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Biden Gaffes

Know what word was apparently NOT uttered during the debate? China.

You know, the actual enemy of the United States. The one dumping millions of tons of pollution into the oceans, and releasing massive air pollution, and pumping deadly illegal opiates into the United States, and stealing our technology, and running slave labor camps, and conducting currency manipulation, and dumping underpriced goods on the world market to destroy American manufacturing.

Yeah, but ******* Ukraine is the problem.

One of the lapdogs on China:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">- LeBron endorses Hillary<br>- LeBron campaigns w/ Hillary<br>- LeBron calls Trump supporters 'uneducated'<br>- LeBron calls Trump a 'bum' & 'hateful'<br>- LeBron attacks Trump on border wall<br><br>*Mention Communist China atrocities*<br><br>- LeBron 'We’re not politicians. It’s a political thing' <a href="https://t.co/nGzsgFG5Gj">pic.twitter.com/nGzsgFG5Gj</a></p>— Benny (@bennyjohnson) <a href="https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1184468286416789504?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Anyone catch Biden talking about his Hunter and somehow got him mixed up with his other son Beau?

The man has some issues
Anyone catch Biden talking about his Hunter and somehow got him mixed up with his other son Beau?

The man has some issues

Mental and physical health for him and Hildebeast doesn't matter. They just need to be elected and have a D in the White House. After that they have their people to handle things.
Joe Biden, Bleeding Cash, Spent Nearly $1 Million on Private Jets

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is bleeding cash. And a big reason why appears to be an antiquated, higher-end approach to electoral politics that the former vice president has adopted.

Biden’s team spent more than $923,000 on private jets during the third quarter of 2019, according to recently filed Federal Election Commission data. The expenses represented a major chunk of change—accounting for roughly one out of every 16 dollars the campaign raised.

Overall, Biden currently has less than $9 million cash on-hand



What, me worry?

Joe Biden, Bleeding Cash, Spent Nearly $1 Million on Private Jets

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is bleeding cash. And a big reason why appears to be an antiquated, higher-end approach to electoral politics that the former vice president has adopted.

Biden’s team spent more than $923,000 on private jets during the third quarter of 2019, according to recently filed Federal Election Commission data. The expenses represented a major chunk of change—accounting for roughly one out of every 16 dollars the campaign raised.

Overall, Biden currently has less than $9 million cash on-hand



What, me worry?


izzat yer FireChicken?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
Biden is losing his mental faculties. Even the media is turning on him. It looks they embrace Warren now. She dodges questions about raising taxes and starts talking about "costs".
Joe Biden, Bleeding Cash, Spent Nearly $1 Million on Private Jets

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is bleeding cash. And a big reason why appears to be an antiquated, higher-end approach to electoral politics that the former vice president has adopted.

Biden’s team spent more than $923,000 on private jets during the third quarter of 2019, according to recently filed Federal Election Commission data.

Oh, come on, he did that to fight the existential threat of global warming!!

Wait ...
Biden, claiming again for some reason that the big rig driver who was involved in the accident with his wife and kids was drunk or had been drinking or that alcohol played any role in an accident where Biden's wife simply pulled out from the intersection in front of the poor guy, is committing a Warren.*

"At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk. Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved." The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim. He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."


The truck driver died in 1999 and can no longer defend himself, so of course the disgusting and corrupt Biden seeks to gain a vote or two with his lies about what happened.

* A fabrication or alteration of personal history, specifically designed to show the teller as a victim to garner sympathy and support; a detestable, visceral lie told about a person's own history and for nauseating personal gain. "Elizabeth Warren claimed that a polio victim supposedly chased her around her desk to snatch off her Native American headdress. Wow, what a Warren."

izzat yer FireChicken?

I almost got banned from a hard left board for posting that pic!, lol, im such a troll

I was sent to a jury and punished with just my post being removed, im on thin ice

And yes, im a Liz supporter there, run Old Joe down every chance i get, Liz followers luv me, lol
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FLASHBACK: Biden Lied for Years About the Driver Involved in His Wife & Daughter's Death
By Stephen Green | October 16, 2019

While it's impossible to measure the grief of a man who loses his young wife and infant daughter in a car collision, it's both possible and necessary to take the measure of a man who spent years falsely claiming the other driver may have been drunk.

During Joe Biden's 2008 run as Barack Obama's running mate, Pamela Hamill -- the daughter of that other driver -- asked that the then-senator make a public apology for the years he'd spent impugning her father.

Curtis Dunn was driving the tractor-trailer that collided with the car driven by Biden's first wife, Neilia. Neilia was carrying their 13-month-old infant daughter with her, and young sons Beau and Hunter were in the car, too. They were on their way to buy a Christmas tree when the accident occurred. Police at the time made the determination that Mrs. Biden drove into the path of the oncoming truck, possibly because she was looking the wrong way at a stop sign. Neilia and the girl died of their injuries, despite Dunn's attempts to provide first aid, and the Bidens' sons were also hurt very badly. POLITICO wrote in January of this year that a friend of Biden’s looked into the accident at the time and concluded, "She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not."

