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Covid Vaccine

Nope MTC. Seen it posted now in multiple places. This, after all the **** that's come out about these vaccines shots and their effectiveness against spread etc. Disgraceful.
Biden WH, House, Senate and DOJ on full display. It's criminal, in my opinion to treat our service men and women this way.
I can only hope the elections in November will put an end to the madness.
Flog. Dumb.
At this point it's kinda rhetorical don't ya think?
More on the lockdowns and stay in place orders being an utter, abject failure.

“More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.”


This is exactly it. I had this feeling when 2 weeks to flatten the ******* curve went to shut downs.

Here we are 2+ years later with an illegitimate government hell bent on making you do as they say, when they say it or face ruin of your life,liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I flew the across the country from Florida to Tucson for my grandmother's funeral, came back through Denver to Jacksonville.

Just one big masked up **** show all mandatory. They will throw your *** off the plane and probably arrest you if you're not a good little boy. Of course you can lower your little rag while you eat and drink. I was fortunate to have a couple active duty Army soldiers next to me as we chatted about what a **** show things are right now. We dropped the masks when the gestapo wasn't looking.

Two ******* years, hundreds of millions of ******* shots and they're still doing this bs. I'm glad I don't fly around much, but it's definitely eye opening just how far we have to go to end this ****.
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Biden WH, House, Senate and DOJ on full display. It's criminal, in my opinion to treat our service men and women this way.
I can only hope the elections in November will put an end to the madness.

And...it's all driven by one thing.

The best COVID "experts" are not the people who say they have all the answers, but those that are willing to say I don't know.
After 2 years of this, it's becoming increasingly apparent that those that questioned what we were being fed by the experts on a daily basis,
were justified in their skepticism.

It's good to have diverse opinions, without them, large lumbering groups would remain unaware of their own errors.
Divergent opinions are supposed to converge into some sort of consensus. Will that happen, or will some double down on
opinions that have been proven less than accurate? Those unwilling to concede that they may have been wrong aren't worth anyone's time.
Flog. Dumb.

Why are Myocarditis Rates Surging in Europe?​

New groundbreaking data. Myocarditis rates up 30-75% nationally.

I've been trying to find national rates of myocarditis in Canada or the United States for several weeks but haven't been able to find a reliable dataset. However, I came across two countries that appear to be closely tracking this issue: Germany and France.

The results are damning.

First, take a look at Germany:


Since vaccines were widely distributed last year, myocarditis rates surged more than 75%.

One might say, "Covid causes myocarditis. That's what could account for the rise."

Except, myocarditis cases dropped at the start of the Covid pandemic (Jan 2020) and kept declining for a few months afterwards (May - Sept 2020).

What happened in the middle of last year that could have resulted in a large increase in myocarditis cases?

Perhaps the widespread administration of a medical intervention that causes a significant number of myocarditis cases (in specific demographics)?

Maybe Germany is just an outlier and I'm senselessly speculating. Look at France:


In 2021, myocarditis cases rose 31% — the highest in several years.

The orange and red codes are both for myocarditis (the red is for myocarditis cases that are unspecified).

Again, anytime one brings up myocarditis from the vaccine, opponents reflexively counter with the fact that Covid also causes myocarditis.

But as this bar graph shows, myocarditis cases fell in the first year of the pandemic.

They only rose in 2021, the year vaccines were rolled out to the public.

It's impossible to prove with 100% certainty, but this data strongly indicates that mass vaccination in these European nations has led to surging rates of myocarditis (cases are almost certainly concentrated in young men under the age of 40).

Just to be clear, this is not a case against vaccination. Vaccines continue to provide robust protection against severe disease and death. For those in their senior years and those who have underlying health conditions, vaccination is rightfully recommended.

There’s little debate there.

But among young men, the vaccine-induced myocarditis signal is incontrovertible. And by best available evidence, it occurs at a HIGHER frequency than infection-induced myocarditis in that age/gender demographic.

As a robust analysis by Oxford researchers found last month, Pfizer doses 2 & 3 and Moderna doses 1 & 2 are associated with post-vaccine myocarditis rates that exceed the rates of infection-induced myocarditis in men under 40.

As Dr. Vinay Prasad has stated, the myocarditis risk can be mitigated by only offering one vaccine dose to this demographic and limiting the use of Moderna as many countries have done. Some evidence also indicates that adequately spacing two vaccine doses can also reduce the myocarditis risk.

Not taking these measures and blindly promoting universal vaccination will lead to many more healthy young males suffering from an entirely avoidable heart condition.

Myocarditis is a non-serious, minor condition?

