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Trump is a straight up gangster

Elfie, you are dumb as a tree stump. Trump is the least political human inside of the Beltway. He mentioned McCabe"s wife, and her loyalty to the Democratic Party, as a way of showing possible political bias on behalf of McCabe. Also, his indebtedness to the Democratic Party, i.e the Clintons. A fifth grader can see this. And **** Adam Schiff. The House Intel Investigation is over. Get over it.

Now back to what you were doing........

Elfie, you are dumb as a tree stump. Trump is the least political human inside of the Beltway. He mentioned McCabe"s wife, and her loyalty to the Democratic Party, as a way of showing possible political bias on behalf of McCabe. Also, his indebtedness to the Democratic Party, i.e the Clintons. A fifth grader can see this. And **** Adam Schiff. The House Intel Investigation is over. Get over it.

Now back to what you were doing........


Keep dreaming gerbil, while avoiding any mention of what Trey Gowdy had to say(remember how much you guys love him?)

Here is a little more fuel for the train that's about to fly off the tracks:

Flake, Graham warn Trump not to end Russia probe

WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican senators warned President Donald Trump on Sunday against trying to shut down the federal probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, saying it was important to let Special Counsel Robert Mueller do his job.

Trump, a Republican, has renewed his Twitter attacks on both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Mueller's probe since the firing on Friday of the bureau's former deputy director, Andrew McCabe, days before he was eligible to retire with a full pension.

Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who has criticized Trump harshly, said it appeared the president's latest comments were aimed at the firing of Mueller.

"I don’t know what the designs are on Mueller, but it seems to be building toward that, and I just hope it doesn't go there, because it can't. We can’t in Congress accept that," Flake told CNN's "State of the Union."

"So I would expect to see considerable pushback in the next couple of days urging the president not to go there. He can’t go there."

On Saturday, Trump personal lawyer John Dowd urged the Justice Department official overseeing Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, to "bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe's boss James Comey."

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said it was very important that Mueller be allowed to proceed without interference and that many Republicans share this view.

"The only reason Mr. Mueller could ever be dismissed is for cause. I see no cause when it comes to Mr. Mueller. He needs to be able to do his job independent of any political influence. I pledge to the American people as a Republican, to ensure that Mr. Mueller can continue to do his job without any interference."

"As I have said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency, because we’re a rule of law nation,” Graham said.

(Reporting by Susan Cornwell; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

A hard rain is going to fall gerbil, but it won't be anywhere near enough to put out the:


He's done ,it's checkmate........

Don't believe it? Go read the panic coming from the Moron in Chief it's all over the net. Just his twitter rants alone show the panic as he attacks Muelller.

Turn out the lights..........
Elfie, you are dumb as a tree stump. Trump is the least political human inside of the Beltway. He mentioned McCabe"s wife, and her loyalty to the Democratic Party, as a way of showing possible political bias on behalf of McCabe. Also, his indebtedness to the Democratic Party, i.e the Clintons. A fifth grader can see this. And **** Adam Schiff. The House Intel Investigation is over. Get over it.

Now back to what you were doing........


So McCabe was "called out" and "caught" by his wife running as a democrat? That is now a reason for firing someone?

Trump always admits the reasons for things...he is epically stupid. You can never admit that because you don't want to be guilty by association....too late gerbil.

" I had to fire Comey cause of this Russia thing, so it would go away."

"If any Russians are listening out there...hack Hillary's e- mails, go ahead"

He tells you readily everything that is going on, and his part in it. His narcissism won't allow him not to.

Epically stupid really is a woeful understatement.....the man is galactically stupid.
Mueller issues list of questions to Trump

Just before President Donald Trump and his lawyer made their boldest appeal yet for the Russia investigation to be shut down, the special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly sent over a list of questions to the president.

Awwwwwwww....did big bad Bob Mueller scawe the wanna be tin pot dictator....awwww...." Make him go away he is scawing me wit dose mean questions! Pweeeese make him go away Mr. loyer!"


Mueller is still seeking a face-to-face interview with Trump, but the questions are said to be a starting point he wants to use for follow-ups.

Shortly after, Trump and his lawyer, John Dowd, called for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to shut down the Russia investigation and fire Mueller.

Shortly before President Donald Trump and one of his personal defense attorneys made their most brazen calls yet for the Russia investigation to be shut down, they apparently received a list of questions from the special counsel Robert Mueller.

The development comes as Trump's legal team has been working for months to sidestep or significantly narrow the scope of an interview between Mueller and their client, who has shown a tendency to exaggerate the facts and make misleading statements.

According to The New York Times, Trump's tweets this weekend came after Mueller sent the questions as part of his negotiations with Trump's legal team over an interview with the president. Mueller is still seeking an interview, sources told The Times, but sent the list as a starting point that he can later use to ask follow-up questions.

