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Mike Adams attackers present different story


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
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According to the paper that shall not be named, or linked or mentioned, Mike Adams' attackers present a different story regarding the attack. In just reading the story it has obvious holes in it and inconsistencies. The defendants attorney's are really trying to spin the story and it makes it sound even more silly than just the defendants story. I do not believe the story would fly with the jury in "disorder in the court" https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sZeqHamjyjU.

The claims by the defendants and the lack of plausibility of their story make me think they did not even work at generating a good lie. The defendants lawyers appear to be doing a lousy job for their clients by letting this crap in the court in the first place. Many years ago one of the defense attorneys from the public defenders office was known as 5 to 10 (name omitted) because he always seemed to get his clients 5 to 10 years in the Pen. He would likely do a better job for these 3 idiots than the folks representing them now.

If one had doubts about the issue with Adams this bullshit story by the defendants makes him look a quite a bit better than all the rumors that were floating around after this incident happened. It seems the only thing Adams did that was not very smart was to consume too much alcohol at the time. Which by the way was not high enough to make him drastically different than most of the folks out on a Friday night at that time.
LMAO, no doubt the attorneys helped fabricate a story. One of the reasons Adams is lying was that he is set to get a multimillion dollar contract. Talk about not doing your homework on that one. Better hope the jurors do not watch Steeler football or they are sunk with that line alone.
3 guys and a stab wound........................... However they try to spin it. Ridiculous.

And if the Prosecutor does his job you would think the video footage andddddd their Taylor gang ties would easily set them in the right direction. GUILTY
It appears Mike Adams story is different than the one he told last year. What happened to the 'valet closed with my keys' story? By his testimony he was exiting his vehicle while intoxicated. Doesn't mean he was driving, but as we learned with Roby, might not matter. Either way, I doubt a valet would leave someone's vehicle unlocked, especially overnight. Suggests Adams had his keys. Defense is trying to establish motivation to lie, and by that measure they are off to a good start. But they're still going to have to establish that Adams was the aggressor/instigator and that the smurfette defendants felt endangered. Tall order, but all they need is doubt. And the giant Adams isn't helping his cause by coming off as a belligerent smart *** on the stand. More seems to reconcile with the defendants story so far than the original Adams story. ID'd by a cell phone left behind. Adams slapped one of the defendants phone and food out of his hand which led to the altercation (one version of events). Uphill battle to justify use of a deadly weapon. But I don't really care about this case as it pertains to any of the participants as citizens. I am, however, mildly interested in how this pertains to Adams' standing as a Steeler. If you remember back to when he was drafted, highly irregular for Colbert to come out to address the media following a R2 pick. And he made it pretty clear Adams was on a short leash. And he also said being lied to was as bad as pissing hot. And that he'd always have a jaundiced eye on Adams until the day he retired. Strong words, and message sent. Still early in all this, and truncated/excerpted testimony not conclusive for facts. But if it's established from this trial that Adams was driving while intoxicated and that he lied, imo it does put Colbert's draft day words to the test.
It appears Mike Adams story is different than the one he told last year. What happened to the 'valet closed with my keys' story? By his testimony he was exiting his vehicle while intoxicated. Doesn't mean he was driving, but as we learned with Roby, might not matter. Either way, I doubt a valet would leave someone's vehicle unlocked, especially overnight. Suggests Adams had his keys.

As I recall, Adams said last year that he got into his truck with the touchpad on the door (my truck has one too) to eat his sammich but did not have the keys to start it.
Right. That's why I'm not quick to say one way or the other. Testimony, not yet established as fact, has him pulling up and getting out. And what I assume as fact is a BAL of .185. Which I'm guessing came from the ER who knows how long after the stabbing. Well over twice the legal limit. Trial withstanding, just on the potential ramifications of his playing career in Pittsburgh alone, this could be the end for him. Again, not saying it is. But if it turns out he was driving at that BAL or greater and his version of events turns out to be a lie, just one year after Colbert's rare post draft hardline, it could be the end for him.

