ok i have a question for all the Tomlin haters here.. Who's fault was it when the Steeler's finished 8-8 in 2006? (Bill Cowher's last year).
Because if you use the logic that the Tomlin hater's use here, "Tomlin wins because of Ben and he's a HOF QB", "Tomlin inherited a team that just won the Super Bowl" then Bill Cowher's team should've made the playoffs in 2006. So using all the same logic it was Cowher's fault for finishing 8-8 & missing the Playoffs right?
Could be that a team with a bunch of older players had just won a superbowl from the wild card spot was tired and beat up a bit. Suffered some injuries and lost a really good player to retirement that they have still not been able to replace. It is quite common to have a down year after a superbowl win, most teams do. While your asking your questions you might want to ask how Cowher was able to go to the playoffs and not be one and done his first six years and Mike the standard is the standard has not when he had Ben as a quarterback and not Kordell Neil O'Dummel and a cast of nobody's at quarterback.