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Transgender question......


Apr 8, 2014
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At what age is it OK for a child to declare him or herself to be the opposite sex and request that everyone acknowledge it?

My friend has 5 year old twins, a boy and a girl. The girl was getting bullied at school for being athletic and a tomboy by the girls in her class. So she decided she wanted to cut off all her hair, continue to wear Under Armor clothes, and be called Elliott. Her twin has stuck up for her against the bullying and has shown no procilivity to be a girl. Well, the parents caved....and the oldest sister is the pronoun police. She (oldest) says that she has 2 brothers and expects you to do the same. The teachers at the school now have to call the girl Elliott, and everyone who they come in contact with is introduced to the twin"boys." There are NO hormones going on with this...so there's that. The mom has said that since Elliott has become a member of the family, that the daughter (son??) is a different person....so HAPPY and bubbly.


I think 5 is WAYYYYYYY too young to make a decision like that. Kids have imaginations....and I think the daughter wants to be like her brother because he stuck up for her.

Thoughts? And before you slam the parents- I have known her since I was 2. The mom and I share the same birthday 2 years apart, and my mom and her mom are best friends. My dad and her dad were best friends. They (grandparents) are in mourning over losing the granddaughter and don't understand. They want to be supportive, but it's hard. I GET wanting what's best for your child...but this is crazy. I too, want to be supportive, but I feel like this is a HUGE mistake. So please....don't make rude and snide comments about my friend....just say that you either agree or disagree.
I would tell her/him that under Title IX there are a lot of college scholarships for female athletes and the top schools will beat a path to her door if she stays a girl.
Here's one opinion Lyn......good luck with that quest for making sense of the nonsensical.

The Transgender Myth
(Note: Click here to read, "I'm a Girl -- Understanding Transgendered Children," on ABC's website).

Last night on ABC's 20/20 Barbara Walters gave the classic propaganda push for the normalization of a condition that is still considered a psychological disorder in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision or DSM-IV-TR. The sad part of this whole debate is that there is practically no scientific proof to support the position taken by Barbara Walters and other popularizers of postmodern mythology, such as homosexuality being a genetic and inborn condition and that the transgender condition is somehow biologically preconditioned by hormonal imbalances.

The real problem is that neither homosexuality nor the transgender condition can be proved from the research available. The best they can do is find some "suggested" links but apparently this research is biased since the assumption is made ahead of time. Amazingly, even the biased science cannot give solid proof for the a priori condition.

This leaves us to assume the obvious. The causes for homosexual and transgender disorders are psychologically induced, which basically goes back to the old nature versus nurture debate. Those of us who have read the material know that most cases of homosexuality and transgender are connected to nurture where a person is converted from heterosexuality to homosexuality or the transgender condition either by self-discovery or by encouragement from a confused and psychologically disordered parent.

Last night's show on 20/20 had at least one clear case where a mother deliberately manipulated harmless childhood role-playing and brainwashed her son into thinking he was a girl trapped in a boy's body. The fact that this goes all the way back to his two to three-year-old childhood and that his mother encouraged and hid the transition from his father for many years shows clearly that the mother deliberately and without shame shaped and molded her son into thinking he was a girl. She even admitted taking him out to buy dresses and otherwise encouraging him to become a girl mentally. There is no way that a child of five or six years of age can understand anything at all about this whole debate about transgender. It is so obvious that the child was influenced by a mother who wanted him to be a girl, rather than a boy who wanted to be a girl. I noted right away that the mother appeared to be of the domineering and overbearing type and that the father himself was "effeminate." Also, telling was the fact that the father's discovery of the manipulations by the mother almost caused them to divorce.

The real irony of this sort of propaganda is that reporters like Barbara Walters will say that religion is wrong because it is not supported by science. Yet when it comes to pushing a political agenda for all sorts of social and psychological aberrations like homosexuality and the transgender condition, true scientific evidence and empirical proofs seem to be completely unnecessary. Science was barely even mentioned in the program except as an aside. Moreover, postmodernism taken to the extreme is an anti-intellectual movement which picks and chooses what science it will accept and what science it will reject.

Even more ironically, the same people pushing the evolutionary theories based on natural selection and random mutations ignore the fact that if homosexuality and transgender is genetically propagated, the burden of proof lies with them to show how this fits with natural selection and evolutionary theory? How does it profit a species to pass on dead-end genes which cannot reproduce because homosexuals don't generally have children? I suppose we could allow for lesbians who get artificially inseminated but that still would not explain the vast majority of cases where homosexuals and transgenders come from otherwise normal bloodlines of heterosexual families.

