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Immigration Crisis at the border

And FYI, I didn't read your ridiculous posts, that's a fact.

Yet you reply to every damned post in this thread, even those not intended for you. You've got more posts in this forum than anyone.

Let's see. It's a discussion forum. You reply to each and every post Steeltime has with you and by nature are entering into a discussion. Buuuttttt you "don't read the posts" and you have "no ideas on how to fix illegal immigration" but yet you've poured 250,000 words into this thread.

So I have to ask, exactly about what have you written about? LOL
Know your enemy


Maxine Waters calls on supporters to confront Trump officials in public spaces

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) called on her supporters at a rally to confront Trump Cabinet officials in public spaces like restaurants and department stores to protest the administration's policies.

"I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it is wrong what they're doing on so many fronts but they tend to not want to confront this president," Waters said at a Los Angeles rally

"For these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him they're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them"


Where is the MAGA store again?
That picture takes too long to look at.
I am going to ignore them moving forward.

Like some of your posts are too long to read , for some here, I was suggesting that even the pictures you post may take too long to look at.
Like some of your posts are too long to read , for some here, I was suggesting that even the pictures you post may take too long to look at.

Thumbnails. Small pictures.


Few words. Less than ten. I did it ... DAMN IT!! Too many words for some.
Know your enemy


Maxine Waters calls on supporters to confront Trump officials in public spaces

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) called on her supporters at a rally to confront Trump Cabinet officials in public spaces like restaurants and department stores to protest the administration's policies.

"I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it is wrong what they're doing on so many fronts but they tend to not want to confront this president," Waters said at a Los Angeles rally

"For these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him they're not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they're not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they're not going to be able to shop at a department store, the people are going to turn on them, they're going to protest, they're going to absolutely harass them"


Plain and simple, if violence erupts, and you know it will, she should be arrested for inciting it.
Yet you reply to every damned post in this thread, even those not intended for you. You've got more posts in this forum than anyone.

Let's see. It's a discussion forum. You reply to each and every post Steeltime has with you and by nature are entering into a discussion. Buuuttttt you "don't read the posts" and you have "no ideas on how to fix illegal immigration" but yet you've poured 250,000 words into this thread.

So I have to ask, exactly about what have you written about? LOL

Somehow there's an argument going in P&R that I'm not involved in. It's kinda nice actually. :popcorn:
Yet you reply to every damned post in this thread, even those not intended for you. You've got more posts in this forum than anyone.

Let's see. It's a discussion forum. You reply to each and every post Steeltime has with you and by nature are entering into a discussion. Buuuttttt you "don't read the posts" and you have "no ideas on how to fix illegal immigration" but yet you've poured 250,000 words into this thread.

