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Covid Vaccine

So Sarge is an anti-vaxxer. "You don’t hear about it a lot, but they keep finding healthy soldiers dead on military bases around the world with no logical explanation as to why they’re dead."

I think he's a US military hero.
Nah, I ain't no hero. I'm just an old man on the back side of his life that is just saddened that we cannot get the truth about anything out of our government anymore.

And I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I took these shots to protect my wife and keep my job. I'm paying for it now, but not in ways that others are. I just get sick really easy now. Used to be that if I caught a cold in the winter it was noteworthy. Now it seems like I have some kind of cold, flu or respiratory illness about once a month now. In fact, I'm still getting over whatever the bullshit was I caught about two weeks ago. Still coughing and full of damn phlegm.

Personally, I think the vaccines have been a spectacular failure. Antibodies last three, maybe four months tops, and some of the side affects make the ones you hear on the TV drug commercials seem pretty tame.
One of my coworkers sent out a Teams message stating he was going to be out this afternoon to take his 5 year old to get his shot...I thought to myself WTF???

Everybody's in on it...the doctors, the nurses, the thousands who work at the CDC and the FDA...all are so invested in enriching 2 pharmceutical companies that they do not care how many people they injure and kill. They don't even care about injuring toddlers. They all just love Pfizer and Moderna that much.

This is your working theory.
from the story linked above:

Scientists are also discovering that triple-vaccinated adults who were previously infected with the Wuhan variant have a weaker immune response to Omicron, leaving them more susceptible to reinfection. This phenomenon, called "immunological imprinting," could explain why children who received three Pfizer shots were more likely to get reinfected.

The FDA brushed aside the risk that inoculating infants against a variant no longer circulating could blunt their immune responses to Omicron and its offshoots. There's a reason vaccine trials usually take a decade. Some steps can be accelerated, but an extended follow-up is often necessary to ensure potential side effects aren’t overlooked.

The FDA standard for approving vaccines in otherwise healthy people, especially children, is supposed to be higher than for drugs that treat the sick. But the FDA conspicuously lowered its standards to approve Covid vaccines for toddlers. Why?

OFTB, maybe your good friends from Pfizer can help with this question?
Your missing the whole point. Why risk all the bad things that can and do happen just to avoid a couple of really ****** days on the couch? And it turns out that not only does the vax not prevent covid but in many cases it makes it worse. Do you want to dispute that?

Bingo. Spot on.

Given what we have seen 2 years into the post-jab world, for me the choice is clear. I'm not risking all of the potential side effects of the shots for a disease that has a 99% survival rate. Even if my doc suggested it.

And by and large, I follow my doc's advice. April 15 I saw my wife's PCP because my BP was too high (first time seeing him). He said, you need to lose weight and exercise. April 18, bloodwork showed cholesterol was 288.

I took his advice that day. I've lost 32lbs since April 18, down to my college weight. I've exercised every day but one during that period (treadmill, spinner, weights). Changed my diet. Cut out fat. Tons of vegetables, red meat maybe 1x a month. No sweets, no junk foods.

Doctor saw me last 2 weeks ago. He simply said "remarkable" to the weight loss. In 56 days I had lost 24 lbs, lowered my BP to nearly normal, lowered my cholesterol to 170.

Over 4 appointments, the doc covered everything with me - did every blood panel. Checked everything from PSA levels to liver readings, you name it.

You know what he never, ever, ever mentioned or covered? Getting the jab. Right on sheet #1 it says UNVACCINATED.

He never, ever even mentioned it. Didn't suggest it. Very odd I thought. Covid is so ******* deadly...and the doc...never...suggests...I...get...it.

Regardless, had he suggested I get it, I'd NOT take that advice and politely decline.

My body, my choice.
OFTB, maybe your good friends from Pfizer can help with this question?

We have to bypass every historical drug development process because it's a pandemic!!

So, we have a novel virus that's treated with a unique messenger RNA vaccine all within about a year of the outbreak, and some think this shouldn't be questioned?

Results and side effects from this experiment won't be known for years, and the public may never know the true results. Healthy skepticism is always a good idea to keep people honest.
You know what he never, ever, ever mentioned or covered? Getting the jab. Right on sheet #1 it says UNVACCINATED.

He never, ever even mentioned it. Didn't suggest it. Very odd I thought. Covid is so ******* deadly...and the doc...never...suggests...I...get...it.

Regardless, had he suggested I get it, I'd NOT take that advice and politely decline.