Basically, a person who becomes a homosexual or a transgendered individual undergoes a psychological conversion process that is essentially in the mind, not something that is genetically or biologically predetermined. On the other hand, to say that a person is biologically predetermined would in fact go against the philosophical principle of free will and would instead support the idea that people are basically slaves to their environment and their natural composition. I suppose in that sense the proponents of homosexuality and transgenderization are in line with evolutionary thinking, which basically says that humans are just another animal that randomly evolved into a more intelligent and intellectually superior species. The assumption is there no God and that we are just a huge cosmic accident or "miracle."

Moreover, this sort of thinking has gone to the absurd level. A transgendered person is the opposite sex trapped in a biological body of sex they were born with. But such a person could have a homosexual orientation, a heterosexual orientation, or a bisexual orientation. Wait a minute, though. Are we referring to the biological sex of the person or the preferred gender of the individual? If we are referring to the biological sex of the person, if they like people of the same biological sex, they are technically "homosexual." But if we buy into the whole transgender myth that they are really the gender they want to be but are trapped in the wrong body, they would then be "heterosexual." This is totally confusing and silly, to be honest. A boy who wants to be a girl would be both a homosexual and a heterosexual, depending on which view you took. Or is he a bisexual or all three at once?

As you can see, modern political correctness has basically become fragmented, anti-intellectual, irrational, and schizophrenic. I could not believe that Barbara Walters could do this program with a straight face. The anti-scientific basis for the whole thing is just astounding to me, especially since they reject conservative Christianity supposedly on the basis of "science." Give me a break!

Christianity is really the basis for solid science and a consistent, coherent, and congruent worldview in the first place. Reason taken out of the context of a Christian worldview leads to all sorts of irrational conclusions including homosexuality and transgenderality. It is time for Christians to step to the plate and do the hard work of intellectual investigation of the issues and to prove the Christian worldview to be the superior and rationally acceptable alternative to the postmodern absurdities we see in the modern media, particularly the deranged and detrimental programming pushed by ABC and Barbara Walters last night.

This shameless piece of propaganda should be rejected for what it essentially is: anti-intellectualism at its worst. It is time for thinking individuals to wake up and stand against this sort of irrational political correctness taken to the extreme. The parents of this little boy should be ashamed of themselves for destroying his life and ABC and Barbara Walters should be ashamed for promoting the destruction of the future of innocent children who have been brainwashed to promote a political agenda.

Eh, I don't know. I think parents (some mentally ****** ones, anyway) get a hint of this type of possibility, and perhaps push their kids toward this sort of thing because it makes the kid "special." Nevermind the damage it does when the kid is tortured for being different by other kids that don't understand. Fast forward ten years, and some kid that got ****** with all through school shoots up the place for revenge after years of bullying, hormones and psychotropic drugs.

I agree. 5 is way too young.

Oh. What Ron said too.
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Disagree. ****. That story makes me want to say “Elliot” in ET’s voice and punch the parents.
Disagree. The parents are making a grave mistake IMHO. The daughter - for that's what she is - should be seeing a counselor to deal with the bullying and learning to love herself for who she is. She should not be encouraged to pretend to be a boy to escape the above.

From what I read, this doesn't sound like a classic case of confusion about one's sex. She's preferring to be a boy to escape being a girl, which she didn't like being.
Disagree. The parents are making a grave mistake IMHO. The daughter - for that's what she is - should be seeing a counselor to deal with the bullying and learning to love herself for who she is. She should not be encouraged to pretend to be a boy to escape the above.

From what I read, this doesn't sound like a classic case of confusion about one's sex. She's preferring to be a boy to escape being a girl, which she didn't like being.

You said exactly what I told my mom. Exactly. I also said that it’s setting her up for major failure down the road...when she decides to be a girl again...and now has to figure out how to explain to everyone that she was always a girl. I’ll mention to my mom the therapy issue- which I think is needed as well. What clues me in to it being more of a defense mechanism thing than a gender thing was the whole twin brother was her protector. I know twins have a special bond..and I know they like to do a lot of things that are the same. She views him as her protector so why wouldn’t she want to be just like him?
I wouldn’t hold out much hope that the therapy would help, as most all the therapists seem to be more willing to sympathize with the parent. At 5years of age my sons group was about 12 boys, half of whom had girls names. Everyone of those girls grew up as tomboys, and turned out just fine. The problem is that the parent doesn’t want her daughter to be VIEWED as a tomboy, so she is encouraging the change of name to maker herself feel better. The daughter seems to want to be more like her brother, RIGHT NOW, that will change, so mom is just taking a nothingburger and turning it Into an issue. Eventually it would have blown over, now mom is creating a much bigger problem that will so much harder later.
When i was four i tried to pee at the toilet like my brother. I was pretty pissed for a while that i didnt get a hose. Meh...the parents are pushing her places she isnt in any way, shape or form to handle. I hope she is able to make her way.
Can we partially blame the media and the education system as well? They are always preaching about inclusion and diversity and accepetance....and kinda shove the whol gay/tranny issue in our face. I have NO CLUE what my friend's kids watch on TV or what kind of school they go to, but surely they have had to have seen something about it for it to even be an option. FWIW- the mom is a HUGE liberal. HUGE. So I am beginning to think that her politics plays a part in this too, which is sad.
Can we partially blame the media and the education system as well? They are always preaching about inclusion and diversity and accepetance....and kinda shove the whol gay/tranny issue in our face. I have NO CLUE what my friend's kids watch on TV or what kind of school they go to, but surely they have had to have seen something about it for it to even be an option. FWIW- the mom is a HUGE liberal. HUGE. So I am beginning to think that her politics plays a part in this too, which is sad.

