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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

This is what I meant about lack of critical thinking. I don't even discuss politics with my liberal friends anymore because they are so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they will not even consider any fact that doesn't fit with their narrative that all things Trump are automatically terrible.

Just today a friend tweeted something kooky about Brett Kavanaugh's credit card debts and country club fee being paid off, Anthony Kennedy retiring and Deutsche Bank. Everything even remotely connected to Trump is a vast criminal conspiracy now. Even though not a shred of evidence has ever been produced that proves any of it.

They are completely unhinged.

The Brett Kavanaugh thing was/is pathetic. They were first criticizing the guy because of his first ******* name. There are so examples of them being unhinged, vile lunatics I don't even know where to start.
only the most dimwitted people would believe that Harrison FLoyd is threatening to shoot any of the damn socialists fucktards in Congress.
This is what I meant about lack of critical thinking. I don't even discuss politics with my liberal friends anymore because they are so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they will not even consider any fact that doesn't fit with their narrative that all things Trump are automatically terrible.

Just today a friend tweeted something kooky about Brett Kavanaugh's credit card debts and country club fee being paid off, Anthony Kennedy retiring and Deutsche Bank. Everything even remotely connected to Trump is a vast criminal conspiracy now. Even though not a shred of evidence has ever been produced that proves any of it.

They are completely unhinged.

It's the only reason the MSM pukes still have any audience remaining at all. Thankfully for them, they will always have a segment of the population so gullible and uninformed, that they will swallow whatever bullshit they want to spoon feed to them. No need for evidence, corroboration, even common sense. Just serve it up and people like Tibs will keep swallowing it down.
can Floridians travel to Georgia to vote for Harrison Floyd? asking for an arktuary and an ogre.
Harrison Floyd is my new hero.
No need for evidence, corroboration, even common sense. Just serve it up and people like Tibs will keep swallowing it down.

There are some many examples of this I've lost track. But the big ones are Jussie Smollett & Michael Avenatti (an American Patriot) off the top of my head.
There are some many examples of this I've lost track. But the big ones are Jussie Smollett & Michael Avenatti (an American Patriot) off the top of my head.

Brett Kavanaugh. The Covington boys.
Steelworth, based on your response, you scoff at what the Russians did with the elections. You don't think they're willing and capable of continuing attacking us now and in the future. You're sure State & Federal agencies have taken the neccessary steps to strengthen & protect the electoral system - computer systems, servers, etc.

The electronic voting machines are not - repeat, NOT - connected to the internet and CANNOT be "hacked."

Millions of Americans will go to their local polling places on November 8 to vote for the next President — and despite the near-hysteria of alleged targeting of election systems— hackers will have nothing to do with the outcome.

That's the big takeaway to come from a House subcommittee hearing last week on the subject of election security, in which five experts testified that, for the most part, the election cannot be "rigged" by hackers, since every state has its own standards and uses a variety of voting machines, and not a single electronic machine is connected to the Internet.


You're convinced Twitter and Facebook have done enough to offset whatever illicit activity may well be coming down the pipeline from the Russians. You feel it's perfectly fine Russian hackers attack and compromise computer and voting systems of American politcal parties and local, state election offices. All of that is fine by you, I guess, cause you seem to laugh it off.

The only organized attack on political speech comes not from the Russians or the French or Al Quaeda - it comes from the message-targeting by Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.



True . . . if your community consists merely of climate-change cultists and gender justice warriors. However, Facebook is supposed to be playing by the rules of a platform and not a publisher, so my science-based and news-focused content should be acceptable under any reasonable standard. Additionally, the Canto Talk Show program that I help host on occasion was also hit with a Facebook ban. Silvio Canto, the mild-mannered, thoughtful host and author of historic, sports, and political analysis was deeply troubled when his show promotion posts were deemed “inappropriate.”

"I am very angry. It took me several hours to calm down. They banned posts on World War II and baseball. What is offensive about that. Was it because I actually called Hitler “Hitler” instead of Trump? And my baseball piece was about Hank Aaron. How is that not appropriate? [transcript provided by author]"

Barry Jacobson, a former Green Beret who fought to defend the Constitution (including his First Amendment rights), was also impacted by Facebook censorship. The social media giant recently stopped the promotion of his military history podcasts.

