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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know about anyone else but as a lifelong Steelers fan and a football fan of over 45 years I am struggling to even gain interest in watching football this season. They have put politics right alongside the game I loved to play from a 9 year old kid right through college and my early adult life until my body could no longer handle the physicality of the game. I still enjoyed it as a fan. Today I can honestly say because of the political BS I can no longer muster up the enthusiasm and excitement to bring myself to even watch the game. Maybe it's just me but from the disrespect for the National Anthem to all the other crap being thrown out there by the media and pushing of Systemic Racism to make it appear that there is Racism WHEREVER YA LOOK! It's completely ridiculous and it doesn't exist. If it did every neighborhood in American would be on fire! We just don't treat each other like that it's not human nature. I won't get into it anymore as far as political party beliefs but I am just so sick and tired of hearing every athlete, celebrity and reporter telling us how it's supposed to be and how we should feel. Seeing the media attack Drew Brees earlier this year over his beliefs on the American Flag and why he didn't agree with disrespecting the American Flag and what the National Anthem means to him when he hears it was sickening. The media and teammates made it an issue of race and nothing Drew Brees said was about Race, NOTHING! They guilt-ed the guy to the point that he apologized 3 times and they still wanted more. This is a man who had given over $5 Million of his own money to the city of New Orleans and they attacked this man as if he just committed a murder of a black man. About a month back Steelers DE Stephon Tuitt comes out and says he's going to stand for the National Anthem and elaborated why and what it meant to him....basically the same thing Drew Brees mentioned......not a whisper......crickets in fact. Why was Brees mercilessly attacked for similar comments but Tuitt no one said anything? And now the NFL has agreed to play "THE BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM" before each game in Week 1 of the NFL season.....WTF? Why isn't the National Anthem a unifying song for every American? It sure was on 9/11 when all members of Congress stood on Capitol Hill and sang the song together with their hands over their hearts. Should Asian-American & Mexican-American & Native-Americans feel left out? It's utterly ridiculous! Major sports have lost me as a fan! I tried watching MLB and the first night when I see the Dodgers vs Giants and I'm watching Mookie Betts who 2 days earlier signed a $365 Million Contract take a knee for the National Anthem in support of BLM all the while just receiving a $65 Million signing Bonus. My question to Mookie Betts is how much money have you given to BLM? I assume it's the same amount as I've given to BLM.....$0.00. Seeing these athletes come to the defense of a black man like Jacob Blake (who if he followed the orders of the police would never have been shot in the first place if he just did what was asked of him) while they completely ignore the Execution Style Murder of a 5 year old boy named Cannon Hinnant is the finest example of Hypocrisy I've ever seen in my life. I'm sorry but that 5 year old who was shot and killed by a Black 25 year old while riding his bike in his front yard is absolutely horrifying! CNN went 5 days without reporting the shooting of Cannon Hinnant as it happened on a Sunday and they didn't report on it until 5 days later on Friday. If the role was reversed and that was a black child shot by a white man you'd have riots in every city in America. BLM is a powerful message but I can't support a Marxist (Communist group) I'm sorry but anytime you put a color before something....it becomes a racial issue! Am I in the minority here? Does anyone else feel the same as me? About the only sports I'm watching right now is MMA from Bellator & UFC because I can't stand any of the political BS that has been tied to all the other sports!

I'm out!

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Welcome and have a seat, you're most definitely not alone.
I'm telling everyone. Watch European soccer. Watch the Premier league.

It is not as boring as you think. The games are super concise. No commercials. Over in 1:50 every ******* game without fail. You watch on Saturday and Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and you have the entire rest of your weekend to do things with your family. It's bliss compared to the over-commercialization of American sports right now.

Watch 10 games and you start to see the differences in talent. The differences is attack strategy. And everything starts to fall into place. Yes, there are rich teams. But imagine a sport with 10 Yankees all fighting among themselves like kings. That in itself is interesting.

This off-season in particular could be amazing. Lionel Messi is likely changing teams, which is a BIGGER story internationally than Tom Brady leaving New England. If he ends up with Manchester City in the Premier League, you could argue it might be the greatest soccer team ever. They could be that good. But their rivals Liverpool (defending champs), Manchester United (the real Yankees of the Premier League) and Chelsea (which might spend $300 million just in transfer fees on new players) are all lined up to give them a run.

Watch just a few weeks and tell me what you think. No politics. No commercials. No four hour games. Yes... it's a "simpler" game with less X's and O's than football. But in times like this, simpler is sometimes better. Competition is still competition. And these are some of the best athletes in the world (maybe the best when you consider the "pyramid" of players they come out of).
Oh you're not alone. I have zero interest in professional sports. I can't deal with politics and sports. Even more so when it's complete hypocritical bs. A fictional racist boogie man, and a complete disregard for personal accountability.