My body, my choice.

Just had a docs appointment with a similar experience. Having received one jab a year ago, he did ask me if I wanted my second. I said no. He replied, "that's fine" and dropped it.
Didn't try to persuade me or anything. I was quite surprised.
And I'm an old fart.
Just had a docs appointment with a similar experience. Having received one jab a year ago, he did ask me if I wanted my second. I said no. He replied, "that's fine" and dropped it.
Didn't try to persuade me or anything. I was quite surprised.
And I'm an old fart.

Some here would have you believe every doctor everywhere is out there pleading with every person they encounter everywhere to get shots 1 through 12.
Woah....when you dismiss every adverse event your subjects experience during the trials, saying they are unrelated to the vaccines they were injecting subjects with, the vaccines will appear safe...of course.

If you can't get to that link, a re-print here: https://atlasmonitor.net/?p=30849

Blurbs from the article below


As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to release Pfizer’s clinical trial documentation, we’re finding more and more evidence that very little has been done on the up-and-up, and the COVID jab trials may be among the most fraudulent in medical history.


  • Pfizer classified almost all severe adverse events that occurred during its Phase 3 trials as unrelated to the injection. A 2,566-page document catalogues serious adverse events and six deaths during the trial. These events were all classified as “toxicity level 4,” which is the most serious, yet none of them was deemed related to the injection
  • Examples of Level 4 adverse events — all of which were written off as “not related” to the mRNA injection — include acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, brain abscess, adrenal carcinoma (adrenal cancer) and chronic myeloid leukemia (blood and bone marrow cancer)
  • Most Level 3 adverse events were also dismissed as unrelated to the shot. Only a small number were listed as related. Examples of Level 3 side effects include tachycardia (disruption of the normal electrical impulses that control your heart rate — the very problem that underlies most cases of “sudden adult death syndrome” or SADS) and ventricular arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm that makes the lower chambers twitch rather than pump — another underlying cause of SADS)
  • A reanalysis of data from the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine trials found that, combined, Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 jabs were associated with a risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated. Meanwhile, the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization was only 2.3 per 10,000 participants for Pfizer and 6.4 per 10,000 for Moderna
  • Whether intentional or not, mounting evidence now indicate the COVID-19 injections will result in depopulation through premature death and adverse effects on fertility in women and men alike. Research from Israel reveals the shot deteriorates sperm count and sperm motility in men for about three months post-jab
The six deaths reported were listed as being caused by arteriosclerosis, cardiac arrest, hemorrhagic stroke and myocardial infarction.6 Many participants also dropped out or were excluded from the trial due to serious side effects involving the heart, cardiovascular system, cancer, stroke, hemorrhage and neurological impacts.

45% Experienced One or More Adverse Events

Another document that raises suspicions of bias is one admitting that “40% to 45% of participants who received BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 across age groups and across dose levels reported one or more AEs [adverse events] from Dose 1 through 28 days (i.e., 1 month) after Dose 2.”

Incidence Rate in Treatment Group FAR Higher Than Placebo

In the end, we all know what happened. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Pfizer concluded the shot was safe and effective for everyone and the FDA went along with it. The vaccine manufacturers and the FDA have decided it isn’t even worth invoking the precautionary principle for the very youngest of children, which is nothing short of reprehensible, criminal maleficence.

Jab More Likely to Put You in the Hospital Than Keep You Out

A June 2022 analysis of Pfizer and Moderna trial data found the shots are more likely to put you in the hospital than keep you out of it.

“A new paper20 by BMJ Editor Dr. Peter Doshi and colleagues has analyzed data from the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine trials and found that the vaccines are more likely to put you in hospital with a serious adverse event than keep you out by protecting you from COVID.

Dr. Doshi and colleagues found that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an increased risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 events per 10,000 vaccinated for Pfizer and 15.1 events per 10,000 vaccinated for Moderna …

When combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with a risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated … The authors note that this level of increased risk post-vaccine is greater than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization in both Pfizer and Moderna trials, which was 2.3 per 10,000 participants for Pfizer and 6.4 per 10,000 for Moderna.

“The bottom line is that the Pfizer Phase 3 trial which was used by NIAID [the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases], FDA and CDC to justify the emergency use authorization is pretty much a junk clinical trial which was inappropriately halted long before it even got close to meeting the intended follow up period, did not provide a sufficiently long follow up analysis of vaccination-associated adverse events, and in which the control group was intentionally eliminated.
This resulted in basically erasing any opportunity to ever get to the bottom of what the major true risks of the Pfizer mRNA inoculations were. In terms of more minor risks, the study was not powered (not big enough) to evaluate those.”

