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Barbara Bush 1925-2018

You sure you're a LIEberal? You sound an awful lot like a sexually repressed Baptist. Nudity is SIN! SIN!!!

"Their vulgarity...."

Yet the Left toasts Harvey Weinstein, drools over Matt Lauer, reveres Bill Clinton, and fawns over his wife Hillary who destroys the women Bill assaults.

File this in the "you can't make **** up" category.

Speaking of Harvey the rapist and Hitlery, it just came out today that she tried to stop the report by Farrow and canceled an interview with him because of it. She's still a hypocritical enabler.

But what does it say about your vote, voting for trump, the king of adultery, the grabber of ******* whether they're married or not? Are you accusing the left of supporting sexual promiscuity but support it yourself? Is that what I'm to assume then?

LMAO! You lefties are so filled with Trump hate that you are not capable of thinking rationally. What it says about the people who voted for Trump is that we are for America and want what is best for the USA for once, not what's best for the EU, or China, or illegal immigrants, or Muslim terrorists. Grabbing ***** was not on Trump's platform. Never once did he mention that in the campaign. He never said "We're going to be grabbing ***** again!" Ha ha.
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LMAO! You lefties are so filled with Trump hate that you are not capable of thinking rationally. What it says about the people who voted for Trump is that we are for America and want what is best for the USA for once, not what's best for the EU, or China, or illegal immigrants, or Muslim terrorists. Grabbing ***** was not on Trump's platform. Never once did he mention that in the campaign.

That was my point. I was asked about Bill and Hillary. I stated why I voted for them. Their "sexual" stuff wasn't part of the platform. I don't vote on that, I vote on politics. I know why trump voters voted the way they did. And yes I've hated trump since he was probably born, but I wasn't voting for him because I, me, myself and I did NOT think he was best for the US for some of the reasons I already stated, not because I hated the guy. But why get into other reasons when all I ever hear is the same old **** "you lost get over it" or "you hate America" or some other bat **** crazy garbage like that, so why bother explaining. I was never asked if there was anything that he could do that would make me happy. There is something he could do to make me say "great move", but no reason to state it because it would be back to the "libtard" **** so I've accepted that, formed my own opinions of those who've formed them of me and accepted the reality of it.
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It's amazing how Trump supporters here at SN try to steer all conversation about the here and the now and Trump's presidency back to Hillary, Obama, etc.

It's really a sight to see and speaks volumes about what thin ice they're standing on. Nothing, and I mean nothing can be discussed simply within the context of Trump's current presidency.

I never thought we'd see this many Trump supporters reveal how fragile their mindset is, but it's happening much more frequently, basically in every thread.

Just a casual observation. By all means carry on.
That was my point. I was asked about Bill and Hillary. I stated why I voted for them. Their "sexual" stuff wasn't part of the platform. I don't vote on that, I vote on politics. I know why trump voters voted the way they did. And yes I've hated trump since he was probably born, but I wasn't voting for him because I, me, myself and I did NOT think he was best for the US for some of the reasons I already stated, not because I hated the guy. But why get into other reasons when all I ever hear is the same old **** "you lost get over it" or "you hate America" or some other bat **** crazy garbage like that, so why bother explaining. I was never asked if there was anything that he could do that would make me happy. There is something he could do to make me say "great move", but no reason to state it because it would be back to the "libtard" **** so I've accepted that, formed my own opinions of those who've formed them of me and accepted the reality of it.

The hypocrisy is that you deride Trump for saying you can grab em by the ***** and you deride Melania for posing nude while she was a professional model, yet you vote for Hillary who has enabled and tried to protect the two biggest sexual predators in modern history.
It's amazing how Trump supporters here at SN try to steer all conversation about the here and the now and Trump's presidency back to Hillary, Obama, etc.

It's really a sight to see and speaks volumes about what thin ice they're standing on. Nothing, and I mean nothing can be discussed simply within the context of Trump's current presidency.

I never thought we'd see this many Trump supporters reveal how fragile their mindset is, but it's happening much more frequently, basically in every thread.

Just a casual observation. By all means carry on.

You know I don't know why I feel like I need to explain myself either. I don't care why people vote they way they do and I don't think they need justification for it. In my naive little universe I just always thought your vote is yours. I never felt the need to justify it or justify what political party I'm a part of. And I think I turned a blind eye to all the hatred out there too. I wish I never opened that eye. My dad (a staunch republican BTW) always told me not to discuss politics with anyone. LOL, I should have listened to him.
It's amazing how Trump supporters here at SN try to steer all conversation about the here and the now and Trump's presidency back to Hillary, Obama, etc.

It's really a sight to see and speaks volumes about what thin ice they're standing on. Nothing, and I mean nothing can be discussed simply within the context of Trump's current presidency.

