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Biden Gaffes

Biden ready, willing and able to get into that pushup contest, dammit!!

Auto worker: "Why do you want to restrict my rights as a private citizen to own firearms?"
Biden: "You're full of ****! Time for pushups, goddammit!"

Also, Biden says his son has firearms? The same son who ****** his dead brother's wife, was dishonorably discharged, uses cocaine, and knocked up a stripper?? Jesus, Joe, maybe you should've red flagged him?
Biden ready, willing and able to get into that pushup contest, dammit!!

Auto worker: "Why do you want to restrict my rights as a private citizen to own firearms?"
Biden: "You're full of ****! Time for pushups, goddammit!"

Also, Biden says his son has firearms? The same son who ****** his dead brother's wife, was dishonorably discharged, uses cocaine, and knocked up a stripper?? Jesus, Joe, maybe you should've red flagged him?

Bunch of gangsters. Nice job with the son Joe.
Biden ready, willing and able to get into that pushup contest, dammit!!

Auto worker: "Why do you want to restrict my rights as a private citizen to own firearms?"
Biden: "You're full of ****! Time for pushups, goddammit!"

Also, Biden says his son has firearms? The same son who ****** his dead brother's wife, was dishonorably discharged, uses cocaine, and knocked up a stripper?? Jesus, Joe, maybe you should've red flagged him?
You forgot rich and world traveller.
Ok maybe all the $ went to hookers and blow.

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I take two things away from this.
1. Biden is the consummate politician and will say whatever the audience he is in front of wants to hear. What he said a day ago or an hour ago, that's gone, never happened.
2. Biden will kick your *** like he did Corn Pop back in the day.

The best way to beat Biden is to keep asking him questions. Let the man speak. He doesn't know what day it is, mixes up words, and has an angry streak to him.
Biden tells voter "You're full of ****". Shushes woman. Rambles on about "AR-14s" and machine guns.

Did he tell a person to step outside as if Biden age 77 is going to hit him? Some bystander should take the punch for the nation, and sue. Biden would be finished.
Once Biden gets the nomination, and it appears he will, there will be a wealth of material for TV ads consisting of nothing more than his own words.
Once Biden gets the nomination, and it appears he will, there will be a wealth of material for TV ads consisting of nothing more than his own words.

They should make one ad that's just montage of his sniffs, and another one showing him yelling at his own voters.
Once Biden gets the nomination, and it appears he will, there will be a wealth of material for TV ads consisting of nothing more than his own words.

Personally, I think the biggest danger of a Biden nomination is the orthopedic health of 95% of reporters, stumbling and tripping over themselves to start giving the brain-addled geezer a verbal blowjob.
When you're a V.P., you can just grab 'em by the ****.

Aw Indy... That's just good ol grandpa Joe. Ya know...groping girls in a loving grandfatherly way. It's adorable.
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If Joe doesn't know where he is now just wait until the debates and Trump gets a hold of him. He better get some backup from cornpop, cornrolls or cornflakes....
Biden is creepy, confused and possibly looking at alzheimers
So far the 'Crusty Commie' is being beaten by the 'Senile Sniffer' and I'm not sure I have enough popcorn to last through this election campaign. What a hoot this is gonna be.


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Pathetic. Who will vote for this space cadet?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jill Biden is emerging as a real villain in this campaign. How can she keep doing this to her husband?<a href="https://t.co/wzNhKFQvWT">pic.twitter.com/wzNhKFQvWT</a></p>— Plain Ol' Johnny Graz (@jvgraz) <a href="https://twitter.com/jvgraz/status/1240126534838616074?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Another blunderstorm by the putative (D)im nominee, Creepy Uncle Joe:

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was mocked on Monday after the gaffe-prone 2020 Democratic front-runner appeared to lose his train of thought when his teleprompter malfunctioned during remarks on the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden's remarks, livestreamed from a studio set up in his home, began with his touching his face despite ongoing warnings not to do that during the coronavirus pandemic. His remarks were also short compared with the president's near-daily coronavirus briefings, lasting less than 15 minutes in total, and featured a clear teleprompter issue that became a social media punchline.