So I have to ask, exactly about what have you written about? LOL

So if I don't respond I'm told I'm ignoring or I have no response and oh look, crickets, so I respond and it's you reply to every post (not true btw). Page 7 is where I started, by your post #178 you were already putting words in my mouth saying conservatives are evil. Yeah, never said that either, said I feel the same about conservatives as you do about dems. Secondly I never said trump is hitler. Steeltime did the typical bullshit twist move of saying those were my words. Show me where I said trump is hitler other than my last sarcastic post to steeltime, seriously what did I have to lose at that point, might as well live up to the hype. I'll wait too for you to show me that. Once you pull that ****, you're turned off. Typical right wing move. But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump? Were they in public offices and considered the press the enemy? So now comparing comments to others who have been in politics in the past is now the same as comparing him to running concentration camps? For ****'s sake talk about over the top bullshit reaction. You said the left compares trump to hitler, I said the same thing the right did with Obama. Did I say YOU somewhere in that? Let's see I've tried to talk about the wall, asked if Mexico is paying for the wall (a question I guess I'm not allowed to ask), gave reasons why I don't think the wall will work which was turned into you have no solution. I said yes,I have no solution, but I do think going after the companies hiring illegals might be a start. I get somewhat of a response, but then with more BS. I said I liked Tibs idea which is more than I could come up with. But thought I would see some other solutions I could get on board with, but nope, didn't happen. So you come back at me having no solution which I said correct. I gave my opinion on Sarah Sanders and how she was treated, no one cared, only want more bullshit. Then the ridiculousness just kept going. You come at me I'm giving it back. When people like you and steeltime go into lecture mode to make yourselves feel so self-righteous, to make yourselves get your virtual high fives from your fellow right wingers and be all "yeah I told her" bullshit, it's over for me at that point, not reading and don't care. You've proven what you are right from there. I've asked if you want to have a discussion, but your post 202 you didn't care, still said I had nothing putting more words in my mouth like I advocate illegals. Never even alluded to that. You just twist and bash, so I bash back. I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore. I asked way back if this was an alt right board, if other views were welcomed, I was told yep they are, but the truth is no they aren't, you just want bashing and I stooped to that level, congrats. Clearly not all are alt right, but yeah a few are. So back at you Tim, you go ahead and keep acting the alt-right, I just don't have to read it, do I?
So if I don't respond I'm told I'm ignoring or I have no response and oh look, crickets, so I respond and it's you reply to every post (not true btw). Page 7 is where I started, by your post #178 you were already putting words in my mouth saying conservatives are evil. Yeah, never said that either, said I feel the same about conservatives as you do about dems. Secondly I never said trump is hitler. Steeltime did the typical bullshit twist move of saying those were my words. Show me where I said trump is hitler other than my last sarcastic post to steeltime, seriously what did I have to lose at that point, might as well live up to the hype. I'll wait too for you to show me that. Once you pull that ****, you're turned off. Typical right wing move. But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump? Were they in public offices and considered the press the enemy? So now comparing comments to others who have been in politics in the past is now the same as comparing him to running concentration camps? For ****'s sake talk about over the top bullshit reaction. You said the left compares trump to hitler, I said the same thing the right did with Obama. Did I say YOU somewhere in that? Let's see I've tried to talk about the wall, asked if Mexico is paying for the wall (a question I guess I'm not allowed to ask), gave reasons why I don't think the wall will work which was turned into you have no solution. I said yes,I have no solution, but I do think going after the companies hiring illegals might be a start. I get somewhat of a response, but then with more BS. I said I liked Tibs idea which is more than I could come up with. But thought I would see some other solutions I could get on board with, but nope, didn't happen. So you come back at me having no solution which I said correct. I gave my opinion on Sarah Sanders and how she was treated, no one cared, only want more bullshit. Then the ridiculousness just kept going. You come at me I'm giving it back. When people like you and steeltime go into lecture mode to make yourselves feel so self-righteous, to make yourselves get your virtual high fives from your fellow right wingers and be all "yeah I told her" bullshit, it's over for me at that point, not reading and don't care. You've proven what you are right from there. I've asked if you want to have a discussion, but your post 202 you didn't care, still said I had nothing putting more words in my mouth like I advocate illegals. Never even alluded to that. You just twist and bash, so I bash back. I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore. I asked way back if this was an alt right board, if other views were welcomed, I was told yep they are, but the truth is no they aren't, you just want bashing and I stooped to that level, congrats. Clearly not all are alt right, but yeah a few are. So back at you Tim, you go ahead and keep acting the alt-right, I just don't have to read it, do I?

Who's doing what now?
Who's doing what now?