For detractors who think myocarditis is no big deal and most cases are "mild," consider a TYPICAL case of myocarditis (regardless of the cause):

1) 3-6 months of limited physical activity. No sports or athletic competition. Even carrying heavy textbooks and walking up stairs can be prohibited.
2) Being placed on medications such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors that can have negative side effects
3) Scars in heart region visible on an MRI scan
4) Life-long risk of cardiac complications
So, yes most cases of myocarditis from the vaccine will be relatively "mild" compared to a “serious” case (heart failure or death) — just like chronic depression is relatively "mild" compared to schizophrenia.

That doesn't mean the former is trivial or should be downplayed the way the public health authorities and the entire mainstream media is doing (in large part because Joe Rogan has been correctly sounding the alarm).


Why are Myocarditis Rates Surging in Europe?​

New groundbreaking data. Myocarditis rates up 30-75% nationally.

I've been trying to find national rates of myocarditis in Canada or the United States for several weeks but haven't been able to find a reliable dataset. However, I came across two countries that appear to be closely tracking this issue: Germany and France.

The results are damning.

First, take a look at Germany:

View attachment 7990

Since vaccines were widely distributed last year, myocarditis rates surged more than 75%.

One might say, "Covid causes myocarditis. That's what could account for the rise."

Except, myocarditis cases dropped at the start of the Covid pandemic (Jan 2020) and kept declining for a few months afterwards (May - Sept 2020).

What happened in the middle of last year that could have resulted in a large increase in myocarditis cases?

Perhaps the widespread administration of a medical intervention that causes a significant number of myocarditis cases (in specific demographics)?

Maybe Germany is just an outlier and I'm senselessly speculating. Look at France:

View attachment 7991

In 2021, myocarditis cases rose 31% — the highest in several years.

The orange and red codes are both for myocarditis (the red is for myocarditis cases that are unspecified).

Again, anytime one brings up myocarditis from the vaccine, opponents reflexively counter with the fact that Covid also causes myocarditis.

But as this bar graph shows, myocarditis cases fell in the first year of the pandemic.

They only rose in 2021, the year vaccines were rolled out to the public.

It's impossible to prove with 100% certainty, but this data strongly indicates that mass vaccination in these European nations has led to surging rates of myocarditis (cases are almost certainly concentrated in young men under the age of 40).

Just to be clear, this is not a case against vaccination. Vaccines continue to provide robust protection against severe disease and death. For those in their senior years and those who have underlying health conditions, vaccination is rightfully recommended.

There’s little debate there.

But among young men, the vaccine-induced myocarditis signal is incontrovertible. And by best available evidence, it occurs at a HIGHER frequency than infection-induced myocarditis in that age/gender demographic.

As a robust analysis by Oxford researchers found last month, Pfizer doses 2 & 3 and Moderna doses 1 & 2 are associated with post-vaccine myocarditis rates that exceed the rates of infection-induced myocarditis in men under 40.

As Dr. Vinay Prasad has stated, the myocarditis risk can be mitigated by only offering one vaccine dose to this demographic and limiting the use of Moderna as many countries have done. Some evidence also indicates that adequately spacing two vaccine doses can also reduce the myocarditis risk.

Not taking these measures and blindly promoting universal vaccination will lead to many more healthy young males suffering from an entirely avoidable heart condition.

Myocarditis is a non-serious, minor condition?

For detractors who think myocarditis is no big deal and most cases are "mild," consider a TYPICAL case of myocarditis (regardless of the cause):

So, yes most cases of myocarditis from the vaccine will be relatively "mild" compared to a “serious” case (heart failure or death) — just like chronic depression is relatively "mild" compared to schizophrenia.

That doesn't mean the former is trivial or should be downplayed the way the public health authorities and the entire mainstream media is doing (in large part because Joe Rogan has been correctly sounding the alarm).

351 paragraphs when "Flog. Dumb." will suffice
triggered much, *******?
351 paragraphs when "Flog. Dumb." will suffice
triggered much, *******?

I'm always triggered.

I'm triggered that Tibsticles is posting on the football side but hasn't shown his face back here.


His recent Covid diagnosis puts him in an interesting position....
  1. Clearly he has survived the WooFlu - and now realizes it is not the bubonic plague
  2. Clearly, masking relentlessly did not work for him
  3. Clearly, triple vaxing didn't prevent him contracting Covid
  4. Clearly, despite following every single measure of protection, he's been a Covid spreader greeting employees and customers
Re-entry into this thread is gonna be tricky....

Huge, great news.

