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Things about which we agree

1) Most people just want to work, support their families, and enjoy the fruits of their labors in safety.

2) Most people want to be secure in their nation, even if there are differences in what that looks like.

3) Most people want to be free to live out their choices of conscience without social or political interference.

4) Most people want to have the constitution upheld

5) Most people want the rule of law to protect them from knuckleheads.

Interesting concept, and I agree broadly but the devil is in the details. And the dissenters on the fringes tend to be the loudest and often the most destructive.
Found this to be a pretty interesting demonstration of the ways we are more similar than different. (Although it does leave something out...those of us who can;t actually stand trump but may have to vote for him because Dems want to destroy this country and with Biden as president will probably get their chance to do it).

How Can All Those People Still Support Him after He Said That?

Many anti-Trump commentators will gasp at the latest claim of shocking, incendiary, offensive, and obnoxious comments from Donald Trump and ask, as they have so many times before, what on earth more could possibly be needed to get Trump voters to abandon their preferred candidate.

Fans of Trump can ignore, deny, avert their eyes or excuse comments from Trump the same way that fans of Joe Biden have managed to ignore, deny, avert their eyes or excuse comments from Biden such as, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” “[Obama is the] first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” “gonna put y’all back in chains”, “these Shylocks,” “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” “you ain’t black,” “unlike the African-American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community” and so on.

Those who find the Trump children to be walking conflicts of interest have found a way to make their peace with the financial dealings of Hunter Biden and James Biden. Those who see Trump as an authoritarian whose law and order rhetoric constitutes a wink-and-a-nod approval of police abuses have found a way to accept Biden’s past work on federal crime legislation, including abolishing parole, a sweeping expansion of civil-asset forfeiture, and expansion of the death penalty. Those who scoff about Trump’s bone spurs keeping him out of Vietnam are not bothered by Biden’s asthma keeping him out of the military but not off the football team.

Once voters decide they like a politician, it takes a lot to get them to change their minds. Most fans of a politician don’t care about a gaffe, or even a series of statements that are potentially offensive, insensitive, crude, or ill-considered. He’s their guy, and they can find ways to dismiss the criticism after any given comment as bad-faith whining or much ado about nothing.

Many partisans operate with the general attitude of, “Your guy’s controversial statements reveal a dark and corrupted soul; my guy’s controversial statements reveal a universal human frailty and an all-too-familiar tendency to mean well but have the words come out wrong.” People probably shouldn’t think this way; making political support more conditional upon good behavior and wiser words would probably help reinforce good behavior and possibly deter bad behavior. But this is a persistent dynamic in our politics, and no one should really be surprised that the grassroots of a party shows near-limitless patience for the flaws of party leaders.

JIM GERAGHTY is the senior political correspondent of National Review. @jimgeraghty
I'd just like to point out that we were having a civil discourse, per DJ's request, and trying to have a discussion.

As I predicted yesterday when I posted, before I had to be gone for a day to take my son to visit a school in NY....a Liberal would come along and disrupt the civil discourse.

I come back and....


Otherwise, great discussion so far.
I love our ability to connect with one another through music. What's that old cliche, music the universal language.

I appreciate thoughtful, respectful and polite people who look at you in the eye when they talk and seem to genuinely mean what they say. It's also nice to hear that when dealing with people on the phone w/ work, buying goods & services and all other situations. People in Los Angeles tend to have forgotten or don't even care to know what that's all about. It's dog-eat-dog and you get looked at suspiciously for even offering a pleasantry to someone on the street or anywhere else.

Okay I digress. Animals, nature, sports (without the political BS of course) & astronomy (yes astronomy) all kick *** IMO. That's all I got for now.

I have best friend who disagrees with me on politics/social issues but that doesn’t change our friendship.
If he and I can agree to disagree then perhaps there is hope out there
I’ll also let sports slide. I tune out any political message.
I need my entertainment and I invested too much effort to be turned away by “woke” culture
This thread brings me to this quote. There's just some things I can not have unity with. I must turn away from it. It's a voice in my soul. Sometimes turning away is not enough and it must be fought.

I get this. Deeply. Still, in our culture, it is my contention that we no longer contain the ability to agree at all. I want that reinforced, so I write this thread.
Ok how about Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young?

A lot of people obviously haven't been 'teaching their children well' but love the group.
Sorry, that is something I cannot agree with. How could anyone think a fine creature like this should be dead?

A snakes is much less of a threat than a Marxist or your average socialist.

Snakes have always gotten a bad rap. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the scientific name is for extreme fear of snakes, but I've seen a couple different people throughout my life who've had it, and that may be scarier than the snake itself.