Soon after, Trump embarked on one of his most heated, weekend-long tirades against Mueller, former FBI director James Comey, and former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe late Friday night, hours before he was set to retire with full pension benefits.

Bwahahahahahahaha.....OH MY! This is delicious!
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According to The New York Times, Trump's tweets this weekend came after Mueller sent the questions as part of his negotiations with Trump's legal team over an interview with the president. Mueller is still seeking an interview, sources told The Times, but sent the list as a starting point that he can later use to ask follow-up questions.

If I was the NYT, I would be careful with "sources". They have not been very responsible in the past. If the source is in the Mueller investigation, just one more reason for it to be shut down.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe late Friday night, hours before he was set to retire with full pension benefits.

Except that McCabe only announced his retirement a month ago to try and get out with his lucrative pension after the heat got turned up when he was found to have lied under oath and altered documents. IF Hildebeast had won the election he would have been there until he was 65. He may have technically been fired by Sessions but firing him was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
If I was the NYT, I would be careful with "sources". They have not been very responsible in the past. If the source is in the Mueller investigation, just one more reason for it to be shut down.

Sure......we need to worry about a leak telling us the president was served a list of questions...........

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After 21 years of service to the country. Yeah I can't wait to see the Scumbag in Chief removed, and hopefully charged at the state level where he has no immunity so he can see some prison time.

This done to McCabe because when asked by Dumpf if he authorized Comey's flight back from L.A. to D.C. on an FBI plane after being informed he was fired, McCabe amswered with " I was not asked but I would have authorized it." Trump wanted him to fly commercial, you see the petty little POS pretending to be President gets off on stuff like that.

This set off the Narcissist in Chief who replied with " How does it feel to have a wife that's a loser?" Referring to McCabe's wife who lost on election she ran in.

The Orange Turd is the most vile human being to ever set foot in the White House. He makes Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan seem saintly in comparison.

You are bitching about something that no one gives a **** about.
So if you pay into a pension your whole career and you **** up something at the end and are fired, you lose your pension including the money and interest YOU PUT IN. Thats theft.

For the most part, US pensions are all Employer money.

Even if there is employee money, that part can't be taken away.

If you work for a private employers and have earned a pension that CANNOT be taken away. Even if you embezzled from your company.

Some government employees can lose their employer paid pension in some egregious circumstances.
Not only do Democrats disagree with the committee majority’s decision to end the probe, but the only Republican committee member who has read the pertinent raw intelligence documents — Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) — broke with Nunes and company by saying this week it is “clear, based on the evidence” that Russia interfered in the election to damage Clinton, and thereby help Trump.

know what else Gowdy said?


WALLACE: I just want to go on one point. And, look, leaking is improper and the lack of candor, some would call it lying to investigators, especially under oath. It’s inexcusable and should be held to account.

But my guess is, most people would think that what Andy McCabe was involved with, leaking, was something against the Trump administration. My guess is most people don’t know that in fact what he asked — he didn’t actually leak. He apparently authorized and official to talk to a reporter about was the fact that the FBI wanted to pursue the Clinton Foundation investigation over the objections of the Justice Department.

GOWDY: Yes, that’s right. I mean, if you look at his statement, he was really upset that he is being blamed for ending something. And the interesting part of his statement, which I’ve heard a lot of people talk about is that he was really blaming DOJ, the Department of Justice who shut down the investigation.

But you know what, Chris? We don’t live in a relativistic world and you don’t get to pick and choose which rules to abide by and you don’t get to decide when to tell the truth and what not to. I’m going to withhold judgment until Horowitz’s report comes out.


WALLACE: We should just say Horowitz is the inspector general.

GOWDY: Right. Who, you know, two weeks ago, the president was criticizing and now, all of a sudden, McCabe is criticizing. So, he is probably doing his job because everyone is criticizing him.

Let’s wait and see what he found. Let’s wait and see what that lack of candor was. And then we can judge the fact pattern and the proportionality of the penalty of his losing his pension. We can judge all that once we understand exactly what he is alleged to have done.

But make no mistake, the FBI who recommended that he’d be fired. It wasn’t crazy House Republicans and it wasn’t the Trump administration. It was one of his own fellow bureau agents.
So McCabe was "called out" and "caught" by his wife running as a democrat? That is now a reason for firing someone?

No, you blithering nitwit, he leaked information about an ongoing FBI investigation, and when asked about it, he lied, under oath.

That is worse than what Flynn is accused of doing, asswipe. And it was NOT = REPEAT NOT, AS IN THE OPPOSITE OF WAS - Trump who recommended that McCabe be fired. "The FBI’s Office of Personal Responsibility has recommended the firing of former deputy director Andrew McCabe, who is accused of serious misconduct."

"The FBI’s Office of Personal Responsibility has recommended the firing of former deputy director Andrew McCabe, who is accused of serious misconduct."


Which tells me this wasn't a snap decision. Sounds like there was an investigation and they came to the conclusion of misconduct.

