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Covid Vaccine

Got my cardiac MRI results today. Pretty good news. No scaring, no CAD, no blockages. Mild enlargement of left ventricle and mild micro valve regurgitation. my ejection fraction came up from 35% to 42% which they said was very good progress in only three months of treatment, most see no improvement for six months to a year. next step is heart ablation to get the beat correct.

All in all it could have been way worse. I had a lot of people praying for me, and got about the best outcome I could hope for. I have now had four different DRs tell me it was a virus and most likely covid or possibly the vaccine that caused this problem.
I didn't post it for the soccer information. That's why I didn't paste that information onto this page.

Now back to the topic Flogtard. Discuss the rising incidences of myocarditis the world over.

You're fading fast in this thread as your narrative crumbles.
If i didn’t get tired of posting things nobody will read, id dig up those pre vaccine published and peer reviewed critiques of the mrna process that they are using and why it can cause organ inflammation, particularly heart muscle inflammation…

Kind of like the Adenovirus method has a small chance of causing strokes … its a built in risk of the process
Your source includes soccer player misinformation, Tim.

now, see, this is where you could have exercised some critical thinking and contributed to the conversation in a non-abrasive way.

you could have simply asked what is making these soccer players die, when the professional athletes here in this country are presumably all vaxxed/shotted and none have died.

instead, you chose to be a complete side-wiping *******.

I know... too many words. Not triggered, but **** you.
Misinformation is the new generic term...it gives me a chuckle.

Now false fear propaganda is the wellspring from which the demoncrats flow. That spring never runneth dry.
Oh dear God, here we go again. The Vaccines work!!

’80 percent of serious Covid cases are fully Vaccinated’​

Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Yaakov Jerris.

Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”
Keep taking your vitamin D and eat well.

There is a clear connection between a deficiency of vitamin D and COVID-19 mortality and severity, according to researchers from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University.

Official results showed that those with vitamin D deficiency were 14 times more likely to have severe or critical cases of the COVID-19 than those who do not. The deficient vitamin D group had a mortality of 25.6% while those with sufficient levels was 2.3%.
Hey, can anyone explain to me how come the vaccine cards issued at tge very start of the vaccine rollout… you know when they were still claiming they were perfect and going to end the pandemic….. were printed with the pre formated spaces for the two initial shots plus two boosters?

I just noticed that on my moms card… she was vaccinated in the spring last year…

My dads is the same way and he was vaccinated at the very start…
Hey, can anyone explain to me how come the vaccine cards issued at tge very start of the vaccine rollout… you know when they were still claiming they were perfect and going to end the pandemic….. were printed with the pre formated spaces for the two initial shots plus two boosters?

I just noticed that on my moms card… she was vaccinated in the spring last year…

My dads is the same way and he was vaccinated at the very start…
Had to dig mine out of the junk draw in the kitchen. You're correct, there are 2 additional slots labeled "other" with blank spaces for product, manuf./lot, date and clinic site.
I never paid any attention to it and threw it in the drawer once I received the second dose on April 2nd.
Hey, can anyone explain to me how come the vaccine cards issued at tge very start of the vaccine rollout… you know when they were still claiming they were perfect and going to end the pandemic….. were printed with the pre formated spaces for the two initial shots plus two boosters?

I just noticed that on my moms card… she was vaccinated in the spring last year…

My dads is the same way and he was vaccinated at the very start…

That is an amazing point. Why, if at the time they were professed to be the wonder shots....would they already have spaces for boosters....unless at that point they knew boosters would be required in the future huh?
Im going with pfizer and moderna planned for boosters from the get go… it’s probably why they didn’t follow the science of how to make the most effective vaccine and why they are doing their damndest to delay releasing the data and information about the development of the vaccines in those court cases…
That is an amazing point. Why, if at the time they were professed to be the wonder shots....would they already have spaces for boosters....unless at that point they knew boosters would be required in the future huh?

It wouldn't be much of a Plandemic without the Plan part.
I didn't post it for the soccer information. That's why I didn't paste that information onto this page.

Now back to the topic Flogtard. Discuss the rising incidences of myocarditis the world over.

You're fading fast in this thread as your narrative crumbles.
You didn’t consider that the source is heavy on ideology and light on perspective and relevance either.

67 million Germans have been vaccinated. What is the relevance of a couple thousand incidents of a mostly mild condition that is far more common in Covid patients than the vaccinated population?

now, see, this is where you could have exercised some critical thinking and contributed to the conversation in a non-abrasive way.

you could have simply asked what is making these soccer players die, when the professional athletes here in this country are presumably all vaxxed/shotted and none have died.

instead, you chose to be a complete side-wiping *******.

I know... too many words. Not triggered, but **** you.
ONE sentence stating a FACT followed by two links is abrasive? Whatever SuperLassie. Did Timmy fall down a well again?
Oh dear God, here we go again. The Vaccines work!!

’80 percent of serious Covid cases are fully Vaccinated’​

Vaccine has "no significance regarding severe illness," says Prof. Yaakov Jerris.

Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”


Keep taking your vitamin D and eat well.

There is a clear connection between a deficiency of vitamin D and COVID-19 mortality and severity, according to researchers from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University.

Official results showed that those with vitamin D deficiency were 14 times more likely to have severe or critical cases of the COVID-19 than those who do not. The deficient vitamin D group had a mortality of 25.6% while those with sufficient levels was 2.3%.
Good thing they forced us to stay home and out of the sun.
What is the relevance of a couple thousand incidents of a mostly mild condition that is far more common in Covid patients than the vaccinated population?

The relevance is the trend. It's rising. All over the world as well. That...is the point. Finding the point is something you've struggled with your whole life I'm sure.