Trucker Convoys spread across the world​

I try not to engage with people in real life over this Covid bullshit, but somebody gave me **** for not wearing a mask and continued on and on, then started asking me if I was vaccinated, the vaccines - how if I'm not vaccinated, I'm killing people etc. This is pretty much how the conversation went down:

Them: "You realize you're killing people if you're not vaccinated, right?"

Me: "Have you seen the numbers reported by government-run health agencies themselves on the rates of cases and even deaths of 'vaccinated' people?"

Them: "Garble garble garble - if you're not vaccinated, you're willingly killing other people!"

Me: "You need to open your eyes and ask yourself why these vaccines shots are still not FDA approved for full use and EUA only."

Them: "They have been approved for full use, idiot!"

Me: "Um, no they haven't. The Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty & Moderna Spikevax vaccines shots have been approved for "legally distinct" use - that means legally different from full use - but are still completely inaccessible to every single American. You do realize that, right? The vaccines shots are still EUA only and you know why that is, right?"

Them: "You're full of ****!"

Me: "Okay. Why don't you read the fine print from the FDA themselves then, not what's being reported to you by propaganda outlets."

Them: *Blank Stare*

Me: "Yeah seriously, read the fine print. EUA only still. You know why that is?"

Them: "I'm done with this nonsense, you're likely a Trumptard and think *garble garble garble something about bleach*"

Me: "It's because they're still protected from liability for ADRs etc. when not approved for full use. Look it all up, but from actual sources other than CNN or MSNBC."

Them: "What's ADR? You're just making **** up now. Are you a doctor?"

Me: "No. But I've worked with scientists who specialize in mRNA and other things related to these vaccines shots, who know a hell of a lot more than you seem to know."

Them: "Whatever!" *Harumph* as they walk away.

Me: "Enjoy your day with your face diaper!"

This is separate from that conversation:

Then I also read (but am not going to waste my energy reading more) that: according to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

But over $4 billion in compensation has been paid to claimants? How does that work?

I've also read that pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits until 2024 from this particular vaccine somehow. How does that fly? I don't know why they haven't approved them for full use for U.S. distribution then, but maybe Zona can weigh in on this one.

Maybe I was off on my conversation with that lovely person, but this "legally distinct" **** and everything else I've read leads me to believe there's nefarious **** going on.
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I try not to engage with people in real life over this Covid bullshit, but somebody gave me **** for not wearing a mask and continued on and on, then started asking me if I was vaccinated, the vaccines - how if I'm not vaccinated, I'm killing people etc. This is pretty much how the conversation went down:

Them: "You realize you're killing people if you're not vaccinated, right?"

Me: "Have you seen the numbers reported by government-run health agencies themselves on the rates of cases and even deaths of 'vaccinated' people?"

Them: "Garble garble garble - if you're not vaccinated, you're willingly killing other people!"

Me: "You need to open your eyes and ask yourself why these vaccines shots are still not FDA approved for full use and EUA only."

Them: "They have been approved for full use, idiot!"

Me: "Um, no they haven't. The Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty & Moderna Spikevax vaccines shots have been approved for "legally distinct" use - that means legally different from full use - but are still completely inaccessible to every single American. You do realize that, right? The vaccines shots are still EUA only and you know why that is, right?"

Them: "You're full of ****!"

Me: "Okay. Why don't you read the fine print from the FDA themselves then, not what's being reported to you by propaganda outlets."

Them: *Blank Stare*

Me: "Yeah seriously, read the fine print. EUA only still. You know why that is?"

Them: "I'm done with this nonsense, you're likely a Trumptard and think *garble garble garble something about bleach*"

Me: "It's because they're still protected from liability for ADRs etc. when not approved for full use. Look it all up, but from actual sources other than CNN or MSNBC."

Them: "What's ADR? You're just making **** up now. Are you a doctor?"

Me: "No. But I've worked with scientists who specialize in mRNA and other things related to these vaccines shots, who know a hell of a lot more than you seem to know."

Them: "Whatever!" *Harumph* as they walk away.

Me: "Enjoy you day with your face diaper!"

This is separate from that conversation:

Then I also read (but am not going to waste my energy reading more) that: according to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

But over $4 billion in compensation has been paid to claimants? How does that work?

I've also read that pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits until 2024 from this particular vaccine somehow. How does that fly? I don't know why they haven't approved them for full use for U.S. distribution then, but maybe Zona can weigh in on this one.

Maybe I was off on my conversation with that lovely person, but this "legally distinct" **** and everything else I've read leads me to believe there's nefarious **** going on.
I like how once they lose an argument they resort to the “You’re a Trumptard” response.
They are the ones who politicize everything
I like how once they lose an argument they resort to the “You’re a Trumptard” response.

