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It is finished. Pop your Popcorn.



Theoretically there cannot be procedural crimes if there was no inital crime... if there was no collusion (which again, isn’t an actual crime) but for the sake of argument lets say treason, then you cannot obstruct justice in regards to the non crime....

And frankly all the side crimes found in this obvious nothingburger should be fruit from a poisoned tree because all of this stemmed from a clearly fabricated story... everyone should walk as a lesson that you cannot just investigate everything in hopes of turning up crimes
Here here!
Obstruction of Justice has and always will be a wild reach for Anti-Trumpers. To prove that you need so many minor legal intent clauses and state of mind stuff.

Hell, the media and leftist were shouting obstruction when he fired Comey and there isn't one ******* iota thing wrong with Trumps firing of him in the slightest. Let them keep reaching for that pie in the sky.

On a federal level, Trump is completely clear. And the more New York DA goes after a sitting President, the more it proves we are a country divided. You can't even be a President that LIVES in a state opposite of what party you are or risk having your entire history investigated by an opposite party DA. So no more Democrats from red states and no more Republicans from blue states. Wonderful. What a precedence.

This report was amazing. Two ******* years of this mess and all they got was indictments on lying to the FBI (which is entrapment 90% of the time anyway) and a couple bullshit railroad charges against career insiders that Trump thought could help him in his campaign (because he never did this before and sought out "experts"), many of whom were in-and-out of his campaign in months.

And every poll in the world says no one in this country cares one ******* bit about paying off a porn star and if that is "campaign finance" bullshit. Worst any politician gets for "campaign finance" violations is a slap on the wrist and a fine anyhow. Just ask about the 20-30 sitting congressmen that have paid up on that charge already.

The democrats LOST. And they might have lost the election. Their party is in shambles. Split between more and more identity/race politics and euro-socialism. They have 20+ people running for President that will completely rip each other to shreds during the primary only (likely) to end up with an old white guy as their nominee with as many warts as Trump.

I don't see how they win. Even if Biden wins, they don't win. The Senate will remain Republican and nothing gets done and the communists will continue to whine and whine and the country will wake up to their foolishness possibly never going there in a generation.

Things are very rosy in Conservative/Nationalist land.
Still NOTHING from my FB friends. NOTHING. Should I wake them up and stir the pot a bit, or should I just enjoy the silence?
Basically the Dems now demand that Trump prove a negative. I hope they keep pushing this because it will only make them look unhinged.

This, higher taxes and gun control should be their 2020 "Victory" strategy.
But collusion. But Russia. But YOU got your ***** handed to you by a man who is not even a politician. That's how bad liberals have become to this country. These songs of ******* couldn't beat Trump with a stacked deck against trump. Now its time for that stacked deck to come undone and to find the root of the plot to take down our government,
Matt Taibbi, if you don't know him, is a pretty credible journalist.
Calls out BS regardless if the person is R or D, left or right, conservative or liberal, black or white, etc.
His take on this is SPOT ON!


Matt Taibbi: It’s Official: Russiagate Is This Generation’s WMD
By Scott Horton - March 24, 2019
Check out this excerpt from Tabbi’s new book — updated for timeliness regarding Bob Mueller throwing in the towel on the big fake Russia hoax:

“In a … piece by Peter Baker, the paper noted the Mueller news had dire consequences for the press:
It will be a reckoning for President Trump, to be sure, but also for Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, for Congress, for Democrats, for Republicans, for the news media and, yes, for the system as a whole…

This is a damning page one admission by the Times. Despite the connect-the-dots graphic in its other story, and despite the astonishing, emotion-laden editorial the paper also ran suggesting “We don’t need to read the Mueller report” because we know Trump is guilty, Baker at least began the work of preparing Times readers for a hard question: “Have journalists connected too many dots that do not really add up?”

The paper was signaling it understood there would now be questions about whether or not news outlets like themselves made a galactic error by betting heavily on a new, politicized approach, trying to be true to “history’s judgment” on top of the hard-enough job of just being true. Worse, in a brutal irony everyone should have seen coming, the press has now handed Trump the mother of campaign issues heading into 2020.

Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that (perhaps thanks to this story) is now larger than his original base. As Baker notes, a full 50.3% of respondents in a poll conducted this month said they agree with Trump the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.”

Stories have been coming out for some time now hinting Mueller’s final report might leave audiences “disappointed,” as if a President not being a foreign spy could somehow be bad news.

Openly using such language has, all along, been an indictment. Imagine how tone-deaf you’d have to be to not realize it makes you look bad, when news does not match audience expectations you raised. To be unaware of this is mind-boggling, the journalistic equivalent of walking outside without pants.

The LONG form of this is here :
I have heavily advocated against crying wolf about Trump, but thats whatthey did for a quick fix to pacify their base.... they blew their wad and any facade of journalistic integrity in the eyes of the centrist moderates.... now they aren’t going to be able to spin stuff as easily... all for the hope that a lie would lead to some other charge down the road
Busy with work, travel for several days. Heard that Mueller issued his report - when is the orange monkey leaving office?
Busy with work, travel for several days. Heard that Mueller issued his report - when is the orange monkey leaving office?

five more years
You might want to save some of that popcorn. I gots a feeling it ain't over just yet.