"That Facebook deems discussion of WW-2 'in violation of community standards' is not only astonishing; it begs the question, what standard are they upholding? Ignorance? Put another way, is the banning of all discussion of the horrors caused by the Nazis somehow going to further the cause (which I assume Facebook supports) of hindering the spread of Nazi ideology?"

I suspect that Facebook has tweaked its algorithms in such a way that anything even mildly conservative is now flagged. Donald Trump, Jr. recently published a detailed piece decrying Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives, which has steadily become more flagrant and overt.

"Facebook appears to have deliberately tailored its algorithm to recognize the syntax and style popular among conservatives in order to “deboost” that content. “Mainstream media,” “SJW” (Social Justice Warrior) and “red pill” — all terms that conservatives often use to express themselves — were listed as red flags, according to the former Facebook insider."

"Facebook engineers even cited BlazeTV host Lauren Chen’s video criticizing the social justice movement as an example of the kind of “red pills” that users just aren’t allowed to drop anymore. Mainstream conservative content was strangled in real time, yet fringe leftists such as the Young Turks enjoy free rein on the social media platform."

I would argue that the situation is even worse than the president’s son has stated if history-based blogs are now being silenced."


You are absolutely comfortable with political thought suppression, it seems - and yet you are obsessed about some ******* Russian front group starting a web site that has literally zero effect on elections. Zero. Oh, okay.

Tibs said:
I know what I expect from my President. To stand up for and protect this country, the values of this country.

Like free speech of issues that deserve discussion? You seem to have no problem with the widespread targeting of conservative views - conservative views from such right-wing lunatics as Candace Owens, Philip Schuyler, Dan Bongino, and on and on. No problem, though, since (1) conservatives are targeted and (2) hey, it's Twitter, Facebook, et al. and not the Russians.


Tibs said:
What a slap in the face for all Americans to let a country like Russia come in and **** around in a Presidential election. Anyone who doesn't see that as a problem is missing the point.

Can I mess up your narrative with ... oh, I don't know, FACTS??

1. Trump has imposed more substantial punishment on Russia than his predecessor.
2. The Russian interference occurred UNDER OBAMA'S ******* WATCH.
3. Obama did NOTHING to stop the minor interference. You seem to have no problem with that.
4. The "interference" consisted of some stupid ******* Facebook sites that had zero effect on the election, according to every person, ever, to examine the issue - including Mueller.
5. Your panties getting wadded up about Trump "meeting" with Russians about business deals, and one time to collect dirt on Hillary, is pretty ******* funny, since the only ************ who paid a foreigner for dirt on a Presidential nominee involved in the 2016 election WAS HILLARY ******* CLINTON.
6. When is the last time you panted breathlessly about Clinton being indicted, tried and sent to jail? Oh, yeah, NEVER.

Tibs said:
Donald J. Trump did just the opposite. He reached out and gave Putin a big hug, a big fat kiss.

That is what is called ... lemme see ... a big, fat lie. Trump has imposed more significant sanctions and punishment on the Russians than Obama, the same ************ who was warned about Russian interference and told his staff to "stand down." Remember that?!?

Even though the left-wing media will never give him credit, President Trump has been far tougher on Russia than his predecessor, Barack Obama. So much so, the sanctions resemble a Russian nesting doll: one sanction of top of another, on top of another.

Just last April, the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections. The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

The sanctions were significant — among the toughest sanctions ever placed on individuals in a foreign country, with the exception of perhaps Iran and North Korea. Yet like many of Trump’s successes, it received minimal mainstream media coverage. During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

Even Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine. In August 2017, Trump signed a bill slapping even more sanctions on Russia — this time specifically aimed at the country’s energy and defense industries. Congress made the legislation Trump-proof, meaning that no executive order could ever undo such sanctions; yet Trump signed it anyway.

In fact it was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security. It was also President Trump who shuttered the Russian consulate in Seattle.


Consider this a confirmation of an allegation that first emerged in March, because the co-author of the book that contained it certainly does. Michael Isikoff and David Corn published an explosive allegation that the Obama administration issued a stand-down order to efforts to counter Russian cyberwarfare in 2016. Yesterday, the head of the Obama administration’s cyber programs told the Senate Intelligence Committee that’s precisely what happened.