I've moved on. No biggie really. All things come to an end eventually. Life goes on.
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A fictional racist boogie man, and a complete disregard for personal accountability.

Just wanted to make sure that's not missed.

I've moved on. No biggie really. All things come to an end eventually. Life goes on.

While I think I have, I'm not totally sure. Once I've gone a season without the Pittsburgh Steelers, I'll know for sure. Ugh.

I understand where you're coming from my friend, and from everything you've shared with me, you have a lot of other things (and bless you & your family). I just wish everyone could feel like that, including myself.
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I am considering my options. I know for a fact I'm not watching a non Steeler game any more....of course I didn't really watch any last year either. I am now leaning towards not watching Steeler games either. We'll see what happens. .
I am considering my options. I know for a fact I'm not watching a non Steeler game any more....of course I didn't really watch any last year either. I am now leaning towards not watching Steeler games either. We'll see what happens. .

I wish anyone that thinks they can endure the insufferable pandering that will go on in the NFL the best of luck.
Rooney made it about progressive politics when he championed the Rooney Rule to bring social engineering to the NFL, and when he he publicly endorsed the horrible candidate Barack Obama in a battleground state in exchange for an Ambassadorship to Ireland.

The Rooneys haven't been first and foremost interested in winning SB's for a long time now.

But that's what "legacy" families do.

What did the Carnegie's, Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc. all do once they had made all the money they could (won 5-6 SB's in their fields)?

They started Foundations to secure their legacies.

The Rooneys have long since been about progressive legacy at the expense of seriously competing for World Championships or protecting their brand of defensive football in Rog's postmodern NFL.
Contrary to some hard core Goodell fans, the NFL is on a serious downward spiral and my personal interest is at the precipice of extinction.

9 NFL teams cancel practice in response to Blake shooting

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- Empty practice fields made for loud and powerful statements at nine facilities across the NFL.

The Arizona Cardinals, Chicago Bears, Denver Broncos, Green Bay Packers, Indianapolis Colts, Los Angeles Chargers, New York Jets, Tennessee Titans and Washington Football Team all chose to not practice Thursday in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, in Wisconsin.

“We’ve been protecting the shield,” Jets running back Le’Veon Bell wrote of the NFL in a Twitter post. “It’s time for the shield to protect us.”

Really ? These idiots actually think people give a **** about them and their misguided irrational phobias ? Funny that I don't recall any news about NFL players banding together in the off-season to make an effort to further their "systemic racism cause"..... weird huh ? There is a lot of money going to expensive cars, lifestyles and clothes that would help some young kids to learn to respect the law and the results of a good education.....jus sayin.


The Rooneys have long since been about progressive legacy at the expense of seriously competing for World Championships or protecting their brand of defensive football in Rog's postmodern NFL.

I think the Rooneys took a step back from the team when they sold out to investors. The Steelers are now just a hobby and legacy football isn't a primary concern anymore.

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These idiots actually think people give a **** about them and their misguided irrational phobias ?
I certainly don't. I'm not surprised, however, there are still a good number of fans that will swing from these athletes' balls no matter what.
Contrary to some hard core Goodell fans, the NFL is on a serious downward spiral and my personal interest is at the precipice of extinction.

Really ? These idiots actually think people give a **** about them and their misguided irrational phobias ? Funny that I don't recall any news about NFL players banding together in the off-season to make an effort to further their "systemic racism cause"..... weird huh ? There is a lot of money going to expensive cars, lifestyles and clothes that would help some young kids to learn to respect the law and the results of a good education.....jus sayin.


One hallmark of low IQ is the inability to employ cause and effect and future preference to near and short term decision making.

The actions of the LBJs and Le'Veons of the world simply belie the Bell Curve realities that most of these guys lack the intelligence to realize they are "#$%^&#$ where they eat" and destroying their game.

But think about the NBA? The players generally have the sense to talk about "growing our game" when it comes to China and also paying homage to Dr. J. MJ, Magic, and Kareem,etc. when it comes to thanking the players who paved the way for current success.

Yet today's players -- through their own selfishness and ignorance -- are ruining future opportunities for today's kid in the ghetto who looks up to a LBJ or other woke superstars because they have ruined pro sports and killed the Golden Goose. They've killed the one of the few areas where blacks could dominate and excel relative to peers of other races.

LBJ is too dumb to see this no matter how many schools be builds.
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Just wanted to make sure that's not missed.

While I think I have, I'm not totally sure. Once I've gone a season without the Pittsburgh Steelers, I'll know for sure. Ugh.

I understand where you're coming from my friend, and from everything you've shared with me, you have a lot of other things (and bless you & your family). I just wish everyone could feel like that, including myself.

You only need to look at what the other major sports are doing to get your preview of what's coming. The NFL is the premier sport watched in the country. They're going to take it up 10 notches. From the shows on tv to the field. They're going to cherry pick what they want to address and leave the rest in the dark.

