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Illegal immigrant charged with Mollie Tibbetts' murder

Because he's Mexican. If he had been a WHITE illegal from Russia or wherever, it wouldn't be an issue.
I have a sinking feeling it wouldn't have been an issue for Trump either. You must admit he doesn't seem to rail against 'white' illegal immigrants, though I'm sure there are plenty, including many from central Europe who overstay their visas to work illegally. I guess the problem is his magic wall won't stop any of them, so he focuses on what riles up his base. Especially at a moment in time when he's facing perilous legal and political jeopardy from seemingly every direction. Makes all the sense in the world. He is the master of distraction.
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Well he's documented now. This could end up being a **** storm. It certainly sounds like it merits a death penalty if convicted. But that would piss off the Mexican Government.
Who doesn't find this repugnant?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Newt Gingrich says slain Iowa student could help GOP in midterms <a href="https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK">https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK</a> <a href="https://t.co/O1yjb6ZavM">pic.twitter.com/O1yjb6ZavM</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1032692975455948801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yeah, it is certainly in bad taste. Cripes, they just found the body a couple days ago. At the same time, I don't really care what he thinks. Newt Gingrich carries about as much political clout these days as Chris Cuomo. Just another has been trying oh so hard to remain relevant. How does the saying go? Any publicity is good publicity? Is that it?
Who doesn't find this repugnant?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Newt Gingrich says slain Iowa student could help GOP in midterms <a href="https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK">https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK</a> <a href="https://t.co/O1yjb6ZavM">pic.twitter.com/O1yjb6ZavM</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1032692975455948801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It’s repugnant not only because that’s how he thinks of it, but because he’s also right.
Yeah, it is certainly in bad taste. Cripes, they just found the body a couple days ago. At the same time, I don't really care what he thinks. Newt Gingrich carries about as much political clout these days as Chris Cuomo. Just another has been trying oh so hard to remain relevant. How does the saying go? Any publicity is good publicity? Is that it?

Words Trump lives for lol
Yeah, it is certainly in bad taste. Cripes, they just found the body a couple days ago. At the same time, I don't really care what he thinks. Newt Gingrich carries about as much political clout these days as Chris Cuomo. Just another has been trying oh so hard to remain relevant. How does the saying go? Any publicity is good publicity? Is that it?

I like him Sarge. He does have people on his show from both sides and asks valid questions, even Rudy, who's just simply painful to watch.
Yes, and Obama was admonished for it mercilessly. Many here claimed he set back race relations for years for speaking out about the murders of black youth. Yet somehow it's okay, now that Trump's doing it? /scratches head

oh **** off with your bullshit. you praised Bomma and his nut juice for his statement then, and are now backtracking on that.
there's an ocean of a difference between Trayngel being killed and Mollie Tibbets being killed.
The difference couldn't be any more stark if it was possible.

Nor could the POTUS statement. Trump said the girl was beautiful. She was.
Bomma said if he had a son, he would look like Trayngel.

One played up the race angle.

GTFO with this bullshit, Tibs.
oh **** off with your bullshit. you praised Bomma and his nut juice for his statement then, and are now backtracking on that. there's an ocean of a difference between Trayngel being killed and Mollie Tibbets being killed.The difference couldn't be any more stark if it was possible. Nor could the POTUS statement. Trump said the girl was beautiful. She was. Bomma said if he had a son, he would look like Trayngel. One played up the race angle. GTFO with this bullshit, Tibs.

Who doesn't find this repugnant?

You know what's even more repugnant? Your child being murdered by someone who shouldn't even be in the country.

This SHOULD be an election issue. It IS an election issue.

If you want illegals to flow over the border unfettered, elect Dems. It's really that simple.
You know what's even more repugnant? Your child being murdered by someone who shouldn't even be in the country.
It's repugnant to have your child murdered, period.

