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Immigration Crisis at the border

You guys do like your memes don't you? Yes, Hitler and Nixon called the media fake news too, well documented. But go ahead, say I called trump Hitler instead of ala (means for example BTW) Hitler.

Well, it's not a meme, it's a gif. You decry Trump's viciousness, and then compare him to Hitler. Yes, yes you did.


(Psst, that's a meme.)
Well, it's not a meme, it's a gif. You decry Trump's viciousness, and then compare him to Hitler. Yes, yes you did.


(Psst, that's a meme.)

I really don't care what's called what. Don't care if you say I compared him to Hitler. An ******* is an ******* and they all fit that category. Pssst. also said Nixon too, gasp, another pub. Shocking.
Has it come yet? I'd be curious to hear the response as well.

Trump = Hitler. Trump's staff = the SS.

And refusing service is far too weak a response. What would any right-thinking American do to Nazi invaders in 1944?

That is what the endless attacks, ratcheting every higher, has led to. The left attacked Mitt Romney **** sake - does ANYBODY believe the left would oppose violence unleashed on Trump and his staff? Oh, his racist, misogynistic supporters? Those clowns earned every bit of violence thrown at them.
I really don't care what's called what. Don't care if you say I compared him to Hitler. An ******* is an ******* and they all fit that category. Pssst. also said Nixon too, gasp, another pub. Shocking.

I know, right? And those Nazi Trumpists are the biggest ******** on earth. Just look at how they engage in vicious name-calling.
I know, right? And those Nazi Trumpists are the biggest ******** on earth. Just look at how they engage in vicious name-calling.

Now I'm shocked...SHOCKED I tell you...you would liken your fellow trump supporters to that. LOL this is going EXACTLY as I expected, that's how this board works.
I just want someone on the liberal side to explain why it is ok to sneak into the country and not follow the immigration procedures. Simple question.
Has it come yet? I'd be curious to hear the response as well.
In general I support most forms of peaceful protest. The founding fathers did too, evidently. Since the 60's we've seen civil disobedience and protests change the discourse and eventually the laws of the land. It's a fundamental American idea that if I see a politician who I disagree with walking down the street, I can go talk to them, or shout at them if I want to or tell them to **** off. That's a 1st Amendment right, works equally for everybody. People of all ilk protest all the time and have been doing so for decades. The fact that two cabinet members of this administration got shouted down in public does not surprise me. Nor do I necessarily disagree with it.

What I disagree with is violent protests of any kind. Neither of these were. A group of people walked up on Kiersten Nielson eating dinner with her aide in a Mexican restaurant, the same night she had spent lying through her teeth about the border situation. Yes, that pissed people off, whoops. She first denied that families were being separated in a tweet, two days later she's point blank stating the opposite. The entire response to this has been a train wreck, across the administration.

It's not shocking protestors walked up on her, started chanting and disrupted her dinner. Poor Kiersten, she had to cut a meal short and get whisked off into comforts of her regal life. Huge ******* casualty. Say stupid **** in public, you're gonna get called out on it....in public.

And speaking of saying stupid **** in public, Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets refused service cause she's been lying non-stop for what seems like a lifetime. If I owned a bookstore or a coffee shop and she walked in, I'd flip the Sorry, Closed sign in a heartbeat. Just like I'd lock the door if I saw wolves approaching.

Not sure why either of these are so heart-breaking.

There is a line to draw with protests, for me it's any type of violence, bodily harm, damage to property, etc. Throwing a pie in the face of any politician is okay by me, as long as it's deserving. ;)
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I know, right? And those Nazi Trumpists are the biggest ******** on earth. Just look at how they engage in vicious name-calling.

Meh, one of them will probably try to shoot some Democrat members of Congress at baseball practice. Oh wait....
No worries on immigration. The soon-to-be President of Mexico is planning on doing everything he can to stem the flood.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”


Or possibly not ...
I just want someone on the liberal side to explain why it is ok to sneak into the country and not follow the immigration procedures. Simple question.

