the solution to illegal immigration, a $100 billion annual problem, is enforcing the law and guarding the border. It really is that simple.

Would you rather I just make something up instead of not adding anything or what you call "ignoring". The border has always been guarded, how has that worked? I'm all for humane ways of enforcing the law, a misdemeanor mind you, not a felony.
And once again - the solution to illegal immigration, a $100 billion annual problem, is enforcing the law and guarding the border. It really is that simple.

"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country."

- Barack Obama

But let's plaster an image of a young girl Dems & the MSM say was separated from her mother, who clearly wasn't, on the cover of Time magazine and hyper-politicize this situation to demonize one side, without offering any solutions (and without even retracting the lie that she was separated from her mother).

Yeah, that's the party I'd be proud to call my party. Pretty disgusting.