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Initial Thoughts on seachicken game

The 3rd string scrub quarterback 😂. Mason sucks and Kenny will be healthy next week so he can go back being the scout team QB. Mason was a free agent last year and no one signed him. That means no team saw value in signing him so if he had value as a player he would be on another team.

A few days ago you implied that Mason would suck against Seattle and that everyone would be crying for Pickett.

What do you suppose happened?
Najee has the best stiff arm in the stupid *** league. ****.
Switching to Kenny in week 18 is just asking for a big offseason qb controversy.

I do not think there's any way you start Pickett next week, or in the playoffs if they somehow get in.

Next season is a different matter, though.

I think there should be an open competition between him and Pickett during the summer, assuming Rudolph wants to come back.

The Steelers might have burned that bridge, treating him like a redheaded stepchild the past couple years, despite Pickett and Trubisky struggling in front of him.

They cannot just hand the job to Rudolph based off two of three games, but people need to give him his full due here.

He has not just played well. He's played as well as about any QB in the league over the past two weeks

I believe this is the first time the Steelers have had both 30+ points and 400+ yards in consecutive games since Ben, Bell and Brown were all with the team. It's not a coincidence.

People say it was against the Bengals and Seahawks, but so what? How many "bad defenses" have the Steelers struggled against over the past few years, including Ben's last one?
I might have to block LadySteel. I don’t have the patience for their garbage.
How does 9-7, 10-7, or worse case scenario, 9-8 equate to .500??? My 'puter is broken and Alexa is sleeping, so I can't ask her...
So, to be clear you’re ok with no playoff wins in 7 years….losing to bad teams is a problem with Tomlin… he needs to go. So which year out of the last 8 years were we a legitimate SB contender???? Better yet, do you actually think we can win it all this year?!?! If you say yes, I say you’re crazy and blinded with loyalty to a mediocre coaching unit…..
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