I don't think they can explain anything. Not why people are calling facilities detaining illegal immigrants "concentration camps" which is not only wrong, but vile and a slap in the face to any human being that was actually in one, to people attacking POTUS' family (especially the vicious attack on his young son) and basically every single thing that comes out of the left & the MSM. It's not only a disgrace, but it's getting dangerous when you start associating Hitler & Nazis to the current administration because you start giving (unhinged) people cause to incite violence against others that think there is some semblance of similarity between the two.
And speaking of saying stupid **** in public, Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets refused service cause she's been lying non-stop for what seems like a lifetime. If I owned a bookstore or a coffee shop and she walked in, I'd flip the Sorry, Closed sign in a heartbeat. Just like I'd lock the door if I saw wolves approaching;)

Liberals...love everyone...be all inclusive, but time after time they pull this **** out of their *****. I’d respect you more if you would just say you hate anyone who doesn’t agree with everything you think.
Liberals...love everyone...be all inclusive, but time after time they pull this **** out of their *****. I’d respect you more if you would just say you hate anyone who doesn’t agree with everything you think.
I have plenty of friends, acquaintances, family members who I disagree on many things, mostly politics. Yet we get along fine.

We're talking here about specific public officials, politicians, media personalities like Sanders and Kiersen. Maybe you like bowing down to powerful, important people by instinct, sorry I'm just wired differently. I don't hate anyone, just get pissed off when discussing politics on this board. It's like hitting my thumb with a hammer, over and over. ;)
I just want someone on the liberal side to explain why it is ok to sneak into the country and not follow the immigration procedures. Simple question.
Who da **** is saying that? You should ask that simple question from whoever is arguing that. I haven't read that from anyone, maybe I missed the post or article you're referring to.
In general I support most forms of peaceful protest. The founding fathers did too, evidently. Since the 60's we've seen civil disobedience and protests change the discourse and eventually the laws of the land. It's a fundamental American idea that if I see a politician who I disagree with walking down the street, I can go talk to them, or shout at them if I want to or tell them to **** off. That's a 1st Amendment right, works equally for everybody. People of all ilk protest all the time and have been doing so for decades. The fact that two cabinet members of this administration got shouted down in public does not surprise me. Nor do I necessarily disagree with it.

What I disagree with is violent protests of any kind. Neither of these were. A group of people walked up on Kiersten Nielson eating dinner with her aide in a Mexican restaurant, the same night she had spent lying through her teeth about the border situation. Yes, that pissed people off, whoop whoop. She first denied that families were being separated in a tweet, two days later she's point blank stating the opposite.

It's not shocking protestors walked up on her, started chanting and disrupted her dinner. Poor Kiersten, she had to cut a meal short and get whisked off into comforts of her regal life. Huge ******* casualty. Say stupid **** in public, you're gonna get called out on it....in public.

And speaking of saying stupid **** in public, Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets refused service cause she's been lying non-stop for what seems like a lifetime. If I owned a bookstore or a coffee shop and she walked in, I'd flip the Sorry, Closed sign in a heartbeat. Just like I'd lock the door if I saw wolves approaching.

Not sure why either of these are so heart-breaking.

There is a line to draw with protests, for me it's any type of violence, bodily harm, damage to property, etc. Throwing a pie in the face of any politician is okay by me, as long as it's deserving. ;)

83 wonders why the level of discourse has sunk to its current level.

This is why. The left has for years engaged in calling Republicans Nazis, racists, misogynists, said Republicans want to kill people, etc. Ronald Reagan, one of the most genuinely nice people ever to hold public office, was savaged by the press. The usual assortment of accusations, basically none of them true.

So now Trump wins the nomination and the Presidency. Unlike George W. and Reagan, he hits back - viciously. Beyond what (D)'s have ever experienced, but not much different than the assault on Republicans, mainly conservatives, that has been going on for years. Is Trump over the top with his tweets and personal comments?

Well, yeah. He is simply playing verbal tennis better than the (D)'s, and being subjected to this kind of verbal assault is something they can dish out, but not take.

