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Covid Vaccine


Of course it was. Basic math showed this theory to be utter bullshit and impossible.

View attachment 7938

The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation’s second largest city, Hamburg.

In November 2021, news outlets reported on the increasing “incident numbers” in the city – where the figure grew from 111.6 infected people per 100,000 to 160 per 100,000 in a span of few of days. By the end of November, that number shot up from 209.2 to a record of 223.3.

The ostensibly drastic increases have been used to legitimize new COVID policy measures in the city. First, 2G (vaccinated or recovered) status limitation was announced in order to enter shops, restaurants, and clubs. Social contact limitation was mandated for the unvaccinated. After the order, Mayor Peter Tschentscher, claimed to observe an increase in vaccination numbers, and implied it was the only way out of the pandemic.

Now, an investigation from the Sueddeutscher Zeitung and Welt newspapers has found that the numbers in Hamburg’s Social Services departments were drastically skewed and, in most cases, they didn’t even know who was vaccinated and who was not. This, however, did not stop them classifying everyone with an unknown status as unvaccinated. Indeed, by the end of November, a whopping 70 percent of the positive cases had unknown status.

In the second week of November, the Mayor of Hamburg held a press conference and incorrectly claimed that 90 percent of all new infections were amongst the unvaccinated. In addition, he alleged the 7-day infection average for the unvaccinated was at 605 per 100,000 and just 22 in 100,000 for the vaccinated.

Furthermore, the Welt newspaper received the following answer regarding the classifications from Hamburg’s Senate:

“…The categorization (used in Hamburg) matches to the one used nationwide…”

Until this weekend, the data on how the classifications are made and how the final numbers are “calculated” have not been made public. The mayor claimed by the end of December that the reason for the misclassifications were caused by deploying “different IT Systems”, where each system used different classifier.

On January 17th, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach had the following to say:

“…with the situation in Hamburg… I can claim without a doubt, that the problem was in the automatic classifier of the software. The problem is solved now… and it was a mistake and was not done on purpose in order to largely blame the unvaccinated for the pandemic…”

The city of Hamburg was not the only region affected by false COVID numbers.

In mid-November, in Bayern, 48.468 cases of unknown vaccination status were added to the category of unvaccinated – pushing the incident number of the unvaccinated to 1469, compared to 110 for the vaccinated.

Germany’s COVID measures targeting the unvaccinated were introduced in November 2021, and have used these two major data mismanagements as basis for legitimacy.

Nearly 100,000 German citizens are believed to have participated in anti-mandate protests in recent days.
LOL! Way down the rabbit hole you go!
The cure is worse than the virus.

Babies aren’t learning to talk because of Fauci​

364 percent increase in speech delay referrals for babies and toddlers

That doesn’t make any sense. So speech therapist are seeing an increase in babies needing speech therapy because babies can’t see the speech therapists mouths?

**** that is happening to real people:


I think that’s Chassidy! I’m trying to get the backstory here. Holy ****! If that’s her I’m glad she’s doing ok.
Tik tok says Jennifer Suzanne. Dammit JMM. Lol.

We had a good friend from Toronto who went to UGA with us. She kinda went all loopy in the head and we haven’t heard from her since 2018.

Looked exactly like her
The cure is worse than the virus.

Babies aren’t learning to talk because of Fauci​

364 percent increase in speech delay referrals for babies and toddlers

**** just makes me mad. It also shows me how you can really mind **** a society through relentless brain washing,censorship of truth and propaganda. All for political power and pharmaceutical companies makes ridiculous amounts of money colluding with the government to corner the market and censor dissenters. The prevention of cheaply made medicine being accessible to the sick is criminal. They should all burn in hell.So many lives that could have easily been saved.
**** just makes me mad. It also shows me how you can really mind **** a society through relentless brain washing,censorship of truth and propaganda. All for political power and pharmaceutical companies makes ridiculous amounts of money colluding with the government to corner the market and censor dissenters. The prevention of cheaply made medicine being accessible to the sick is criminal. They should all burn in hell.So many lives that could have easily been saved.
Really makes you wonder how long they’ve been washing us doesn’t it?
So apropos that you use that lyric - rocking in the free world - when this article pops up in my feed today LOL. The man who sang about "the free" world is the perfect little fascist, like so many "elitists".

