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An honest discussion. When does Fear become Fanaticism?


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I use Worldometer. As far as I know that's as accurate as anything in terms of what governments are reporting for Corona illnesses, tests, deaths etc.

The U.S. has recorded 86,580 deaths as of this posting.
The U.S. population, 2020 is listed at 331,002,651

[table="width: 500, align: center"]
[td]Death Rate[/td]
[td]Highway Fatalities[/td]

I live in what many of you would consider a small community. We have only 30,000 people here.

That means I can expect ballpark
8 Covid-19 related deaths
6 Highway fatalities
4 Suicide related deaths.

Nobody has EVER suggested closing down our city to reduce the rampant suicide and highway deaths plaguing our citizens. And it should be noted that the number of suicides and highway deaths exceeds Covid-19 deaths. And I'm not even going PRETEND to talk about drug and alcohol abuse, cancer, lung disease... Then it's not even close to a fair conversation.

Now, keep in mind that the Covid-19 began spreading in mid December of '19 We're in mid May of '20 so that means the world and the U.S. has been exposed to the virus for roughly 5 months.

So we aren't dealing with an unknown or brand new virus here. (I know, there is the concern of the virus mutating. That doesn't mean we should lock ourselves in hyberbolic chambers and wait to die of starvation, just the opposite, actually.) This is a virus that has spread across the world and infected an unknown number of people. (Since we can have no real idea of how many people have been infected, truly it ONLY makes sense to look at numbers we DO know, related deaths compared to gross population. That's the ONLY way we can get any kind of defensible scenario on death rate.

The point is, and what this very simply table should make you think about.... Why so much panic over so little death?
And if you want to look at this as a world problem, it's so utterly stupid you shouldn't even consider it.

The world has 7.8 billion people.
according to Worldometer, 302,177 have died of Covid-19 related issues.

That is a death rate of .0000387
Again, of my little 30,000 population town - 1 person, 2 if you round up really really hard.

And yet... We cower in our homes, hoping the governor will eventually allow us to go to church.
When? About two months ago.
When? About two months ago.

Yep. Some people have lost their damn minds. Put an idea in their head (a terrifying one at that) and it's pretty much game over.
When? About two months ago.

And I remember when this whole thing started, all the videos coming out of China with people convulsing/having seizures. Reading up on how it attacks the respiratory system, I knew it was bullshit, but I'm telling you -- that planted the seed in a lot of people's minds.

And too many people watched the movie Contagion & took it way too seriously.
And if you want to look at this as a world problem, it's so utterly stupid you shouldn't even consider it.

The world has 7.8 billion people.
according to Worldometer, 302,177 have died of Covid-19 related issues.

That is a death rate of .0000387
Again, of my little 30,000 population town - 1 person, 2 if you round up really really hard.

And yet... We cower in our homes, hoping the governor will eventually allow us to go to church.

Hope you don't mind me plagiarizing your little rant to my circle of friends...it's too true.

Fact: Every person who contracts the Chinese flu will eventually die.
Fact: Therefore, the Chinese flu is 100% fatal.
Fact: Every person who drank milk in 1880 is dead.
Fact: Milk is therefore 100% fatal.
Fact: Black bears are best.
Fact: You must accept these as facts because I prefaced all of them with the word "fact."

I am ready to panic and give up my rights, every last one of them, to stop the Chinese flu, milk and black bears.
Why so much panic over so little death?

For the longest time, I never personally knew anyone having COVID....family, friends, co-workers.

Until a friend of my wife had contracted it...A 63 yr. old with underlying conditions. She was never hospitalized and now is near full recovery.

Still waiting for someone I know to have died from it.

I'm really on edge here.
We need another graph.

So, on one axis we have time. The other is pussification of the US. I fear that line shoots straight up. #flatten the pussycurve.

Michael "Not A" Mann was asked to present the graph but was too scared to go outside.
For the longest time, I never personally knew anyone having COVID....family, friends, co-workers.

Until a friend of my wife had contracted it...A 63 yr. old with underlying conditions. She was never hospitalized and now is near full recovery.

Still waiting for someone I know to have died from it.

I'm really on edge here.

Goddammit, has global warming taught you NOTHING??

If you knew somebody who died from the Chinese flu, evidence.

If you don't know anybody, anecdotal and irrelevant.
For the longest time, I never personally knew anyone having COVID....family, friends, co-workers.

Until a friend of my wife had contracted it...A 63 yr. old with underlying conditions. She was never hospitalized and now is near full recovery.

Still waiting for someone I know to have died from it.

I'm really on edge here.

My mom is high risk. She is in her upper 60s... has COPD and has smoked a pack of reds since I swear she came out the womb. Still bet she be fine.

She is beyond frightened to ever leave the house “based on what the news says”. I said stop ******* watching the brainwashing that is going on. Told her what to focus on but I fear her brain is already ****** from the media to ever leave her home again for entertainment. The one thing she loved was going to Rivers Casino with her friend once a week. Sad.
My mom is high risk. She is in her upper 60s... has COPD and has smoked a pack of reds since I swear she came out the womb. Still bet she be fine.

