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Who here REALLY engages?

Eliminating property taxes means shifting them to income and sales tax. Taking money that is currently controlled and spent by your local school district on your children's education and putting it into the hands of the state government to spend and distribute as they wish.

I feel for seniors in this position and and there should be a remedy for them (maybe a lifetime cap or something) but not this.

My argument was to pay property tax until you pay off your home. Separate School taxes from Property taxes. If you're child is in school you pay 100% of your tax bill. Once your kids graduate, you pay 50% or what ever reduction makes sense. What this does is continue to support education and allows people to keep their Homes. Their property is actually theirs, not leased by the government as Vader stated. Older couples would see a drastic reduction in taxes and would have a better quality of living.

But that would also reduce education funding! Damn right. there is no reason High Schools should have millions of dollars invested in turf fields, field houses, and state of the art locker rooms. My local High School, the football turf field is the football team's practice field. They pay a yearly fee to have their games in a local stadium. The soccer and lacrosse turf fields were JUST resurfaced after they were built 5 - 6 years ago. The rec center is getting torn down and a new $32 Million dollar facility including an indoor pool is being built. Tighten up the purse strings and live within your means like the rest of us. That 80 year old couple shouldn't have to decide on getting medicine or food for fear of losing their home because a bunch of kids need a new turf field.

I'll step off of my soapbox now. :) Damn, I feel a bit better.
My argument was to pay property tax until you pay off your home. Separate School taxes from Property taxes. If you're child is in school you pay 100% of your tax bill. Once your kids graduate, you pay 50% or what ever reduction makes sense. What this does is continue to support education and allows people to keep their Homes. Their property is actually theirs, not leased by the government as Vader stated. Older couples would see a drastic reduction in taxes and would have a better quality of living.

But that would also reduce education funding! Damn right. there is no reason High Schools should have millions of dollars invested in turf fields, field houses, and state of the art locker rooms. My local High School, the football turf field is the football team's practice field. They pay a yearly fee to have their games in a local stadium. The soccer and lacrosse turf fields were JUST resurfaced after they were built 5 - 6 years ago. The rec center is getting torn down and a new $32 Million dollar facility including an indoor pool is being built. Tighten up the purse strings and live within your means like the rest of us. That 80 year old couple shouldn't have to decide on getting medicine or food for fear of losing their home because a bunch of kids need a new turf field.

I'll step off of my soapbox now. :) Damn, I feel a bit better.

"But if it saves just one blade of plastic grass, it is worth it!"

/s Idiot Liberals, spending other people's money
And you don’t own the land beneath your property.

Depends on your deed, Trog. Mineral rights while in the ground are considered real property, and the standard quitclaim deed transfers ALL interests in the property that the owner has to the buyer. Our deed transferred "All that portion of Section 11, Township 15 North, Range 3 West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona and described as follows." The legal description of the property follows. Since the conveyance at the time was of unimproved property, and no reservation of ownership made in the conveyance, my wife and I obtained ALL real property described, including the mineral rights beneath our property, including of course water rights - an important issue since our homes are a few miles from the city and rely on well water.
No I do not write letters or email. Since my husband is a lobbyist of sorts, I'm aware that's not how it works. The reality is the little guy doesn't get these guys elected, hence they don't much care what the little guy thinks beyond looking at polls to see how something affects their re-election chances. They are ALL beholden to special interests and big money in one way or another.

There are roughly 400 entities (call them individuals, Corps, unions, whatever) that control the United States. They are oligarchs. The two parties are their diversions. They own anybody of any consequence in those parties. The oligarchs are elements of what some people call ‘the globalists’. This is a picture of ‘the globalists’…

You may recognize some of their names and logos. Despite what they have said as individuals or as entities, and no matter how ‘caring’ or ‘woke’ their ads are, they care about one thing and one thing only – their relationship to ‘the globalists’. Their relationship to ‘the globalists’ is the basis of their wealth and power. Globalists love their children. There’s only one thing they love more than their children – and that is their wealth and power.

Yinz are individuals. Nobody cares a wit about you, except perhaps your family. You matter to the globalists only to the extent that a vote matters. It doesn’t. They don’t care if you die in festers and boils… just don’t die in one of their buildings. Just STFU and pay your taxes, ‘buy American’ and ‘contribute’ your sons to their various military adventures. Do you realize we’re wrapping up our 19th year in the Stan? Aside from the half trillion in cash the C_A derives from opiod revenues each year, why are we there? Oh, and the 5-7 trillion in adventure dollars we’ve blown in the ME since 9/11… so there’s that too.

Some may recall the Rumsfeld senate confirmation hearing (can’t seem to locate that video) where Byrd axed him about the missing trillions from the Pentagon. A hearty chuckle was had by all. Both sides. Including Rummy. ‘Nod, nod. Wink, wink.’ Mind you, Rumsfeld was just the nominee in that exchange.