The former vice president was detailing his plan to fight the coronavirus crisis, but appeared to lose track of his place on the teleprompter. Biden signaled to his staff that there was something wrong, before going off on an awkward ad-lib.

"And, in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well met me go the second thing, I've spoken enough on that," Biden said before going on to speak about the aggressive action he would like Trump to take under the Defense Production Act.


And as has been the case for at least seven days, Biden said Trump is failing miserably in addressing the health threat, immediately afterwards then promising to do things Trump has already done:

Joe Biden said "no efforts should be spared" to get private labs and universities working to rapidly expand testing for coronavirus.

President Trump already acted on this weeks ago, ordering the FDA to allow hundreds of private labs and academic hospitals to rapidly begin testing for coronavirus.

Joe Biden said that small businesses will need relief from coronavirus' economic impact.

President Trump already moved decisively to provide $50 billion in liquidity to small business owners, and is asking Congress for even more.

Joe Biden said it is critical for insurance companies to waive copays for coronavirus testing.

President Trump already got it done, securing a commitment from the nation's insurance providers to waive all copays on coronavirus testing and expand coverage of coronavirus treatment in all their benefit plans.

Joe Biden said we need to "accelerate" the development of a coronavirus vaccine.

That is exactly what President Trump has done, fast-tracking development of a vaccine to face clinical trials within months.

Joe Biden advised Americans to stay home from work when ill, wash their hands, and avoid large public gatherings.

President Trump advised Americans to take these critical steps weeks ago.
The question now is clearly not, "Where's Hunter?" The question now is, "Where's Joe?" He has been all but invisible the past two weeks, and his incredibly short stints on camera have been an unmitigated disaster.

First, the comedic "video town hall" on Friday, March 13, 2020.

Joe Biden held a virtual town hall via Facebook live on Friday and it was a disaster.

First Biden got confused and didn’t know when he would be president if he won the election.

Then he wandered off camera as he was babbling about the Amazon forest burning and how if he were president he would offer $20 billion to protect agriculture internationally. The campaign tried to cover it up with a logo. Seriously, what is wrong with Joe Biden??



Joe Biden's first "virtual town hall" was marred with technical gaffes and confusion, and ended after only five minutes.

The former vice president had to cancel his Friday rally in Chicago over coronavirus concerns, and his campaign sought to connect with Illinois voters online instead. The event was broadcast live on Facebook and conducted with Zoom, a business videoconferencing app. It got off to a confusing start with the presidential hopeful starting his remarks before the camera started recording.

As he prepared to take a phone question from "Maureen" the line went dead. "You there?" Biden asked.

At another point, Biden answered a question on endangered species by turning away from the camera and walking off the screen.

Less than five minutes in, the town hall abruptly ended, and Biden and his aide apologized for the problems.

"I'm sorry this has been such a disjointed effort here because of the connections. ... There's a lot more to say, but I've already probably said too much to you," Biden said, holding a smartphone in his hand.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Joe Biden’s virtual town hall is experiencing some significant technical difficulties. First questioner said simply: "Mr Biden’s speech was garbled the entire time.” <br><br>"Am I live? Can I respond?” Biden asked at one point and, at another: “Am I on camera?"</p>— Matt Viser (@mviser) <a href="https://twitter.com/mviser/status/1238610112408936453?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Then today's embarrassment, where Biden lost track of the teleprompter and began his usual mumbling and confusion.

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is trying to show Americans how he would handle a global pandemic if he wins the presidency. But, an apparent issue with his teleprompter during remarks he delivered on Monday led to widespread mockery after Biden stumbled through a segment of his speech.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Biden's teleprompter broke <a href="https://t.co/kgGqYV6wl2">pic.twitter.com/kgGqYV6wl2</a></p>— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) <a href="https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1242103534654537729?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Anybody who believes this clown can be President is deluding himself. He is a ******* muppet at this point, and too delusional and Alzheimer ridden to know that he is talking only because somebody else has his hand up Biden's ***.
I know people that are hell bent on voting for Joe. They ignore these obvious blunders.
I know people that are hell bent on voting for Joe. They ignore these obvious blunders.

And that's scary as hell.