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Bob Woodward's New Book - Fear: Trump in the White House

If the economy is doing so well under Trump, then why is the Federal Deficit soaring, wages remaining flat and inflation increasing?

But none of that matters, really. When the topic at hand - as highlighted in Woodward's book and the NYT Op-Ed piece - is that we have an unmoored, unhinged maniac serving as commander in chief. We are in an acute national sercurity crisis and no matter how much we talk about the economy, the problem(s) arent going away any time soon.

Because we still have not reigned in spending. As was posted before math and logic are not something you leftists are good with.
I also interviewed over 100 people and half of them are high up in the administration. My transcripts are like 20,000 pages. I'm going to let Alex Jones interview me because he will present it as fact.

Interesting analysis of that anonymous NYT op ed - https://spectator.org/anonymous-ye-shall-know-him-by-his-fruits/

A sample -

Not coincidentally, the solipsistic voice and callow perspective that “Anonymous” brings to the Op-Ed tends to undermine the claim that it was written by a high-ranking official in any administration. Most senior members of the Trump administration are over 50 years old and many are well beyond 60. Yet, throughout the entire essay, there is an unmistakable thread of historical illiteracy and presentism that one would normally associate with a Millennial. This is evident in its very first sentence: “President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.” Really?

This means one of two things: Either “Anonymous” believes that the modern era began a couple of decades ago or that the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal, the OPEC Embargo, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the fall of the Soviet Union, the Clinton impeachment, the 9-11 attacks, and the Iraq War were all relatively minor events for the relevant presidential administrations. It strains credulity to the limit to suggest that a senior official of the Trump administration would compose the hopelessly naïve sentence quoted above and permit it to be published in the New York Times.

The opening sentence isn’t the only indication that the author of the Op-Ed is a junior time server languishing in the bowels of the Eisenhower Office building. The piece consists primarily of shopworn clichés that can be heard in any bar in any college town in America (or on CNN if you’re stuck in an airport). This self-styled “defender of our democratic institutions” solemnly states that “President Trump’s impulses are generally anti-trade and anti-democratic,” that he “shows a preference for autocrats and dictators,” that “the country is bitterly divided,” and that the “root of the problem is the president’s amorality.”

There's a lot more in this article. It's no admin official. The Gray Lady is a lying beatch.
We have never had Trillion dollar deficits at full employment before. Only two things can be true when you do this: either taxes are way too low or you need
a ton of new employable people (immigrants) entering the country. Right now we have a lot more job openings than we have unemployed people. And in 2018
10K baby boomers are retiring each day. We are on a fast track path to bankrupting the country. Bankruptcy is the one thing Trump is an expert at.
We have never had Trillion dollar deficits at full employment before. Only two things can be true when you do this: either taxes are way too low or you need
a ton of new employable people (immigrants) entering the country. Right now we have a lot more job openings than we have unemployed people. And in 2018
10K baby boomers are retiring each day. We are on a fast track path to bankrupting the country. Bankruptcy is the one thing Trump is an expert at.


Wrong on both counts. We need to cut spending and make it much harder to get welfare. There are a ton of people that can work that aren't in the work force because living on OPM is way easier than rolling out of the bed before noon and hitting the door every day.
You libs need to get your story straight. Is it a good economy that Obama is responsible for, or a bad economy that is Trump's fault? Apparently the nightly news has not informed you how to talk about it yet. They've probably been focus grouping it. Hang in there. They'll let you know.
Yeah, Woodward's book is harmless, full of lies, a real nothingburger.

Trump Is (Still) Melting Down Over Bob Woodward’s Explosive Book

The president has spent the better part of the past week attacking the esteemed journalist

After a busy weekend spent golfing and bragging about his cordial relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, President Trump began his work week by tweeting 14 times before 10 in the morning. The focal point of the president’s wrath was the same as it was last week: veteran journalist Bob Woodward, whose latest book, Fear, provides a damning, detailed look behind the scenes of the Trump administration. The president decided to give the book a few shout-outs in anticipation of its Tuesday release.

Calling the book a “joke” and assuring America that the White House is a “smooth running machine” was just the beginning. The president continued to tweet a line from a Washington Examiner piece pointing out that administration officials whom Woodward’s reporting quotes — most notably Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis — have issued denials. Trump then retweeted a series of unrelated memes from fan accounts before doing the same to an attack he made on Woodward last Friday. “I don’t talk the way I am quoted. If I did I would not have been elected President,“ Trump wrote, an apparent reference to a reported quote of him calling Attorney General Jeff Sessions “mentally retarded” and a “dumb Southerner.” Despite his denial, multiple outlets have uncovered past instances of Trump using “mentally retarded” in a derogatory fashion, and the New York Times pointed out on Friday that he once described his in-laws as “dumb Southerners.”