Some, few, are cognoscente of the $22 trillion ‘national debt’. Even fewer give a rat’s ***. It’s just a number that comes up from time to time on late night cable. Those that actually pay attention reassure themselves that, while that number is substantial, its roughly in line with the GDP. So ebything be alright. Many fewer yet are aware that the federalies are on the hook for something ominously called ‘unfunded obligations’ to the tune of two hundred trillion. Ponder that. But maybe that isn’t so bad when you consider that the 5 major US banks have derivative exposures of $150 trillion against assets of, well, considerably less than that.

What was the original question? Engage? I vote for Republicans. Not to vote for Republicans, but to vote against dims. I pretend that that matters.
Vincent, your chart is quite a bit out of date since it includes George Mitchell, William F. Buckley, Jr. and a bunch of other dead guys and dead organizations. Really, the "Santorum 2006" and "McCain for President" groups?
Vincent, your chart is quite a bit out of date since it includes George Mitchell, William F. Buckley, Jr. and a bunch of other dead guys and dead organizations. Really, the "Santorum 2006" and "McCain for President" groups?

A. It isn't my chart. It is the most legible of the few illustrations 'out there'.

B. Because of the nature of these relationships and associated activities, any illustration would be at best, sketchy. And they don't post updates.

C. The illustration was to serve as a visualization of the massive collusion that looms over us.

With that illustration as a backdrop, make an argument that there isn't conspiracy. Anybody.
You know who is REALLY engaged? Nancy Pelosi and several bottles of wine. Holy ****, what a mess.
I feel for seniors in this position and and there should be a remedy for them (maybe a lifetime cap or something) but not this.

There was. It was called legalized casinos.

President Trump abused the power of the Presidency

Who would we say had NOT abused the power of the Presidency?? Seriously. Let me give a few examples:

  • Lincoln jailed the Maryland legislature to prevent Maryland from seceding.
  • Woodrow Wilson was incompetent after a stroke and just handed off his powers to his wife.
  • Teddy Roosevelt simply "took" Panama, a sovereign foreign entity.
  • FDR sent billions of dollars of military aid to Great Britain, in violation of the Neutrality Act.
  • JFK ordered that his attorney general brother deport a troublesome mistress as a spy.
  • JFK attacked a foreign nation without congressional approval.
  • Jimmy Carter used his power to put his brother, Billy, in contact with Libya, during sensitive negotiations, and Libya paid Billy $200,000 for ... nothing. Sound familiar?
  • Bill Clinton perjured himself in office and attempted to intimidate witnesses not to testify against him. He in fact engaged in such behavior and was disbarred.
  • Barack Hussein ordered a drone strike, killing an American citizen without a trial.
  • Barack Hussein illegally sold weapons to gangs in Mexico.

Democrats are dumb. It's who they are. They have now established a practice that a President may be impeached for allegedly "abusing the office of the Presidency," an action basically every President engages in, and for "obstruction of Congress" by asserting recognized privileges.

Dumbasses. They count on Republicans being the adults in the room, and that is why they HATE Trump so much. They are aghast that somebody actually defend himself and behave like they do.
Who would we say had NOT abused the power of the Presidency?? Seriously. Let me give a few examples:

  • Lincoln jailed the Maryland legislature to prevent Maryland from seceding.
  • Woodrow Wilson was incompetent after a stroke and just handed off his powers to his wife.
  • Teddy Roosevelt simply "took" Panama, a sovereign foreign entity.
  • FDR sent billions of dollars of military aid to Great Britain, in violation of the Neutrality Act.
  • JFK ordered that his attorney general brother deport a troublesome mistress as a spy.
  • JFK attacked a foreign nation without congressional approval.
  • Jimmy Carter used his power to put his brother, Billy, in contact with Libya, during sensitive negotiations, and Libya paid Billy $200,000 for ... nothing. Sound familiar?
  • Bill Clinton perjured himself in office and attempted to intimidate witnesses not to testify against him. He in fact engaged in such behavior and was disbarred.
  • Barack Hussein ordered a drone strike, killing an American citizen without a trial.
  • Barack Hussein illegally sold weapons to gangs in Mexico.

Democrats are dumb. It's who they are. They have now established a practice that a President may be impeached for allegedly "abusing the office of the Presidency," an action basically every President engages in, and for "obstruction of Congress" by asserting recognized privileges.

Dumbasses. They count on Republicans being the adults in the room, and that is why they HATE Trump so much. They are aghast that somebody actually defend himself and behave like they do.

