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Saw this morning that there is apparently a second whistleblower, apparently with first hand knowledge. I saw several links earlier, and now I cannot find a single one. Maybe it wasn't true.

I heard that too. It's all a farce. The first whistleblower was a dud and the case is unraveling for the Dims.
Saw this morning that there is apparently a second whistleblower, apparently with first hand knowledge. I saw several links earlier, and now I cannot find a single one. Maybe it wasn't true.

Ho Hum it's true. This one even has a lawyer. I guess the 1st one was fading so we had to invent another one. Starting to sound like the Brett Kavanaugh thingy. I wonder what kind of work Adam Schiffer would be doing if he wasn't in Congress?
Ho Hum it's true. This one even has a lawyer. I guess the 1st one was fading so we had to invent another one. Starting to sound like the Brett Kavanaugh thingy. I wonder what kind of work Adam Schiffer would be doing if he wasn't in Congress?

Selling meth
Saw this morning that there is apparently a second whistleblower, apparently with first hand knowledge. I saw several links earlier, and now I cannot find a single one. Maybe it wasn't true.


"There’s also a trick going on here, a famous CIA trick called the double loop. You have two whistleblowers. The second whistleblower informs the first whistleblower. The first whistleblower first blows whistle and then is backed up by the second whistleblower who’s actually the source for the first, which gives the first whistleblower supposed credibility."

That might have worked better had The Donald not released the actual transcript.

So, what do they do with a liar that quotes a liar?
Trump is forcing Biden to defend his son or stay silent. If he defends him then he could be setting himself up for trouble. If he stays silent he looks like a bad parent. He is stuck between a rich and a hard place.
I am hoping for 10 or 12 more whistelblowers, to tell us what WE ALREADY ******* KNOW SINCE WE HAVE THE ******* TRANSCRIPT OF THE ******* CALL.

CNN: "Breaking news!! Whistleblower number 7 backs up whistleblowers 2 and 5, or 3 and 6, I forget, that Trump told Zelensky, 'Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk. I think it's something you should really ask them about.' "


O-M-G, Trump told Zelenksy to ask Germany about their flaccid support for cleaning up corruption in Ukraine!! Back to you, Anderson Pooper, for more on a dozen additional whistleblowers who repeat what we ALREADY ******* KNOW.
When the heat starts getting really hot and it will, they'll start turning on themselves and if they take down Reps, so be it. I'd like to see all the swamp critters ousted.

How can you not trust this guy??

Bomb shell testimony rocks Trump impeachment defense.


Taylor's claims crumble under questioning.


Somebody isn't telling the truth here.

I'm thinking I'll wait until the movie comes out. What I don't understand is the republicans are saying
Adam Schiff won't let us talk about what happened," he said regarding U.S. diplomat to Ukraine Bill Taylor's closed-door hearing on Capitol Hill. "There is no quid pro quo
but the liberals are allowed to leak out that they have a smoking gun. WTF
I'm thinking I'll wait until the movie comes out. What I don't understand is the republicans are saying but the liberals are allowed to leak out that they have a smoking gun. WTF

No kidding. There is a lot in this that makes no sense, and since all of this is being done in secret, how would anyone know the truth? Certainly politicians don't think that the majority of Americans trust them to tell the truth anymore. I guess it goes back to what a person wants to believe.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If the reporting is correct, it implies the "whistleblower" could have been worried Trump was getting close to uncovering Democrat links to Ukraine's interference in US elections in 2016. <br>Who is the "Whistleblower" that's trying to take down Trump? <a href="https://t.co/toxiiJhnrI">https://t.co/toxiiJhnrI</a></p>— Sharyl Attkisson&#55357;&#56693;️*♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) <a href="https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson/status/1190065060242178048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 1, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If the reporting is correct, it implies the "whistleblower" could have been worried Trump was getting close to uncovering Democrat links to Ukraine's interference in US elections in 2016. <br>Who is the "Whistleblower" that's trying to take down Trump? <a href="https://t.co/toxiiJhnrI">https://t.co/toxiiJhnrI</a></p>— Sharyl Attkisson��️*♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) <a href="https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson/status/1190065060242178048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 1, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ha ha ha!!!! The libtards are going nuts!

Donald Trump Jr. on Wednesday tweeted the Breitbart News report, sparking a flurry of outrage online:

Because of course he did!!!
Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Worked Closely with Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer https://t.co/v5kDe0X62u

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 6, 2019
Bomb shell testimony rocks Trump impeachment defense.


