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Immigration Crisis at the border

You miss the point.

You said you don't wanna pay for a wall. Well, as my parents used to say, Sorry Charlie! If it happens during Trump's presidency and you remain an American citizen, you will pay for it. You'll pay for that wall like I pay for illegal immigrants' care and abortions and rain taxes, etc. Life sucks. Boo hoo.

PS...could you translate that sentence in bold?

And I'm not disagreeing with you that **** happens all the time we didn't sign up for. I'm saying, my point, is he said it was gonna happen, don't worry about it, Mexico will pay for the wall. And now it's everyone elses' fault he's not getting his wall funded. I was given a choice right from the start, I tried to do my part and vote against what I knew upfront was a lie, like we all would do. If the wall happens and I'm paying for it, not gonna be surprised, but pissed. My point is I knew upfront I was going to pay, I voted against it just like you would vote against anyone running a campaign on your items above. This is my personal view on this, I'm not expecting a tough ****, "boo hoo", I knew what I was getting when he got elected, unfortunately.
There are procedures for asylum, and the majority of the illegal entries are not about fleeing danger. A lot of people in jail feel like they had good reason for committing the crime. This is like all crimes, people do it because they think they can get away with it and they don't fear the consequences, and a lot of that comes from liberal left in this country. You know, people who make up a sad story and then try to characterize the whole problem that way to make it seem cruel to enforce immigration laws.

The problem here is you're going on the assumption that true asylum seekers have access to the information necessary to go through legal channels. We have people here in the US that can't look up and follow the rules - with all the information available to them if need be. How can you say that someone fleeing their situation for a better life has the access to government agencies to help them make that move?
This is a common argument I hear from liberal friends about how "literal" they took Trump's "Mexico will pay for the wall" campaign slogan. Many of them are holding Trump accountable (even though they didn't vote for him, so there is no accountability to you) that UNLESS we actually get a check (or a trunk of money) for the Wall, Mexico isn't "paying for it".

That is bullshit. And people that actually VOTED for Trump know this. What if Trump reduces aid to Mexico from the $350 million average in Obama years to $100 million during Trump years? That right there is $1 billion dollars. What if Trump renegotiates NAFTA and the U.S. makes out better over the next 20 years? What's the price of that? What if Trump taxes wire transfers and generates $500M to $1B in new tax revenue? What if the wall WORKS and reduces the cost of border security and all the bullshit that is going on right now because so many illegals make it across and gain access to our legal system?

All of these issues could be interpreted as "Mexico paying for the wall" and "U.S. making out better".

Again, quit taking every ******* thing Trump says so literal. Jesus Christ, the "gotcha" bullshit the leftist media loves to play doesn't work on Trump and it doesn't work with the American people (unless you are biased and WANT it to work). I LOVE what Trump is doing with Mexico and I LOVE his hard line on immigration and bringing it to the forefront of issues and demanding (not sure it will work, but he's trying) Congress do something worth our time (not just ******* band aids).

If you are foolish enough to think this past 2 months has changed any Trump voter in how they are going to vote in 2020, you are sorely mistaken in my opinion.

Nope, know better than that. I'm looking forward to voting as well.
And I'm not disagreeing with you that **** happens all the time we didn't sign up for. I'm saying, my point, is he said it was gonna happen, don't worry about it, Mexico will pay for the wall. And now it's everyone elses' fault he's not getting his wall funded. I was given a choice right from the start, I tried to do my part and vote against what I knew upfront was a lie, like we all would do. If the wall happens and I'm paying for it, not gonna be surprised, but pissed. My point is I knew upfront I was going to pay, I voted against it just like you would vote against anyone running a campaign on your items above. This is my personal view on this, I'm not expecting a tough ****, "boo hoo", I knew what I was getting when he got elected, unfortunately.

Would you rather pay for a wall, or for another 100K illegal immigrants looking for free healthcare and education?

