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May, June plot


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Jul 6, 2016
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959. May, June plot (5/2/2017)

After Trump sitting on the Chair of US president, Three times the Feds tried to actify a plot to frame a drug case on my family.

1. 2/19 plot. Came with two events to distract: Trump's fake Sweden terrorist attack news(see #949) and the warning of the collapse of Oroville dam in North California.(see #950)

2. 3/15 plot. came with two events: Winter storm Stella slammed New York. (When there would be a nuke terror attack taking place, I allege. see #951,952) and a possible financial crisis (Government reached debt ceiling and ran out of money). Though they didn't let it happen, just like that big terrorist attack hadn't happened in Sweden as Trump said. An article one day later proved there could have been one crisis breaking out on 3/15 if the Feds intended so.

Mac Slavo: "On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump"

by Tyler Durden
Mar 16, 2017 2:00 AM

But this time around we may see a very different set of events play out. If it isn’t clear to you just yet, President Trump is under attack from all sides. Democrats, the media and even members of his own Party want to see him fail. But perhaps more importantly, it is the shadow operators known as “The Deep State” who may take this opportunity to lay the blame for decades of machinations at Trump’s feet.

These shadow forces have been at work manipulating everything from the global economy to the political affairs of sovereign nations.

While March 15th is the day we hit our debt ceiling, June 1st, 2017 is the real date to watch. That’s the day the Deep State may finally pull the trigger:

And what better way to do that then to collapse the economy?

Establishment Republicans and Democrats hate trump… many want to see him fail… even if it means a real systematic crisis for the nation.. in fact, many will even see this as a crisis to get rid of the President… to blame him for the last 30 years of mismanaging the country’s finances and be able to rebuke the voters who elected the President with a national mess… Trump and his supporters will be blamed and take the fall… this is the secret plan


3. The article proved my allegation of 3/15 plot was reasonable. Then the new plot is coming. It took only three days for them to plan a new one.

On 3/18 my sister in law came to my house, brought us a bunch of all kinds of fresh vegetable. She said she and my brother would go to Shanghai and would be back in late May.It was more than two months. She wouldn't waste those vegetables, so brought them to us. Obviously, they hadn't prepared for such a trip. I think it was a sudden order from the Feds.

I call it May, June plot. To that article, something big will happen on 6/1. My brother and his wife has been arranged to come back in the end of May. That is not a coincidence. Likely there will be a financial collapse to distract if there is a framed criminal case. Chinese secret police will play a main role in that case.

The financial crisis could have happened any time in May when they framed a drug case on my family member, as the US government warns us there will be terror attack in Europe and US.

TSA warns against truck-ramming attacks - fox25boston.com
May 04, 2017 · Trucks and buses are at the center of the latest government warning regarding possible terrorist attacks and big cities are being told to stay on alert.
20 posts and counting. Still not one that makes a single lick of coherent sense. Every time I read these, I picture a guy living in a basement fallout shelter wearing a tin foil ht to block out mental waves of people trying to steal his thoughts.
The only part that was coherent was the part Kat didn't write.

A deep state conspiracy...the American government defaulting on debt and triggering a world-wide catastrophe in order to overthrow Trump.

Mac Slavo: "On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump"

by Tyler Durden
Mar 16, 2017 2:00 AM

But this time around we may see a very different set of events play out. If it isn’t clear to you just yet, President Trump is under attack from all sides. Democrats, the media and even members of his own Party want to see him fail. But perhaps more importantly, it is the shadow operators known as “The Deep State” who may take this opportunity to lay the blame for decades of machinations at Trump’s feet.

These shadow forces have been at work manipulating everything from the global economy to the political affairs of sovereign nations.

While March 15th is the day we hit our debt ceiling, June 1st, 2017 is the real date to watch. That’s the day the Deep State may finally pull the trigger:

And what better way to do that then to collapse the economy?

Establishment Republicans and Democrats hate trump… many want to see him fail… even if it means a real systematic crisis for the nation.. in fact, many will even see this as a crisis to get rid of the President… to blame him for the last 30 years of mismanaging the country’s finances and be able to rebuke the voters who elected the President with a national mess… Trump and his supporters will be blamed and take the fall… this is the secret plan

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Bunch of blah blah horseshit about as useful as a fart in a jar.
Wacko says what?