Yep hamster, a long post answering questions, not a lecture...to Tim, not Steeltime. But they're both officially on ignore now so it's all good. Best feature ever. Goodnight.
So if I don't respond I'm told I'm ignoring or I have no response and oh look, crickets, so I respond and it's you reply to every post (not true btw). Page 7 is where I started, by your post #178 you were already putting words in my mouth saying conservatives are evil. Yeah, never said that either, said I feel the same about conservatives as you do about dems. Secondly I never said trump is hitler. Steeltime did the typical bullshit twist move of saying those were my words. Show me where I said trump is hitler other than my last sarcastic post to steeltime, seriously what did I have to lose at that point, might as well live up to the hype. I'll wait too for you to show me that. Once you pull that ****, you're turned off. Typical right wing move. But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump? Were they in public offices and considered the press the enemy? So now comparing comments to others who have been in politics in the past is now the same as comparing him to running concentration camps? For ****'s sake talk about over the top bullshit reaction. You said the left compares trump to hitler, I said the same thing the right did with Obama. Did I say YOU somewhere in that? Let's see I've tried to talk about the wall, asked if Mexico is paying for the wall (a question I guess I'm not allowed to ask), gave reasons why I don't think the wall will work which was turned into you have no solution. I said yes,I have no solution, but I do think going after the companies hiring illegals might be a start. I get somewhat of a response, but then with more BS. I said I liked Tibs idea which is more than I could come up with. But thought I would see some other solutions I could get on board with, but nope, didn't happen. So you come back at me having no solution which I said correct. I gave my opinion on Sarah Sanders and how she was treated, no one cared, only want more bullshit. Then the ridiculousness just kept going. You come at me I'm giving it back. When people like you and steeltime go into lecture mode to make yourselves feel so self-righteous, to make yourselves get your virtual high fives from your fellow right wingers and be all "yeah I told her" bullshit, it's over for me at that point, not reading and don't care. You've proven what you are right from there. I've asked if you want to have a discussion, but your post 202 you didn't care, still said I had nothing putting more words in my mouth like I advocate illegals. Never even alluded to that. You just twist and bash, so I bash back. I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore. I asked way back if this was an alt right board, if other views were welcomed, I was told yep they are, but the truth is no they aren't, you just want bashing and I stooped to that level, congrats. Clearly not all are alt right, but yeah a few are. So back at you Tim, you go ahead and keep acting the alt-right, I just don't have to read it, do I?

Yawn steeltime, really. And just an FYI I don't read long ridiculous posts, so do yourself a favor and spare your fingers. Save those for someone who cares.


Meghan McCain tears into Maxine Waters for urging protests against Trump officials

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain went after Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) on Saturday after the lawmaker called for protesters to confront Trump administration officials in public.

“This is absolutely insane - and extremely dangerous,” McCain tweeted in response to recent comments from Waters. “My father in law works in the administration, does this mean when we go out to dinner we should be ambushed?!?”

“Don’t ever again give me any of the ‘when they go low, we go high’ lip service,” McCain added, referring to former first lady Michelle Obama’s speech from the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

Waters on Saturday called for Trump staffers to be confronted in public spaces.



Know your enemy

"Occupy ICE" Blockades ICE offices in Portland

The occupation of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters on the South Waterfront has over six days expanded from a scattering of chairs to a village of more than 80 tents, four portable toilets, six couches, a commissary and a medic's office.

The protest now closely resembles the Occupy Portland camps that seized two downtown parks in 2011. Once again, a Portland mayor has sanctioned the takeover—but this time, the target is a federal agency, and the goal is to directly impede its work.





Federalize the Oregon National Guard and send a battalion of infantry to clear the place.

Arrest the Mayor for aiding and abetting a federal crime, bring the hammer down on them

GOP Congressman Warns Nation Headed to Civil War

Rep. Steve King posted a warning on Twitter Sunday evening that the U.S. is heading toward a second civil war, comparing the present day actions of the anti-Trump resistance to the run-up to the Civil War.

King, an eight-term Congressman from Iowa, keyed off a PJ Media article about leftist protesters shutting down a Portland, Oregon ICE office and taking down the U.S. flag, replacing with an “Refugees Welcome” flag.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter.”


New poll numbers AFTER family separation "crisis" are a warning for …….. DEMS!

