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What do we do about North Korea?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Tough one. They've been threatening to launch on us for years, they killed Warmbier, they've demonstrated an ability to send a missile to Alaska, and are making good progress towards making it nuclear capable. Some options are:

1. Continue economic sanctions - they have done nothing. Pleading with China to bring more economic sanctions isn't going to work either. We count on the missile defense system to work in the meantime.
2. Airstrikes - Straftor estimates that we could take out their nuclear production infrastructure but do not have enough intel on their weapons and delivery systems to be confident in destroying all of that. https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/what-us-would-use-strike-north-korea
3. Land forces - yeah, no. Let's not even talk about that.

Consequences of number 1 - They eventually build and fire a nuclear warhead into the US. Our missile defense system may or may not work. In any case, it's go time. We have a war and number two happens anyway.

Consequences of number 2 - North Korea likely will pound S. Korea with massive conventional artillery and missiles, unless we are able to get those too. I haven't ready anything that says that is likely. If they have them, they may also fire nukes into S. Korea. War in Korea. We support S. Korea and find out if China or Russia supports N. Korea. A very clarifying conflict.

I have to be missing an option here.

Oh, wait - we pull out all of our missile defenses in S. Korea and Japan, apologize to numnuts, and he disarms himself.
Nothing. It's past the point of the US doing anything imo. Any force would cause a **** ton of SK to be killed and cause a political nightmare for us their. If ******* China would do what they said and stop trading with them and supplying them, there is the approach. But why would they? I think they enjoy their radical little anti American puppet.
10,000 artillery pieces are aimed into south korea. That's a lot. Plus whatever missiles they have. Are they really that dumb to use a nuclear weapon against anyone? The end result for them would be being wiped from the planet. I think bowl cut Jr thinks of self preservation too much for that. He wouldn't hide like a roach if he didn't.
We have to propaganda China. China's middle class is what is ultimately going to decide all Southeast Asia policy.

Not sure if it can work or not, but we have to keep educating (propaganda) the Chinese people to what their government is doing to prop-up one of the worst dictators in this generation. Trump is doing great, because he realizes even BAD press is China is press. And he's not afraid to shake things up and talk directly to the Chinese people. Tweets work for stuff like this. They are reading it.

If China's own people start to be disenfranchised with what China is doing to keep Korea separated, then maybe diplomacy can start to work.

Other than that, who the **** knows. Keep playing defensive. Prop up South Korea to make them insane to attack. Hope for a coup in North Korea and that we are strong enough in the region to be a part of the next regime or (even better) a unification of Korea like Germany.

It is very similar to Germany. Eventually the wall came down because of the German people and Russia was too scared (of us) to use force to keep it the old way. The same thing has to happen in Korea. When the North Koreans finally rise up, China has to be too ******* scared of war with us to keep things the status quo.
This planet needs cleansed of about 3 - 4 Billion humans to save the climate. A good thermonuclear war would work just fine.

Now I sound just like a "progressive"
U.S. Tells North Korea It Is Prepared to Go to War

Pyongyang claims a further breakthrough toward a nuclear-tipped missile that can reach American cities

SEOUL—The U.S. warned North Korea that it is ready to fight if provoked, as Pyongyang claimed another weapons-development breakthrough following its launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile a day earlier.

As tensions between Washington and Pyongyang rose, Gen. Vincent Brooks, the top American military commander in South Korea, said in a statement Wednesday that the U.S. and South Korea are prepared to go to war with the North if given the order.


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How many nukes would it take to take out NK?
They have to know that we are ready to go to actual full on war if needed, not BS airstrikes, etc. Otherwise, they have no incentive to do anything other than what they want.

IMO, our issues in the ME are due to trying to use airstrikes and arming locals to defeat the enemy. IMO, you defeat the enemy by boots on the ground. Our boots are the only ones we can trust. Too many times in the past, we have tried to use local boots and they end up changing sides (Osama or Sadaam, anyone?) If you are not willing to use boots on the ground to actually win, you are better off doing nothing. The USA has shown, too many times, that we are 1) not willing to follow through properly when we do have boots on the ground or 2) unwilling to put the boots on the ground.