Right? Because I'm not buying what these jackals are selling re: shots & now we've seen them pivot, contradict & make complete ***** out of themselves - plus the data coming out literally every other day is shattering their narrative & showing what a lot of us have thought to be true from day one is coming more to light - I'm somehow a Trumptard.

I try not to engage with people in real life over this Covid bullshit, but somebody gave me **** for not wearing a mask and continued on and on, then started asking me if I was vaccinated, the vaccines - how if I'm not vaccinated, I'm killing people etc. This is pretty much how the conversation went down:

Them: "You realize you're killing people if you're not vaccinated, right?"

Me: "Have you seen the numbers reported by government-run health agencies themselves on the rates of cases and even deaths of 'vaccinated' people?"

Them: "Garble garble garble - if you're not vaccinated, you're willingly killing other people!"

Me: "You need to open your eyes and ask yourself why these vaccines shots are still not FDA approved for full use and EUA only."

Them: "They have been approved for full use, idiot!"

Me: "Um, no they haven't. The Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty & Moderna Spikevax vaccines shots have been approved for "legally distinct" use - that means legally different from full use - but are still completely inaccessible to every single American. You do realize that, right? The vaccines shots are still EUA only and you know why that is, right?"

Them: "You're full of ****!"

Me: "Okay. Why don't you read the fine print from the FDA themselves then, not what's being reported to you by propaganda outlets."

Them: *Blank Stare*

Me: "Yeah seriously, read the fine print. EUA only still. You know why that is?"

Them: "I'm done with this nonsense, you're likely a Trumptard and think *garble garble garble something about bleach*"

Me: "It's because they're still protected from liability for ADRs etc. when not approved for full use. Look it all up, but from actual sources other than CNN or MSNBC."

Them: "What's ADR? You're just making **** up now. Are you a doctor?"

Me: "No. But I've worked with scientists who specialize in mRNA and other things related to these vaccines shots, who know a hell of a lot more than you seem to know."

Them: "Whatever!" *Harumph* as they walk away.

Me: "Enjoy your day with your face diaper!"

This is separate from that conversation:

Then I also read (but am not going to waste my energy reading more) that: according to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

But over $4 billion in compensation has been paid to claimants? How does that work?

I've also read that pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits until 2024 from this particular vaccine somehow. How does that fly? I don't know why they haven't approved them for full use for U.S. distribution then, but maybe Zona can weigh in on this one.

Maybe I was off on my conversation with that lovely person, but this "legally distinct" **** and everything else I've read leads me to believe there's nefarious **** going on.
See your going at it all wrong.

Karen: My lord where is you mask?

Big ****: My mask, sorry I don’t understand?

Karen: Wise *** you know what I’m talking about you’re killing me and my kids.

Big ****: I’m sorry I’m killing you and you’re kids….I have AIDS and I’m dying. If only other people would have worn a condom to protect me.
I try not to engage with people in real life over this Covid bullshit, but somebody gave me **** for not wearing a mask and continued on and on, then started asking me if I was vaccinated, the vaccines - how if I'm not vaccinated, I'm killing people etc. This is pretty much how the conversation went down:

Them: "You realize you're killing people if you're not vaccinated, right?"

Me: "Have you seen the numbers reported by government-run health agencies themselves on the rates of cases and even deaths of 'vaccinated' people?"

Them: "Garble garble garble - if you're not vaccinated, you're willingly killing other people!"

Me: "You need to open your eyes and ask yourself why these vaccines shots are still not FDA approved for full use and EUA only."

Them: "They have been approved for full use, idiot!"

Me: "Um, no they haven't. The Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty & Moderna Spikevax vaccines shots have been approved for "legally distinct" use - that means legally different from full use - but are still completely inaccessible to every single American. You do realize that, right? The vaccines shots are still EUA only and you know why that is, right?"

Them: "You're full of ****!"

Me: "Okay. Why don't you read the fine print from the FDA themselves then, not what's being reported to you by propaganda outlets."

Them: *Blank Stare*

Me: "Yeah seriously, read the fine print. EUA only still. You know why that is?"

Them: "I'm done with this nonsense, you're likely a Trumptard and think *garble garble garble something about bleach*"

Me: "It's because they're still protected from liability for ADRs etc. when not approved for full use. Look it all up, but from actual sources other than CNN or MSNBC."

Them: "What's ADR? You're just making **** up now. Are you a doctor?"

Me: "No. But I've worked with scientists who specialize in mRNA and other things related to these vaccines shots, who know a hell of a lot more than you seem to know."

Them: "Whatever!" *Harumph* as they walk away.