Doshi and his coauthors also note the FDA also watered down results by including “thousands of additional participants with very little follow-up, of which the large majority had only received one dose.”

They then further diluted the appearance of risk by counting only the number of people affected rather than counting the total number of individual adverse events. This makes a big difference, as twice as many people in the treatment group reported multiple serious adverse events, as compared to the placebo group.

The FDA and CDC have both also failed to produce promised follow-up investigations. In July 2021, now a full year ago, the FDA said it would investigate four “potential adverse events of interest following Pfizer vaccination,” namely pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, immune thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation, but to date, no update has been issued.

Similarly, in early 2021, the CDC published a protocol on how to use proportional reporting ratios to detect signals in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), but no study or report showing what that protocol might have found has ever been published.

As it turns out, the CDC hasn’t been looking for safety signals in VAERS — not with the proportional ratios protocol or any other. So, while they’ve publicly claimed they haven’t seen any signals of concern, the reason they haven’t seen any signals is very simple: They never looked at the data
Have the Pfizer and Moderna shots killed more than died in Vietnam yet?

Certainly, all the children suffering needlessly is more than enough to halt this crime against the population.

WTF is behind the lack of action from "medical" professionals, the FDA, those promoting "the science"???
Wow. Just listen. Pfizer stopped testing their Covid Vaccine on animals because they kept dying.

Your missing the whole point. Why risk all the bad things that can and do happen just to avoid a couple of really ****** days on the couch? And it turns out that not only does the vax not prevent covid but in many cases it makes it worse. Do you want to dispute that?
There’s no evidence the vaccine makes Covid worse. There is plenty of evidence that it reduces risk of serious illness and death. Of course you guys only believe “data” that comes from anti-vax sites so I won’t bother posting it.

As I have said many times before, the risk from Covid is extremely low for some cohorts of people and there is not a zero risk of adverse effects from the vaccines. They clearly do not prevent spread, especially of the newer variants, so the “save grandma” argument isn’t valid either. I believe everyone should be allowed to weigh the risks and benefits and make the decision for themselves and their family. I do not feel the risk/benefit analysis works out for healthy young people as of this moment, certainly not for healthy children. I probably would not have had my young healthy adult children get them (were they not required by two of their colleges) knowing the current data about myocarditis risk (which is a rare but real adverse effect). I have advised my son not to get boosted for that reason. On the other hand Covid can also cause myocarditis and many other kinds of damage to organs, the circulatory system and possibly the brain so it is not a cut and dried decision. I know unvaxxed people who have died from covid, including one perfectly healthy 58 year old 4.0 tennis player. I look forward to learning more data as far as long term effects of covid and whether the vaccines reduce those risks. We do know that serious illness from covid is associated with long term damage, and the vaccines do reduce the risk of serious illness.

I do think a lot of people who are at far greater risk from Covid than they are from the vaccines are refusing them due to misinformation. So I will occasionally try and correct that when I see it. Until I grow weary of it and leave you all to your own devices again.
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So Sarge is an anti-vaxxer. "You don’t hear about it a lot, but they keep finding healthy soldiers dead on military bases around the world with no logical explanation as to why they’re dead."

I think he's a US military hero.

I've provided you with ample evidence (i.e., insurance company death claims) that human beings are dying at a faster rate than ever before, inexplicably. Your response is this is just normal.


We know you love the vaccines.

They really aren't safe. Vaccines with 50 reported deaths reported previously were pulled. These are attributed to at least 40K deaths.

Low blow Tim. I have nothing but respect for Sarge, he knows that, he's one of the more balanced reasonable posters on this site and I agree with him way more often than not.

I don't "love the vaccines". I love science and data and facts and not ones that have been twisted and distorted by people with an agenda.

Your "ample evidence" that insurance company death claims are up has no demonstrated correlation with the vaccines. It could be from covid. It could be from suicide and drug overdoses and heart attacks from stress and from delaying medical diagnosis and treatment because of covid. Is it coincidence? Probably not. But unless you have data that ties it to vaccines, your implication that it is caused by them is nothing more than speculation.
Nah, I ain't no hero. I'm just an old man on the back side of his life that is just saddened that we cannot get the truth about anything out of our government anymore.