Taylor's claims crumble under questioning.


Somebody isn't telling the truth here.

Turns out Taylor knows less than Sgt. Schultz - never spoke to Guliani, the Chief of Staff, the President, or anybody involved, not involved in call, did not know anything except what somebody said somebody said to him. First learned about contents of phone call when he read the transcript, like the rest of us.


100% steaming pile of nothing.
Turns out Taylor knows less than Sgt. Schultz - never spoke to Guliani, the Chief of Staff, the President, or anybody involved, not involved in call, did not know anything except what somebody said somebody said to him. First learned about contents of phone call when he read the transcript, like the rest of us.


100% steaming pile of nothing.

Well I guess we now know who was telling the truth.
Ha ha ha!!!! The libtards are going nuts!

Donald Trump Jr. on Wednesday tweeted the Breitbart News report, sparking a flurry of outrage online:

Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Worked Closely with Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 6, 2019

Let's go over a few undisputed facts, to see if I have most of this straight:

  • Josef Mifsud, a CIA asset, was told by the Obama CIA to tell George Papadapolous, a very, very low level Trumpist, that the Russians had embarrassing e-mails about Hillary
  • During a night of drinking with the Australian ambassador, Papadapolous repeated the Mifsud claim.
  • The Obama DOJ then used the statement to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign.
  • The FBI set up Michael Flynn by lying to him about what they were doing and why.
  • The FBI obtained numerous FISA warrants based on Russian disinformation paid for by the (D)ims to spy on the Trump campaign.
  • The entire Russia collusion thing was a ******* lie and a hoax to cover up Obama's DOJ, FBI spying on Hillary's political opponent.
  • Hildabeast stored classified materials on an unapproved and illegal server that was likely hacked.
  • The FBI requested copies of all e-mails to determine if Hildabeast should be charged with mishandling classified materials.
  • Hildabeast's lawyers turned over 31,000 e-mails.
  • Hildabeast's lawyers destroyed 33,000 e-mails.
  • Hildabeast claims that the 33,000 e-mails - more than she ******* produced for her entire ******* job - concerned a wedding, yoga and exercise. EXERCISE?
  • The 33,000 destroyed e-mails were under subpoena by the FBI at the time they were destroyed.
  • The Russia hoax is proven a fraud, a lie, a scam perpretrated by Obama leftovers.
  • Hildabeast escapes prosecution on the back of James Comey and a false reading of the governing statute.
  • John Brennan, former CIA director and someone who had access to classified data, appeared dozens of times on cable shows, announcing Trump's guilt when that was a lie. No prior CIA director has ever done anything like this, due to the sensitive materials he had access to.
  • James Clapper, former director of the National Intelligence Agency, did the same routine, making claims that compromised their security clearance when in fact the claims were a ******* lie. Once again, no other former NIA director has engaged in such behavior.
  • Biden threatened to withhold money from Ukraine unless the nation fired an investigator looking into corruption by an energy company that was paying his son, booted out of the Navy for drug use and who knew NOTHING about energy or Ukraine, $600,000 per year.
  • The same loser son accompanies daddy on Air Force 2 on a trip to China where daddy takes the lead on China's aggressive actions in the Sea of China, intellectual property theft, etc.
  • Daddy's little boy, with literally no experience on the matter, somehow gets $1.5 billion from the Chinese government for investments. Son earns millions in the process.
  • The Bammy adminstration goes about sucking China's dick on trade deals, their aggression in the South China Sea, theft of intellectual property, etc.
  • A known leaker and liar, already transferred for his part in the Russia hoax for leaking lies to the sock-puppet media, reveals the contents of a phone call that was classified, to somebody who had no business knowing about the call, where the call involved nothing remotely illegal.
  • The leaker's lawyer, who promised impeachment and a revolution in 2017, assists leaking the information to a guy who should be curb-stomped, Adam Schiffty, a spineless, lying weasel who deserves a bullet in his inflated balloon-like head.
  • Schiffty meets with the leaker, lies about it, helps the leaker drum up a claim that is demonstrably false, and begins an investigation in the foreign affairs committee rather than the judiciary, to prevent the Republicans from having any authority and to hide the testimony, apart from what the lying leakers leak to the lying media.
  • Schiffty and the lying, corrupt (D)ims use the phony process to begin impeachment.