Me: "Enjoy your day with your face diaper!"

This is separate from that conversation:

Then I also read (but am not going to waste my energy reading more) that: according to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

But over $4 billion in compensation has been paid to claimants? How does that work?

I've also read that pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits until 2024 from this particular vaccine somehow. How does that fly? I don't know why they haven't approved them for full use for U.S. distribution then, but maybe Zona can weigh in on this one.

Maybe I was off on my conversation with that lovely person, but this "legally distinct" **** and everything else I've read leads me to believe there's nefarious **** going on.
Just say no habla ingleis
Just say no habla ingleis

I look too white, lol. Maybe I'll use "Ich spreche kein Englisch, mutterficker" next time.
  • Haha
Reactions: JMM
I try not to engage with people in real life over this Covid bullshit, but somebody gave me **** for not wearing a mask and continued on and on, then started asking me if I was vaccinated, the vaccines - how if I'm not vaccinated, I'm killing people etc. This is pretty much how the conversation went down:

Them: "You realize you're killing people if you're not vaccinated, right?"

Me: "Have you seen the numbers reported by government-run health agencies themselves on the rates of cases and even deaths of 'vaccinated' people?"

Them: "Garble garble garble - if you're not vaccinated, you're willingly killing other people!"

Me: "You need to open your eyes and ask yourself why these vaccines shots are still not FDA approved for full use and EUA only."

Them: "They have been approved for full use, idiot!"

Me: "Um, no they haven't. The Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty & Moderna Spikevax vaccines shots have been approved for "legally distinct" use - that means legally different from full use - but are still completely inaccessible to every single American. You do realize that, right? The vaccines shots are still EUA only and you know why that is, right?"

Them: "You're full of ****!"

Me: "Okay. Why don't you read the fine print from the FDA themselves then, not what's being reported to you by propaganda outlets."

Them: *Blank Stare*

Me: "Yeah seriously, read the fine print. EUA only still. You know why that is?"

Them: "I'm done with this nonsense, you're likely a Trumptard and think *garble garble garble something about bleach*"

Me: "It's because they're still protected from liability for ADRs etc. when not approved for full use. Look it all up, but from actual sources other than CNN or MSNBC."

Them: "What's ADR? You're just making **** up now. Are you a doctor?"

Me: "No. But I've worked with scientists who specialize in mRNA and other things related to these vaccines shots, who know a hell of a lot more than you seem to know."

Them: "Whatever!" *Harumph* as they walk away.

Me: "Enjoy your day with your face diaper!"

This is separate from that conversation:

Then I also read (but am not going to waste my energy reading more) that: according to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

But over $4 billion in compensation has been paid to claimants? How does that work?

I've also read that pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits until 2024 from this particular vaccine somehow. How does that fly? I don't know why they haven't approved them for full use for U.S. distribution then, but maybe Zona can weigh in on this one.

Maybe I was off on my conversation with that lovely person, but this "legally distinct" **** and everything else I've read leads me to believe there's nefarious **** going on.

It's pointless. They have 2+ years of fear porn brainwashing. If someone told me that bullshit I was killing people I'd tell them to get ******. Your precious little flu shot does dick in preventing you from transmitting it and getting it. That's a proven fact...duh.

I'm immune to it. I have had it playing nice when it comes to the subject. I don't have people saying **** to me anyway about it because I live in a state not ruled by fear and bullshit.
I'm immune to it. I have had it playing nice when it comes to the subject. I don't have people saying **** to me anyway about it because I live in a state not ruled by fear and bullshit.

Yeah I'm jealous of you there. But there are brainwashed idiots in every state unfortunately. And I usually just act like I don't hear them if I do run into the occasional idiot who thinks they have some sort of say in my life (which even for Commiefornia is actually not that often - but I'm nowhere close to LA or San Fransicko), but this one had to continue on and on and on.

Had a neighbor who used to have a collapsible baton they'd keep with them but they were told that's a serious no-no by a LEO friend so now they're carrying a Stinger aluminum alloy steel car whip for "emergency car window glass breakage" that they thought could also be helpful for self-defense in potentially nasty situations. The county they live in makes it a very long waiting period for a CCW so they do with that for now they said. Apparently. Good luck and god speed to them.
Once more if you are sick in the wrong way or if you are one of the unlucky ones who's body overreacts to the infection, you are screwed regardless of your vax status

Still baffles me how this WuFlu can just ruin some people. Had an acquaintance who was relatively young and healthy pass away from it as well. Yet my 80-year old stepfather with COPD and a laundry list of other comorbidities got it and is still kicking. Boggles the mind.
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