And something else. I read an article stating that McCabe has turned over memo's detailing his conversations with Jim Comey in regards to Comey's conversations with Trump. Who keeps memo's of conversations they have with their boss detailing conversations his boss had with HIS boss? He just decided it might be important later so he made memo's of it? Really?
Which tells me this wasn't a snap decision. Sounds like there was an investigation and they came to the conclusion of misconduct.

And something else. I read an article stating that McCabe has turned over memo's detailing his conversations with Jim Comey in regards to Comey's conversations with Trump. Who keeps memo's of conversations they have with their boss detailing conversations his boss had with HIS boss? He just decided it might be important later so he made memo's of it? Really?

and libs are still screeching over this.
and libs are still screeching over this.

Yeah, and I remember how they screeched at the bullshit treatment Michael Flynn received. 33 years of military service, no actual wrongdoing when the Russian ambassador called him (he was being bugged and the FBI heard nothing suggesting wrongdoing, as evidenced by the fact he was never charged), and the lead FBI investigator who spoke to Flynn about this conversation - Peter Strozk, never to be confused with a Trump supporter - concluded Flynn had not lied during the interview.

Strzok did not decide on his own to interview Flynn. We know the matter was being monitored at the highest level of the Justice Department, by then–acting attorney general Sally Yates and then–FBI director James Comey. Strzok and a colleague were assigned to interview Flynn. More importantly, Strzok apparently reported that he believed Flynn had been truthful. Shortly after the interview occurred, it was reported that the FBI had decided no action would be taken against Flynn. On March 2, Comey testified to a closed session of the House Intelligence Committee that, while Flynn may have had some honest failures of recollection during the interview, the agents who questioned him concluded that he did not lie.


Yet he was charged with Mueller's expansive definition of "not being forthcoming" during his interview, contrary to what the actual interviewing officer confirmed, and charged with a felony. Flynn lost his home, his pension, and faces jail time.

Meanwhile, McCabe - whose dick the left is now sucking - ACTUALLY violated the law by releasing information about an ongoing investigation, and then ACTUALLY lied under oath about his behavior. He was recommended for termination by the FBI, not Session and not Trump.

Mr. McCabe was questioned as part of a wide-ranging internal inquiry into the F.B.I.’s handling of the Clinton investigation and other matters. During the internal investigation, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, Mr. McCabe “lacked candor − including under oath − on multiple occasions.” That is a fireable offense, and Mr. Sessions said that career, apolitical employees at the F.B.I. and Justice Department agreed that Mr. McCabe should be fired. At issue is whether Mr. McCabe was forthcoming with investigators about what Mr. Sessions said was an “unauthorized disclosure to the news media.”


So let's put this in perspective, shall we? One person served 33 years with the military, did not engage in any underlying illegal behavior, was questioned about his activities, told the truth according to the FBI officers who interrogated him, and lost his pension, his home, and faces jail, and libs think that is the cat's meow.

Another actually violated the law by revealing confidential information, was untruthful under oath multiple times, and he should not face jail ... and according to libs, it seems, keep his pension rather than be driven to bankruptcy??

Hmmm. what is the difference here ... what could the difference be?? Hey, maybe it's anything connected to Trump. Seems to fit. Makes sense. Completely reasonable to believe that one is targeted and driven out of his home and possibly to jail because "Trump" and the other walks away scot-free while whining about losing a part of his pension because not-Trump.

Please, libs - RR, 21, blitzburgh - correct any factual errors with the foregoing. Go ahead.
No, you blithering nitwit, he leaked information about an ongoing FBI investigation, and when asked about it, he lied, under oath.

Not reported on most of the mainstream media but he also falsified documents. There is a thing called a 302 form used by FBI agents for interviewing people and McCabe altered completed forms filled out by other agents so they showed the answers he wanted to have.

Trump mentioned McCabes pension in a tweet on December 23rd. Anyone who doesn't think Trump is the main reason for the firing is really out to lunch.
I suppose you also think Putin earned his Billions honestly.

Not sure what Trump has done, but I've never seen someone act more guilty of something.

You ignorance of the facts is stunning. Do you not have a good source for facts, or do you know them, and then choose to disregard? I think libtard nation, in general, is split down the middle.
Not reported on most of the mainstream media but he also falsified documents. There is a thing called a 302 form used by FBI agents for interviewing people and McCabe altered completed forms filled out by other agents so they showed the answers he wanted to have.

But Trump fired him, so it was wrong. that goddamned orange tangerine!
But Trump fired him, so it was wrong. that goddamned orange tangerine!

Lying under oath and falsifying records are perfectly okay if it helps get rid of Trump. Rules and laws are for other people who don't know what's best for them.
Lying under oath and falsifying records are perfectly okay if it helps get rid of Trump. Rules and laws are for other people who don't know what's best for them.

"4. 'Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.' "

/s Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals"