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The Left is ISIS


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Carmel, IN
And they are both rooting for Hurricane Irma to kill Americans.


Interestingly the liberals are also praying for President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida to be destroyed by hurricane Irma. Some liberals were hoping Trump and his family are inside of Mar-a-Lago as the hurricane destroys the place. It is getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the left and ISIS.
ISIS believes in fundamentalist religious authority and governance which tends to be a similar view of the Right.
Both ISIS and the Right tend toward conservative beliefs.
ISIS believes in fundamentalist religious authority and governance which tends to be a similar view of the Right.
Both ISIS and the Right tend toward conservative beliefs.

Freedom of religion is authoritarian?

Actually that would be one of the Reich wing's "intellectuals", because while Isis may celebrate, this guy makes their wishes come true:

After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Last week, the wafting stench of Limbaugh went across the internet when Rush urged his Florida listeners to ignore warnings from scientists, meteorologists, and officials concerning the impending arrival of Hurricane Irma. Here’s a refresher of the hot-stench of wind Rush was pumping out last week.

“These storms, once they actually hit, are never as strong as they're reported,” Limbaugh claimed on his syndicated radio show. He added that “the graphics have been created to make it look like the ocean's having an exorcism, just getting rid of the devil here in the form of this hurricane, this bright red stuff.”

This set of beliefs is a part of Limbaugh’s attempts to create lucrative conspiracy theories so he can get back into the American con man underbelly position where he has been supplanted by Alex Jones.

"Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers."

As ThinkProgress reports, it turns out that Mr. Limbaugh and his ragtag crew of charlatans don’t want to be around to test his very unscientific theories.


“May as well… announce this. I’m not going to get into details because of the security nature of things, but it turns out that we will not be able to do the program here tomorrow,” Limbaugh said Thursday. “We’ll be on the air next week, folks, from parts unknown.”


“The views expressed by the host of this program [are] documented to be almost always right 99.8 percent of the time,” Limbaugh said right before announcing he would be leaving South Florida for parts unknown. “There is a reason for that because we engage in a relentless and unstoppable pursuit of the truth and we find and proclaim it and that happens to drive people crazy.”

As with all grand liars, there is always a kernel of truth in what they say. The “truth” that Rush and his people “find and proclaim” does indeed seem to “drive people crazy.”

Limbaugh must really think his CONservative listeners are really stupid......oh wait...never mind....blind squirrel, nut....
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After telling FL residents not to leave because hurricanes are a climate hoax, Limbaugh evacuates FL

Cool story bro, except that 1) one doesn't have anything to do with the other and 2) where Limbaugh lives was a mandatory evacuation and he didn't have a choice. If you actually listened to his show instead of moronic websites like Think Progress and the Daily Kos you would know that.
The latest from Pat Condell.

The left calls this intersectional politics. The left wants to destroy western civilization and so does Islam. So the left figures they will ally with the Islamists and work towards the destruction of western civilization. What the left fails to realize is western civilization allows their nonsense to flourish but Islam will not. They will figure this out about the time the Jihadis start putting them on their knees and sawing through their necks with dope bread knives. But the leftists won't come to their senses and fight back, they will roll over and convert to save themselves because they have no principles and lack the courage to fight even for their own children.
The left calls this intersectional politics. The left wants to destroy western civilization and so does Islam. So the left figures they will ally with the Islamists and work towards the destruction of western civilization. What the left fails to realize is western civilization allows their nonsense to flourish but Islam will not. They will figure this out about the time the Jihadis start putting them on their knees and sawing through their necks with dope bread knives. But the leftists won't come to their senses and fight back, they will roll over and convert to save themselves because they have no principles and lack the courage to fight even for their own children.

And this will all play out how and when? Or is it just a twisted day dream of yours?
And this will all play out how and when? Or is it just a twisted day dream of yours?
I'll put $1,000 on twisted day dream. But here at SN, twisted far-right day dreams are the norm, so he's preaching to the choir.
And this will all play out how and when? Or is it just a twisted day dream of yours?

It's not a daydream it's a nightmare. And it will only happen here if we allow state worshipping socialists like yourself into power and you can figure out a way to disarm the populace here in the USA. Europe is already lost. They have already allowed so many low IQ seventh century barbarians in to their countries that they are breeding The native populations into a minority by a factor of 5 to 1. The quisling politicians that run Western Europe keep allowing even more in, despite the observable fact that these Islamic asshats have no intention of assimilating and have stated that they plan to take over and establish a caliphate. Thank God for the second amendment and rule 308.
I'll put $1,000 on twisted day dream. But here at SN, twisted far-right day dreams are the norm, so he's preaching to the choir.