And Trump is the problem?!?!?!?!?!?!
This whole thing is so corrupt. It's a farce. Schitt needs to be shot. Ask yourself how this is remotely fair:

House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) issued a set of restrictions on Thursday morning limiting Republicans to calling witnesses that can respond to three questions, all of which reflect Democrats’ views.
The questions, detailed in a letter Wednesday from Schiff to ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) are:

1. Did the President request that a foreign leader and government initiate investigations to benefit the President’s personal political interests in the United States, including an investigation related to the President’s political rival and potential opponent in the 2020 U.S. presidential election?

2. Did the President — directly or through agents — seek to use the power of the Office of the President and other instruments of the federal government in other ways to apply pressure on the head of state and government of Ukraine to advance the President’s personal political interests, including by leveraging an Oval Office meeting desired by the President of Ukraine or by withholding U.S. military assistance to Ukraine?

3. Did the President and his Administration seek to obstruct, suppress, or cover up information to conceal from the Congress and the American people evidence about the President’s actions and conduct?
They really need to start up public hangings again or they can have the firing squad option.
They really need to start up public hangings again or they can have the firing squad option.

History has shown, that public executions can have an effect on behaviour.

I say bring them back.

My preference is firing squad, although I can be convinced otherwise.
History has shown, that public executions can have an effect on behaviour.

I say bring them back.

My preference is firing squad, although I can be convinced otherwise.

I recommend this for Schitt, Obama, Kankles and all the other traitors:

The Brutal Story Of William Wallace’s Execution That 'Braveheart' Wouldn't Show You Noelle Talmon

William Wallace was a Scottish knight active during the late 13th and early 14th century, and an instrumental figure during the Scottish wars for independence. Many people wonder what really happened to William Wallace, and how William Wallace actually died. In 1297, he defeated an English army and was subsequently named Guardian of Scotland. A few years later, in 1305, he was captured and sentenced to death by King Edward I of England for treason and other crimes.

The death of William Wallace was brutal. He was hanged, drawn, and quartered. William Wallace's execution was featured in the 1995 film Braveheart, which was directed by and starred Mel Gibson. What happened on film was very different from what happened in real life, however. The Braveheart inaccuracies include Wallace's death scene, which was severely toned down and did not portray the torture and pain that the real Wallace endured before crossing over into whatever it is that comes next.

Wallace Was Dragged Naked For Six Miles Through The London Streets

According to legend, Wallace's enemies took him from Westminster Hall, where he was tried and found guilty of treason - the punishment for which was drawing. He was forced to remove all of his clothing and tied to horses, which dragged him approximately six miles away to Smoothfield.

While the horses were pulling him, bystanders threw garbage, excrement, and other objects at Wallace as he made the journey to the gallows. They also hit him with sticks and whips. In the film, the crowd at the gallows pelted Gibson with rotten food and other objects, but he is wearing clothes and not covered in human excrement.

Then, He Was Hung - But Not To Death

After being dragged naked through the streets of London, Wallace was hanged. He was hanged as punishment for robbery and homicide. Dying in this traditional way wouldn't have been adequate punishment for Wallace's purported crimes in the eyes of the British monarchy, however.

Rather, being strung up from the gallows was just another step in an unbelievably drawn-out execution.

The Executioner 'Emasculated' Him And Burned His Intestines In Front Of His Face

Once Wallace was secured, his executioner sliced off both his penis and testicles (called "emasculation"). Then, the executioner removed his intestines (known as "disembowelment" or "evisceration") and burned them, making sure Wallace witnessed the act. He was disemboweled for sacrilege.

After The Disemboweling, His Heart Was Ripped From His Chest

The mark of a truly exceptional executioner was that they could not only pull the heart out of a criminal's chest, but they could also keep it beating the whole time. While there's no record of Wallace's hangman's success in terms of keeping his heart beating, Wallace did have his heart removed after his entrails and genitals.

The hangman then declared, "Behold the heart of a traitor," as he held it up for the crowd to see.
Then, He Was Beheaded

After Wallace was beheaded, he was quartered, which entails all four limbs being tied to separate horses, which then pull apart the body. Afterwards, Wallace's quartered remains were put on display around London as a warning. A piece each was hung at Berwick, St. Johnston, Stirling, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

In the film, a voiceover by Robert the Bruce describes how Wallace's body was torn into pieces and his head and limbs were displayed all over Britain as a warning to enemies of England. Wallace was quartered for "divers depredations."

Wallace's head was fixed atop a spike and put it on London Bridge so everyone could see it.