If the mom is a huge liberal, then the problem may escalate for the little girl.
Definitely will be tough to explain the situation.
If the mom is a huge liberal, then the problem may escalate for the little girl.
Definitely will be tough to explain the situation.

Her parents are extremely conservative. It's Family Ties in reverse...lol.
Stupid adults pushing rubbish on children.

There's no such thing as transgender. That ***** all mental illness. Any parent pushing that **** on kids should go up for child abuse, neglect and have them removed if they don't stop.

At this rate in 10 years we will have transdogs who identify as people marrying lesbian goldfish who don't feel like they belong in the water .
As long as they are "letting" her and not forcing her or swaying her in this direction I say let the kid do what he/she wants. What are you going to do, force her to wear pink dresses and call herself Cindy and be miserable? I would draw the line at any kind of hormone therapy but forcing a kid to be something they don't want to be is not healthy either.
At this rate in 10 years we will have transdogs who identify as people marrying lesbian goldfish who don't feel like they belong in the water .

Rick Santorum said the same thing a decade ago, it didn’t happen.
As long as they are "letting" her and not forcing her or swaying her in this direction I say let the kid do what he/she wants. What are you going to do, force her to wear pink dresses and call herself Cindy and be miserable? I would draw the line at any kind of hormone therapy but forcing a kid to be something they don't want to be is not healthy either.

But saying to everyone that they have 2 sons and one daughter? Making sure that any traces of the daughter are erased and that Elliott and ONLY Elliott are what’s left? They want nothing to do with the daughter’s “history.” They should be getting the daughter help and having the teacher enforce the no-bullying policy....not catering to a 5 year old’s wishes like THIS. I don’t care about the hair or the clothes. But changing the name, not acknowledging they have 2 daughters, making everyone else call the girl a boy....that’s much!!!
But saying to everyone that they have 2 sons and one daughter? Making sure that any traces of the daughter are erased and that Elliott and ONLY Elliott are what’s left? They want nothing to do with the daughter’s “history.” They should be getting the daughter help and having the teacher enforce the no-bullying policy....not catering to a 5 year old’s wishes like THIS. I don’t care about the hair or the clothes. But changing the name, not acknowledging they have 2 daughters, making everyone else call the girl a boy....that’s much!!!

I just think constantly correcting her or other people "No, you're a girl" "No, that's my daughter" against her wishes sets this up as a battle of wills. Let her call herself whatever she wants.

Not knowing them I can't say for sure that this is a response to the bullying or if the girl was at home every day saying "I'm a boy" like some of these kids apparently do.

Being loved and accepted for whoever she is to me is more important than imposing my will on her. As long as they are being led by her wishes and not pushing her one way or the other, I don't have a problem with what they're doing. Yes, she needs therapy for sure just to help her deal with whatever the reality of this is. But in my opinion they would do far more damage to her insisting she be something she doesn't want to be than allowing her to be herself.
I just think constantly correcting her or other people "No, you're a girl" "No, that's my daughter" against her wishes sets this up as a battle of wills. Let her call herself whatever she wants.

I have a real problem with that. If one of my daughters said she now thinks she's a boy and wanted to change her name I'd have her in a psychiatrist's office so fast her head would spin.
She was OK with being a girl up until a few months ago when the bullying started. She always has been athletic and a tomboy- hates dresses and all that. But she was always a girl. Then when the pretty girls" as they are called at the school started making fun of her for not wearing girly clothes (never once did they say she was a boy....just that she didn't wear cute clothes) did she decide that she was a boy.

Battle of wills? Who is the parent here? It's not like the girl is 15. She's 5. She needs to know who sets the boundaries and the rules. By giving in, it's saying that SHE sets the rules!!!!
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I have a real problem with that. If one of my daughters said she now thinks she's a boy and wanted to change her name I'd have her in a psychiatrist's office so fast her head would spin.

What do you think the psychiatrist would say?