And after all the images and anti-Trump news coverage of the past few weeks, the Dem advantage on the generic congressional ballot is down to 4%

There’s good news for the GOP in the Senate, too:

Josh Kraushaar ✔ @HotlineJosh New CBS News Battleground polls in three diverse Senate battlegrounds:

FL: Rick Scott (R) +5 over Bill Nelson (D) (46-41%) AZ: Kyrsten Sinema (D) +8 over Martha McSally (R) (45-37%) TX: Ted Cruz (R) +10 over Beto O'Rourke (D) (50-40%)

So if I don't respond I'm told I'm ignoring or I have no response and oh look, crickets, so I respond and it's you reply to every post (not true btw). Page 7 is where I started, by your post #178 you were already putting words in my mouth saying conservatives are evil. Yeah, never said that either, said I feel the same about conservatives as you do about dems. Secondly I never said trump is hitler. Steeltime did the typical bullshit twist move of saying those were my words. Show me where I said trump is hitler other than my last sarcastic post to steeltime, seriously what did I have to lose at that point, might as well live up to the hype. I'll wait too for you to show me that. Once you pull that ****, you're turned off. Typical right wing move. But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump? Were they in public offices and considered the press the enemy? So now comparing comments to others who have been in politics in the past is now the same as comparing him to running concentration camps? For ****'s sake talk about over the top bullshit reaction. You said the left compares trump to hitler, I said the same thing the right did with Obama. Did I say YOU somewhere in that? Let's see I've tried to talk about the wall, asked if Mexico is paying for the wall (a question I guess I'm not allowed to ask), gave reasons why I don't think the wall will work which was turned into you have no solution. I said yes,I have no solution, but I do think going after the companies hiring illegals might be a start. I get somewhat of a response, but then with more BS. I said I liked Tibs idea which is more than I could come up with. But thought I would see some other solutions I could get on board with, but nope, didn't happen. So you come back at me having no solution which I said correct. I gave my opinion on Sarah Sanders and how she was treated, no one cared, only want more bullshit. Then the ridiculousness just kept going. You come at me I'm giving it back. When people like you and steeltime go into lecture mode to make yourselves feel so self-righteous, to make yourselves get your virtual high fives from your fellow right wingers and be all "yeah I told her" bullshit, it's over for me at that point, not reading and don't care. You've proven what you are right from there. I've asked if you want to have a discussion, but your post 202 you didn't care, still said I had nothing putting more words in my mouth like I advocate illegals. Never even alluded to that. You just twist and bash, so I bash back. I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore. I asked way back if this was an alt right board, if other views were welcomed, I was told yep they are, but the truth is no they aren't, you just want bashing and I stooped to that level, congrats. Clearly not all are alt right, but yeah a few are. So back at you Tim, you go ahead and keep acting the alt-right, I just don't have to read it, do I?

I'll 83Fan, Steeltime you. I refuse to read one, single run-on sentence without a return for 16 lines.

Good lord

You sure you're not Elfie? Rarely see the two of you on the site at the same time

Here ya go. Brooke Baldwin asks Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) from Wisconsin if she spoke up when Obama was doing the same thing with illegal immigrants in 2014. The answer is something to behold.

Here ya go. Brooke Baldwin asks Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) from Wisconsin if she spoke up when Obama was doing the same thing with illegal immigrants in 2014. The answer is something to behold.

Gonna lose her gig at CNN after that. Not toeing the company line.