Bammy orders his counterintelligence to "stand down" as to Russian interference, and Trump has implemented more severe sanctions against Russia than did Bammy. Facts.

Tibs said:
We should have been up in arms learning how some pissant, ******-up country like Russia could come in and screw around with the election. With Trump & Russia, the devil is in the details. How Trump's devout followers miss the boat on Russia and brush it aside so casually, is beyond me.

Russia - bad. Very bad. Hence Trump's sanctions.

China - much, much, much, much worse. Too bad Dianne, Chuck and Nancy are too busy sucking China's **** to do a ******* thing to help the President battle China on trade, and intellectual property, and cyber warfare.

Literally, that group of (D) ****s has not done one ******* thing to address the vastly greater threat.


Tibs said:
No US president should welcome the help of another nation in deciding a Presidential election. Trump did exactly that, and has continued to do so. It's simply not right. That is a fundamental judgement on Trump a lot of you are not ready to make. I am, so shoot me.


Russia did not pass out trying to get into van, and fail to campaign in Wisconsin AT ALL, and abuse Clinton's security clearance, and delete evidence. The shittiest candidate this side of Beelzebub did.

And again, for **** sake, can you cite one goddamn source suggesting that Russia had ANY influence on the 2016 election? Three Congressional committees found no such evidence, Mueller found no such evidence, nobody has found such evidence.

Also, as to interfering in elections - do you think this is the first ******* time the Russians have done so?? You do realize that the Russians financed a fuckload of political opposition in the United States between 1955 and 1989 - most of it spent on left-wing groups, such as the paid protesters who opposed the United States placing Pershing II missiles in Europe.

The World Peace Council (WPC) was set up by the Soviet Communist Party in 1948–50 to promote Soviet foreign policy and to campaign against nuclear weapons at a time when only the USA had them. The WPC was directed by the International Department of the Soviet Communist Party via the Soviet Peace Committee,[1] a WPC member. The WPC and its members took the line laid down by the Cominform that the world was divided between the peace-loving Soviet Union and the warmongering United States. From the 1950s until the late 1980s the Soviet Union used numerous organizations associated with the WPC to spread its view of peace. They included:

Christian Peace Conference
International Federation of Resistance Fighters
International Institute for Peace
International Organization of Democratic Lawyers
International Organization of Journalists
International Union of Students
World Federation of Democratic Youth
World Federation of Scientific Workers
World Federation of Trade Unions
Women's International Democratic Federation
World Peace Esperanto Movement.


Huh, funny, I don't remember a SINGLE ******* TIME that lefties whined about Russian interference while the Russians were establishing and backing these leftist protest groups, whose sole purpose was to stop the United States from defending Europe, Asia and Africa.

Tibs said:
I understand this here is mostly a shine-the-turd Trump Go-Go's board. Here at SN, we witness grown men with their hair in ponytails shaking their shiny MAGA pompoms.

If a pony tail is involved, trust me, Tibs - a lefty is wearing it. If a MAGA hat is involved, the pony-tailed ******** loser will be the one taking enough time out of his mommy's basement to attack the guy wearing it.

Tibs said:
For those fence-sitters who claim not to back Trump wholeheartedly, don't forget, witnessing a crime still means something. It puts you on the crime scene.

What crime is that, Tibs? Conspiracy? Nope. Collusion? Nope. Obstruction? Nope - and I have schooled you on this topic twice before. So what crime?

Further, you don't give a **** that Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence under subpoena, and obviously violated 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information

Finally, your purported concerns about interfering in an election ... The State Department [under Obama] paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.


Tibs said:
I don't think criticizing this President is unpatriotic. That's not what this country is about.

Thank heavens you are daring to criticize Trump. NOBODY is courageous enough to do that.
8. Term limits for the House and Senate - how the hell do so many of these public servants become millionaires while in office?

Genius and hard work.

Can't think of anything to add ...