The wall at least is a finite thing... every day more people swarming across our borders cost American taxpayers hard earned money.
I'm not sure anyone believed it when he said it. I didn't. I don't know anyone that did. It was completely unrealistic when he first said it, and it is completely unrealistic now. It was a great sound bite, I guess. Acting like Trump is the first politician that told a lie to get elected is disingenuous though.

And on to the bolded part. This is the part that irks me, and it shows just how conditioned we are that we are at the mercy of American politicians. Politicians don't give us a choice. They are there to do business on behalf of what their constituents want. That is it. Representation. And it has gotten so far way from that. Today, politicians on both sides are beholden to an ideology. Perfect example is The Affordable Care Act. If it is so ******* great, why doesn't the law apply to those that voted it into law and signed it into law? That's horse ****. At the time it was made law, something like 89% of Americans were opposed to the bill in the form it was in. How is that representing America? They did what they wanted because they think they are above us, a ruling class. Just like guns. They want you to not be able to have them while they are protected by an arsenal.

These days, people don't even care that their wishes aren't represented. They just know that their guy or gal is opposed to Trump or Pelosi or whoever, and that's good enough. No wonder this country is in the fix it is in. A bunch of easily led automatons being spoon fed by a bunch of sound bites from their ruling class. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.

If anything this election has taught me is I'm now more left leaning than down the middle like I was before, and I never thought that could happen. For me what I'm against in politicians are the ones that are in there far too long. I don't dislike Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, but time to go. I want young candidates with fresh ideas and bright outlooks. You might think that sounds like unicorns and rainbows, but I say what's wrong with that? Politics is difficult, it's a choice/job I would never want, but you got to know when your time is up. Theirs in particular are past time. Not to mention the GOP such as Mitch McConnell and the other oldies. Maybe I'm being too optimistic in thinking peoples minds would change about politicians if younger blood was in office. And just to touch on a gun point, I'm not against guns, I'm married to a hunter and we have guns. What I don't understand is why military type weapons need to be sold to the general public. I don't think that's an unreasonable question.
I'm saying, my point, is he said it was gonna happen, don't worry about it, Mexico will pay for the wall.

Please re-read Del's quote. Liberals believe that Trump must sign a check to get the wall paid for. As Del has illustrated, Obama funneled and wasted HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in aid annually to Mexico. Trump has cut that spend by over a half to a third. His suggested cuts, over 8 years, equal more than a Billion. "That pays for the wall." And that is Mexico paying for the wall because we are no longer sending money to them they would otherwise have.

If anything this election has taught me is I'm now more left leaning than down the middle like I was before


And just to touch on a gun point, I'm not against guns, I'm married to a hunter and we have guns. What I don't understand is why military type weapons need to be sold to the general public. I don't think that's an unreasonable question.

Start another thread, don't derail this one.
Would you rather pay for a wall, or for another 100K illegal immigrants looking for free healthcare and education?

The wall at least is a finite thing... every day more people swarming across our borders cost American taxpayers hard earned money.

The main reason I personally don't want to pay for the wall is I don't think it solves any of the problems fixated on by this administration. We're always going to pay for people we don't want to wall or not. They're still going to get here, they're still going to come here looking for jobs and as long as companies are willing to hire them for cheap labor, I don't see it ending, again, wall or not. The Mexicans that put in my carpeting a few years back I can guarantee you weren't "legal", but that didn't stop the carpet company from subcontracting them for cheap labor. Nicest guys, not a lick of English spoken and did great work. Should have seen the piece of **** van they were in, couldn't even give them a van with the name of the company on it. I totally agree with Chris Cuomo when he says go after the companies that hire them for cheap labor. It might be a start.
Please re-read Del's quote. Liberals believe that Trump must sign a check to get the wall paid for. As Del has illustrated, Obama funneled and wasted HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in aid annually to Mexico. Trump has cut that spend by over a half to a third. His suggested cuts, over 8 years, equal more than a Billion. "That pays for the wall." And that is Mexico paying for the wall because we are no longer sending money to them they would otherwise have.


