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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Everyone who voted for Trump to own the libs. <a href="https://t.co/8C9XRhm1Uv">pic.twitter.com/8C9XRhm1Uv</a></p>— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) <a href="https://twitter.com/tonyposnanski/status/1133319873365499905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 28, 2019</a></blockquote>
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The U.S. should stay out of the ME. Going to war in Iraq was a disaster. Bush and his globalist buddies like the Clinton's and Obama's have no problems sticking their noses where it doesn't belong. I'd shut off all immigration from Muslim countries and let them work it out. IF another country wants to prop them up then go for it. I'm sick of these ME wars.

Quoted for spotonishness.
Tibs - again, you living on the other side of the country have no idea what's actually going on in this country. Just as we do not know the day to day strife that goes on in Hungary. As has been pointed out, the economy is much improved. More people have jobs now than ever before. We're in what is considered a peaceful time, as well. Anyone who has a job is doing well. More people are being more charitable than ever before (https://givingusa.org/giving-usa-20...sing-the-400-billion-mark-for-the-first-time/). The hate you see on MSM between people of other races, genders, sexual orientation is just not so. There are outliers, but the overall feel is people are happier ... which is likely due to the fact everyone looking for a job can find or has a job.

Coming here saying President Trump is a disgrace, and doing all you can to nullify what has been accomplished since 2016 is nothing more than sour grapes, un-American, non-Patriotic and shows your ignorance of what is going on here. Yes, we all know you do not like Donald Trump. A lot of us can even admit that he's not the most polished President in history, yet we didn't vote for a polished political candidate to fix the country. Those who didn't want Trump in office were the same ones who wanted to keep the miserable cycle of politics as usual going. Unfortunately, that game of musical chairs ended.

The sitting President has been investigated for the vast majority of his time in office. All because some people cannot accept the results of the election. No other reason. Despite previously pointing fingers and saying "Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election. By doing that, he’s threatening our democracy." (https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/789573422716182529?lang=en). Yet after Trump won, the results of the election were not accepted. Thus, using the logic previously injected, it's safe to say that Democrats are a threat to our democracy. Yet, we're not a democracy. We're a Democratic Republic, not just a democracy. Safe to say that a person unwilling to accept the results of the election and not knowing the form of government we utilize is "a threat to our democracy."
Yeah Supe, we know criticizing the President is unpatriotic and un-American. The eight years under President Obama made that abundantly clear.
Yeah Supe, we know criticizing the President is unpatriotic and un-American. The eight years under President Obama made that abundantly clear.

I see you didn't address anything I said. I see, too, that your only defense for your actions are due to the criticism that Obama took.
So you've outed yourself to criticizing President Trump since Obama was criticized. Despite all the facts showing WHY Obama was criticized, you continue on with your unsubstantiated, unhinged, untruthful criticism of President Trump.
...you continue on with your unsubstantiated, unhinged, untruthful criticism of President Trump.

None of it is unsubstantiated. None of it is unhinged. None of it is untruthful.
Yeah Supe, we know criticizing the President is unpatriotic and un-American. The eight years under President Obama made that abundantly clear.

as you also did during President Bush's Administration

and he did not say just criticizing the President was unpatriotic. The stuff you are spewing goes well beyond just criticizing the President.

and he is correct that you don't know a damn thing about what is really going on here since you are safely hiding behind your wall in your new country.
All unsubstantiated, all unhinged and all untruthful. The MSM is not doing their part to alleviate these problems.
The stuff you are spewing goes well beyond just criticizing the President.

Thank you. We've all been pointing this out for years. Nice to have a mod acknowledge this publicly for the record.
fixed it for you
Yeah it’s no secret - reading this board - the Trump base would prefer to have a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid. Sorry, I don’t - and won’t - bow down to your master.
Yeah it’s no secret - reading this board - the Trump base would prefer to have a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid. Sorry, I don’t - and won’t - bow down to your master.

this is complete and utter horseshit.
Yeah it’s no secret - reading this board - the Trump base would prefer to have a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid. Sorry, I don’t - and won’t - bow down to your master.

No, we would just prefer to have an honest media and Dims who were not completely batshit crazy.
this is complete and utter horseshit.

Tibs is literally the perfect Liberal stereotype. Perfect.

When he doesn't like your position, he resorts to pointing fingers (he's gone beyond calling individuals here an Islamaphobe, for instance. Now he simply labels the whole board Nationalists, racists, Islamaphobes, etc.).

He's the model of hypocrisy and selective outrage.

He's the self avowed worshipper of Michael Avenatti American Patriot.