When Hamill made her apology request, the Newark Post reported that the chief prosecutor at the time, Jerome O. Herlihy, said that "there is no evidence" supporting Biden’s longstanding assertion that Dunn might have, in Biden's words, "drank his lunch" that terrible day. And yet, as Post reporter Carl Hamilton noted:

Biden has been alluding to alcohol being involved in the crash for nearly a decade. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

More recently, the vice presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn has found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

Yet Hamill said she had no idea Biden had been misrepresenting Dunn until late August.​

Although Dunn was not at fault and was quick to render assistance, he was haunted by the accident for the rest of his life. Dunn passed away in 1999, 27 years later, but as his daughter told the Post, "He always got very solemn around Christmastime because the anniversary was Dec. 18, and he never wanted to celebrate the holidays."

After an exhaustive online search, I can find no mention of Biden ever apologizing to Hamill or to her family. And that POLITICO piece by Michael Kruse I quoted above? It was headlined, "How Grief Became Joe Biden’s Superpower," which is enough to make you sick after learning how Biden twisted the facts -- and his own grief -- for, what, a slicker stump speech?

Or as Jack Fowler asked back in April of this year, "It was a heartbreaking story all around, and with officials leaving no doubt of the truck driver’s complete innocence, what was the point of doing or saying anything more than letting Neilia and Naomi Biden rest in peace?" The answer to Fowler's question would seem to be revealed by that POLITICO profile: Biden chose to weaponize his grief, and any collateral damage be damned.

As a husband and as the father of two young boys, ages 9 and 13, I can all-too-well imagine the horror of receiving of phone call like the one Biden received on December 18, 1972. But to then spend years impugning the innocent driver who tried to save my own loved ones, despite just have been nearly killed himself? That I can't imagine, and suspect you couldn't, either. We can, however, safely assess the character of the man who would do such a thing -- and then neglect to apologize when called on it -- as thoughtless, cruel, and very, very small.

I admit to some personal bias here. From the first time I became aware of Biden, during the 1988 presidential primaries, I found his demeanor annoyingly fake and cloyingly off-putting. My 19-year-old self had no way to know just how correct that assessment was.
I almost got banned from a hard left board for posting that pic!, lol, im such a troll

I was sent to a jury and punished with just my post being removed, im on thin ice

And yes, im a Liz supporter there, run Old Joe down every chance i get, Liz followers luv me, lol

Spikes, it is an absolute fact that libs are not nearly as tolerant as we at Steeler Nation. Elftard was here for years before being booted, and even them, some (like me) wish she was still here for continued beatings.
I almost got banned from a hard left board for posting that pic!, lol, im such a troll

I was sent to a jury and punished with just my post being removed, im on thin ice

And yes, im a Liz supporter there, run Old Joe down every chance i get, Liz followers luv me, lol

You got impeached!
Ha ha - wait till I post trump's crowd in Dallas and say Liz is the only one that can compete with him





Joe's tiny shriveled crowds show that his campaign is nothing but name recognition and on-line polls
Ha ha - wait till I post trump's crowd in Dallas and say Liz is the only one that can compete with him

Joe's tiny shriveled crowds show that his campaign is nothing but name recognition and on-line polls

I almost feel sorry for the guy. Almost.

Maybe if he did blackface 2 or 3 or 8 times, Bammy would endorse him.
Biden has more baggage than an Airbus A380. If he's the nominee, it will come out. I find it telling that Obama, who gave Biden medals and called him the best vice president ever, isn't speaking for him. He was the white man in a suit, Obama used the dim wited Biden for his own political end game, and probably new about Creepy Joe and Sleepy Joe long before stuff came out.

I'm sort of hoping Warren wins, as she comes across as an angry witch type, not exactly electable, in my opinion. The danger is she's a radical, and Biden by Democratic standards is moderate. Warren would wreck the economy, among other things.
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Bill Maher on Hunter Biden: If It Was Don Jr., ‘It Would Be All Rachel Maddow Was Talking About’

I'll say this for him, Maher will at least call out his side when he thinks they've screwed up.

Perhaps the pressure is getting to him.

On Sunday, Joe Biden snapped at a voter in New Hampshire, calling him a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”

The dust-up came after the voter asked Biden, “How do you explain the performance in Iowa and why should the voters believe that you can win a national election?"

"You ever been to a caucus?" Biden replied.

After the voter said she indeed had attended a caucus, Biden shot back: "No you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier."
Biden wonders why he's losing voters. Well let's take a look w/ some comments to concerned voters:

"Go vote for someone else then."

"Look, fat."

"I'm beginning to see why your wife left you."

"You're a lying dog-faced, pony soldier."

No correlation here I'm sure.
LOL, Just read the Washington Post reported that Biden "jokingly called someone a lying dog faced pony soldier". Aww, just an adorable little joke. I'm sure they would say the same if Trump said it.
Biden is slipping in the polls. Money will dry up. It all depends on how he fares in south Carolina.
LOL, Just read the Washington Post reported that Biden "jokingly called someone a lying dog faced pony soldier". Aww, just an adorable little joke. I'm sure they would say the same if Trump said it.

Yeah, if Trump call a female "dog faced" the assplosions and shrieks from the libtards would be deafening.