It won't be that hard. We all have choices and convictions to stand by. I'll stand by mine. I also have family in law enforcement and I'll be damned if I watch them **** on them more than what they're getting now.

I will add that 90% of my actual caring went out the window when they propped up the made for tv pats***** . I'm not a fan of pro wrestling and the NFL is just a hair above it theatrics and all.
This season, if they even play it, will provide controversy that will not be football related. It will certainly give everyone something to talk about, but I'm not sure the actions will benefit anyone.

Inner city youth, the average fan, the coffers of the NFL? Nope, nope, and nope. My only interest in recent years, like many here, has been the Steelers, so it will be interesting, to me at least, how I handle the New NFL.

I can DVR, skipping through everything other than the actual play, but will that be enough? There are some here that say the NFL doesn't need us, a "few old white guys", but I'm not so sure about that.

The NFL has to be counting on everyone falling in line or planning their future survival on the woke generation. Unless they can make money from people occasionally checking their cell phones, I don't see that happening.

They may have well killed the golden goose, we'll see.
I will give the Steelers one more year to get over the political crap and make their minds right. If it's still going on next year then I will consider my options.
I will give the Steelers one more year to get over the political crap and make their minds right. If it's still going on next year then I will consider my options.

They've kept Tomlin around through 3 playoff wins in 9 seasons, so I think you're gonna be considering options!
Deljzc, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of European soccer. Liverpool my club. History much like the Steelers. Problem is the EPL(English league), Bundesliga( German league) were fully"woke" when they resumed play after covid lockdown. Both leagues knelled and the BLM patches were on uniforms and all over the empty stadiums. OTH, La liga(Spanish) and Serie A (Italian)did no such thing. Just played straight up soccer without the SJW antics. Otherwise, love your writing and you are spot on
Deljzc, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of European soccer. Liverpool my club. History much like the Steelers. Problem is the EPL(English league), Bundesliga( German league) were fully"woke" when they resumed play after covid lockdown. Both leagues knelled and the BLM patches were on uniforms and all over the empty stadiums. OTH, La liga(Spanish) and Serie A (Italian)did no such thing. Just played straight up soccer without the SJW antics. Otherwise, love your writing and you are spot on

But if you think about it, wasn't that the goal?

Destroy uniquely American sports like MLB, NFL, and NBA and promote the international Socialism sport (you can be dirt poor and play and love soccer on the streets of Soweto or in London);

Not a knock against anyone who loves soccer and I respect the sport, but the left destroys anything distinctly exceptional or American as the sports leagues once were.

Especially NFL and MLB.
Problem is the EPL(English league), Bundesliga( German league) were fully"woke" when they resumed play after covid lockdown. Both leagues knelled and the BLM patches were on uniforms and all over the empty stadiums. OTH, La liga(Spanish) and Serie A (Italian)did no such thing. Just played straight up soccer without the SJW antics.

Italian Soccer Shows Its Support For Black Lives Matter Movement

Italy's AS Roma adds 'Black Lives Matter' badge to players' shirts

Juventus and AC Milan players wear 'Black Lives Matter' and 'No Racism' shirts before Coppa Italia tie

Real Madrid star Kroos expects and supports Black Lives Matter protests when La Liga resumes

Funny how people around the world understand both the BLM and Covid phenomena and see them for what they are. Everyone that is, outside the narrow-minded base of right-wingers in America, who constantly see massive conspiracies and ill-will behind basically anything and everything taking place. It must be tough being part of such a small minority of group-thinkers. No wonder they call the Trump base a cult.

This board is the perfect petri dish to observe this type of unhinged right-wing, Qanon-fueled sentiment. The hard-core Trump base, blinded by a never-ending faith in Trump, that he will somehow save the aging, white Christian conservative population from imminent demise.

The paranoia and fear on this board is palpable.
My eyes!!!! Hit enter a couple times. Lol
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Italian Soccer Shows Its Support For Black Lives Matter Movement

Italy's AS Roma adds 'Black Lives Matter' badge to players' shirts

Juventus and AC Milan players wear 'Black Lives Matter' and 'No Racism' shirts before Coppa Italia tie

Real Madrid star Kroos expects and supports Black Lives Matter protests when La Liga resumes

Funny how people around the world understand both the BLM and Covid phenomena and see them for what they are. Everyone that is, outside the narrow-minded base of right-wingers in America, who constantly see massive conspiracies and ill-will behind basically anything and everything taking place. It must be tough being part of such a small minority of group-thinkers. No wonder they call the Trump base a cult.

This board is the perfect petri dish to observe this type of unhinged right-wing, Qanon-fueled sentiment. The hard-core Trump base, blinded by a never-ending faith in Trump, that he will somehow save the aging, white Christian conservative population from imminent demise.