I never thought we'd see this many Trump supporters reveal how fragile their mindset is, but it's happening much more frequently, basically in every thread.

Just a casual observation. By all means carry on.

Your weak interpretations of every single topic continues to be dead wrong. Being wrong about everything has got to really suck.
The hypocrisy is that you deride Trump for saying you can grab em by the ***** and you deride Melania for posing nude while she was a professional model, yet you vote for Hillary who has enabled and tried to protect the two biggest sexual predators in modern history.

I believe I was talking about "class" versus "nonclass". You posted a pic of Michelle Obama fully clothed, I stated huge difference between the 2. I stand by that. Don't much care about what you think of my vote, I feel the same about yours. Done trying to rationalize who hypocritically spew "hypocrite". Not worth it. Carry on.
I believe I was talking about "class" versus "nonclass". You posted a pic of Michelle Obama fully clothed, I stated huge difference between the 2. I stand by that. Don't much care about what you think of my vote, I feel the same about yours. Done trying to rationalize who hypocritically spew "hypocrite". Not worth it. Carry on.

you poor thing.

some of us sat here for eight years, being told that we're wrong for this. we're wrong for that. we should do more for others, when we're already wearing thin. we were the ones marginalized, not the small groups of people who comprise less than 5% of the population. we sat back and saw injustice before our eyes. we saw our laws being chipped away. we saw division being fomented. we saw the corruption in DC put on display. we saw a POTUS fan the flames of racist divide. we saw a POTUS go on an "apology tour." we saw not only civil unrest, but also a global rise in unrest. we saw those same people committing acts of violence and atrocities in their homelands wanting to migrate to our lands. we saw our own rights being threatened. we saw the pols in DC create laws for us that were not beneficial. we saw feel-good programs started that were counter-intuitive.

and then we were supposed to swallow that bitter pill with another, disguised as the FFPOTUS, promising not only more of the same, but expanding upon it?

and now we're supposed to feel bad about voting for a guy who said he, too, was tired of this ****? **** outta here with that ****.

some of us have long said that we didn't specifically vote FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary. Trump has warts. We acknowledge and accept that. Show me ONE politician who doesn't. We wanted a government to be run efficiently, and not seen as a cash cow for those voted into office, often lining their pockets while acquiring estates and excess masses of wealth not in conjunction with their annual salary.

i'm 100% not apologizing - EVER - for voting for Donald J. Trump to be my and YOUR 45th POTUS.

Those who break the government year after year, yet promise they have the experience to fix it should never be trusted to do so.
Your weak interpretations of every single topic continues to be dead wrong. Being wrong about everything has got to really suck.

You've got your head so far up your *** you don't realize I've been 100% correct with my assessment on Trump for the better part of two years running. I called it early, and I called it correctly, what a **** show his presidency will be. I know that eats at you non-stop, but I'm not going to apologize for being right. All the signs were there in plain sight, only the blind couldn't see them. Or those like you and others who display copious amounts of willful ignorance.
you poor thing.

some of us sat here for eight years, being told that we're wrong for this. we're wrong for that. we should do more for others, when we're already wearing thin. we were the ones marginalized, not the small groups of people who comprise less than 5% of the population. we sat back and saw injustice before our eyes. we saw our laws being chipped away. we saw division being fomented. we saw the corruption in DC put on display. we saw a POTUS fan the flames of racist divide. we saw a POTUS go on an "apology tour." we saw not only civil unrest, but also a global rise in unrest. we saw those same people committing acts of violence and atrocities in their homelands wanting to migrate to our lands. we saw our own rights being threatened. we saw the pols in DC create laws for us that were not beneficial. we saw feel-good programs started that were counter-intuitive.

and then we were supposed to swallow that bitter pill with another, disguised as the FFPOTUS, promising not only more of the same, but expanding upon it?

and now we're supposed to feel bad about voting for a guy who said he, too, was tired of this ****? **** outta here with that ****.

some of us have long said that we didn't specifically vote FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary. Trump has warts. We acknowledge and accept that. Show me ONE politician who doesn't. We wanted a government to be run efficiently, and not seen as a cash cow for those voted into office, often lining their pockets while acquiring estates and excess masses of wealth not in conjunction with their annual salary.

i'm 100% not apologizing - EVER - for voting for Donald J. Trump to be my and YOUR 45th POTUS.

Those who break the government year after year, yet promise they have the experience to fix it should never be trusted to do so.