Start another thread, don't derail this one.

Tim, I'm not derailing anything, it was just a thought/question. And given the alternative of left or right, I'd never be associated with anything on the right after seeing this administration. I think that's what's scary as well as some that support it..
This is a common argument I hear from liberal friends about how "literal" they took Trump's "Mexico will pay for the wall" campaign slogan. Many of them are holding Trump accountable (even though they didn't vote for him, so there is no accountability to you) that UNLESS we actually get a check (or a trunk of money) for the Wall, Mexico isn't "paying for it".

That is bullshit. And people that actually VOTED for Trump know this. What if Trump reduces aid to Mexico from the $350 million average in Obama years to $100 million during Trump years? That right there is $1 billion dollars. What if Trump renegotiates NAFTA and the U.S. makes out better over the next 20 years? What's the price of that? What if Trump taxes wire transfers and generates $500M to $1B in new tax revenue? What if the wall WORKS and reduces the cost of border security and all the bullshit that is going on right now because so many illegals make it across and gain access to our legal system?

All of these issues could be interpreted as "Mexico paying for the wall" and "U.S. making out better".

Again, quit taking every ******* thing Trump says so literal. Jesus Christ, the "gotcha" bullshit the leftist media loves to play doesn't work on Trump and it doesn't work with the American people (unless you are biased and WANT it to work). I LOVE what Trump is doing with Mexico and I LOVE his hard line on immigration and bringing it to the forefront of issues and demanding (not sure it will work, but he's trying) Congress do something worth our time (not just ******* band aids).

If you are foolish enough to think this past 2 months has changed any Trump voter in how they are going to vote in 2020, you are sorely mistaken in my opinion.

Exactly, and the tariffs on steel and aluminum. No one ever expected Mexico to write us a check. Unless you're a dumb liberal.
And I'm not disagreeing with you that **** happens all the time we didn't sign up for. I'm saying, my point, is he said it was gonna happen, don't worry about it, Mexico will pay for the wall. And now it's everyone elses' fault he's not getting his wall funded. I was given a choice right from the start, I tried to do my part and vote against what I knew upfront was a lie, like we all would do. If the wall happens and I'm paying for it, not gonna be surprised, but pissed. My point is I knew upfront I was going to pay, I voted against it just like you would vote against anyone running a campaign on your items above. This is my personal view on this, I'm not expecting a tough ****, "boo hoo", I knew what I was getting when he got elected, unfortunately.

and, again, you're taking this literally.

ever heard the saying "you'll pay for that"?
it can apply to either breaking something, making a mistake or even disrespecting another person.

Mexico can "pay" for the wall via tariffs placed on them, and by keeping their own problems thereby facing up to them.
and, again, you're taking this literally.

ever heard the saying "you'll pay for that"?
it can apply to either breaking something, making a mistake or even disrespecting another person.

Mexico can "pay" for the wall via tariffs placed on them, and by keeping their own problems thereby facing up to them.

So that's what's going to pay back the $25 billion he's asking for, correct? Is that guaranteed?
Exactly, and the tariffs on steel and aluminum. No one ever expected Mexico to write us a check. Unless you're a dumb liberal.

I know that was your attempt at a bash, so I guess I should be happy that I'm neither of those things.
So that's what's going to pay back the $25 billion he's asking for, correct? Is that guaranteed?

Yes, it is. Are you remotely aware of how much illegal immigration costs the Untied States annually? Take a look:


The fact that two guys put in your carpeting and were "nice guys" does not detract from the fact that their children go to school on my dollar, their housing is supported by my dollar, their food is paid for in part by my dollar, and their tax contributions are a pittance compared to what they cost.