The paranoia and fear on this board is palpable.

No Tibs...like Nick Sandman and the Indian, like Kyle Rittenhouse, you simply can't see and you only see what you want to.

Let me make this really simple for you. Sports was a unifier. It brought us all together. Sports was an escape. We all used it to get away from the travails of life and for entertainment. Sports is sports. Politics is politics. News is news. Sports decided to become a pulpit for politics and news. Forgetting that their fan base tuned in for sports, not politics and news.

Sports fans have made it very simple - we tune to THAT channel to watch THAT sport play THAT game. When you turn that content into something else, I the fan object.

See the ratings Tibs.

As Sojourner stated, they are ******** where they sleep. If they keep it up, they won't have much to come back to, ad revenue will fall, contracts will decrease, and guess who they will ultimately have to cater to? The fans.

13% of America can't keep these leagues afloat.

But you ride your socialist indoctrination program as far as you can ride it ok Komrade? You've picked another loser position Tibs, but **** you haven't been on the right side of, or predicted anything correctly in 4 years. No one is shocked. You're the safe bet.
13% of America can't keep these leagues afloat.

Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign financed by George Soros and spurned on by Lebron James and other *******, entitled millionaire athletes. There is nothing to see here, the whole thing is just manufactured outrage.

Everyone in America is with you guys, the conservative, far-right wingers, who are now 'turning your back' on professional sports in a hissy fit, because your feelings are hurt. As Laura Ingraham said, athletes should just shut up and dribble. They are here to entertain us. How dare they raise their voices and protest social issues plaguing America? Don't they know their place?

Yup, that's the ticket.

Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

The Black Lives Matter movement, which is back in the headlines amid the nationwide protests, receives wide support. Two-thirds of U.S. adults say they support the movement, with 38% saying they strongly support it. This sentiment is particularly strong among black Americans, although majorities of white (60%), Hispanic (77%) and Asian (75%) Americans express at least some support.[SUP]1[/SUP]

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support protests against racial injustice


WASHINGTON – Nearly two-thirds of Americans support the recent protests against racial injustice, a new Gallup poll released Tuesday revealed.

The nationwide protests were sparked by the killing of George Floyd, a Black man whose neck was pinned under the knee of a white police officer for nearly nine minutes in May. The poll found that 65% of U.S. adults support the protests. Additionally, 53% said the protests "will help" public support for equality and racial justice versus 34% who said they would "hurt" and 13% who said they will "make no difference."

The poll also reports that approximately one in 10 respondents said they had participated in a demonstration in the last month. Among younger respondents, that number jumps to one in four.

In terms of support for the protests, 92% of Black Americans said they support the protests, while 89% of Asian Americans, 70% of Hispanics and 59% of white respondents said they do.

63% support Black Lives Matter as recognition of discrimination jumps: POLL

Sixty-three percent of Americans support the Black Lives Matter movement and a record 69% -- the most by far in 32 years of polling -- say Black people and other minorities are denied equal treatment in the criminal justice system, two of several signs of deep changes in public attitudes on racial discrimination.
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Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign financed by George Soros and spurned on by Lebron James and other *******, entitled millionaire athletes. There is nothing to see here, the whole thing is just manufactured outrage.

Everyone in America is with you guys, the conservative, far-right wingers, who are now 'turning your back' on professional sports in a hissy fit, because your feelings are hurt. As Laura Ingraham said, athletes should just shut up and dribble. They are here to entertain us. How dare they raise their voices and protest social issues plaguing America? Don't they know their place?

Yup, that's the ticket.

Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support protests against racial injustice


63% support Black Lives Matter as recognition of discrimination jumps: POLL

Oh **** you and your marxist ******** movement. You fake pathetic fraud.
Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign financed by George Soros and spurned on by Lebron James and other *******, entitled millionaire athletes. There is nothing to see here, the whole thing is just manufactured outrage.

Everyone in America is with you guys, the conservative, far-right wingers, who are now 'turning your back' on professional sports in a hissy fit, because your feelings are hurt. As Laura Ingraham said, athletes should just shut up and dribble. They are here to entertain us. How dare they raise their voices and protest social issues plaguing America? Don't they know their place?

Yup, that's the ticket.

Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support protests against racial injustice


63% support Black Lives Matter as recognition of discrimination jumps: POLL

You don't get it , tibs.. We don't care what cause these sports people support. But, let them do it on their time. When I turn on sports I want to escape politics for 2 hours. Now I can't. Imagine if I clicked on AC/DC music to enjoy but now instead of TNT they start singing BLM? Guess wat? I'll be pissed and won't listen to that ****. Would you abandon football if there was a big movement and all the players wore Trump2020 stickers on their helmets or NRA stickers? No,... you would tune that **** out.