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Who here REALLY engages?


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Picksburgh, PA
I email my congressman. He is a Dem. When he responds, it is the Dem talking points , wherever written. He is a lemming. I get it,

I emailed my senator, Toomey,and I let him know my strong feelings, regarding FISA and impeachment..

Am I alone?
I signed the petition to remove Gavin Newsom as Governor of California. Not sure if that counts as "engaging" though. What middle-class, tax paying American has any say at all though? Really?

I'm not disregarding your premise, but emails and first class expedited mail falls on deaf ears, I've found. Shocking, I know, but our elected officials don't seem to care all that much about that sort of thing or the common voter.
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And since I let the cat out of the bag on my dad, he's written Trump a dozen letters about his upcoming VA settlement. He's been waiting (I think now) 12 years for it. Has gone through physical and psychological tests from multiple doctors, and it's pretty crystal clear that they cleared him & that he needs his settlement. (Completely deaf in one ear from mortar, and the other isn't very far behind, shrapnel still inside him etc.) in addition to the psychological issues.

He thought that once Trump became President, everything would be a-okay and he'd be getting his settlement. Well, he was wrong. I told him, and I hated to say it, but do not rely on the government for anything consequential.

I've shared a personal story, yes, but will always maintain this -- you are on your own when it comes down to it. Never rely on any foreign entity to help your life. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and go to work everyday-- and there will eventually be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Hamster, sorry for the weird hijack. A lot going on this way right now and I'm probably not in the best of sorts.

As for your thread title, it would be nice for every American taxpayer to engage with their elected officials.
I used to call and write letters. I finally quit after years of receiving their latest talking points and agenda items while never addressing my concern(s). Their ambivalence to what their constituents wishes are is astounding.
I used to, but I haven’t lately. As stated here already, they aren’t listening and they haven’t listened in quite some time. You email, and they reply with some boilerplate nonsense that does nothing to address your concerns. You call, and you get some staffer whose job it is to get you off the phone.

The political process is broken. Both parties have their agendas and the concerns of their constituents are secondary at best.
Yes. Email. Generic response probaly from a staffer.
I have engaged with Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr, mostly when they get wobbly. I went the Lincoln Day dinner in Burke County to see Tillis speak when he was a candidate and came away impressed, he became a RINO squish in Washington a fact that I have reminded his staff of on multiple occasions.

Mark Meadows is my congressman, I have called his office a couple of times to say thank you and to encourage him to run for Speaker against Paul Ryan. I will go to his office to speak to his staff about awareness for Trigeminal Neuralgia, something that I suffer from that is rare and is not covered by any disability. It impacts primarily women (64%) and is incredibly painful. It has been ignored far too long.
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Having tried that route, I am now more inclined to go with a more direct path nowadays.


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No I do not write letters or email. Since my husband is a lobbyist of sorts, I'm aware that's not how it works. The reality is the little guy doesn't get these guys elected, hence they don't much care what the little guy thinks beyond looking at polls to see how something affects their re-election chances. They are ALL beholden to special interests and big money in one way or another.

Steelworth the best thing your dad could do is try and get his story out into the public somehow. They do care about public perception of that kind of stuff, that's for sure.

I did volunteer a little on Pat Toomey's campaign years ago. That's the extent of my engagement.
I email the president to let him know he's got my 100% support, and thank him for saving the republic. OTOH, DC is so deaf dumb and blind why waste my time?
Like others have said, I doubt any of them ever actually see concerns that are sent, and dismissed as soon as they receive them.

It's all about party lines right now, all you have to do is to check the Congressional Votes Database to see how partisan everything is.

Reelection is the primary motivator for all of them and unless they're in a split district, they couldn't care less what we think.
Zona, I have e-mailed Kirsten Sinema's office twice and received pretty ordinary responses. I e-mailed her to say I was a new voter in Arizona, very concerned about the obsession in D.C. with impeachment while meaningful issues were ignored. I also wrote that if she were swept up in the Trump obsession, she could count my vote as lost.

I think it has an impact - but not nearly as much as an actual handwritten letter. I guarantee that a well-reasoned handwritten letter gets attention, as it does in every business.
I email my congressman. He is a Dem. When he responds, it is the Dem talking points , wherever written. He is a lemming. I get it, I emailed my senator, Toomey,and I let him know my strong feelings, regarding FISA and impeachment.. Am I alone?

I send encouraging messages to congressmen (and women) from time to time, those who I feel are standing up for the Constitution and the rule of law. Gotten a few responses, which was cool. And I go out of my way to vote, as I realize every vote counts. That's about it.
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I sent a seething email to my state Congressman regarding property taxes and told him flat out that he was a Corporate shill (Republican mind you). It wasn't ten minutes and my cell phone rings, it was him, and he was PISSED. We had it out for 10-15 minutes and we both hung up satisfied that we got **** off of our chest.
I sent a seething email to my state Congressman regarding property taxes and told him flat out that he was a Corporate shill (Republican mind you). It wasn't ten minutes and my cell phone rings, it was him, and he was PISSED. We had it out for 10-15 minutes and we both hung up satisfied that we got **** off of our chest.

The truth hurts sometimes.
I sent a seething email to my state Congressman regarding property taxes and told him flat out that he was a Corporate shill (Republican mind you). It wasn't ten minutes and my cell phone rings, it was him, and he was PISSED. We had it out for 10-15 minutes and we both hung up satisfied that we got **** off of our chest.

I'm surprised he actually called you back. I don't know what state you're in but in PA the state government has very little to do with property tax.
Zona, I have e-mailed Kirsten Sinema's office twice and received pretty ordinary responses. I e-mailed her to say I was a new voter in Arizona, very concerned about the obsession in D.C. with impeachment while meaningful issues were ignored. I also wrote that if she were swept up in the Trump obsession, she could count my vote as lost.

I think it has an impact - but not nearly as much as an actual handwritten letter. I guarantee that a well-reasoned handwritten letter gets attention, as it does in every business.

Sinema is a bit of an enignma as she seems to be a centrist, or even leaning a little right on some issues. I wouldn't be surprised, if there is a Senate trial, that she would vote to acquit.
While in the Arizona House, she was about as looney left as you could get..
I'm surprised he actually called you back. I don't know what state you're in but in PA the state government has very little to do with property tax.

I'm in PA, . My rep used to send a nice news letter every month and in it he wrote that he opposed eliminating property taxes. I really feel for some of the elderly who have paid off their houses 20 -30 years ago and still have to pay the gubment or they lose their homes.
I'm in PA, . My rep used to send a nice news letter every month and in it he wrote that he opposed eliminating property taxes. I really feel for some of the elderly who have paid off their houses 20 -30 years ago and still have to pay the gubment or they lose their homes.

The right to private property doesn't really exist.
I'm in PA, . My rep used to send a nice news letter every month and in it he wrote that he opposed eliminating property taxes. I really feel for some of the elderly who have paid off their houses 20 -30 years ago and still have to pay the gubment or they lose their homes.

Eliminating property taxes means shifting them to income and sales tax. Taking money that is currently controlled and spent by your local school district on your children's education and putting it into the hands of the state government to spend and distribute as they wish.

I feel for seniors in this position and and there should be a remedy for them (maybe a lifetime cap or something) but not this.