I can't hate something that rids the world of disease-ridden rodents. And while it may not be in the best interest of a person's overall health, many snake venoms have been sourced into ACE inhibitors that tens of million of people around the world rely on for controlling their blood pressure.
I get this. Deeply. Still, in our culture, it is my contention that we no longer contain the ability to agree at all. I want that reinforced, so I write this thread.

There's no unity to be had with the leftists. Only forced complience. They're digging out the concrete foundation the country sits upon. When it's all out,the house comes down. It's to make room for a new house that's made out of old materials woven with failed ideas.

The foundation is God.
There's no unity to be had with the leftists. Only forced complience. They're digging out the concrete foundation the country sits upon. When it's all out,the house comes down. It's to make room for a new house that's made out of old materials woven with failed ideas.

The foundation is God.

Yep. It started a long time ago when they removed God from our schools and decried it in our symbols and value system, and that was just the beginning. It's a shame those in power couldn't or wouldn't do more to protect those sacred values, but here we are.

Now we've literally got people in the streets all over the cities of our country creating a civil war. There's supposed to be a boat parade in the Chula Vista Marina/Harbor and other Harbors in San Diego today showing support for our country and the President, and while that's just normally one of my favorite places to go, I can't help but think about crazy possible scenarios that could threaten the safety of myself and family. That's a terrible way to think.

I guess that's what it has come to in this great country of ours. I can't stop thinking about Abraham Lincoln's quote (that fakebook removed as 'misinformation' from it's platform because the more popular version of it was cited when people were decrying the destruction of our country from within):

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

What he said verbatim apparently,


‘America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedom it will be because we destroyed ourselves.’

What was obviously shortened and made easier for people to understand, but the clown Marxists had to through a hissy fit because it wasn't verbatim; but there's no doubt that's exactly what he meant and it's crystal clear.
Sorry, that is something I cannot agree with. How could anyone think a fine creature like this should be dead?

A snakes is much less of a threat than a Marxist or your average socialist.

I agree. Snakes are cool. Rats on the other hand...those little ******* can die in a fire.
Snakes are pure evil. The Devil’s pet. Their only purpose in life is to kill. And it’s called ophidiophobia. I have it. There’s plenty of other things that can kill the ******* rodents.
Snakes are pure evil. The Devil’s pet. Their only purpose in life is to kill. And it’s called ophidiophobia. I have it. There’s plenty of other things that can kill the ******* rodents.

Sure you can kill them but they have 2000 disgusting little flea infested babies every year so you can never get rid of them.
Sure you can kill them but they have 2000 disgusting little flea infested babies every year so you can never get rid of them.

And other things will kill them (watch rat terriers on farm on YT, whoa) but not consume those little disease-ridden pests whole like a boss snake will. But I get it Indy. A former girlfriend's sister has it too, and one time when their dog got a hold of a snake outside, brought it inside the house and proceeded to rip it to shreds all over their furniture -- she just about had a nervous breakdown. I mean the thing was very obviously dead, but she couldn't even enter the house until it was completely cleaned and disinfected.
Think they bridged the divide on this one?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So, the “Antifa Mayor” candidate running in Portland went on <a href="https://twitter.com/JesseBWatters?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JesseBWatters</a> tonight. <a href="https://t.co/Fdb8MS0qIJ">pic.twitter.com/Fdb8MS0qIJ</a></p>— Benny (@bennyjohnson) <a href="https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1302452519126421504?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
1. Browns suck.
2. Bengals suck.
3. Patriots cheat.
Snakes have always gotten a bad rap. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the scientific name is for extreme fear of snakes, but I've seen a couple different people throughout my life who've had it, and that may be scarier than the snake itself.

I can't hate something that rids the world of disease-ridden rodents. And while it may not be in the best interest of a person's overall health, many snake venoms have been sourced into ACE inhibitors that tens of million of people around the world rely on for controlling their blood pressure.

Young ICS and his carpet python morph
I believe most agree that sports in the 1970's were better - more entertaining, faster-paced - than sports of today.

A lot of us can recall when every time a player stepped out of bounds in the NFL - EVERY TIME - the clock stopped. And games took 3 hours.

Now? Running clock on OOB except 2:00 in first half, 5:00 of second half, and games take 3 1/2 hours. So lots more commercial time and dead-air time compared to 1974.

And baseball? Remember when the starting pitcher went 9 innings unless getting smacked around? And games took 2:30? I do.
70s! I was two. Lol.

I been trying to find it, but there is a photo of my mom, Steelers gear on sitting on a couch watching the Steelers (think playoffs/SB) with a smoke in her hand and me about to pop out. I blame her for my issues. Lol. Only thing that would have made it better is if she had a beer resting on my head