President Trump: Time to Investigate the Left for ‘Treasonous Things’

President Donald Trump told reporters that it was time to investigate leftist Democrats for pushing the ongoing hoax that his campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country,” Trump said. “And hopefully, people that have done such harm to our country, we’ve gone through a period of really bad things happening. Those people will certainly be looked at. I have been looking at them for a long time.”

Put the heat on them!
Come on Tibs.... time to eat crow and take your medicine. You PROMISED you would believe whatever Mueller said. You PROMISED.

I'm not even going to argue with you anymore. I'll just post memes and link articles that support my position like you do.

In fact, take a swipe at this one. I challenge you to disagree with ONE THING stated in this entire article. ONE! Let's debate just one item out of this position and see where you stand.


We may someday need a press we can trust. But I hope not, because we certainly don’t have one. The drummed up narrative of collusion has now imploded.

The mountain has labored and brought forth a mouse. After two years of hype, special counsel Robert Mueller has reported to Attorney General William Barr that there was no “collusion,” as Donald Trump would put it, between Trump or the Trump presidential campaign and the Russians regarding the 2016 election.

There will be no new indictments from Mueller beyond the few already issued, none of which charges a U.S. person with anything related to collusion. This is a big disappointment to the people in politics and the press who were openly hoping to see Trump, and his family, kicked out of the White House and thrown into jail.

And there were a lot of those people, as Grabien editor Tom Elliott noted last week:

►In December 2017, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski said the Trump team might be going to jail "for the rest of their lives."

►Last December, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Delaware Sen. Chris Coons — as he often does — whether he thought Trump might be facing jail time. Coons said yes, "the issues outlined against both Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, I think, continue to sharpen the ways in which it is clear that the Mueller investigation has produced a whole series of actions not previously exposed to the public."

►Also in December, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said Trump could be the first president "to face the real prospect of jail time."

►In April 2017, Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, said the evidence he had already seen suggested "people will probably go to jail."

Actually, it was always a crock, dreamed up immediately after Hillary Clinton’s election-night defeat by her staff to explain away failure. As reported in the campaign book "Shattered," by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, Clinton refused to take responsibility for her defeat, and the day after her concession, top officials gathered “to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up.… Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument."

Though this was a matter of record — the book was hardly obscure — the news media chose to run with the Russia story, which quickly morphed from “hacking” to the more nebulous “collusion,” quite credulously. They did so because they wanted it to be true, because they hoped it would hurt Trump, whom the press almost universally despises, and because it was good for ratings and clicks.

The irony, of course, is that while purporting to worry about Russian interference in American politics, by advancing this story the press was actually doing the work of President Vladimir Putin, sowing division and confusion through the American polity.

As former Clinton pollster Mark Penn tweeted, we wasted two years, at least $30 million and a lot of institutional credibility at the FBI and Department of Justice over “a false story of Russia collusion based on oppo research that was always unsubstantiated and preposterous.”

Liberal journalist Matt Taibbi was even harsher, calling the Russia-collusion story WMD times a million. Taibbi noted that the news media's credibility is a major victim:

Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that (perhaps thanks to this story) is now larger than his original base. As (New York Times' Peter) Baker notes, a full 50.3 percent of respondents in a poll conducted this month said they agree with Trump the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.”

Well, that’s because it was. Leftist journalist Glenn Greenwald administered a Twitter beat-down to some of his colleagues in the news media, saying: “If you constantly went on TV or wrote things to mislead millions into believing Mueller was coming to arrest Trump, Jr., Jared and a whole slew of others for conspiring with the Russians, just admit it. Save yourselves the embarrassment of all this whitewashing & pretending.”

Don’t expect any such apologies.

We might someday need a press we can trust. But I hope not, because we certainly don’t have one.

So what’s next? Well, there may not have been Russian collusion, but there certainly was collusion between FBI agents and journalists, with agents leaking information and journalists paying them off with “tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events," according to the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.

And the connections between the Justice Department and the political opposition-research firm Fusion GPS (where the wife of senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was paid to dig up dirt on Trump) were particularly egregious.

Roger Simon of of PJ Media writes that there is a lot of corruption yet to be investigated and prosecuted, on the part of Trump’s accusers: “It was a conspiracy and, worse yet, a conspiracy ignited and carried out from within the FBI and the Department of Justice. Nothing could be more dangerous to a democratic society than that. How high this conspiracy went is still somewhat unclear. I say ‘somewhat’ because the likelihood of it having reached into the White House of the previous administration is great. It's hard to imagine how it could have happened otherwise.”

Will we see any accountability for the many ethical — and probably legal — breaches involving Trump’s bureaucratic opposition? Stay tuned. But the “Russian collusion” narrative has now imploded.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor and the author of "The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself," is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.

Eviscerates the MSM. Pay close attention to the Rick Madcow clips.

Don't celebrate that Trump was "exonerated".
That's ******* garbage because "exonerated" sounds as though he was charged with something based on hardcore evidence and then eventually found not guilty.

We all knew it was a hoax from the beginning based on the fake uncorroborated dossier, and so did Mueller. This "honorable" man should have said "there's nothing here" and shut it down.

So **** Mueller.

Celebrate his failure. Celebrate the fact that an attempted coup to oust a duly elected president failed miserably.