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Running lower and lower on nfl love these days

I agree with what you are saying, but it's not the whole picture, either. The ex Mrs. Fan was the cause of our divorce. It happens. Also, I hear feminists still love to vilify men as pigs, etc. So, while what you said I agree with 100%, the picture is still tainted with bias and nonsense. That is why people can call his comments "controversial" when they are not. People love division.

Kudos to you, OFTB.
oh, no no no no no. no.
as Flog will say - that marriage failed because of you. never was it her fault or any external forces, despite if you and your ex-wife reconciled and are on extremely great terms now - even if your ex-wife told you she was wrong for the divorce. nope. your fault. always.

and by that, i mean, **** flog.
No one is saying that some women might not want to take that path. The assumption that MOST would, at 21 years old, fresh out of college, is sexist.

If you interviewed every woman who graduated from Benedictine college, I highly doubt the majority would say "I came here to become a homemaker."
That's likely an accurate statement, but not one that could be made with certainty. There were 485 graduates that Butker spoke to, and I'll assume that half were female. I've seen comments from one or two that didn't appreciate his opinion, and that's fine, because it was an opinion. The only people that have a right to praise or condemn his commencement address are those 240 or so females he was speaking to. Everything else is just howling at the moon.
You never can. This comment is no surprise.

Neither. I'm stating a very, simple, unavoidable fact - schooling has a HUGE impact on the development of all children.

You argue against logic, always.

This explains a LOT. Teachers should be influencers. Anyone who TEACHES influences. They INSTRUCT. And many times over, they are role models. Sometimes they are bad apples. To go through an entire educational career and be able to say that NO teacher or coach heavily influenced you is both sad and (given it's you) unsurprising.

Mrs. Miller in the 4th grade had a huge impact on me at a needed time in life. Mr. Apple in high school for 4 years, impacted me in a lot of ways. Mrs. Effland, my English teacher for 2 grades, was an inspiration (who led me to choose to do a semester abroad in London, because of her personal love for Shakespeare). And Dr. Teer, in college, my advisor, hugely impacted my career choices. In fact, I modeled my career after his.

Finally, my HS wrestling and track coach (an NCAA Champion), taught me many lessons in a difficult time in my life.

I'm sorry your life was devoid (again I'm not surprised) of the positive influences teachers and coaches SHOULD have on our youth.

It takes a village.
As I said, I had good and bad teachers, good and bad coaches. (I could tell crazy stories about an abusive football coach I had as an 8 year old). All played a limited role is my life, none had a significant lasting impact that changed who I am today. That was due to my parents, brother, relatives and friends that I knew a lot more than a school year or sports season or two.

I noticed you only mentioned the good ones. I guess you’ll agree that the bad one also had a lasting negative impact on you?
I did? <waiting>
Oh yeah! You forget the crazy **** you’ve posted. You tried arguing that taking down the monuments of treasonous confederate generals (and losers) was destroying history and the equivalent of demolishing holocaust museums that honor victims.
Woah, hole up wait! Did you just justify the nationwide, anti-semitic protests calling for the extermination of a race because "you determine" the war is genocidal?
Genocide is the belief of those protesting (and others). Don’t forget we’re discussing the right of people to hold whatever beliefs they want.
You literally just rationalized it. You support From the River to the Sea. The extermination of a race. Because that is what this current movement is calling for.
I can rationalize the belief that Israel has carried out reckless and indiscriminate attacks. For every one of the 1,200 people killed in the Hamas terrorists attack, Israel has killed 6.5 children and 4.1 women in Gaza, not to mention the aid workers. It might not qualify as genocide, but it’s a good start.
Quite a bit more severe than "Jews will not replace us" most people with an ounce of logic in their brain would see.
So you do defend them! If you could explain what Jews had to do with the removal of confederate monuments, I’d like to hear it… and likely be amused.
Israel hasn't killed enough Hamas supporters, but that's not part of this thread.
That's likely an accurate statement, but not one that could be made with certainty. There were 485 graduates that Butker spoke to, and I'll assume that half were female. I've seen comments from one or two that didn't appreciate his opinion, and that's fine, because it was an opinion. The only people that have a right to praise or condemn his commencement address are those 240 or so females he was speaking to. Everything else is just howling at the moon.
Everyone has a right to comment about whatever they want.
As I said, I had good and bad teachers, good and bad coaches. (I could tell crazy stories about an abusive football coach I had as an 8 year old).