You really are an ******* Tibs. You become more and more like Elfie by the day, lumping everyone into buckets, generalizing, stereotyping, launching personal attacks. Then you'll wonder why people punch back. It'll sting your little feelings. Then you'll go crying to Justin again to protect you, wondering "why do people speak so meanly to me???". Pathetic.

<a href="https://imgflip.com/i/1vuw4k"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/1vuw4k.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a>
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...go crying to Justin again to protect you. Pathetic.
Not once have I ever contacted Justin or any mod here at SN. Why don't you ask them. So you can stick that fable up your ***, along with the rest of your pompous, condescending lecturing.
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Not once have I ever contacted Justin or any mod here at SN. Why don't you ask them. So you can stick that fable up your ***, along with the rest of your pompous, condescending lecturing.

So you admit to being an *******? Thanks. And, like I said, your widdle feewings would get hurted.

This is like playing a damned fiddle.
Not once have I ever contacted Justin or any mod here at SN. Why don't you ask them. So you can stick that fable up your ***, along with the rest of your pompous, condescending lecturing.

Oh the irony of the last part.
Oh the irony of the last part.

Isn't it amazing? I've stated this before, I'll state it again. Never have I met someone who embodies this quote more than Tibs: "'The things we dislike most in others are the characteristics we like least in ourselves.'"

He calls people an ***, then cries when he's called an ***.
He acts condescending in 90% of his posts, then tells people they are condescending.
He acts pompous 100% of the time, but is offended by those who are pompous.
He stereotypes perpetually, then lectures others on stereotyping.

This list could go on for days.

Like I said, your widdle feewings would get hurted. This is like playing a damned fiddle.

You are by far the biggest bullshit artist on the board. You constantly get called out for your lies and put in your place. You stick your nose in the air and move on to your next bullshit post. Rinse and repeat.

Keep on being you, this board needs asshats and court jesters like you and IndySteel. Endless entertainment.
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do you not see how you're lumping in everyone who doesnt agree with you politically as being alt-right and white supremacist?
do you not remember when you were complaining about how others were lumping anyone on the left in as antifa supporters (that pesky group you denounce, but seem to idolize)?
You constantly get called out for your lies and put in your place.

I'll stick around and wait for evidence of my lies I tell Tibs....

I'll stick around and wait for evidence of my lies I tell Tibs....

You seem to have the attention span of a Gelada Baboon. Just re-read your bullshit posts in this very thread.

The lies I tell....the lies!!

Much truth to this thread title. Not like WE needed someone to point this out to us. The Left needs to open its own eyes, look in the mirror, and see it. The enemy is within and it lives among us.


Political left is becoming the American ISIS

Conservative radio host Erick Erickson on Monday equated the political left in the United States to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and said states should "start talking" about secession.

"The political left is becoming the American ISIS," Erickson wrote in a post on his blog. "Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then it seeks to silence good. Evil is now dominant — but the partisan line is blurred."

Erickson said liberals show "no signs of toning down" their hateful rhetoric even after a gunman opened fire on GOP lawmakers who were practicing last week for a congressional baseball game.

"Too many [liberals] regret there were no deaths" from the baseball shooting, Erickson wrote, adding that the left believes House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was shot, "deserved it."

Erickson said the right should not be excused, saying it is all but possible that "some nut on the right" could decide "to seek vengeance for Republican congressmen."

He pointed to what he says are movements started by left-wing ideologies.

"From Nazism to Communism to progressivism itself, there has been more butchery from leftwing ideologies throughout human history than from the right — and yes despite popular historic revisionism, Nazism is from the left and had an American progressive fan club that included Margaret Sanger, patron saint of killing kids," Erickson writes.
You seem to have the attention span of a Gelada Baboon. Just re-read your bullshit posts in this very thread.


So pathetically weak. This is like having a debate with a twelve year old.

I have a great memory - remember the beat down I served you over your comments in my Signature? Yeah. You'd forgotten what you'd written. I had not. You insisted your memory was correct. It was not. I put you right back into the corner. And here you lecture about attention span. SMH. I digress.

I'm confident about what I post and I don't lie. I'm not doing the work to prove your bullshit statement wrong. You claimed it so you get to carry that water.

Like I said...


Until then, back to be an ******* Tibsie. Don't stub your widdle toes.