Again, I will point out for the 20th time .... if the illegals were in fact an economic benefit, as some claim, why the hell would Mexico give them pamphlets on how to enter the United States illegally?!?
The fact that two guys put in your carpeting and were "nice guys" does not detract from the fact that their children go to school on my dollar, their housing is supported by my dollar, their food is paid for in part by my dollar, and their tax contributions are a pittance compared to what they cost.

Again, I will point out for the 20th time .... if the illegals were in fact an economic benefit, as some claim, why the hell would Mexico give them pamphlets on how to enter the United States illegally?!?[/QUOTE]

So go after the corporations hiring these illegals. Don't give them jobs, don't let them go to school without documentation (I didn't think they could go to school without the appropriate documents/immunizations, etc). And I'm not one of the ones saying illegals are an economic benefit, though I've heard some say it, I do believe in going after the companies who hire them, make it impossible for them to earn money. I'm not for illegals coming here without the intention on becoming legal citizens. And when this administration regurgitates "the dems WANT illegals and crime" which is a crock of ****, I just laugh and roll my eyes, whatever. I just don't think the wall is going to do anything. Slow them down? Make it harder? How high, how long and how deep does it have to be for that? If they want to come here bad enough, they will. They're always going to find a way. I'm not convinced an expensive wall is gonna do ****. I'm going to have to ask my friends to see the pamphlets they get on how to come here. Now I'm curious.
So go after the corporations hiring these illegals. Don't give them jobs

All for that. But in terms of illegals, the employment is one attraction - the others are taxpayer funded. The easiest and best way to save billions upon billions of dollars of taxpayer money per year is to enforce our borders and keep out illegals. Fact.

And when this administration regurgitates "the dems WANT illegals and crime" which is a crock of ****, I just laugh and roll my eyes, whatever.

Do you think the (D)'s want to stop, or even slow down, illegal immigration? Really? Illegal emigration is how the (D)'s made California a Democratic state. The (D)'s love illegal immigration. So it costs taxpayer money, lets in thousands who are criminals? **** happens. The voting base is what matters.

They're always going to find a way. I'm not convinced an expensive wall is gonna do ****. I'm going to have to ask my friends to see the pamphlets they get on how to come here. Now I'm curious.

Then why do rich people live in gated communities? And in homes with big walls? Asking for a friend.

As to the fact that Mexico gives pamphlets to illegals, giving them advice on how to enter the United States and what to say when they get here - they have been doing so for years:

MEXICO CITY, Jan. 5 - The Mexican government drew fire from American advocates of tighter borders on Wednesday for publishing a pamphlet that instructs migrants how to safely enter the United States illegally and live there without being detected.


Sorry to invade your safe space.
But is this happening? If that's going to happen then fine, but I don't want to be responsible paying for a wall. We're going to Mexico in a few weeks, a place I love. We have good, kind friends there and I just can't wait to hear what their opinions are (or maybe I can wait) and what their news is there. You know what side of the aisle I'm on and I'm good with that, but my wish is that the pubs and dems get their **** together, quit the fighting and figure it out. They're the ones with the experience in this stuff. It's a complex issue that W and Obama couldn't fix. The pics of those kids killed me then as they do now. I like what Tibs said, which is more of a solution than I could ever come up with, then again it's not our jobs.

It doesn’t matter to me who pays for it. With all the money we are wasting processing these criminals, it will pay for itself in no time.
They're all jumping on the band wagon now. Oregon's attorney general said she is going to see what she can do about the media made crisis. Just butt out of it woman.
500 migrant kids have been reunited with their families

Nearly 500 migrant children of the more than 2,000 who were separated from their parents at the U.S.–Mexico border have been reunited since May, a senior Trump administration official told the Associated Press.



Good...now send them all back together on a one way trip home
They're all jumping on the band wagon now. Oregon's attorney general said she is going to see what she can do about the media made crisis. Just butt out of it woman.

This is what as known as not having a platform, so let's make something up.