Finally, Trump has numerous character flaws. But nobody can accuse him of failing to follow his campaign promises - he said he would do exactly this during the campaign. And for heaven's sake, it is possible that Trump can be a bad person and a good President.
There is a line to draw with protests, for me it's any type of violence, bodily harm, damage to property, etc. Throwing a pie in the face of any politician is okay by me, as long as it's deserving. ;)

Violence, huh? It started here (November 10th 2016) and there are probably hundreds of examples since.

Who da **** is saying that? You should ask that simple question from whoever is arguing that. I haven't read that from anyone, maybe I missed the post or article you're referring to.

So how does the US not separate illegal minors from their parents, when the parents demand asylum and it is absolutely impossible to hold a hearing in 20 days on the asylum claim?

The only answer I have heard from the (D)'s is keep the children in our country. That is in fact the only actual solution, apart from simply not deporting illegal alien adults and releasing them into the general population.

And obviously that is the goal. Pretending otherwise is disingenuous.
Throwing a pie in the face of any politician is okay by me, as long as it's deserving. ;)

And just who gets to decide who is deserving of such a fate? And thanks for saying you would refuse to serve a customer based on the fact that you don't like them.
And just who gets to decide who is deserving of such a fate? And thanks for saying you would refuse to serve a customer based on the fact that you don't like them.

And hit a politician with a pie in the face? What a clown. Not only is it classless, but you're putting your life in jeopardy if you think you're hurling a projectile at the POTUS and a Secret Service agent has only a split-second to see/react.

As to the bolded, the left group-think are the ones with the moral authority to decide who is deserving of such a fate.
Who da **** is saying that? You should ask that simple question from whoever is arguing that. I haven't read that from anyone, maybe I missed the post or article you're referring to.

So you agree with building the wall which is the best chance we have to make all immigration go through the legal process? You agree that illegals should be sent back? If you do, then I apologize in advance.
I have plenty of friends, acquaintances, family members who I disagree on many things, mostly politics. Yet we get along fine.

We're talking here about specific public officials, politicians, media personalities like Sanders and Kiersen. Maybe you like bowing down to powerful, important people by instinct, sorry I'm just wired differently. I don't hate anyone, just get pissed off when discussing politics on this board. It's like hitting my thumb with a hammer, over and over. ;)

My opinion is my own. I don’t idolize athletes or entertainers who don’t know how the average American lives. I don’t make decisions along party lines. In fact, I believe political parties are the downfall of our government.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. When I encounter someone who’s opinion differs from mine, I know that I’m not going to change their opinion. I just shake my head and go on, but I am not so closed-minded that I would refuse service to that person on the basis of differing opinion.
Liberals want to fight for the rights of everyone...everyone who meets their agenda. It’s been proven over and over again. At least conservatives stick to their guns, right or wrong.
My opinion is my own. I don’t make decisions along party lines. In fact, I believe political parties are the downfall of our government.

I think there are many more of us (here on this board) and in the country as a whole than maybe you think. There is one thing we (98% of us here) can absolutely agree on, and that's that the left/liberals/MSM/socialists/group-think elitists in this country are the ones who are abjectly and systematically tearing this country apart. That I am 100% certain of.
So you agree with building the wall which is the best chance we have to make all immigration go through the legal process? You agree that illegals should be sent back? If you do, then I apologize in advance.
I don't have a problem with enforcing borders, building walls, fences. I have a problem with fetishizing about the idea of building a wall, drooling over it like you've got cake hanging out of your mouth.

Get the funding, build the wall, move on. Trump has majority in the House & Senate, what happened to the legendary deal maker? Or don't build the wall, just stop agonizing and blabbering on about it. The constant self-congratulating Trump does is beyond ridiculous.

I thought effective presidents rolled their sleeves up and worked with the houses of Congress to get legislature passed. Seems light years away from where we are today. The bickering and pettiness in Congress is bad enough, Trump just adds to the mess. You could argue it's never been worse. Getting the tax bill passed seems like a singular achievement thus far. Hard to make deals with someone this 'loose with the facts' and predictably unpredictable like Trump, I'd argue. Leadership is earned, not given.
I don't have a problem with enforcing borders, building walls, fences. I have a problem with fetishizing about the idea of building a wall, drooling over it like you've got cake hanging out of your mouth.