View attachment 7934

Why would an anti-establishment hippie like Neil Young suddenly turn fascist and want to blacklist Joe Rogan to protect the establishment from criticism?

Why did Sean Penn embrace a left-wing Nazi like Hugo Chavez?

Why is left-wing Hollywood sucking up to China’s Nazis?

Why does a 60s icon like Cher call for the imprisonment of those she disagrees with?

Why does a free spirit like Bette Midler demand all women stop having sex with men?

Why does a Whoopi Goldberg rhetorically lynch an innocent man?

Why does television’s most famous anti-establishment liberal now protect the establishment by accusing those he disagrees with of “sedition?”

Neil Young is behaving like Joe McCarthy.

Meathead is behaving like Richard Nixon.

Whoopi is behaving like the Klan.

Bette is behaving like the Church lady.

Hollywood is behaving like Vichy France.

What’s going on?

How is this possible?

After all, for most of our lives, we’ve recognized the artists and artistic establishment that emerged from the sixties and seventies as free speech warriors, as classical liberals, as envelope pushers, as the very “heroes” who put an end to McCarthyism, the prudish Moral Majority, the Production Code, and old-fashioned censorship.

But look at them now! They’re the ones calling for blacklists, censorship, prudery, and political arrests!

They’re the ones kissing China’s Nazi *** like another Mussolini.

Well, of course, they are. Don’t you see that this is who these people always were?

Neil Young and Rob Reiner and Bette Midler and Sean Penn, and the rest were never about freedom. They were never true liberals. They were never hippies. And they were certainly never free spirits. Instead, they were and are only one thing — toxic narcissists. And what do narcissists want more than anything else? They want to get their way. And if they don’t get their way, what do they do? They have a tantrum and scream about how everyone deserves to get hit by a train.

There is nothing more malevolent or un-American than a narcissist because a narcissist will try to destroy anyone who doesn’t give them what they want. A narcissist loves fascism because fascism forces everyone to behave and live a certain way. Sean Penn loved Hugo Chavez because Sean Penn wants to be Hugo Chavez because Sean Penn is a narcissist who wants the power to control everyone because that’s what a narcissist is. Hollywood loves China’s Nazis for the same reasons.

The following rule is not a perfect rule… It should be acknowledged that there are plenty of right and left-leaning celebrities who are not narcissists, who are well-rounded and grounded adults. But, in general, celebrity (for reasons I should not have to explain) attracts narcissists like the stink of Jeff Zucker’s *** attracts Jake Tapper’s nose. This is especially true in the later generations; these dilettantes who know nothing of real life because they grew up in a show business family.

The same is true of the news media, another rotting institution poisoned by narcissists who immediately turn fascist when they do not get their way. Joe McCarthy only wished he could have blacklisted as effectively as CNN.

You see, Neil Young and Rob Reiner and Bette Midler never believed in free speech or freedom or live and let live or individual liberty or opposed McCarthyism and racial terrorism… That was all bullshit. What they wanted was the right to do whatever they wanted to do. They were never fighting for a principle or for anyone else. It was always all about them. They simply hid this selfish crusade behind words like “freedom” and “justice.”

Beneath it all, just below the surface, they were always fascists willing to lash out with prudery, censorship, lynch mobs, and blacklists, ready and willing to become the Moral Majority, to reinstate the Production Code, and ape Joe McCarthy if it meant getting what they want. And now we see that because it’s right out in the open.

Narcissists are bad people, and these are bad people.

Very bad people.
The problem is that some folks write about why some other folks give a **** about what some celebrity thinks.
You get stupider from reading/thinking about them.

When was the last time a celebrity from Hollywood or sports or whatever ever made a lasting impression on improving the moral fiber and character of the nation....or any nation?

At best, this fucktardery ( New word?) should just be left to rot quietly, like the steaming pile of excrement it is.
No, trying to cancel votes is the ultimate attempt to silence people.

You are a corrupt liar. That much is clear. But more and more, you present evidence that you are simply stupid. Illegal votes are the veritable definition of stealing votes. I presented direct evidence in the form of a court ruling showing massive voter fraud in the form of illegal ballot boxes and illegal ballots - repeat, ILLEGAL ballots. Every void, illegal, manipulated or fake ballot counted in Wisconsin as a result of the ILLEGAL ballots canceled out an actual American vote.