Three Year Letterman? Do not dare speak ill of 3YL! He has trouble opening doors, dude. Trouble. Opening. Doors.

You? Open doors with ease.

All played a limited role is my life, none had a significant lasting impact that changed who I am today.

That's too bad.

That was due to my parents, brother, relatives and friends that I knew a lot more than a school year or sports season or two.

Don't try to shift the blame to them, Floggy.

I noticed you only mentioned the good ones. I guess you’ll agree that the bad one also had a lasting negative impact on you?

I mentioned only positive influences as well. I had a 4th grade teacher who was ... challenging. She was a nun who smacked boys on the knuckles with this big oak ruler.

She had no real effect on my life. I remember an awesome 7th grade teacher who had us read Tale of Two Cities, Gone With the Wind, and The Great Gatsby, among others. Simply great teacher.

I have found much more influence on my life with positive teachers and coaches than the rare negative teacher. Have not had a coach I found to be a negative factor.
I have found much more influence on my life with positive teachers and coaches than the rare negative teacher. Have not had a coach I found to be a negative factor.
I can't tell you how many times I have received accolades, including a large one on facebook last week. It means a lot, but has no value in the long run. I would love to take my tax bill and write on it "I influence kids" and have the bill paid for. Doesn't happen.
I can't tell you how many times I have received accolades, including a large one on facebook last week. It means a lot, but has no value in the long run. I would love to take my tax bill and write on it "I influence kids" and have the bill paid for. Doesn't happen.

"sO yOu'Re SaYiNg YoU'rE An ErEcTiOniSt?"
- Dr. Flogstain
I recall one family vacation - one. I was 16 years old when we drove to Los Angeles, stayed with family relatives and friends, and went to Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm.
That reminds me so much of another family that drove cross country to California on a trip to Wally Word, but unfortunately when they arrived it was closed.
Everyone has a right to comment about whatever they want.
Oh, I agree, but they should realize that their comments are only their personal opinion, and they have no right to try and ruin someone's life over those opinions.
This whole agree with me or die thing is getting old. Not you personally, but it's everywhere.
Oh, I agree, but they should realize that their comments are only their personal opinion, and they have no right to try and ruin someone's life over those opinions.
This whole agree with me or die thing is getting old. Not you personally, but it's everywhere.
I agree. I don’t think he should have any consequences for expressing his beliefs. I mean, no consequences beyond disappointing some people who used to call themselves fans. But I’m sure he doesn’t give a rat’s behind about that.
I agree. I don’t think he should have any consequences for expressing his beliefs. I mean, no consequences beyond disappointing some people who used to call themselves fans. But I’m sure he doesn’t give a rat’s behind about that.
I doubt that he does, nor should he. Apologizing to placate the angry mob is a weak move and only increases their influence. Time to say enough, grow up.
As I said, I had good and bad teachers, good and bad coaches. (I could tell crazy stories about an abusive football coach I had as an 8 year old). All played a limited role is my life, none had a significant lasting impact that changed who I am today. That was due to my parents, brother, relatives and friends that I knew a lot more than a school year or sports season or two.

Again, the fact that you and your offspring weren't impacted by teachers says a whole helluva lot.

I noticed you only mentioned the good ones. I guess you’ll agree that the bad one also had a lasting negative impact on you?

Ooooh, nice strawman (one of your deflection skills). We all had good and bad teachers. Normal humans build on the good, put aside the bad. Unless you were Larry Nasser'd, those of us who are normal (you are excluded) focus on and build upon the positive impacts great teachers and coaches had on us. You know, the vast majority of mankind.