Is Pop back?
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The dark lord keepers of the rabbit undertone of the bling ding ring pang was subjected to deep nuclear death chicken rays from the secret keeper of the long haired pickle farm. The knee deep who ha needed a nice way to present the real reason tangible extreme went south and turned left at Albuquerque. The cover is blown.
960. Silk Road Forum (5/13/2017)

Trump fired FBI Director Comey. There is a big argument. I think it's part of the Feds' plan - "Drain the swamp". To have a Chief of their own. The last FBI director who left the post without fulfill the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think.

Louis Freeh's case: I (Kat Sung) am the target of the Feds. They plotted to eliminate me in a framed drug case with Chinese secret police. The Feds signed a secret deal with Chinese police.

1. To justify the payment to Chinese secret police, Pentagon created a air incident(US spy plane collision with Chinese fighter in South China Sea and landed in HaiNang Island.)

4/11/2001, spy plane crew were released by China. A step to justify the payment as ransom for crew.

2. 6/11/2001 Tim McVeigh (Oklahoma bomber) was executed. It was a planed breaking out date of the framed drug case. The planed case failed. (see story) The Feds used to distract public attention from a small case by a big event.

** Louis Freeh, FBI Chief resigned two years short of his term. He took the responsibility of that secret deal with China.

3. 9/11/2001. 911 attack in New York which justify the Afghan war and Irag war. A pay back to Pentagon by the Feds for spy plane case.

7/13/2001 China granted to host 2008 Olympic Game.
9/17/2001 China got the membership of WTO. These are the payment to China. Since then China has a big leap on its economy and now is the economy number 2 of the world.

I conclude this from Skolnick's article and my experience. The persecution from the Feds never stopped. Now there seems a new one.

4/7/2017 Trump met with Chinese president Xi in Mara-lago in the name of discussing the North Korea issue. I think it's for another secret deal. N. Korea case is a very formal national event. Should be talked in Washington D.C. Scandalous things not to be exposed to the sunlight. They even don't trust people worked in White house. see "955. New deal on 4/7? (4/4/2017)"

5/9/2017 Trump fired FBI Chief Comey. I think a new framed case has been arranged by the Feds and Chinese secret police. They need some one of their own to carry out the illegal operation.

5/15/2017 One Belt and One Road Forum holds in Beijing. I think the payment of secret deal to China
will be signed in the form of contract or treaty. Possibly with some ally's infrastructure contract such like high speed rail contract (Indonesia) or treaty with N.Korea.

China has managed to rope in the US at the last minute for its Silk Road summit besides South Korea, the EU and Japan, leaving India to be the only major country yet to confirm its participation in the high-profile event.

The Trump administration announced that Matt Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and senior director for East Asia of National Security Council of the White House, will lead the US delegation to the attend the One Belt and One Road Forum.

"The United States recognises the importance of China's One Belt and One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum May 14-15 in Beijing," a joint statement by China's finance and commerce ministries said.


Later May, my brother was arranged a trip to Shanghai and will come back in late May. The Feds used to plot a case when victims are in trip. see last message #559.

see story at:
961. The real reason why Comey was fired (5/16/2017)

In last message, I said "The last FBI director who left the post without fulfilling the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think." But Freeh resigned to take the responsibility to sign a secret deal with China whom collaborated to frame a drug case. Comey was fired for his persistence on law. That's quite different.



.... Before the past months' controversies, Comey was perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff with top officials in the George W. Bush administration over a federal domestic surveillance program.

As the deputy attorney general, Comey rushed to the hospital bed of Attorney General John Ashcroft to physically stop White House officials in their bid to get his ailing boss to reauthorize a secret no-warrant wiretapping program.

Comey described the incident in 2007 testimony to Congress, explaining that he believed the spy program put in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was legally questionable.

When he learned that Andrew Card, the president's chief of staff, and Alberto Gonzales, the White House counsel, were heading to Ashcroft's hospital room despite Ashcroft's wife's instructions that there be no visitors, Comey told Congress, Comey beat them there and watched as Ashcroft turned them away.

"That night was probably the most difficult night of my professional life," Comey said.


It happened in 2004 - the year when the Feds tried to eliminate me by "unreasonable search and arrest by police". Here is a quote of my message #238.

"238. Manipulate Supreme Court (7/4/2004)

Several times I talked about my allegations that Feds tried to force me out alone. On the purpose to eliminate me by unreasonable police search, arrest or police violence.

Re: "My immediate thought was that it proved my allegation they would use local policeman for a violent murder or arrest." (229. Unreasonable search and arrest (5/19))

"Forcing me out alone, or in a stranger's car, to encounter a police search, then a police violence or arrest. (230. Unreasonable search and arrest (2) (5/24))"

What the Feds want is to have a "no-warrant wiretapping programe". It means a power of search and arrest without warrant. How civilians are threatened by this? Here is what I wrote,

369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)

Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreasonable search. The real commander behind him is the Department of Justice.