A qualifying test for any person running for public office. The potential candidate must earn a passing grade on a full-day examination covering civics, economics, world history, U.S. history, and constitutional law.
Damn that was the aSSWack!!
Daaaaamn Tibs, you got knocked the **** out!
You are so easily amused. You kneel at the altar of a big mouth, an even bigger ego & a bunch of half-truths and pure falsehoods. No wonder Trump's able to pull the wool over your eyes.

Steeltime, A for effort, but you need to pump the brakes and do some actual research. Try reading some non far-right conspiracy theories that so desperately try to whitewash Trump & Russia. Actually, why would you do that? You're perfectly content to play to the peanut gallery here.
You are so easily amused. You kneel at the altar of a big mouth, an even bigger ego & a bunch of half-truths and pure falsehoods. No wonder Trump's able to pull the wool over your eyes.

Steeltime, A for effort, but you need to pump the brakes and do some actual research. Try reading some non far-right conspiracy theories that so desperately try to whitewash Trump & Russia. Actually, why would you do that? You're perfectly content to play to the peanut gallery here.


I have nothing to contradict your points with so I will just dismiss it all as "far-right wing conspiracy".....
translation I have nothing to contradict your points with so I will just dismiss it all as "far-right wing conspiracy".....
I shouldn't even call it a far-right conspiracy. It's the utter falsehoods and lies propagated by Trump himself and used by the likes of Barr, McConnell and Graham to try to protect and shield this president. Hence the blatant refusals to comply with subpoenas and the various other forms of Trump's ongoing obstruction of justice. So yeah, that conspiracy, to keep the truth from the American people by any and all means neccessary.
I shouldn't even call it a far-right conspiracy. It's the utter falsehoods and lies propagated by Trump himself and used by the likes of Barr, McConnell and Graham to try to protect and shield this president. Hence the blatant refusals to comply with subpoenas and the various other forms of Trump's ongoing obstruction of justice. So yeah, that conspiracy, to keep the truth from the American people by any and all means neccessary.

oh stop beating a dead ******* horse....they had two ******* years to find proof that doesn't exist....stop the drama and get to their real job of producing legislation for this country..
Oh, but let me add, I'm look forward to a response to Coolies post #243 and specifically what anyone can disagree with, other that Trump is evil.
You are so easily amused. You kneel at the altar of a big mouth, an even bigger ego & a bunch of half-truths and pure falsehoods. No wonder Trump's able to pull the wool over your eyes.

Steeltime, A for effort, but you need to pump the brakes and do some actual research. Try reading some non far-right conspiracy theories that so desperately try to whitewash Trump & Russia. Actually, why would you do that? You're perfectly content to play to the peanut gallery here.

How about instead of just making a generalization, you address each specific point he made one by one? I know you can do that, you sure know how to lay out the specifics when on the attack.
1. Leave the Bill of Rights the **** alone
2. A free and impartial media - true JOURNALISM find the FACTS before you report
3. Stop with the victim mentality. No where are you guaranteed the RIGHT to not be offended. Stop trying to restrict other's rights because YOU are a *****
4. Not being attacked for wearing a ******* hat in public. MAGA hats are not offensive. If you are offended please see item #3.
5. A nice wall like you are hiding behind to slow the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants with a revision of the Immigration policies to streamline LEGAL immigration
6. True Healthcare Reform - Reign in the Big Pharm companies and allow Insurance Companies to more easily sell their policies nationwide.
7. A viable 3rd or even 4th party to shake up the current ******** in office on both sides of the aisle.
8. Term limits for the House and Senate - how the hell do so many of these public servants become millionaires while in office?

To further Zona's point, just want to make sure this post has been read far and wide.
So yeah, that conspiracy, to keep the truth from the American people by any and all means neccessary.

And exactly how is releasing the Mueller report to the public and declassifying all of the documents related to the witch hunt keeping the truth from the American people? Be specific.
I shouldn't even call it a far-right conspiracy. It's the utter falsehoods and lies propagated by Trump himself and used by the likes of Barr, McConnell and Graham ...

Oh, you mean like Business Insider, American Thinker (founded in 2003), the NYT (on suppression of conservative views by Twitter, Facebook), Clinton herself, Comey regarding Clinton's activities, Michael Isikoff, Bammy's former head of cyber warfare security, Feinstein's former chauffeur, the FBI (regarding Chinese spying on that idiot DiFi), Wikipedia, and the United States Code? Those purveyors of "fake news"?