Oh yeah! You forget the crazy **** you’ve posted. You tried arguing that taking down the monuments of treasonous confederate generals (and losers) was destroying history and the equivalent of demolishing holocaust museums that honor victims.

That you support tearing down statues and destroying history ALSO surprises no one. You're a good, card-carrying, pink-haired screeching Liberal that wants to destroy history (good or bad) to establish an entirely new narrative and directive.

I live upon the old, proven notion that we need to know history (good or bad), learn from it, and improve mankind because we've studied it. You want to burn books and tear down statues that offend your soy-sensibilities. We are not stunned.

Genocide is the belief of those protesting (and others). Don’t forget we’re discussing the right of people to hold whatever beliefs they want.

No, you're bringing in a separate discussion now - the right to free speech. The first discussion was YOU rationalized that the current, anti-semitic, genocidal screams of the left NATIONWIDE were ok because they are protests about a "genocidal war" while simultaneously calling for the extermination of a race of people. Pinpoint sniped on that point, you switch to free speech. Free speech ends with death threats, does it not? Your side, nationwide, is calling for that right now.

You don't oppose it.

I can rationalize the belief that Israel has carried out reckless and indiscriminate attacks. For every one of the 1,200 people killed in the Hamas terrorists attack, Israel has killed 6.5 children and 4.1 women in Gaza, not to mention the aid workers. It might not qualify as genocide, but it’s a good start.

And there we have it. Your knowledge of the history of Palestine and Israel comes from TikTok. You are influenced by the social media you worship (as evidenced by your Covid vaccine ideology), and that media is telling you to support Palestine and hate Jews. You've literally just boxed yourself in.

"I went to bar mitzvahs damnit but Israel is guilty of genocide (not self defense!) and the calls for the River to the Sea are to be supported and upheld!"

You are the problem.

So you do defend them! If you could explain what Jews had to do with the removal of confederate monuments, I’d like to hear it… and likely be amused.

LMAO, MensaFlogg, explain how I 'defended them.'
I doubt that he does, nor should he. Apologizing to placate the angry mob is a weak move and only increases their influence. Time to say enough, grow up.
Ultimately the only thing that has happened to him is that some people have expressed their disagreement with or disapproval of his comments. Others have spoken out to defend him. He has a right to his opinion, those who didn't appreciate his comments have a right to theirs.
No one is saying that some women might not want to take that path. The assumption that MOST would, at 21 years old, fresh out of college, is sexist.

If you interviewed every woman who graduated from Benedictine college, I highly doubt the majority would say "I came here to become a homemaker."
You seem really hung up on the word "homemaker," for some reason. Did you by chance read (or eventually skim, like I had to do at a certain point) the transcript of Butker's entire speech? It's line after line, paragraph after paragraph after paragraph about Catholic virtues and vocation. How the world looks down on their views. How they, as Catholics, need to fight back against the modern ridicule of their faith, etc., etc., etc. Stories about saints. Stories about bishops. Stories about shepherds. Ad nauseum, he goes on and on.

Then, he finally gets to the point where he addresses the graduates directly. He congratulates the women for their accomplishment. Then yes, while acknowledging that some will go on to lead successful careers, Butker accentuates the importance of marriage and children (gasp!). Then he goes on to put his wife on a pedestal for (gasp!) opting to be a homemaker, and the primary educator to their children. What a sexist bast.ard.

Of course those women didn't primarily go to college to turn around and become "homemakers." That's not what he said. He said that's what HIS wife ended up choosing to do, and they have a happy family...and it's OK if some or most or any of you HERE TODAY decide to take that path too.

Oh, the horror.
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I agree. I don’t think he should have any consequences for expressing his beliefs. I mean, no consequences beyond disappointing some people who used to call themselves fans. But I’m sure he doesn’t give a rat’s behind about that.
Hopefully, one day, your daughter will be able to overcome her grave disappointment in a Catholic football kicker who had the audacity to tell a house full of religious women that having a family might be just as important, or even more important (gasp!) than having a career. I'm sure it's going to be a long and arduous path for her.