Defense feels it important to establish Adam's motivation to lie. And based on his thin-ice standing with Colbert, he does/did have motive to lie. And so far, imo, he's not coming off well. Not sure how they're gonna try to justify the stabbing. Good luck with that, but I don't really care honestly. Darwinism as far as I'm concerned. Eh, that's a little harsh. Just saying, I don't have a lot of interest in stupid people doing stupid things outside a Coen Bro movie. My only interest is how this affects Adams standing with the team with the draft closing in. Right now, imo, it's up in the air. That is, if I interpretted Colbert's postdraft warnings correctly. Which isn't a given.
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Dobra Shunka,

His story seems more consistent and believable than the purps. A the stabling was the result of his food being knocked from his hand. This happened after a conversation about his truck. Keys with valet, and eating in his truck fit. Being stalked and threatened by three guys one of which stabs him fits. Drinking too much is one thing minor issue. The credibility of the three attackers who fled the scene, did not call police, stabbed another individual, and one had to be extradited from another state left with the last Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Train from Pittsburgh. The conviction test will be beyond reasonable doubt not any possible made up bullshit story that does not hang together. They still have no reason to explain a stabbing, nor do they have any reason for the three of them to be in close proximity to Mike Adams. Adams also had recently left an establishment prior to this attack and it is likely the individuals saw he was intoxicated and followed him thinking he was an easy mark. That is believable. Motivation to lie, it would be easy for someone who was intoxicated to have errors and omissions in his statement. So far the only thing that defense is trying to do is establish Adams said something untrue so they can discredit his evidence presented to the police. The kid was also just stabbed, and seriously hurt it would be easy to think he might be a bit less than accurate under those conditions.

As a police officer many years ago I had people show up in court and perjure themselves on a witness stand in an effort to escape being charged. It took the prosecutor and judge nearly no time to get to the bottom of that set of whoopers, should be the same with this. If they tested Adams for alcohol they also likely ran a drug screen on him as well. Many of us thought there was a possibility he may have been out to buy a controlled substance and the deal went bad at the time of this incident. If he tested positive in the drug screen we would have heard about it now. The lawyers are tossing the hail Mary from their own end-zone while holding and stepping out of the back of it with this one.

When I read that story it reeks to me of lying and makes Adams look better. I hope those guys all get cells with inmates that think they are cute.
And...they all get off nearly Scot-Free! Wow! No links yet but only minor charges on 2 with neither having to do with assault.
Not too surprising. Adams is a sheer ******* idiot. He's already been caught in one public lie; not surprised a jury learned he was blistered (and I'm a vehicle) and didn't believe him.
How do you stab someone and not get found guilty, amazing..............
Thinking the same thing...how does someone get stabbed and the three dudes involved get found not guilty? Was he not actually stabbed? This makes no sense. Even if there was an argument and he bumped into the one guy and knocked food out of his hands, one of them still stabbed him. And, that is still a crime of attempted murder and/or assault with a deadly weapon. Are they finding them not guilty because they don't know which one actually stabbed him? This is just bizarre.
Thinking the same thing...how does someone get stabbed and the three dudes involved get found not guilty? Was he not actually stabbed? This makes no sense. Even if there was an argument and he bumped into the one guy and knocked food out of his hands, one of them still stabbed him. And, that is still a crime of attempted murder and/or assault with a deadly weapon. Are they finding them not guilty because they don't know which one actually stabbed him? This is just bizarre.

Because stabbing someone in self defense isn't attempted murder. 3 guys word vs 1 drunk guy's word. Not saying he's at fault. But if a drunk NFL lineman started a fight with me I might stab him. Or put my hands behind my back and get a few hundred K.
Because stabbing someone in self defense isn't attempted murder. 3 guys word vs 1 drunk guy's word. Not saying he's at fault. But if a drunk NFL lineman started a fight with me I might stab him. Or put my hands behind my back and get a few hundred K.

This. The jury did not buy Adam's story completely. I guess when your BAC is twice the legal limit, it brings some doubt in their minds. And, if a 6'7"-325 pound man approaches a 5'7"-175 pound guy with the intent to fight, the small guy can pull a gun and pump rounds into him. It would still be self defense. Adams could easily beat that man to death, well, if he could catch him......
If Adams cannot manage to get his hands on a guy his OWN size who is coming right at him...how is he expected to get his hands on one of these little guys while he's Shclitzed to the hilt?
I just read where one of the charges is conspiracy to commit Robbery, not minor. One of the guys who is the head of security for the Steelers is a LT in the Sheriffs dept. He testified he went back to the scene and picked up the keys from a valet, moved Adams Truck, and found inside a half eaten sandwich. Defense Attorneys did not ask him any questions. The two guys with the most to loose are Adams and the sheriffs deputy, if he lies he looses his job. If he aids and in the commission of a crime he will loose his job. Adams is intoxicated and stabbed. If I were looking at credible it would not be in any way tied to the attackers. Last I saw the jury is deliberating according to the paper that shall not be named. As to charges there may not have been evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict on the more serious charges. If there are say 4 elements to a crime items that must be present to convict and the prosecution is only able to produce 3 they will not get a conviction and charges will be dismissed. Dismissed charges are not the same as innocence, it just means the prosecutor was unable to produce enough evidence to convict.