I noticed that Sen. Baldwin said "A constituent detained at the border." A constituent is a citizen, a voter. An illegal immigrant is not a constituent. Let the cat slip out of the bag there.
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So if I don't respond I'm told I'm ignoring or I have no response and oh look, crickets, so I respond and it's you reply to every post (not true btw). Page 7 is where I started, by your post #178 you were already putting words in my mouth saying conservatives are evil. Yeah, never said that either, said I feel the same about conservatives as you do about dems. Secondly I never said trump is hitler. Steeltime did the typical bullshit twist move of saying those were my words. Show me where I said trump is hitler other than my last sarcastic post to steeltime, seriously what did I have to lose at that point, might as well live up to the hype. I'll wait too for you to show me that. Once you pull that ****, you're turned off. Typical right wing move. But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump? Were they in public offices and considered the press the enemy? So now comparing comments to others who have been in politics in the past is now the same as comparing him to running concentration camps? For ****'s sake talk about over the top bullshit reaction. You said the left compares trump to hitler, I said the same thing the right did with Obama. Did I say YOU somewhere in that? Let's see I've tried to talk about the wall, asked if Mexico is paying for the wall (a question I guess I'm not allowed to ask), gave reasons why I don't think the wall will work which was turned into you have no solution. I said yes,I have no solution, but I do think going after the companies hiring illegals might be a start. I get somewhat of a response, but then with more BS. I said I liked Tibs idea which is more than I could come up with. But thought I would see some other solutions I could get on board with, but nope, didn't happen. So you come back at me having no solution which I said correct. I gave my opinion on Sarah Sanders and how she was treated, no one cared, only want more bullshit. Then the ridiculousness just kept going. You come at me I'm giving it back. When people like you and steeltime go into lecture mode to make yourselves feel so self-righteous, to make yourselves get your virtual high fives from your fellow right wingers and be all "yeah I told her" bullshit, it's over for me at that point, not reading and don't care. You've proven what you are right from there. I've asked if you want to have a discussion, but your post 202 you didn't care, still said I had nothing putting more words in my mouth like I advocate illegals. Never even alluded to that. You just twist and bash, so I bash back. I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore. I asked way back if this was an alt right board, if other views were welcomed, I was told yep they are, but the truth is no they aren't, you just want bashing and I stooped to that level, congrats. Clearly not all are alt right, but yeah a few are. So back at you Tim, you go ahead and keep acting the alt-right, I just don't have to read it, do I?

this is an alt-right board only in the sense that Tibs, Flogomanbun, and one poster with various personalities like to describe it.

please, show you're different. instead of pointing fingers, and casting blame, tell how you would attempt to resolve this issue.
this is an alt-right board only in the sense that Tibs, Flogomanbun, and one poster with various personalities like to describe it.

please, show you're different. instead of pointing fingers, and casting blame, tell how you would attempt to resolve this issue.

I would love to do that, the fingers were pointed to me first, I simply pointed back. After all, he did ask a question, I answered. The words kept flowing and I kinda liked it, funny how pent up anger works. Then I realized I let two total strangers piss me off, ******* ridiculous. But whatever, I said my peace and am done. My resolve is that the 2 that got under my skin to that point are on ignore. A shame really too, I was thinking about becoming a contributor cause I was actually liking some of the conversations here and of course for the upcoming football season.
I would love to do that, the fingers were pointed to me first, I simply pointed back. After all, he did ask a question, I answered. The words kept flowing and I kinda liked it, funny how pent up anger works. Then I realized I let two total strangers piss me off, ******* ridiculous. But whatever, I said my peace and am done. My resolve is that the 2 that got under my skin to that point are on ignore. A shame really too, I was thinking about becoming a contributor cause I was actually liking some of the conversations here and of course for the upcoming football season.

I was "this" close to being a contributor......

Just like all the other lefty posters...
But you tell me Tim, did Hitler and Nixon refer to the press as fake? Simple question...did they? Did trump?

Did Hitler drink milk? Did he? Did Obama? Simple question.

Stupid and irrelevant question but simple.

I didn't want to use the ignore feature because I find that thin skinned and I can take the BS you dish out, but you know what, I've figured out who I can discuss with and who I can't. You and steeltime clearly aren't those people. So in order to block the bullshit, my best bet is to use ignore.

In other words, I entered a political debate, was confronted with facts, and hid.

Clean up on aisle 9!!
Yawn steeltime, really. And just an FYI I don't read long ridiculous posts, so do yourself a favor and spare your fingers. Save those for someone who cares.

LOL. That is literally the internet equivalent on sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and screaming "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA! I can't hear you."