She is beyond frightened to ever leave the house “based on what the news says”. I said stop ******* watching the brainwashing that is going on. Told her what to focus on but I fear her brain is already ****** from the media to ever leave her home again for entertainment. The one thing she loved was going to Rivers Casino with her friend once a week. Sad.

The data from China show that smokers are damn near immune to the Chinese flu. Tobaccy kill the China flu.
Stopped at my bud's house after work to pick up some homebrew and we had a chat....since the NASCAR race at Charlotte is closed to fans and we're pissed off and going camping anyway.
Being a funeral director, I made the following points:
1. Ain't that many people actually dying from it overall. Less than 0.05%.
2. Pretty much everyone dying from it is either elderly, has other health problems, lives in a nursing home, or some combination of the above.
3. If you are over 80 there is a very good chance it will kill you.
4. If you are under 60 you have little to worry about.
5. It is to be taken seriously because the regular flu doesn't kill 12,000 people in New York City in three months.
She is beyond frightened to ever leave the house “based on what the news says”. I said stop ******* watching the brainwashing that is going on. Told her what to focus on but I fear her brain is already ****** from the media to ever leave her home again for entertainment. The one thing she loved was going to Rivers Casino with her friend once a week. Sad.

Sorry to hear that ICS. Similar situation with my mom's friend, the husband is 77 years old, smoked 40 years of his life, has COPD, heart issues, gout & almost everything else imaginable. The man couldn't walk for several months (I'm not sure why).

Anyways he's in a nursing home, got Covid-19, spent one night in the ICU, recovered, and is back in his nursing home. It's time to stop the fear-mongering.
5. It is to be taken seriously because the regular flu doesn't kill 12,000 people in New York City in three months.

I'm not really sure what happened in New York City, but can we really trust those numbers? I mean I understand you can't fake a death & a certificate etc., but were a good majority of those people elderly with comorbidities? And what were the therapies/antiviral medications given? There are a lot of questions there IMO. Especially when the rest of the country didn't get close to those numbers (and I'm talking places like LA).
It's time to stop the fear-mongering.

We will have none of that. Tried to watch the NBC Nightly Hysteria, and they went off with both barrels. While Covid deaths are decreasing, there's a new, unknown disease killing our children, OUR CHILDREN!

Run for your lives and hide, this will be devastating and kills us all. Thanks for joining us, have a safe and wonderful evening.
I wouldn't be surprised if a zombie plague (according to the degenerate MSM) came out next.

Sad to see what's happening to this country.
Yep. Some people have lost their damn minds. Put an idea in their head (a terrifying one at that) and it's pretty much game over.

Yep....I was in our local Publix early Wed am ( without a mask btw) and a lady with her mask on stopped coming down the isle when she saw me .....and physically cowered like I was a leper. I'm sorry but it was just too much for this old guy to contain...I laughed, shook my head and went back up the isle away from the poor delusional soul. Believe what ya want but I firmly believe that wearing a mask does not prevent you from touching your face.


1. Ain't that many people actually dying from it overall. Less than 0.05%.
In the U.S. .0002615, and if you want to make that a "percentage" it's .027% Just about 1/4 of 1% here in the U.S.

It is to be taken seriously because the regular flu doesn't kill 12,000 people in New York City in three months.
The Population of New York City in 2020 was listed at 18,804,000. (Metro population, everyone there, everyone commuting to and fro) At the "standard" death rate, you'd be looking at 4917 deaths. If you consider that New York is labeling every person's death who could have conceivably come in to contact with Covid-19, regardless of whether they had it or even if that's what really killed them - their numbers are probably not terribly higher than the actual national average.

Just sayin'...
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She's not wearing a mask. What do you have a deathwish?

You may was well do unprotected anal with a needle-using meth addicted *****.
In the U.S. .0002615, and if you want to make that a "percentage" it's .027% Just about 1/4 of 1% here in the U.S.

The Population of New York City in 2020 was listed at 18,804,000. (Metro population, everyone there, everyone commuting to and fro) At the "standard" death rate, you'd be looking at 4917 deaths. If you consider that New York is labeling every person's death who could have conceivably come in to contact with Covid-19, regardless of whether they had it or even if that's what really killed them - their numbers are probably not terribly higher than the actual national average.

Just sayin'...

WTF...I guess that image wasn't Sanforized. I'll try again

Consider this.

New York City, the current epicenter of the coronavirus, has an a population of approximately 9 million and a population density of 28,000 people per square mile.

The current hot spot in Florida is Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. These three counties have a combined population density of 1,155 people per square mile, approximately 4% of the population density of New York City.

But here is the stat that indicates that population density may be a factor in explaining the difference between New York and Florida.

The deaths per million of people in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade at Day 10 was 4.3. In New York City the deaths per million at Day 10 was 42.3 or 10 times higher than the three Florida counties.



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