And Young didn’t demand Spotify silence Rogan, he gave them a choice.


Neil Young:

"I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform. They can have [Joe] Rogan or Young. Not both. With an estimated 11 million listeners per episode, JRE, which is hosted exclusively on Spotify ... has tremendous influence," Young said. “Spotify has a responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation on its platform."

So that's NOT a demand that Spotify silence Rogan?

Sure. Right. Guy points a gun at another person's face. "You can give me your wallet or I put a bullet into your face."

Floggy the wanna-be lawyer: "He didn't rob him. He gave him a choice."

You are a corrupt liar. That much is clear. But more and more, you present evidence that you are simply stupid. Illegal votes are the veritable definition of stealing votes. I presented direct evidence in the form of a court ruling showing massive voter fraud in the form of illegal ballot boxes and illegal ballots - repeat, ILLEGAL ballots. Every void, illegal, manipulated or fake ballot counted in Wisconsin as a result of the ILLEGAL ballots canceled out an actual American vote.



Neil Young:

So that's NOT a demand that Spotify silence Rogan?

Sure. Right. Guy points a gun at another person's face. "You can give me your wallet or I put a bullet into your face."

Floggy the wanna-be lawyer: "He didn't rob him. He gave him a choice."

50 lawsuits DISMISSED.

A lawyer should be able to understand that “Spotify CAN HAVE Joe Rogan” most certainly is NOT a demand that they silence him.
No, trying to cancel votes is the ultimate attempt to silence people.

You're now conflating issues to try and save your piss poor point.

And Young didn’t demand Spotify silence Rogan, he gave them a choice.

Young demanded, gave them a choice? You're suggesting that fuckhead is the CEO of Spotify? Good Lord man! LOL
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LOL! Way down the rabbit hole you go!

When facts don't go your way, this is all you've got left.

It's never been a pandemic of the unvaxxed. It's been a pandemic of mankind, including both shotted and unshotted people.
That doesn’t make any sense. So speech therapist are seeing an increase in babies needing speech therapy because babies can’t see the speech therapists mouths?


You might try watching the video. Clearly you didn't. As a parent of a kid that needed speech therapy at one point, this is all accurate. As they say in the video, part of the process of learning to speak are babies as young as 8 months learning to read lips as they learn to speak.

I know it pains you to admit that the cure is worse than the virus....any...single...point. But masks harm kids in countless ways. This is just one of them.

I've been banging the Israel drum since day 1. They are the absolute perfect example that these vaccines aren't doing a damn thing to stop Covid. Look at this.....their 7 day average is now 72,014 cases a day. Their previous high was 9,748 cases in a day - a 639% increase!


Israel has 278,732 cases per million people.....

And their deaths are still higher now than they were in wave one when they were unvaccinated.

And they say the shots work...man I'm so fed up with this. It appears the shots just might be accelerating this mess.
The problem is that some folks write about why some other folks give a **** about what some celebrity thinks.
You get stupider from reading/thinking about them.

When was the last time a celebrity from Hollywood or sports or whatever ever made a lasting impression on improving the moral fiber and character of the nation....or any nation?

At best, this fucktardery ( New word?) should just be left to rot quietly, like the steaming pile of excrement it is.
Gary Sinise - He's an honorary Veteran in my book.

"Neil Young is trying to suppress speech, indeed trying to quell one of the more independent and informative messengers in America."
Floggy: TRUMP!
"The vaccines are not stemming the Omigod variant. Fauci admits they don't do **** about the Omigod."
Floggy: TRUMP!
"The evidence shows the virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China and was funded in part by money from Fauci's NIH."
Floggy: TRUMP!
"Inflation is destroying savings, hurting the middle class."
Floggy: TRUMP!
"More than 2,000,000 illegals just walked into America in 2021, hundreds of thousands with the Chinese flu."
Floggy: TRUMP!
"The Supreme Court struck the patently illegal OSHA vaccine mandate."
Floggy: TRUMP!
Is it too soon to questions Trog's sanity?

Do yourself a favor, head back to the Keys, take a breath and watch the sunset.
on behalf of everyone in the state of Florida and the South in general, **** that. he can keep his Johnny Covidseed *** right where he is.