If you want illegals to flow over the border unfettered, elect Dems.
That's just stupid, sorry. Which dems are calling for 'illegals to flow over the border unfettered?'

thank you. shows your unique grasp of the situation and all the facts. literally, utterly clueless.
Sorry Supe. You argue Obama sensationalized the Travon Martin case but turn a blind eye to Trump sensationalizing this senseless murder. You're grasping at straws here. But if it makes you feel better to call me utterly clueless, have at it. Glad to be of service.
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Who doesn't find this repugnant?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Newt Gingrich says slain Iowa student could help GOP in midterms <a href="https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK">https://t.co/4b8u4fZBXK</a> <a href="https://t.co/O1yjb6ZavM">pic.twitter.com/O1yjb6ZavM</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1032692975455948801?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 23, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

No where near as bad as Paul Wellstones funeral.
Yes, and Obama was admonished for it mercilessly. Many here claimed he set back race relations for years for speaking out about the murders of black youth. Yet somehow it's okay, now that Trump's doing it? /scratches head

Because he did. Today we have a nationwide notion that the killing of blacks by white men and by police is an epidemic. It simply isn't true. I've posted about this endlessly. Because this notion is simply a myth. An Obama and media-created falsehood that led to the likes of the terrorist organization BLM, founded in July 2013 primarily as a result of the Trayvon Martin case with the formation of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

Even CNN admonished Obama at the time for his statements about Martin:


Every American can make their own judgment about whether justice was served by the verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial but one thing we should all recognize: President Obama's interference in a local law enforcement matter was unprecedented and inappropriate, and he comes away from the case looking badly tarnished by his poor judgment.

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon," the president said when asked about the case in the Rose Garden on March 23, 2012, after many had called for Zimmerman's arrest but several weeks before he was charged. "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids."

The president's remarks created a clear impression that he was motivated by one of two factors, and we can only guess as to which, or what combination of the two, was at work here. One possibility is that this is merely another manifestation of the president's well-known narcissism: No matter what the situation may be, it's all about him.

The other, more troubling possibility is that the president surrendered to his political instincts. He wants disadvantaged Americans to believe that he and his family are one of them -- despite their life of unparalleled privilege -- and he wanted the prosecutors, judge and jury to believe that this was a case about race where justice demanded a guilty verdict.

If that was his motivation -- and we cannot know, but reasonable people certainly may suspect -- then Obama should be ashamed of his effort to stir America's turbulent, dangerous racial waters. The president's role is not to be a racial agitator, and the mark of a great civil rights leader has been a determination to reject the temptations of that approach.

The President undeniably, before facts were known, stirred racial tides and jumped in offering the nation his opinion that this was about race and began fomenting this unprecedented notion that led to today's BLM, athletes kneeling, and this faulty notion that blacks die more at the hands of police than other races do (which is false).

He quite LITERALLY spurred this false perception with his actions.

Then Michael Brown. After the Grand Jury released it's decision, Obama's statement was in part:

Finally, we need to recognize that the situation in Ferguson speaks to broader challenges that we still face as a nation. The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color. Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country. And this is tragic, because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates. The good news is we know there are things we can do to help. And I’ve instructed Attorney General Holder to work with cities across the country to help build better relations between communities and law enforcement.

That means working with law enforcement officials to make sure their ranks are representative of the communities they serve. We know that makes a difference. It means working to train officials so that law enforcement conducts itself in a way that is fair to everybody. It means enlisting the community actively on what should be everybody’s goal, and that is to prevent crime.

While polished, he said to the nation - we have a problem with law enforcement. NOT that we have a problem with 13% of the population committing an INORDINATE amount of crimes. No, he said the problem is law enforcement quite clearly.

That is not the problem.

I've written these very facts before, but the embedded video (that YouTube removed from its site as hate speech - get that facts are hate speech) does it more succinctly. More whites and hispanics die at the hands of police every year DESPITE the fact that the police encounter black crime offenders at a highly disproportionate rate. If you are white or Hispanic and encounter a police offer you have a HIGHER % of dying than if you are black. It's mathematical fact.

Watch it:


Thanks DBS

Yes Obama did set back race relations.
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Yes indeed, it seems that he was. Was Stephen Paddock an American citizen, here legally? What's your point?

The point is, IF THEY WOULD HAVE ENFORCED THE LAW, MOLLIE TIBBETTS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!!! The fact that there are citizen pieces of **** as well has NOTHING to do with that fact, and you know it! You're not as stupid as that dipshit Elfie, so please stop acting like it.
The point is, IF THEY WOULD HAVE ENFORCED THE LAW, MOLLIE TIBBETTS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!!! The fact that there are citizen pieces of **** as well has NOTHING to do with that fact, and you know it! You're not as stupid as that dipshit Elfie, so please stop acting like it.

