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An honest discussion. When does Fear become Fanaticism?

Sorry to hear that ICS. Similar situation with my mom's friend, the husband is 77 years old, smoked 40 years of his life, has COPD, heart issues, gout & almost everything else imaginable. The man couldn't walk for several months (I'm not sure why).

Anyways he's in a nursing home, got Covid-19, spent one night in the ICU, recovered, and is back in his nursing home. It's time to stop the fear-mongering.

We lost a lot of residents. And the news focus on that. We also have had a lot return. And not a peep.
We lost a lot of residents. And the news focus on that. We also have had a lot return. And not a peep.

My GFs nursing home lost over 20 of their residents which was about 1/5th of the population. Of course several recovered as well but the flu does not kill people like that. I have seen several stories of people recovering as well. It is disingenuous to use one story of one person recovering to say it is all BS. I don't think anyone can doubt how deadly this is in nursing homes. There was another one in PA that lost over 60 residents. Granted it was a huge facility with over 500 beds but that is still over 10% of the population.
My GFs nursing home lost over 20 of their residents which was about 1/5th of the population. Of course several recovered as well but the flu does not kill people like that. I have seen several stories of people recovering as well. It is disingenuous to use one story of one person recovering to say it is all BS. I don't think anyone can doubt how deadly this is in nursing homes. There was another one in PA that lost over 60 residents. Granted it was a huge facility with over 500 beds but that is still over 10% of the population.

That is why their are vaccinations for the flu. More important, and more deadly for nursing home / elderly is pneumonia which again has multiple vaccinations. ONTOP of that, heard immunity. The staff has caught said things or are innucualted which then protects the patients their caring for. See it’s a nice circle.

A certain group was ******. Didn’t matter what anyone did. If it got in, ***** ******. But putting everyone in a bubble until (several years) a vaccine is available **** will continue. AND most likely it will mutate.

Edit. Let me add. My point wasn’t about this that or the other. It’s about the media and how everyone is dying in nursing homes. Yes, yes many residents are. But you know what, many have also recovered. Hear that on the news? No no you haven’t.
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My GFs nursing home lost over 20 of their residents which was about 1/5th of the population. Of course several recovered as well but the flu does not kill people like that. I have seen several stories of people recovering as well. It is disingenuous to use one story of one person recovering to say it is all BS. I don't think anyone can doubt how deadly this is in nursing homes. There was another one in PA that lost over 60 residents. Granted it was a huge facility with over 500 beds but that is still over 10% of the population.

I shouldn't have made it sound like this whole thing was BS. Like ICS already mentioned, we've got vaccines for the flu and pneumonia. This was going to be pretty bad for the most vulnerable seeing that it's novel to us. But the way that the nursing home situation was handled in some regards (especially in New York City), is a disgrace and it didn't have to be.

I don't doubt that it's very serious for those most vulnerable. You guys are on the front lines witnessing this.
I shouldn't have made it sound like this whole thing was BS. Like ICS already mentioned, we've got vaccines for the flu and pneumonia. This was going to be pretty bad for the most vulnerable seeing that it's novel to us. But the way that the nursing home situation was handled in some regards (especially in New York City), is a disgrace and it didn't have to be.

I don't doubt that it's very serious for those most vulnerable. You guys are on the front lines witnessing this.

I agree, but you isolate and protect those who are most vulnerable. You do not destroy our economy and way of life.
I agree, but you isolate and protect those who are most vulnerable. You do not destroy our economy and way of life.

I agree with this, but how do you go about doing that? There is no way to isolate the vulnerable because they need help. How do you prevent healthcare workers from bringing it in to the hospitals or nursing homes? It is not a simple solution
I agree with this, but how do you go about doing that? There is no way to isolate the vulnerable because they need help. How do you prevent healthcare workers from bringing it in to the hospitals or nursing homes? It is not a simple solution

Keeping everybody home and have the govenment send us all checks until 2024 is probably the best solution.
'Coronavirua' and everything to do with it is bullshit. It was ginned up as an attempt to derail the inevitable - the utter obliteration of the dim party. The global 'response' to this is beyond absurd.

In the absence of real reportage, I crunched some numbers myself. As 0f 5/12 there were 1,348,183 cases reported in the US. That number is debatable because as we've come to learn, anything from a hang-nail to alcohol poisoning is 'reported' as 'cases'. Be that as it may, there were 80,706 'reported' deaths, of which the same questions of legitimacy loom. If you believe those numbers, that is a death rate of 0.06 against the number of infected. Or, as Wig pointed out, 0.0002 against the whole population. And we allowed our $22 TRILLION economy to be destroyed because of this bullshit.

Here's some additional perspective. The average age at death in these numbers if 75. Why does that matter? Because it illustrates that the younger and healthier blow through this just like they blow through any sniffles. Again, the handling of this has been bullshit.

Here's where it gets interesting, no, really revealing - 71% of the 'reported' 'cases' reside in blue states. And, wait for it, 78% of the 'reported' 'deaths' occurred in blue states. Many conclusions can be drawn here, all very damaging to the creators of this bullshit. Let your minds wander. But ax yersevs why dim gubnors and mayors cling to their brownshirt lockdowns. What do they have to gain by that? How does it serve their constituents? Nothing. It doesn't.