Never asked to be felt sorry for, just stating silly me to think I might have found a board that could have real discussions, not stupid infantile, name calling bullshit of zero substance. I'm also 100% not apologizing for voting against trump, and never will. I don't really give a **** anymore is all I'm saying, not "poor me". I answered my own question as to why there weren't more non-rights on this board.
No "leftist" I know "celebrates" any such thing, so I don't know what circles you're describing. This is a prime example of labeling. Yes I voted for Clinton in the 90s. Yes I voted for Hillary. I didn't know Bill was a pig until Monica Lewinsky and didn't know about the stuff about Hillary. I cast my vote on who I think is the best choice at the time of an election, not personal issues. Personal issues were NOT the reasons I didn't vote for trump. I wasn't voting for someone I could never stand, someone I consider a con and who wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the face. His sexual promiscuity didn't weight in at all. But what does it say about your vote, voting for trump, the king of adultery, the grabber of ******* whether they're married or not? Are you accusing the left of supporting sexual promiscuity but support it yourself? Is that what I'm to assume then?

So you willfully voted for Hillary, knowing she protected her sexual assaulting husband. You willfully voted for Hillary, knowing that she made a career out of further destroying these women that were already the victims of his sexual assault.

But you have a problem with Trump's sexual deeds?

You can spin all you want, but if you stand here and rail on Trump's behavior while having willfully voted for Hillary, knowing what she represented and had done, you are operating under a double standard. There's no spinning that.

I don't care. As I've said countless times on this board, politicians are most all vermin. Egomaniacs. Believe they are above the law. The days of men and women going to Washington to "serve the people" are long gone. They are all there for self-serving interests. So I vote based upon the results I want. Trump is giving me the results I desire - a booming economy, North Korea dismantling some of its nuclear capabilities, companies re-investing in America, improved immigration control, conservative justices, restructuring the courts, improved foreign policy.

As ya'll told us in the 1990s, it shouldn't matter who he's ******* and if he's adulterous. We should accept those traits in our Presidents. Aye Aye Captain, all on board there.
You've got your head so far up your *** you don't realize I've been 100% correct with my assessment on Trump for the better part of two years running. I called it early, and I called it correctly, what a **** show his presidency will be. I know that eats at you non-stop, but I'm not going to apologize for being right. All the signs were there in plain sight, only the blind couldn't see them. Or those like you and others who display copious amounts of willful ignorance.


You can't find better comedy on the Comedy Channel. You just can't.
You've got your head so far up your *** you don't realize I've been 100% correct with my assessment on Trump for the better part of two years running. I called it early, and I called it correctly, what a **** show his presidency will be. I know that eats at you non-stop, but I'm not going to apologize for being right. All the signs were there in plain sight, only the blind couldn't see them. Or those like you and others who display copious amounts of willful ignorance.

I look at the people who President Trump pisses off and it tells me he's on the right track.
As I've said countless times on this board, politicians are most all vermin. Egomaniacs. Believe they are above the law. The days of men and women going to Washington to "serve the people" are long gone. They are all there for self-serving interests.

Finally, and for the first time ever, I see an accurate description of Trump from you. Very impressive.
So you willfully voted for Hillary, knowing she protected her sexual assaulting husband. You willfully voted for Hillary, knowing that she made a career out of further destroying these women that were already the victims of his sexual assault.

But you have a problem with Trump's sexual deeds?

You can spin all you want, but if you stand here and rail on Trump's behavior while having willfully voted for Hillary, knowing what she represented and had done, you are operating under a double standard. There's no spinning that.

I don't care. As I've said countless times on this board, politicians are most all vermin. Egomaniacs. Believe they are above the law. The days of men and women going to Washington to "serve the people" are long gone. They are all there for self-serving interests. So I vote based upon the results I want. Trump is giving me the results I desire - a booming economy, North Korea dismantling some of its nuclear capabilities, companies re-investing in America, improved immigration control, conservative justices, restructuring the courts, improved foreign policy.

As ya'll told us in the 1990s, it shouldn't matter who he's ******* and if he's adulterous. We should accept those traits in our Presidents. Aye Aye Captain, all on board there.

WTF? Where did I say this? Did you actually read what I wrote? LOL talk about spinning. Like I said I actually don't give a flying **** about what you think at all, but I'll be damned if I let a flat out lie go. "Ya'll" proud of voting for the sexual predator in the office right now, good for "ya'll". And just an FYI, I didn't tell "ya'll" about anything in the 1990s, so I have no idea what "ya'll" talking about. "Ya'll" have fun now, ya hear?
WTF? Where did I say this? Did you actually read what I wrote? LOL talk about spinning.
If you haven't figured it out by now, that's what Tim does, his specialty, if you will.
Never asked to be felt sorry for, just stating silly me to think I might have found a board that could have real discussions, not stupid infantile, name calling bullshit of zero substance. I'm also 100% not apologizing for voting against trump, and never will. I don't really give a **** anymore is all I'm saying, not "poor me". I answered my own question as to why there weren't more non-rights on this board.

interesting. you don't like to have your thoughts questioned, nor do you like to feel attacked for what you perceive as exercising your rights.
please, tell us more.
interesting. you don't like to have your thoughts questioned, nor do you like to feel attacked for what you perceive as exercising your rights.
please, tell us more.