What you can do, to soften the enemy, is use your hacker types to find and **** with their electronics before you attack. Can save many, many lives, that way, I think. We (or Israel) did this to Iran before someone ****** up and leaked it. I find it hard to believe it can't be done.
I'd believe the meeting between Trump and Putin on Friday at the G20 will have this as a topic.

If Russia can lean on China to press them to slow their dealings with NK, it would be a good start to preventing an all-out war on the Korean peninsula. Within moments, SK will be obliterated, considering the number of weaponry aimed their direction. The number of innocent lives lost will surely be staggering.

But, also, NK will be obliterated. China will likely turn a blind eye to any reciprocation NK receives IF NK pulls the trigger first. It's not like NK is a well-developed country, so munitions can be focused and centralized on large military targets.


but, communications exiting NK would have to be destroyed as would supply lines heading into NK.
Assassinate the retarded fat kid, destroy their weapon making capabilities and put someone in charge that will feed the starving Norks all the rice they can eat. America would be their hero.
I'd figure we have at least one sub parked outside ready to let **** fly. If they let loose my only hope is we end it quick.

Real shock and awe
Assassinate the retarded fat kid, destroy their weapon making capabilities and put someone in charge that will feed the starving Norks all the rice they can eat. America would be their hero.

Just send in Tibs' hero Seth Rogen. He killed fat boy once before in a Hollywoood movie, and we all know that Hollywood shows us the way and the light.
I don't think sanctions will work other than hurting the citizens of north Korea more. I think they need some kind of physical warning. I would fly a few planes over and drop some "fake" bombs with some propaganda. If that didn't work out would be bombs away, but we would have to have a quick and decisive plan.
U.S. prepared to use force on North Korea 'if we must': U.N. envoy

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States cautioned on Wednesday it was ready to use force if need be to stop North Korea's nuclear missile program but said it preferred global diplomatic action against Pyongyang for defying world powers by test launching a ballistic missile that could hit Alaska.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told a meeting of the U.N. Security Council that North Korea's actions were "quickly closing off the possibility of a diplomatic solution" and the United States was prepared to defend itself and its allies.

"One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction," Haley said. She urged China, North Korea's only major ally, to do more to rein in Pyongyang.

Taking a major step in its missile program, North Korea on Tuesday test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile that some experts believe has the range to reach the U.S. states of Alaska and Hawaii and perhaps the U.S. Pacific Northwest.



"TRUMP: Wartime President!"
China has to be helping them. They have come along way in the last couple years. I'm no Sheldon, but seems to me the leaps in tech they have achieved is somewhat shocking.
We enlist our allies, and pressure (threaten) the rest. All sanctions at this point. See what happens.
I say we gift Japan some of our nukes and let them do their sneak attack thing
This NK schmuck needs to get back on his ps4 and stop ******* around. Like Frank Zappa said; "Nuclear war is bad for business." Hopefully the USA, Russia and China can dissuade Kim Sum dumbfuck from further fuckery.
Don't give Japan nukes. There is a reason we have constrained those ******** for all these years.

Massive air strikes are in order. Do it now and live with the fallout.
But, also, NK will be obliterated. China will likely turn a blind eye to any reciprocation NK receives IF NK pulls the trigger first. It's not like NK is a well-developed country, so munitions can be focused and centralized on large military targets.
Exactly. You beat me to it. We could nuke them and China and Russia wouldn't do jack **** about it.

China has to be helping them. They have come along way in the last couple years. I'm no Sheldon, but seems to me the leaps in tech they have achieved is somewhat shocking.
It's a third world shithole a notch above Somalia. They aren't building the stuff on their own.

Don't give Japan nukes. There is a reason we have constrained those ******** for all these years.
Well yeah, because it makes Godzilla come out of the sea.
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The long-term solution has to be reunification. The world should force it. To get China to go along, we would have to agree to remove all US military presence
from the peninsula.
Why wouldn't China do jack **** about nuclear fallout reaching their land?.