He's been wrong about everything for over 2 years. Everything. Labeling what he types as horseshit...doesn't exactly require a degree Coolie. 100% of it is.
Wanna see libs really freak out?


Airmen onboard the USS WASP wearing patches on their jumpsuits that read “Make Aircrew Great Again.”
The patches include an image in the center in the likeness of President Trump.

Yeah it’s no secret - reading this board - the Trump base would prefer to have a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid. Sorry, I don’t - and won’t - bow down to your master.

No, Tibs, we do not. Since you brought him up, we lived under that type "a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping"of rule with Obama. "I have a pen and a phone" was his way of issuing executive orders - which he did 276 times (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_federal_executive_orders). I'm not saying all 276 were without merit, but you should review your history before spewing this type of vitriol. We have people now who still pine for ways to insert Obama back into office. Or put Hillary in. Or Pelosi. And you want to come here and say something about "worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid"? Might want to get your head out of the punch bowl, bud.
you know what we would prefer

1. Leave the Bill of Rights the **** alone
2. A free and impartial media - true JOURNALISM find the FACTS before you report..
3. Stop with the victim mentality. No where are you guaranteed the RIGHT to not be offended. Stop trying to restrict other's rights because YOU are a *****
4. Not being attacked for wearing a ******* hat in public. MAGA hats are not offensive. If you are offended please see item #3.
5. A nice wall like you are hiding behind to slow the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants with a revision of the Immigration policies to streamline LEGAL immigration
6. True Healthcare Reform - Reign in the Big Pharm companies and allow Insurance Companies to more easily sell their policies nationwide.
7. A viable 3rd or even 4th party to shake up the current ******** in office on both sides of the aisle.
8. Term limits for the House and Senate - how the hell do so many of these public servants become millionaires while in office?

I know I'm missing a few things, but I can't think of them right now
you know what we would prefer

1. Leave the Bill of Rights the **** alone
2. A free and impartial media - true JOURNALISM find the FACTS before you report..
3. Stop with the victim mentality. No where are you guaranteed the RIGHT to not be offended. Stop trying to restrict other's rights because YOU are a *****
4. Not being attacked for wearing a ******* hat in public. MAGA hats are not offensive. If you are offended please see item #3.
5. A nice wall like you are hiding behind to slow the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants with a revision of the Immigration policies to streamline LEGAL immigration
6. True Healthcare Reform - Reign in the Big Pharm companies and allow Insurance Companies to more easily sell their policies nationwide.
7. A viable 3rd or even 4th party to shake up the current ******** in office on both sides of the aisle.
8. Term limits for the House and Senate - how the hell do so many of these public servants become millionaires while in office?

I know I'm missing a few things, but I can't think of them right now

Can't think of anything to add, but those that would like actual dialogue on these points would be welcome. I look forward to rational, non-emotional responses.
I know I'm missing a few things, but I can't think of them right now

A Supreme Court that won't write its own legislation and obliterate the Constitution.
A Congress that is actually interested in solving the problems of the country instead of putting on endless political theater.
A check on the socialist takeover of every major American industry and unbridled taxation and spending that would occur if Dems had Congress and the White House.
Yeah it’s no secret - reading this board - the Trump base would prefer to have a monolithic, top-down dictatorship, an executive branch left unchecked, everyone worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid. Sorry, I don’t - and won’t - bow down to your master.

You really are delusional then. You think of things in black & white so badly it's actually sad. Trump = evil. People who don't **** on Trump 24/7 = evil. The Resistance (or whatever the **** you SJW's want to go by) and everyone who thinks Trump is the devil = good.
I'm not saying all 276 were without merit, but you should review your history before spewing this type of vitriol. We have people now who still pine for ways to insert Obama back into office. Or put Hillary in. Or Pelosi. And you want to come here and say something about "worshipping Trump in unison & drinking the koolaid"? Might want to get your head out of the punch bowl, bud.

A-*******-men. Trump's greatest sin? Getting elected to office & people still can't ******* get over it.
You really are delusional then. You think of things in black & white so badly it's actually sad. Trump = evil. People who don't **** on Trump 24/7 = evil. The Resistance (or whatever the **** you SJW's want to go by) and everyone who thinks Trump is the devil = good.

This is what I meant about lack of critical thinking. I don't even discuss politics with my liberal friends anymore because they are so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they will not even consider any fact that doesn't fit with their narrative that all things Trump are automatically terrible.

Just today a friend tweeted something kooky about Brett Kavanaugh's credit card debts and country club fee being paid off, Anthony Kennedy retiring and Deutsche Bank. Everything even remotely connected to Trump is a vast criminal conspiracy now. Even though not a shred of evidence has ever been produced that proves any of it.

They are completely unhinged.