And I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I took these shots to protect my wife and keep my job. I'm paying for it now, but not in ways that others are. I just get sick really easy now. Used to be that if I caught a cold in the winter it was noteworthy. Now it seems like I have some kind of cold, flu or respiratory illness about once a month now. In fact, I'm still getting over whatever the bullshit was I caught about two weeks ago. Still coughing and full of damn phlegm.

Personally, I think the vaccines have been a spectacular failure. Antibodies last three, maybe four months tops, and some of the side affects make the ones you hear on the TV drug commercials seem pretty tame.
In terms of effectiveness I think they are much less than a roaring success, but they are better than nothing. For people who are at risk.

My theory (and this is based on nothing more than observation) is that the lockdowns are responsible for all the other non-covid illnesses going around. It's not normal or healthy for people not to be exposed to germs. In fact there's speculation that the patterns of flu and other viral illnesses are being affected by the changes in exposures to them. Maybe for the good, maybe not.

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I don't "love the vaccines". I love science and data and facts and not ones that have been twisted and distorted by people with an agenda.
Not deliberately trying to stir the pot, but there hasn't been enough time to actually have concrete data and facts.
You or Tim may prove to be absolutely correct. What I have a problem with, are the self-proclaimed experts, telling everyone that what they say is gospel.
I worked in healthcare for 45 years, so I kind of have an idea of how the process works and know that reliable data won't be known until years from now.
Not deliberately trying to stir the pot, but there hasn't been enough time to actually have concrete data and facts.
You or Tim may prove to be absolutely correct. What I have a problem with, are the self-proclaimed experts, telling everyone that what they say is gospel.
I worked in healthcare for 45 years, so I kind of have an idea of how the process works and know that reliable data won't be known until years from now.
You're absolutely correct. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. But there's a difference between data we don't really have yet and data that's being purposely twisted and selectively applied to say things that it actually doesn't.
You're absolutely correct. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. But there's a difference between data we don't really have yet and data that's being purposely twisted and selectively applied to say things that it actually doesn't.
I'll leave it at this, thalidomide was a hell of a drug for morning sickness, until it wasn't.
Low blow Tim. I have nothing but respect for Sarge, he knows that, he's one of the more balanced reasonable posters on this site and I agree with him way more often than not.

It wasn't intended as a low blow. He posted his observation, I responded, as did you. So, tracing it back to his post, it was a question and should have ended with a ?

I don't "love the vaccines". I love science and data and facts and not ones that have been twisted and distorted by people with an agenda.

You mean like the people and organizations that have put these vaccines into mankind? The CDC, the WHO, the White House, scientists, pharmas have all twisted their facts. In fact, I just posted today the now coming-to-light documents from Pfizer (that they tried to hide for 75 years) showing they outright hid data so as to confuse us all. Deceitful.

Twisting and distorting also comes from the government/agencies we believe are giving us supposed facts. You don't seem to be concerned about those. Just those on the 'other side'

Your "ample evidence" that insurance company death claims are up has no demonstrated correlation with the vaccines. It could be from covid. It could be from suicide and drug overdoses and heart attacks from stress and from delaying medical diagnosis and treatment because of covid. Is it coincidence? Probably not. But unless you have data that ties it to vaccines, your implication that it is caused by them is nothing more than speculation.

And likewise so is the position that they are not contributing.

I tire of people (not you per se) that just accept what they are told. Because the CDC says X, it must be true. Governments and their agencies have lied to their constituents throughout history. Yet mankind continues to trust.

This time in history should be full of questions and inquiries. Because enough people are gullible enough to buy what they are sold, the cycle repeats. It always will.
You're absolutely correct. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. But there's a difference between data we don't really have yet and data that's being purposely twisted and selectively applied to say things that it actually doesn't.

Again, you mean like Pfizer? This argument you make indeed goes both ways. There's misinformation in the anti-Covid-vax community. There's misinformation in the pro-vax community and governments and agencies.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we find out some day that the vast majority misinformation came from those on the vaccine agenda side.

I mean, we've already had falsified death numbers by these agencies.
Falsified promises - get the vax you won't get the virus.
Hidden and damaging trial data from the pharmas.
Falsified data over and over from the CDC.

That list could go into the hundreds...maybe thousands.
I'll leave it at this, thalidomide was a hell of a drug for morning sickness, until it wasn't.

So you're saying...there was a lot of misinformation at the time about thalidomide?