1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.

2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it. ....

370. The corrupt D.O.J. attacks (1/2/06)

The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corrupt law enforcement agent.

If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs) And asked for a search warrant. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.

FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law. Though D.O.J. said Patriot Act gave them such privilege, there is at least a FISA court watch their behavior.

Now you see how important Comey had done in 2004, he protected the Fourth amendment of the Constitution.

But a man adheres to law
is an obstacle to corruptive officials. That's why Comey was fired by Trump - Who stole the president power with the help of the Feds.

Comey was fired on May 9. I allege it is for a framed drug case. My brother and his wife has been arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will return in late May. It's an unusual long time trip. So I worry the Feds has planted in my brother's house too. The Feds (FBI and DEA) need a Chief of their own to handle a framed case. Chinese secret police plays a big role in this case. They'll make a search and arrest when my brother passed the custom in late May.
They are watching you through your TVs and mirrors. Your electrical outlets are bugged for sound. That sweet old lady in the produce section...double-agent. You are under constant surveillance.
My neighbor grows some of that ****, he says two tokes and you blabber just like that. That's what he says anyway...honest.
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962. The late May plot is a big operation (5/25/2017)

The late May plot is a big operation. Since I revealed the Feds would frame a case on my brother in their trip in "959. May, June plot (5/2/2017)", especially revealed their core plot - the firing of FBI Chief Comey on May 9, a lot of things have taken place. It seems the Feds have abandoned their original plan and released their sub plan one by another.

1. There was a worldwide ransom-ware cyber attack on May 12. My posting revealed the true face of the Feds.(the FBI) The posting is an important target of the Feds. They want to wipe it out immediately after I have been eliminated.

2. Big events to distract public attention from a framed drug case. It used to be terror attack, big natural disaster, or financial crisis. The terror attack used to be designed to take place at the same time when the framed case happens. Like the fake "Sweden terror attack on 2/17", (claimed by Donald Trump for 2/19 plot) Manchester bombing on 5/22 and Islamic rebel crisis in Philippines in this late May plot.

3. In #959, I referred an article that said, "On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump". I think it was a big event created to distract the late May framed drug case. What happens now is there is a special investigation led by former FBI Chief Mueller. Any time they can develop an impeachment on Trump. The situation now proves that article is correct and my allegation is reasonable.

Though something should have happened later now happens ahead of time, it may mean the Feds has changed their tactic. More big terrorist attack may still take place; more cyber attacks can still happen, (remember if it is the one I talked about, they'll make my postings disappear from internet) and continuing exposures will draw public's attention to the fate of President Trump.

On 5/13, in message #960, I said "5/15/2017 One Belt and One Road Forum holds in Beijing. I think the payment of secret deal to China will be signed in the form of contract or treaty, possibly with some ally's infrastructure contract such like high speed rail contract (Indonesia) or treaty with N.Korea."

It is proved two days later,

Indonesia, China consortium sign $4.5 billion loan for rail project
BUSINESS NEWS | Mon May 15, 2017


963. The 5/27 plot (5/27/2017)

Last night my wife came home and told me my youngest sister would have a dinner party tomorrow (5/27). This means the framed case designed to break out on 5/27. The Feds used to arrange a gathering so it's easy for them to arrest people they want to frame. My brother and his wife will back to US on 5/28. 5/27 is the time they are to boarding the plane. They will be arrested by Chinese police, I think. This case has been planned for months after the 3/15 plot went soured.

Of course, China will get big payment. The contract of high speed rail in Indonesia is just a small one. The main one will be much big. It will be justified in the name of helping to solve the nuclear problem of N.Korea. So something big will happen in N.Korea.

Not only N. Korea is involved, there will be mass killing in Philippines too. Last Novermber, my wife was arranged a Philippines trip hurriedly. see:"933. Big drug case in China, Philippines and USA (11/12/2016)". Duterte cut short his visit to Russia on 5/24. He is for that 5/27 plot.

‘We need modern weapons’: Duterte meets Putin, cuts trip short over Philippines terrorist crisis
24 May, 2017

The meeting between President Vladimir Putin and Duterte was scheduled for Thursday but was brought forward to Tuesday evening after the Philippines president declared martial law and was forced to return home.

Soak in the beauty that is katsung47. This is the type of poster that in 5 to ten years from now we will be reminiscing and asking, "Remember that *******, katsung?"