All of this with the backdrop of the chicomm coverup, lying about their statistics, allowing anybody who wanted to travel from Wuhan internationally to do so, etc, etc, etc, concurrent with the dims' 'impeachment' distraction - do you see where this is going? Its all bullshit. It will not derail the inevitable.

Can you imagine if we had a 'media' that were devoted to finding and reporting the truth? Yeah, this bullshit wouldn't have been served to us in the first place. Anybody with a brainwave knows this is all engineered and manufactured. Yet the dims cling to the lies because its all they have.
If we had a media worth a damn and did their job like they were supposed to do, the politicians would never dare pull this corona bullshit as they did. But, they know the media will drive the narrative of our rulers. That's why the have little to no fear.
Further to the bullshit...

'We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States'. Her words. In context. Reconcile. Oh, and reconcile it with all the coughing in the background.

This was said on May 9, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia while the Kenyan interloper still sullied the White House. Y'see where all this is going?

Better grab the vid before they take it down.
She's not wearing a mask. What do you have a deathwish?

You may was well do unprotected anal with a needle-using meth addicted *****.

Fauci is OK with that. He said Tinder hookups are just fine


Toward the end of the taped segment, Fauci was asked: “If you’re swiping on a dating app like Tinder, or Bumble or Grindr, and you match with someone that you think is hot, and you’re just kind of like, ‘Maybe it’s fine if this one stranger comes over.’ What do you say to that person?”

“You know, that’s tough,” replied the befuddled National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director to the curveball. “Because that’s what’s called relative risk.”

Then he dropped the bombshell. “If you’re willing to take a risk — and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks — you could figure out if you want to meet somebody,” said Fauci, who was named a candidate for People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” award.

He added, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
Further to the bullshit...

'We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States'. Her words. In context. Reconcile. Oh, and reconcile it with all the coughing in the background.

This was said on May 9, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia while the Kenyan interloper still sullied the White House. Y'see where all this is going?

Better grab the vid before they take it down.

From the comment section.
just a casual conversation about elites talking about the worlds population and which group to kill ��
Can you imagine the outrage, had she said the exact same thing about black people?? Holy ****!! Not only would she have been immediately fired, but she would have been arrested!
I agree with this, but how do you go about doing that? There is no way to isolate the vulnerable because they need help. How do you prevent healthcare workers from bringing it in to the hospitals or nursing homes? It is not a simple solution

How do you keep the flu out or pneumonia? You don’t. You can’t. People can shed those and COVID with having zero symptoms for days/weeks. Sometimes, especially the young never being symptomatic.

So you protect by
1. Proper Infection control processes
2 Vaccinations for residents and staff. (My company you don’t get flu shot you wear mask)
3. Herd immunity. Protect those who can’t protect themselves by your antibodies.

What makes nursing homes a pressure cooker is staffing. We are not like hospitals with normal staffing patterns. We have part time /per diem folks who work at XYZ companies. Who knows their protocols, who knows their safety measures. We can do all we can but if others don’t.

I think we are up to like 90 plus percent of COVID positive staff returned to duty. Mach and April were bad but most all those staff are back in the fight. Now with a level of immunity against this strain. If it comes back around, the centers most impacted will not feel the same level of issue
I think we are up to like 90 plus percent of COVID positive staff returned to duty. Mach and April were bad but most all those staff are back in the fight. Now with a level of immunity against this strain. If it comes back around, the centers most impacted will not feel the same level of issue

This is what we are going to see moving forward. We are going to see outbreaks. They will be contained. More people will die. Over time, we will develop herd immunity. Send the kids back to school. We are into this for another year. Bank on it.

I will proceed with caution. It won't be hard, for me. I will be fine.
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This is what we are going to see moving forward. We are going to see outbreaks. They will be contained. More people will die. Over time, we will develop herd immunity. Send the kids back to school. We are into this for another year. Bank on it.

I will proceed with caution. It won't be hard, for me. I will be fine.

I fear however the social damage is already done. Folks scare to let their kids go to a friends house for play date, out to eat ...hell no, the gym ahhh to many germs and on and on. The media have ****** the mindless more so with this than anything before.
If masks work, why did they let prisoners go free instead of making them wear masks? Why do the evil demtards want mail in voting instead of simply requiring voters to wear masks at the polls?
The media have ****** the mindless more so with this than anything before.

There are a lot of bad actors that have contributed to that, but yeah our worthless media played a big part.
I fear however the social damage is already done. Folks scare to let their kids go to a friends house for play date, out to eat ...hell no, the gym ahhh to many germs and on and on. The media have ****** the mindless more so with this than anything before.
I can't wait to get back in the gym. I hope its less crowded but still profitable enough to survive. I have been trying to buy some equipment to get some stuff done at home, you can't find anything anywhere, its crazy. No flooring, no mats, not benches.... I have found some weights, but the pricing is 3x what it used to be before the outbreak.

I went to Dick's Sporting Goods today, ONE bike in stock. No weights, no bars, no plates, ...nothing. Crazy. It looked like they were going out of business, but they just sold everything and are unable to get new stock.

I'm guessing all these people building home gyms will not be crowding my gym when it opens. Stay the heck home.
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