Okay. I'm not cognizant of many - any? - who have a fetish regarding the wall. I am aware of quite a few who want to enforce our borders, and the wall assists in that. Nothing more.

Get the funding, build the wall, move on. Trump has majority in the House & Senate, what happened to the legendary deal maker? Or don't build the wall, just stop agonizing and blabbering on about it. The constant self-congratulating Trump does is beyond ridiculous.

Trump has tried at least 5x to get funding for the wall. He needs 60 votes in the Senate, and as an indisputable fact, the (D)'s would not mind at all if a few citizens got hurt, so long as TRUMP DOES NOT GET FUNDING FOR THAT WALL!!! Seriously, anybody who doubts this is just not paying attention.

I thought effective presidents rolled their sleeves up and worked with the houses of Congress to get legislature passed. Seems light years away from where we are today.

You are just not being accurate here, Tibs. Trump offered the (D)'s everything they could have hoped for on DACA, so long as the wall was funded. Nope. The (D)'s would rather their beloved DACA dreamers are hosed than fund the wall.

Compromise? Not possible, no matter that the obstinance causes harm. Work together? Whaaaaaaat, work with a Nazi? Are you serious? Work for America, where Trump's policies and laws enacted under his watch have seen the brutal decimation of ISIS, an exploding economy, a stable inflation rate, the lowest unemployment rate for African-Americans ever recorded,increasing median income, increasing home ownership, and on and on??? **** that, because ... well,Trump. GODDAMN NAZI.

The bickering and pettiness in Congress is bad enough, Trump just adds to the mess. You could argue it's never been worse.

Oh, I agree, Trump adds to the ****-show. But Congress is a cesspool of low-level, power-hungry nobodies whose only claim to fame is "@#$# Trump." A lot of house representatives and Senators, the vast majority (D)'s but several (R)'s added in, seem to have no concern for the outcome of what they do. The US is on the verge of a Pax Americana and exploding economic growth, and a ****-ton of congress would rather stall that outcome because "@#$% Trump."
I don't have a problem with enforcing borders, building walls, fences. I have a problem with fetishizing about the idea of building a wall, drooling over it like you've got cake hanging out of your mouth.

Get the funding, build the wall, move on. Trump has majority in the House & Senate, what happened to the legendary deal maker? Or don't build the wall, just stop agonizing and blabbering on about it. The constant self-congratulating Trump does is beyond ridiculous.

I thought effective presidents rolled their sleeves up and worked with the houses of Congress to get legislature passed. Seems light years away from where we are today. The bickering and pettiness in Congress is bad enough, Trump just adds to the mess. You could argue it's never been worse. Getting the tax bill passed seems like a singular achievement thus far. Hard to make deals with someone this 'loose with the facts' and predictably unpredictable like Trump, I'd argue. Leadership is earned, not given.

While I think Trump is rolling up his sleeves to get things done in this country, I can't say I didn't agree with much of what you said here. The self-congratulating to start. I watched the Minnesota Trump rally (I guess much like Ron, there wasn't much else on) and I cringed when he got to the "Elites" part. He said why are they called the elites(?), when he has a much bigger apartment, is smarter than they are, and is much richer than they are, like he wanted to be and was the ultimate ELITE -- in a crowd of thousands of middle-class hard-working Americans who voted him into office. Just petty and amateurish. Not a statesman. That's not to say I don't like what Trump has actually DONE for the most part, he's a tireless worker/problem solver and gets things done. He wants (from his actions) a streamlined (as it possibly can be right now) government and seems fair in his actions (compared to his words) about Marijuana legality, simplified tax reform, pardons & clemency, healthcare, trade & all a whole host of other issues. And nobody is giving him credit for North Korea, which he deserves plenty of credit for (no matter how NOKO's going to end up writing their own chapter in history).

That said, the guy boggles my mind at times. His words, his rants on twitter, his ego, they're out of control. At least for me. To each their own.
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Libtards love everyone...until someone contradicts their inane stance with common sense. Then they go apeshit and scream racism, hoping that ends the conflict, because they are too stupid and fact-deprived to defend their original inane stance. #bringbacksanitariums.