Tibs, you really, really need to stop reading the swill in the Huffington Post and Media Matters (The Truth Does Not).
You are so easily amused. You kneel at the altar of a big mouth, an even bigger ego & a bunch of half-truths and pure falsehoods. No wonder Trump's able to pull the wool over your eyes.

Steeltime, A for effort, but you need to pump the brakes and do some actual research. Try reading some non far-right conspiracy theories that so desperately try to whitewash Trump & Russia. Actually, why would you do that? You're perfectly content to play to the peanut gallery here.

Good lord Tibs, all you can do is blather on with your platitudes. I'll make it real simple for you.

Tell me..what on earth did Trump have to do with Russian interference in the election? The best that ANYONE can seem to come up with is:

Trump was friendly and complimentary to Putin when he met him.

Trump's lawyer made a few phone calls and emails about possibly building a hotel in Russia that went nowhere, and ended after Trump, who the entire world was saying could not possibly get elected, was elected.

Trump's son took a meeting with a US based lobbyist of Russian descent who offered him dirt on Hillary...which never materialized, and there is not a shred of evidence Trump knew about the meeting ahead of time.

Trump once sarcastically said in a speech, in full public view: "Russia if you're listening find Hillary's emails" which some in Congress and the media managed to convince gullible people like you was an actual, sinister directive.

That's it. That's all of the evidence of this nefarious "Trump and Russia" connection.

Don't you see how silly you look continuing with these ridiculous claims? People would have a lot more respect for you if you just admitted how incredibly wrong you were. You don't have to support Trump. You don't have to like him. Just please stop trying to pretend that there is anything to this deep, complex Trump-Russia conspiracy you insisted for months was at any moment going to be revealed. Everyone with a brain in their head who is not a total liar knows it isn't true.
you know what we would prefer

1. Leave the Bill of Rights the **** alone
2. A free and impartial media - true JOURNALISM find the FACTS before you report..
3. Stop with the victim mentality. No where are you guaranteed the RIGHT to not be offended. Stop trying to restrict other's rights because YOU are a *****
4. Not being attacked for wearing a ******* hat in public. MAGA hats are not offensive. If you are offended please see item #3.
5. A nice wall like you are hiding behind to slow the flood of ILLEGAL immigrants with a revision of the Immigration policies to streamline LEGAL immigration
6. True Healthcare Reform - Reign in the Big Pharm companies and allow Insurance Companies to more easily sell their policies nationwide.
7. A viable 3rd or even 4th party to shake up the current ******** in office on both sides of the aisle.
8. Term limits for the House and Senate - how the hell do so many of these public servants become millionaires while in office?

I know I'm missing a few things, but I can't think of them right now

Add an Article 5 Convention of States and strip the leviathan down to common defense powers. Abolish the IRS, the IMF, and the Fed Reserve. A yearly balanced budget is mandated, and available for purview.

No inter-state banking, pay your taxes to the state you reside in, at a rate based on the needs of the state, and how they wish to govern.

No fed mandates on health care. Select a plan from those you can afford in your state.

Strip the fed "agencies" of any rule-making authority that doesn't comport with all 50 states' concerns. Put the power to chart the course back into the states' hands. So Alabama wants to regulate the taking of human life, fine, move to where you have a right to choose to abort. We're a free nation after all, aren't we?

Restore the voting "right" to the voting "privilege." Only citizens with proper, verified credentials have a say in the course his/her state's direction. Ever think of how it's so easy for the power ball lotto to know at 11:01 PM who the winner was, where they bought their ticket, and the fact that some 350 million tickets could be purchased in a matter of hours on the big day and they STILL know the facts at 11:01 PM? How tf do we end up with Gore v. Bush? A rigged system gets you rigged results.

It took a lot of very easy choices by the federal gubmint to get where we are as a nation just based on the sheer volume of money our capitalist system has created. He who has the gold makes the rules, right? Strip it back to the states.
That's it. That's all of the evidence of this nefarious "Trump and Russia" connection.

Don't you see how silly you look continuing with these ridiculous claims? People would have a lot more respect for you if you just admitted how incredibly wrong you were.
