Elftard's self-described attributes (and you definitely hit a nerve with her about her Assburger):
No doubt. And there's no shame in that and it also makes perfect sense why he misses sarcasm/humor.
Elftard's self-described attributes (and you definitely hit a nerve with her about her Assburger):
I only watched part of the video of the killing and saw the "trespass" video, so I'm waiting for all the info to be released on this case before making a judgement, but it's pretty clear those two idiots will be going away for awhile. I will say, if two hillbillies approached me in the middle of the street with guns drawn, I would fight them off, too. There is no telling if they are trigger happy, wanna-be Johnny-Q-Law officers or what their true intensions are. Citizens arrest seems something out of a Death Wish movie and would make me laugh at them. This is a very bad look for everyone involved and whom had knowledge of it to let three months go by. WTF?
You're going to fight off two guys carrying guns when you are unarmed? You're just asking to get shot. He should have just stood there and called the cops. He was shot because he ran around the truck, grabbed the gun and tried to pull it out of the guys hands. Just the simple fact that pulling on a gun that is aimed at you has the possibility of pulling the trigger is insane on it's face. There is so much stupid in this case my mind struggles to handle all the stupidity.
It looks like he was trying get away from him and tried to get the gun away from him. They are going to claim self defense because they were fearful of their life, which is bullshit because guns were drawn on victim. What did they expect to happen?
Turns out they chased the guy for several minutes, and the guy doing the video was part of the "posse." Maybe if he hadn't run, he'd still be alive. Amiright?
Chased him for several minutes? Where the hell were the cops (because 2 calls to 911 at the time keep coming up)? And like you originally called it, hunted him down like a dog.
Now it seems the police actually told the homeowner to contact this former cop if he saw anybody on his property. As more info comes out we see that this is very complicated.
Interested to see if that turns out to be true. If so - meaning if in fact the police told the homeowner to contact the guy for help, meaning almost certainly the police told the former cop to provide the requested assistance - then the two would have had a reason to be there, acting as pseudo-cops. They were told to do just that.
Goes a long way towards ameliorating a claim they acted out of illegal motivation. Without such motive, looking at 2nd degree at worst, more likely manslaughter.
Now it seems the police actually told the homeowner to contact this former cop if he saw anybody on his property. As more info comes out we see that this is very complicated
If the police abdicated their responsibility to a retired officer, they need to be tried as well. You don't abdicate your responsibility to a retired officer or anyone else. That makes this worse in my opinion. Whoever made that decision should be fired at the very least, possibly put in prison. That is criminal negligence of the highest order.
Uhh, no, Captain Overstatement. If the police told the property owner to have a neighbor keep an eye on the place, that is not even negligence, let alone criminal negligence.
I did not surmise that the police told the property owner and the citizens to "arrest" the guy, just provide assistance. That assistance is in the form of monitoring and reporting. They apparently did the first half of that, and as far as we can tell, also reported the guy to the cops.
Doubt the police told them to confront the guy and try to detain him. If your view is correct, then every ******* guy on neighborhood watch should be in jail and every police officer ever affiliated with neighborhood watch in the cell next to them.
Might be able to do that, now that we are emptying the jails of burglars, robbers and rapists. Plenty of room to imprison those neighborhood watch psychos.
If so - meaning if in fact the police told the homeowner to contact the guy for help, meaning almost certainly the police told the former cop to provide the requested assistance - then the two would have had a reason to be there, acting as pseudo-cops.
Uhh, no, Captain Overstatement. If the police told the property owner to have a neighbor keep an eye on the place, that is not even negligence, let alone criminal negligence.
I did not surmise that the police told the property owner and the citizens to "arrest" the guy, just provide assistance. That assistance is in the form of monitoring and reporting. They apparently did the first half of that, and as far as we can tell, also reported the guy to the cops.
Doubt the police told them to confront the guy and try to detain him. If your view is correct, then every ******* guy on neighborhood watch should be in jail and every police officer ever affiliated with neighborhood watch in the cell next to them.
Might be able to do that, now that we are emptying the jails of burglars, robbers and rapists. Plenty of room to imprison those neighborhood watch psychos.
Except it was the cops telling the homeowner if he saw something to contact McMichaels. Not the police asking them to have a neighbor (McMichaels) keep an eye on the place. Why would they ask the homeowner to contact someone else other than the police. Even if the fat **** was a retired cop.
Yes, keep an eye on the place. They obviously did more than that, and very likely thought they were within their rights to do that. Can't imagine what might have given them that idea.
That's a far cry from being a neighborhood watch participant. Any neighborhood watch that I am aware of doesn't require you to arm yourself and chase down criminals. In fact, they specifically advise against such things. If you see something, you call the police. That's it. You don't arm yourself, hunt the guy down and then end up killing him. Police don't get to delegate their responsibility to "pseudo cops."
So which is it? Do they monitor and report, or do they have a reason to be there acting as pseudo cops (whatever that is)? Or is monitoring and reporting acting as a pseudo cop? What the hell is a pseudo cop?
In my opinion from what i have seen, they should have never followed him and gotten out of their truck. Also i think Arbery had some mental issues. Guy is seen in 2 different videos with cops, wearing shorts and a winter coat, with no shirt on in summertime Georgia.
So to corner in a mentally unstable man like that. Nothing good was coming out of that situation.
Yeah, who charges someone that is holding a gun? He was no choir boy. Casing houses and doing drugs in a park known for drugs and criminal activity. He probably was involved in the prior break ins too. Otherwise, why case houses? This is eerily similar to Trayngel. Things aren't always what they seem when the media gets hysterical about something.
I dont know that you can call it "casing a joint" since the place was under construction - and from the video, there's nothing there to be taken other than some lumber and nails. Maybe a saw or some cords.
The owner of the property also had video showing kids playing on the property, and others entering the property/house being built at different times. There was one of a white couple entering at night. I suppose all of those people were "casing" the house as well. They could have possibly been involved in the prior break ins as well.....woah.