This guy didn't sneak in overnight due to the lack of a wall sealing off 1,954 miles of the Mexican border. The dude lived here for years with falsified documents, worked on a farm, had a place to live, happy as a cat. The fact he brutally murdered an innocent student jogging on a road in Poweshiek County, Iowa, makes him a killer, and a murderer.

This ****** was an illegal alien, no denying that. He crossed into the country at some point, who knows where or how, broke a bunch of laws, forged his identity. Then he brutally murdered an innocent woman with a bright future. If convicted, he'll face justice, possibly the death penalty or life in prison. That's this man's story, this man's folly. Came here illegally, committed a terrible, horrendous crime. **** this guy, I hope he pays the price, as he should.

But to make this a Gotcha! moment, to try to prove a point about illegal immigration is wildly off base. The idea that this could have been avoided by Trump being tough on immigration by simply building a border wall is a pipe dream.

It's confounding that anyone who thinks Trump's wall is an over-hyped political gimmick is instantly labeled an advocate of illegal immigration, open borders et al. That's nonsense, nobody in their right mind wants that.

I'm all for secure borders, tough border enforcement & immigration controls. No way people should be streaming in, on foot or otherwise without following the laws. Trump's singular focus is on building an unfathomably long and sturdy, physical wall. But he never adds any substance or intelligent discourse on what he plans on doing besides that. I can hear the chants now... "Build that wall! Build that wall!"

Building a wall won't help you track foreigners who fly in and overstay their visas. I wouldn't be shocked if more crime is committed nationwide by foreign nationals in fancy apartments and offices in big cities, here illegally, gaming the system, than crimes committed by illegals from Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala working on farms, washing dishes or mowing lawns.

This was a high-profile murder, a regretable one, and there have been plenty of others committed by legal and illegal immigrants. But using the death of Mollie Tibbetts to advance a cheap political argument - for the midterms, for a border wall or whatever - is misguided and frankly pathetic. The saddest thing is it seems to me Trump jumped on this - as well as the S. African farmers story - not out of genuine empathy or concern, but simply because he saw it on FoxNews one morning and it triggered a response. That's not how Presidents best serve the country, shooting from the hip like that.

You want to do something about it? You're the President, work with Congress, pass immigration laws, secure the borders. Stop shouting at rallies and tweeting about it. If your solution is building a glorious, 21st century version of the Great Wall of China, then make a convincing argument to build it, tell people why it makes sense. Figure out the budget for it, move on it, make it happen. You have to bring people into the fold, in this case lawmakers from both sides, as well as the American public. Make a sensible argument, get people on your side. That's what Presidents do, or at least should do, to achieve their goals.

Trump seems content to keep playing footsie with his base and scoring brownie points with FoxNews announcers. All the while belittling the death - and desecrating the memory - of a young woman who was brutally murdered just a few days ago.
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Libtards sure do love illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists. They’re very passionate about it. And communism too, even though communists killed some of their relatives. Mind boggling.
It realistically is a pretty small percentage of illegals that actually cause issues... though i guess if zero percent were here non of those issues would exist... though we always get the negative on this issue and rarely the positives....

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For ***** sake Mexico is a ******* country,NOT a race. I just want to smack mother ******* on TV every time I hear that mother ******* horseshit. It doesn't ******* matter what your stupid ******* color is. You snuck the **** in and don't have any ******* right to be here.

If we started shooting these mother ******* in the head at the border this **** would all end quick. Sick of it.
Libtards sure do love illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists. They’re very passionate about it. And communism too, even though communists killed some of their relatives. Mind boggling.
Not communism....Democratic communism...Very different.
Great, since he's no longer in office he can't do any further damage. Take a deep sigh of relief, and move on.

Stop giving him a pass and call a spade a spade and acknowledge the man did then.
It realistically is a pretty small percentage of illegals that actually cause issues... though i guess if zero percent were here non of those issues would exist... though we always get the negative on this issue and rarely the positives....

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app


It's a small % of illegals that cause crimes.
It's a small % of Muslims that create terror.
It's a small % of gun-owners that shoot up malls or schools.
It was a handful of hijackers that killed 3,000 on 9/11.
It's a small % that has killed hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century in Communist countries or authoritarian regimes.

It's always the small % that is deadly.

And it's always these small, outlier, sensationalized crimes that get the attention.