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China to open massive Communist University campus in the middle of the EU


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Who knew right wing, Trump-darling Viktor Orban would be the European leader to bed down with communist China?

Today, Hungarians gathered en masse to protest against Orban government's plans to establish the Fudan Chinese Communist University in Budapest, financed through Chinese loans. To add insult to injury, the Orban government was the only European country to veto multiple EU declarations on China during the past few weeks.

This is the first protest allowed since Covid restrictions were lifted a few weeks back. Freedom-loving Hungarians don't seem to be taking too well to the idea Viktor Orban wants to turn Hungary into a Chinese colony in the middle of the EU.

China targeted Hungary and Orban to put their flag down in the middle of Europe for good reason, because of the well-established system of corruption and nepotism that's been installed here over the past eight years of Orban's so-called right wing, conservative regime. Easy prey for the Chinese.

I'm sure all of you who see China as the major threat to the US will join me in speaking up about this. Since you seem so concerned and intrigued with this tiny central European country, with 9M citizens. There are more posts about Hungary on this board than any other country outide of the US. Pretty remarkable, actually. High time some of you started paying attention to what's going here, since you're so obsessed with it.



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And here is the kicker:

They want to bring in a university which is indeed a serious university on the international level, but its charter requires that it represent the world view of the Chinese Communist Party," said Budapest mayor Gergely Karacsony.

He also sees very serious national security risks in this investment.

Government documents obtained in April by Hungarian investigative journalism center Direkt36 show that the pre-tax construction costs for the 64-acre campus are estimated at $1.8 billion, more than Hungary spent on its entire higher education system in 2019.

The state plans to finance around 20% of the project from its central budget, and the rest through a $1.5 billion loan from a Chinese bank.

According to the documents, construction will be carried out using mostly Chinese materials and labor.
Hey @Steeltime, knowing your aversion for all things China, I was wondering if you wanted to chime in on this?

Seems to be a pretty clear case of Communist China putting it's foot down in the EU, with the useful idiot Viktor Orban holding the door open.

Or does this not count, since Orban is of the right wing, conservative ilk you hold so near and dear to your heart?
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So what's your schedule look like for this next semester?

Ha ha, cute, flippant response.

So you're cool with an EU country green lighting an $1.8bn construction project using Chinese financing, Chinese materials, Chinese labor to build a Communist Chinese University in the capital city - in the heart of Europe - which will bring thousands of Communist Chinese students here, to study Communism?

You seemed rather upset about Chinese lawn mower spare parts and Chinese electronics flooding the market, but don't bat an eye at this.

Somewhat surprising this is your take, but to each his own.
Who knew right wing, Trump-darling Viktor Orban would be the European leader to bed down with communist China?

That's weird that you oppose this. You seem to be A-OK with Xiden and Hunter bowing to China, taking money from China, refusing to go after China on trade, genocide, slavery.

But now you have your panties in a knot because Orban too supports them?

Not surprising you're trying to tie Conservatives to China, while blindly turning away as the Liberals running America serve the CCP.

Rich. Totally, rich.
Of all people I would have expected Tibbsy to be in full support of this. I would guess he was turned down from employment, so no way for him to cash in.
Today, Hungarians gathered en masse to protest against Orban government's plans to establish the Fudan Chinese Communist University in Budapest, financed through Chinese loans. To add insult to injury, the Orban government was the only European country to veto multiple EU declarations on China during the past few weeks.

This is the first protest allowed since Covid restrictions were lifted a few weeks back. Freedom-loving Hungarians don't seem to be taking too well to the idea Viktor Orban wants to turn Hungary into a Chinese colony in the middle of the EU.

If you feel so strongly about it, why weren't you there protesting?

Oh that's right, you had a message board you're almost universally disliked on and freeload from to troll.

Give yourself a good old pat on the back. About the only thing you actually excel at.
I don't know enough about the situation to have an opinion. Frankly I don't care because how the Hungarians run their country is none of my concern. Orban keeps winning elections so the majority of the Hungarian people must approve of him and his leadership. I do however applaud him for having the guts and common sense to tell the EU to pound sand on unrestricted emigration from Africa and the Middle East and not allowing millions of illiterate third worlders from cultures that are hostile to Western European values and Christianity to come in and take over.
My initial reaction is that this is bad. Communism is really, really bad, and socialism is the stepping stone to it.

I hope this falls apart.
It's AMERICA FIRST. No one gives a **** about Hungary. Especially not about warped, lying communist Hungarian fuckups.
It's AMERICA FIRST. No one gives a **** about Hungary. Especially not about warped, lying communist Hungarian fuckups.
Just because he says he is in Hungary doesnt make it so. he probs lives someone here in the good old usa