Yes indeed, Israel. Your ideology ends with Israel. An abject vaccination failure no matter what angle you look at it. It does now appear that ADE is real, the vaccines are making Covid more deadly to those on the endless booster train.

It’s the dirty “I” word that shall not be named. And by that, I don’t mean ivermectin, but Israel.

During the lockdowns, the COVID cultists ignored the existence of Sweden as the ultimate control group on the greatest experiment on human civilization of all time. Now they don’t want to acknowledge the existence of Israel as the ultimate study group on the greatest experiment on the human body of all time.

Last September, Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer, described Israel as “a sort of laboratory” to “see the effect” of his company’s vaccines. This was because, as he put it, Israel “immunized a very high proportion of the population very early — so it’s been a way that we can almost look ahead: What we see happening in Israel happens again in the US a couple months later.”

Well, now we have a full year of data from the most boosted country on earth and the only one to administer four doses. So what are the results?


What you are looking at is not just a case rate chart. This is an ICU admission chart. And this is the daily death chart:


It is true that Israel, with its younger population and lower obesity rate, has fared better than many other Western countries throughout the pandemic, but why is it experiencing its own worst wave now – much worse than before any of the shots were administered?

In other words, precisely after most of Israel’s population got the third shot and even many of the seniors got fourth shots is when they experienced their worst crisis ever – not just of mild infections but serious cases.

This would be disturbing enough if we were still dealing with the Delta variant, but presumably almost all the cases in Israel are from Omicron. How in the world is the most vaccinated country on earth – Pfizer’s private lab – worse off than ever before in the pandemic with the mildest variant? After all, a study from the Kaiser Permanente Southern California hospital system found that Omicron had a 74% lower ICU admission rate and a 91% lower mortality rate than Delta.

According to professor Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward in Tel Aviv, “most of our severe cases are vaccinated.” “They had at least three injections,” Jerris told Channel 13 News in describing the typical COVID patient. “Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

This explains why the vaccine is not blunting the trajectory of the wave, but could the vaccine perhaps explain why Israel appears to be getting it worse than other countries?

On the one hand, there have been a lot more overall cases of Omicron relative to the number of serious cases, but we should not be seeing these numbers of deaths and serious hospitalizations in the most vaccinated nation. Remember, this variant began in South Africa, a country with just 27% of the nation having gotten the shots, and barely any boosters in sight. Yet the country’s peak death rate per capita during the Omicron wave is about half that of Israel’s.

With the sky-high HIV rate in South Africa, I would sure bet that Israel is a much healthier country in general. Life expectancy in Israel is 83 (ranked #12 in the world), while in South Africa it is a morbid 65. So why is Israel having so much difficulty with what Hong Kong researchers found to be essentially an upper respiratory infection?

Is it that perhaps their problems are not despite the endless boostering but because of it?
What if the problem for the vaccine is not Joe Rogan but its own track record? At this point, it’s hard to see how we are not experiencing some form of original antigenic sin, in which repeat boosters teach the body to respond improperly to a virus, particularly to one that is different from the original target of the vaccine, rendering the vaccine increasingly an off-target response to the pathogen before us.

I spoke with Dr. Dan Stock...

“One thing that can go wrong in a viral immune response is that to make antibodies, the immune system has to make fewer cytotoxic T cells, and therefore fight the virus less effectively. In this case, the vaccine can tell the immune system to switch from a mostly cellular immune response with T cells to a mostly humoral immune response with antibodies. Then even if the antibodies are neutralizing and the proper type (not a given with experimental vaccines), the infection will go untreated and destroy tissue. ADE (antibody dependent disease enhancement) is characterized by much higher levels of antibody production than is seen with natural infection, and a much lower Tc response. It’s this second nuance of viral immune responses that misleads many to equate great antibody responses with immunity.”

So why did the vaccines appear to be effective on some level at first, but then wane, and why would Israel have more of a problem with waning immunity? This is where booster mania comes into play.

“Whatever the immune system is taught to do the first time it sees the pathogen’s components, it memorizes that response and gets better and better at doing that with each successive exposure to the virus, even if it’s wrong,” warns Stock. “With the failed RSV vaccine in the 1960s, Marek’s disease vaccine in chickens, and these COVID-19 vaccines, immune response appeared protective at first. Then, as the body gets better and better at responding the wrong way – constantly reinforced by boosters – all hell broke loose. The vaccine is likely to teach your broken immune system to react the wrong way, you’re stuck in ADE, and won’t see it until it’s too late. The hallmark of ADE is failing immune response against all strains of the pathogen as time goes on, as we saw with RSV and Dengue, and we’re seeing with COVID-19 vaccines.”

Thus, the more the virus changes, according to Stock, not only will this particular vaccine lose its efficacy, but it will go negative because the body won’t produce as many T cells in the parts of the body that are infected.

Is this what is going on in Israel, and will this problem spread to the rest of the vaccinated Western world? Who knows? But if Israel was supposed to be the lab, and the experiment failed, why are we continuing it in the United States?


Your narrative is just about dead. Israel is now the perfect example of why vaccinations and endless boosters should stop. Seems the 4th is when you get to ADE and you're being harmed, not protected.

Which jab are you on?
These trucker convoys are working. Working well. Now they are setting up to blockade Toronto as well.

Truck Yeah!

Holy Trudeau, check out the Convoy scene in downtown Toronto​

School kids in Canada, fed up. They learned what Tibsticles did the hard way, the vaccines, lockdowns, masking don't work.

A lot of people despite politics will not give the government full control. Even here. Liberals are an annoying bunch but if push came to shove I feel the majority would wake up.
A lot of people despite politics will not give the government full control. Even here. Liberals are an annoying bunch but if push came to shove I feel the majority would wake up.
Todays liberal is a whining, sniveling, disgruntled, blubbering, sobbing, spineless, irresponsible waste of oxygen.