Stupid on my part, trying to find a way to copy O'Halleran's response to my email. If I figure out how to do it, I'll post it, but it was laughable.
It's pointless. I just keep my eyes open and my ear to the ground for when the **** hits the fan. My focus this month is Virginia. Those folks are pissed.
It's pointless. I just keep my eyes open and my ear to the ground for when the **** hits the fan. My focus this month is Virginia. Those folks are pissed.

Pretty much, sadly. And to your last two sentences, as they damn well should be. Never did I think it would come to that but I guess I'm a little naive.
  • Lincoln jailed the Maryland legislature to prevent Maryland from seceding.
  • Woodrow Wilson was incompetent after a stroke and just handed off his powers to his wife.
  • Teddy Roosevelt simply "took" Panama, a sovereign foreign entity.
  • FDR sent billions of dollars of military aid to Great Britain, in violation of the Neutrality Act.
  • JFK ordered that his attorney general brother deport a troublesome mistress as a spy.
  • JFK attacked a foreign nation without congressional approval.
  • Jimmy Carter used his power to put his brother, Billy, in contact with Libya, during sensitive negotiations, and Libya paid Billy $200,000 for ... nothing. Sound familiar?
  • Bill Clinton perjured himself in office and attempted to intimidate witnesses not to testify against him. He in fact engaged in such behavior and was disbarred.
  • Barack Hussein ordered a drone strike, killing an American citizen without a trial.
  • Barack Hussein illegally sold weapons to gangs in Mexico.

There you go with that "whataboutism" again. Libs, Tibs, Dims et al. don't care about what happened in the past (unless it fits their agenda). All they care about is Orange Man Bad. I mean, he actually had the gall to ask a country, who's calling card is corruption, ask the new President about investigating... wait for it -- corruption!

Democrats are dumb.

Water is wet.

They count on Republicans being the adults in the room, and that is why they HATE Trump so much. They are aghast that somebody actually defend himself and behave like they do.

How dare he! (In my most pompous, self-serving Greta Thunberg voice).
My representative in Phoenix is an (R) and obviously a true patriot, but I also own property in Coconino county so I decided to write to the representative there. Here is his response to the impeachment fiasco verbatim. Not sure if it's worth responding.

Dear Mr. Zona (name changed to protect the innocent)

Thank you for contacting my office regarding the House impeachment inquiry of President
Donald J. Trump, I appreciate hearing from my constituents about this issue.

As a former law enforcement officer and criminal investigator, I spent my career gathering
evidence and pursuing truth and justice. Throughout this impeachment inquiry process, I have
remained committed to reviewing all of the facts before coming to a final decision on the matter.

President Trump abused the power of the presidency and broke his oath of office when he
bribed the nation of Ukraine by withholding military aid they had already been promised in
exchange for help investigating a political opponent. The President's own political appointees
and phone call transcript confirmed these facts.

I voted for the Articles of Impeachment against the President because this bribery and abuse of
power violated the Constitution and put our national security and our international
relationships at risk.

I remain committed to getting things done for Arizona families. We must work across the aisle
to create good-paying jobs that grow our rural communities, lower health care cost for seniors
and working families, and keep our promises to Arizona's veterans.

As always, I appreciate you taking the time to express your views on this pressing matter. If
you would like to stay connected to our office, please visit our website:
http://ohalleran.house.gov./. I am honored to represent you in Congress.


Tom O'Halleran
Member of Congress
Depends on your deed, Trog. Mineral rights while in the ground are considered real property, and the standard quitclaim deed transfers ALL interests in the property that the owner has to the buyer. Our deed transferred "All that portion of Section 11, Township 15 North, Range 3 West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona and described as follows." The legal description of the property follows. Since the conveyance at the time was of unimproved property, and no reservation of ownership made in the conveyance, my wife and I obtained ALL real property described, including the mineral rights beneath our property, including of course water rights - an important issue since our homes are a few miles from the city and rely on well water.

Exactly. Always, and I mean always, hire a Land Surveyor to survey your property before finalizing anything. Even if your state doesn't require it.
I email my congressman. He is a Dem. When he responds, it is the Dem talking points , wherever written. He is a lemming. I get it,

I emailed my senator, Toomey,and I let him know my strong feelings, regarding FISA and impeachment..

Am I alone?

I have engaged numerous times before realizing it was irrelevant. I've written to my representatives over the years. But I'm a Conservative living in Maryland. That is the equivalent of a Conservative living in Boston. My vote, here, has never mattered on the national stage. Though my vote did help oust Martin O'Malley as our horrible Governor.

When you get stock replies like ZonaBurgh above that are full of lies, you realize, these life long pols are hacks, who've been bought, who are run by the machine (the interests and lobbyists that pander to them) and you're getting lip service.

Not worth the effort. There are few, if any pols left that listen to their constituents.