Hopefully, one day, your daughter will be able to overcome her grave disappointment in a Catholic football kicker who had the audacity to tell a house full of religious women that having a family might be just as important, or even more important (gasp!) than having a career. I'm sure it's going to be a long and arduous path for her.

Lol. Nobody said grave disappointment but you. My daughter will be fine, she’s 24, has a great career, a great boyfriend who respects her intellect and success, and will probably be a wife and mother some day too. She’s not currently more excited about being a homemaker and for someone to assume she or any woman would be right out of college just because she’s female is sexist. If it wasn’t rooted in sexism it would have been addressed to both the men and women. It’s not a big deal to her, I mentioned her disappointment only to give some of you the perspective of a young recent college grad female.

That’s not what he said, all you guys saying people put words in his mouth are doing the exact same thing.
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Again, the fact that you and your offspring weren't impacted by teachers says a whole helluva lot.
😂 All I said was that teachers have a limited role in their influence on kids, much less so than parents. I can only assume that since you continue to argue until you’re blue in the face that your parents failed in that regard.

Both of my kids have a 3.8+ GPA and are working multiple jobs during break. Other parents tell us what great kids they are and how highly thier kids speak of them.
Ooooh, nice strawman (one of your deflection skills). We all had good and bad teachers. Normal humans build on the good, put aside the bad. Unless you were Larry Nasser'd, those of us who are normal (you are excluded) focus on and build upon the positive impacts great teachers and coaches had on us. You know, the vast majority of mankind.
So homeschooled kids have been cheated and are abnormal?

That you support tearing down statues and destroying history ALSO surprises no one. You're a good, card-carrying, pink-haired screeching Liberal that wants to destroy history (good or bad) to establish an entirely new narrative and directive.
😂 So people get their history from statues? Should they erect statues of Hitler and Pol Pot?
I live upon the old, proven notion that we need to know history (good or bad), learn from it, and improve mankind because we've studied it. You want to burn books and tear down statues that offend your soy-sensibilities. We are not stunned.
No, that would be Ron DeSantis and you.
No, you're bringing in a separate discussion now - the right to free speech. The first discussion was YOU rationalized that the current, anti-semitic, genocidal screams of the left NATIONWIDE were ok because they are protests about a "genocidal war" while simultaneously calling for the extermination of a race of people. Pinpoint sniped on that point, you switch to free speech. Free speech ends with death threats, does it not?
Unless those death threats are aimed at Mike Pence, right?
Your side, nationwide, is calling for that right now.

You don't oppose it.
Says the guy who defends the January 6th morons.
And there we have it. Your knowledge of the history of Palestine and Israel comes from TikTok. You are influenced by the social media you worship (as evidenced by your Covid vaccine ideology), and that media is telling you to support Palestine and hate Jews. You've literally just boxed yourself in.
TikTok? No, social media is where you get your “facts”. I’m referring to data provided by the U.N. and the 6th grade math that you’re incapable of doing. Provide sources that refute it. You won’t, you can’t.
Did anyone hear what Cardi B had to say recently? It wasn't pretty, but neither is she.
People complain about homes prices and there are some shenanigans with companies like blackrock buying them up. But part of why houses are so expensive now is that they are much bigger.

You also had more people living in a house. A house use to be Kitchen, living room, bathroom and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Now everyone wants a mini mansion. Most young people looking for a house today would not even set foot in one their grandparents would have considered a dream house.
This was my parents first home, 745 sq/ft. Zillow says $734,000. Granted, Santa Ana, Ca.

This was my parents first home, 745 sq/ft. Zillow says $734,000. Granted, Santa Ana, Ca.

View attachment 12599
We've been living in our house 12 years. Want to downsize but the houses half the size of ours are selling for 1-200,000 more than we paid for ours. They are building townhouses in our neighborhood that start at a million dollars! Plus 7% interest vs. the 3% we currently have. No thanks. It's a terrible predicament for younger people but we don't really have the option to do it.