Though Trump apparently once respected Woodward, his tone changed last Tuesday when the Washington Post published a preview of the Watergate journalist’s much-anticipated book. Included were a number of quotes bashing Trump from some of his most prominent officials, as well as quotes from the president insulting members of his own Cabinet. The book was described to portray a White House in chaos, where officials work tirelessly to prevent an incompetent president from harming the country more than he already has. Woodward’s characterization was legitimized in the eyes of many when, on Wednesday, the Times published an op-ed penned by an anonymous senior administration official painting a similarly distressed portrait of life inside the White House. Trump spent the better part of last week attacking both Woodward and the “gutless” author of the Times op-ed.https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-woodward-accusations-721834/

As journalists have continued to comb through Woodward’s book, more damaging passages have trickled out, such as Trump’s approach to handling #MeToo allegations, of which he has been a target himself. “You’ve got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women,” Trump is reported to have said. “If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you’re dead.”

Trump’s outburst on Monday morning might have been triggered by Woodward’s appearance on the Today show, an explosive convergence of the perceived enemy receiving the brunt of Trump’s attention and the network that recently knocked heavyweight CNN off of the the top of his Fake News rankings.
I wish we could transport some of these sensitive lefties back into the LBJ White House for a day.
Bob Woodward: 'Great Washington Denial Machine' Driven By Politics, Not Truth

Bob Woodward, the author of an explosive new portrayal of President Trump's White House, tells NPR that administration officials are denying his account out of "political necessity."

In his book Fear, which comes out Tuesday, Woodward describes Trump behaving erratically and impulsively, even on significant issues of national security, and insulting some of his senior officials.

President Trump has repeatedly denounced Woodward's book, calling the veteran journalist an "idiot" and his work a piece of "fiction."

Woodward has consistently said he stands behind his reporting on Trump's actions.

He was there and said these things and did these things," Woodward tells Morning Edition host Rachel Martin.

The book also depicts staffers and advisers as condemning the president behind his back and actively working to stymie some of his actions, even hiding documents from Trump.

Several prominent figures in the book have denied quotes that Woodward attributes to them. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis denies saying that Trump acted like a fifth- or sixth-grader while discussing North Korea, and chief of staff John Kelly denied calling Trump "an idiot."

Woodward stands by his reporting, telling NPR he attributes the denials to "political necessity."

"You crank out the great Washington denial machine," he says. "I've seen this over the years, going back to the Nixon case." (Woodward's source for the Watergate scandal, Mark Felt, denied for years that he was, in fact, "Deep Throat.")

"Time and time again people will deny things," Woodward says. "I understand people have to protect their positions. But I've done hundreds of hours of interviews with people. ... These things happened."
Woodward's book is sooooo last week.
Tell that to Trump who can't stop obsessing over it. Kind of odd, don't you think? Given the book is supposedly full of lies and made up ****. If so, why does Trump care one iota? On top of all his self-inflicted misery (ie Mueller probe) he's now got a major hurricane bearing down on the Carolinas he should be focusing on, no?
How? And why? The book is full of lies, completely made up by Woodward, purely a figment of his imagination...

Conservative columnist Bret Stephens predicted the new Bob Woodward book about President Trump will have a "decisive effect" on the midterm elections by pushing voters to vote against GOP lawmakers because they're fed up with the "Crazytown" created by Trump.

NYT columnist: Woodward's book will have a 'decisive effect' on midterms

Conservative New York Times columnist Bret Stephens on Monday said that the revelations made in Bob Woodward's new book could have a "decisive effect" on the upcoming midterm elections.

"My question is, does the book move voters at the margins?" Stephens asked while speaking on MSNBC about Woodward's explosive book, “Fear: Trump in the White House."

"And I suspect that it is going to move voters at the margins. I suspect that it is going to have a decisive effect on the midterms."

Stephens, a regular critic of the president, said he doesn't think that the passages in the book, which hits shelves on Tuesday, will sway Trump's base, but he said he thinks it could convince voters who were unsure about voting for Trump or his 2016 Democratic presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

“You are going to convince the people who struggled really hard in 2016 between Hillary Clinton, not liking her, and Donald Trump, not liking him and suddenly saying, ‘you know what, this guy, we’ve been in Crazytown for too long, we need a correction,’ ” Stephens said, referring to a passage in one of the pre-released excerpts from the book where White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly referred to the administration as "Crazytown."

The comments come about a week after The Washington Post published a number of excerpts from the book. The book paints a portrait of an administration that is increasingly at odds with the president's impulses.
I predict after mid term elections old Tibsy will vanish just like he did when His President was elected.
I predict after mid term elections old Tibsy will vanish just like he did when His President was elected.
I predict SCSteeler4life will spend the better part of his days without having anything of substance to add to the discussions on this board. Oh well.
I predict SCSteeler4life will spend the better part of his days without having anything of substance to add to the discussions on this board. Oh well.