Even though the verdict has not been published the jury could do something strange, after all a jury could not convict OJ, or the cops that beat up Rodney King. So more to come.
According to the trib an acquittal on everything but fleeing. Interesting story that the guy that punches Adams has no idea who stabbed him and the jury buys it. Sad day for justice, the reason I say this is there seems to be no evidence to indicate that Adams attacked any of them, at most he bumped into them according to them. It would be interesting to know how many priors these guys have, or to have heard what made the jury come to this conclusion. I also suspect it might be the case of a poorly prepared prosecutor and skilled defense lawyers, I have often seen very well prepared public defenders in court and prosecutors that had not opened the file till that morning.
I don't recall anything about self defense. I also don't recall anyone saying Adams attacked these three dudes. They said he bumped into one guy and knocked his sandwich out of his hands (apparently an accident) and someone said Adams may have been yelling but nothing about him attacking the three dudes or even throwing a punch. Did the defense attorney say it was self defense? The jury can't make that up if it wasn't presented to them. If they do, it is a mistrial.
To acquit the jury has to do nothing more than decide there was not enough evidence presented to convict. It sounds like the defense was able to toss in enough things to confuse them a bit. It also sounds like the prosecutor was unable to prove who did the stabbing, and that the three individuals planned to attack Adams which is most likely. Not having all the testimony it appears one witness which may or may not have been involved saw Adams walking in an extremely intoxicated state just before the incident. These guys were likely looking for drunks to roll. As to Adams story changing the guy was drunk and had been stabbed it is reasonable for him to be a bit confused on details. It is rather sad that a drunk man gets attacked and stabbed and that the police and courts are unable to prosecute his attackers.

The lesson for Mike is hopefully don't get drunk or allow yourself to be come a victim, high price to pay for such a lesson, he is fortunate it did not cost him his life.
To acquit the jury has to do nothing more than decide there was not enough evidence presented to convict. It sounds like the defense was able to toss in enough things to confuse them a bit. It also sounds like the prosecutor was unable to prove who did the stabbing, and that the three individuals planned to attack Adams which is most likely. Not having all the testimony it appears one witness which may or may not have been involved saw Adams walking in an extremely intoxicated state just before the incident. These guys were likely looking for drunks to roll. As to Adams story changing the guy was drunk and had been stabbed it is reasonable for him to be a bit confused on details. It is rather sad that a drunk man gets attacked and stabbed and that the police and courts are unable to prosecute his attackers.

The lesson for Mike is hopefully don't get drunk or allow yourself to be come a victim, high price to pay for such a lesson, he is fortunate it did not cost him his life.
This ^^^^^
Also from talk radio today, the opinion is that 300+ pound guys don't get a 0.18 BAL from two drinks, which Adams testified is what he had. An expert witness testified that for someone of Adams' size it would take about 28 drinks to blow a 0.18. Not saying the muggers were innocent but it doesn't help Adams' credibility.
This ^^^^^
Also from talk radio today, the opinion is that 300+ pound guys don't get a 0.18 BAL from two drinks, which Adams testified is what he had. An expert witness testified that for someone of Adams' size it would take about 28 drinks to blow a 0.18. Not saying the muggers were innocent but it doesn't help Adams' credibility.

Not calling you a liar but... 28 drinks?

28 drinks, no matter what size of a person, would have anyone blacked out on the floor pissing on themselves...
For a guy my size it's about .03 per drink. To hit .18, I'd have to have about 6 drinks in one hour to hit that. Each hour you process a drink. A guy Adams size may be able to register between .015 and .02 per drink, Still looking between 9 and 12 drinks in an hour. Still not as close as 28, but WAAAAAAAYYYYYY the **** more than 2.
Not calling you a liar but... 28 drinks?

28 drinks, no matter what size of a person, would have anyone blacked out on the floor pissing on themselves...
Just repeating what they said on the radio. No offense taken.
0.18 is kinda borderline unconcious. Unless you practice at it. Which Adams may. Which might leave his employer less than impressed.
He only had 2 drinks. He took pictures with his waiter.

Take this for what it is worth. A classmate's husband's friend (so if it's true who knows) was supposedly at the place where Mike was drinking. Three peeps where bugging Adams all night following him around. So they knew who he was. He got annoyed with them and then started to get aggressive.

Again you can choose to use or lose this info.

But if that be the case you have a under the influence peeps that was stabbed with no fault to his own. And three peeps who walked due to his fib about how much he drank.............