So please tell me more, how the below quotes are "questioning" my thoughts. More like "telling" me my thoughts, which are wrong, but whatever. Please tell me more on how this is any kind of discussion of substance. Please tell me more about how I voted for Hillary even though I knew about her disparaging Bill's victims (very trump like BTW). I really want to hear that one because I had no idea I did that so I'm fascinated. I don't feel attacked at all, nor do I care about being "attacked", but these aren't attacks, just nothing but a bunch of **** talkers not QUESTIONING but TELLING me how I think and how I vote based on outright lies. And of course when I do answer the questions and "exercise my rights", it really doesn't matter anyway. Nope, they got me all figured out. Never once did I say I felt attacked, just stating it's a waste of my time.

“Ha ha ha!!! Your TDS is showing. Melania has more class in her left nipple than the 1st lady drag queen had total.”
“Your agitation with all things Trump brings me great joy.”
“Gonna be a long 7 more years for you. Just like 8 years with Bomma was long for me.”
“Like calling 1/2 the country deplorable? Telling business owners that they didn't built it? Calling Christians who like their 2nd amendment rights "bitter?" Got it.”
“You sure you're a LIEberal? You sound an awful lot like a sexually repressed Baptist. Nudity is SIN! SIN!!!”

“Yet the Left toasts Harvey Weinstein, drools over Matt Lauer, reveres Bill Clinton, and fawns over his wife Hillary who destroys the women Bill assaults.”

“Did you vote for Clinton in the 1990s?
Did you vote for Hillary in this past election?”

“If you cast your vote for either in either election, your statement holds no water.”
“LMAO! You lefties are so filled with Trump hate that you are not capable of thinking rationally.”
“The hypocrisy is that you deride Trump for saying you can grab em by the ***** and you deride Melania for posing nude while she was a professional model, yet you vote for Hillary who has enabled and tried to protect the two biggest sexual predators in modern history.”
“So you willfully voted for Hillary, knowing she protected her sexual assaulting husband. You willfully voted for Hillary, knowing that she made a career out of further destroying these women that were already the victims of his sexual assault.”
So please tell me more, how the below quotes are "questioning" my thoughts.

The majority of those are statements of fact, based on things you've said those who you support.
The majority of those are statements of fact, based on things you've said those who you support.

There is nothing there that is a fact. Nothing. Would you like me to list facts about you based on your posts and who you support. Oh and the "real" news sites you choose. I could give you those facts about yourself if you like.
So please tell me more, how the below quotes are "questioning" my thoughts. More like "telling" me my thoughts, which are wrong, but whatever. Please tell me more on how this is any kind of discussion of substance. Please tell me more about how I voted for Hillary even though I knew about her disparaging Bill's victims (very trump like BTW). I really want to hear that one because I had no idea I did that so I'm fascinated. I don't feel attacked at all, nor do I care about being "attacked", but these aren't attacks, just nothing but a bunch of **** talkers not QUESTIONING but TELLING me how I think and how I vote based on outright lies. And of course when I do answer the questions and "exercise my rights", it really doesn't matter anyway. Nope, they got me all figured out. Never once did I say I felt attacked, just stating it's a waste of my time.

“Ha ha ha!!! Your TDS is showing. Melania has more class in her left nipple than the 1st lady drag queen had total.”
“Your agitation with all things Trump brings me great joy.”
“Gonna be a long 7 more years for you. Just like 8 years with Bomma was long for me.”
“Like calling 1/2 the country deplorable? Telling business owners that they didn't built it? Calling Christians who like their 2nd amendment rights "bitter?" Got it.”
“You sure you're a LIEberal? You sound an awful lot like a sexually repressed Baptist. Nudity is SIN! SIN!!!”

“Yet the Left toasts Harvey Weinstein, drools over Matt Lauer, reveres Bill Clinton, and fawns over his wife Hillary who destroys the women Bill assaults.”

“Did you vote for Clinton in the 1990s?
Did you vote for Hillary in this past election?”

“If you cast your vote for either in either election, your statement holds no water.”
“LMAO! You lefties are so filled with Trump hate that you are not capable of thinking rationally.”
“The hypocrisy is that you deride Trump for saying you can grab em by the ***** and you deride Melania for posing nude while she was a professional model, yet you vote for Hillary who has enabled and tried to protect the two biggest sexual predators in modern history.”
“So you willfully voted for Hillary, knowing she protected her sexual assaulting husband. You willfully voted for Hillary, knowing that she made a career out of further destroying these women that were already the victims of his sexual assault.”

oh, honey, remember "losing elections has consequences"