I add more than your constant my ***** hurts cause Trump did ( insert next big gotcha story of the week ) You get your *** handed to you every day over and over. Thanks for the entertainment.
I add more than your constant my ***** hurts cause Trump did ( insert next big gotcha story of the week ) You get your *** handed to you every day over and over. Thanks for the entertainment.
Glad you like being ruled by an authoritarian dick-for-brains. It makes it easy, cause you don't have to do any thinking. You can just nod along with the Trump peanut gallery. What you call getting 'my *** handed to me every day over and over' is simply me having a differing opinion than the majority on this board. I wear that as a badge of honor. Maybe one day you'll be lulled out of your coma and will grasp what's been happening these past two years. Or maybe you won't.
Glad you like being ruled by an authoritarian dick-for-brains. It makes it easy, cause you don't have to do any thinking. You can just nod along with the Trump peanut gallery. What you call getting 'my *** handed to me every day over and over' is simply me having a differing opinion than the majority on this board. I wear that as a badge of honor. Maybe one day you'll be lulled out of your coma and will grasp what's been happening these past two years. Or maybe you won't.

You have utterly no idea what it's like here. Keep living in your far away fantasy land fueled by bullshit media propaganda and believing Trump is bad for the country. We know better because we live here and see it first hand. You are only getting a handcrafted, distorted version of what CNN and their ilk wants you to have. Congrats, you are falling for it hook, line and sinker. .
Glad you like being ruled by an authoritarian dick-for-brains. It makes it easy, cause you don't have to do any thinking. You can just nod along with the Trump peanut gallery. What you call getting 'my *** handed to me every day over and over' is simply me having a differing opinion than the majority on this board. I wear that as a badge of honor. Maybe one day you'll be lulled out of your coma and will grasp what's been happening these past two years. Or maybe you won't.

I'm up 30,000$ in my 401k this year. I don"t know anyone that doesn't have a good paying job now. We are hiring people off the street at top pay because the demand for manufacturing jobs in my area has exploded. I got a bonus and a raise this year ( first time since 2008 we got both ) all because of how well things are going here. So Tibs here in the real world things are just fine.
I'm up 30,000$ in my 401k this year. I don"t know anyone that doesn't have a good paying job now. We are hiring people off the street at top pay because the demand for manufacturing jobs in my area has exploded. I got a bonus and a raise this year ( first time since 2008 we got both ) all because of how well things are going here. So Tibs here in the real world things are just fine.

I can respect that. I guess my view of Trump is regarding everything outside of the economic sphere that you describe. I'm glad things are going well for you, I hope it continues.

You have utterly no idea what it's like here. Keep living in your far away fantasy land fueled by bullshit media propaganda and believing Trump is bad for the country. We know better because we live here and see it first hand. You are only getting a handcrafted, distorted version of what CNN and their ilk wants you to have. Congrats, you are falling for it hook, line and sinker. .

Again, I take a broader view of Trump and this presidency and get my news from much wider sources than you suggest. But I get it, why you and others feel things are going well right now. Can't say I blame you for looking the other way, as far as his indiscretions, when business seems to be booming.
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Glad you like being ruled by an authoritarian dick-for-brains. It makes it easy, cause you don't have to do any thinking. You can just nod along with the Trump peanut gallery. What you call getting 'my *** handed to me every day over and over' is simply me having a differing opinion than the majority on this board. I wear that as a badge of honor. Maybe one day you'll be lulled out of your coma and will grasp what's been happening these past two years. Or maybe you won't.

This coming from a boma fan.
Let's not forget everything Trump touches turns to gold. Nike sales up, Woodward book sales through the roof. Trump is his own worst enemy, but we knew that already. Keep tweeting, big guy, you'll get the word out the best way you know how. Woodward should give him a cut, thank the man for his hard work and showmanship.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bob Woodward's publisher says *thanks to Trump’s continued promoting of the book* it's already printing 1,000,000 copies of 'Fear,' making it one of the biggest publishing success stories of the year. <br><br>"We have reprinted 6 times for a total of 7 to meet extraordinary demand." <a href="https://t.co/Xgv596CX6T">https://t.co/Xgv596CX6T</a></p>— Maggie Jordan: (@MaggieJordanACN) <a href="https://twitter.com/MaggieJordanACN/status/1039287729383780352?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 10, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Knowing politics in America, when a Republican is President, it is never as bad as Democrats say and never as good as Republicans say.

Things are good in America. Yeah, Trump says a lot of stupid ****, especially on twitter, but if a truly objective person takes a step back and really looks at things objectively, that person would see that nothing much has changed. My life hasn't changed one iota, really. I still have to get up, go to work, make a living and take care of my responsibilities. I have the same friends. I making a little more money, but nothing remarkable.

My life was very similar during Obama's presidency. I assume it is the same for most people. I mean, if they are being honest and objective.

I mean, I don't think Roe v. Wade will be over turned. Or Brown v. Board of Education or any of the other things Democrats are hysterical about. It is just nonsense to get people stirred up.

For example, as a conservative, I could give **** all about abortions as long as I don't pay for someone else's. That's what liberals don't understand about conservatives. It's not about a woman's right to choose. Please. Choose. Pay for it yourself. It's about paying for it with tax money. You want an abortion? Be my guest. Get a policy that covers it or write a ******* check. Same with birth control. And any number of other things. They want it to be free. Here's a clue. It's not "free."

It's all a lot of nonsense. Both parties trying to get people spun up over stupid ****. I suppose there is no going back anymore and that's sad. Pick your side. That's where we are.