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It's not what you're capable of. it's what you are willing to do

He definitely 1000% is NOT the greatest coach in the league, absolutely without shadow of a doubt no maybe about it

But he does give good word combos cleverly rearranging the Hobbit mantra of where there is a will there is a way

He came up with that after a night of pulling bongs with me watching the Hobbit movie, I know cuz we’re buddies
Excellent find Coolie.

Let's ask our brethren (and ladies) if Coach Cowher or Noll where the "greatest coaches" in the league???

I love them all and Coach Noll is still hands down my favorite because of the results he provided during his tenure. Coach Tomlin is an inch behind because of the difficulty of coaching in the new NFL is 180 degrees different then the Coach Noll era.

Let tomatoes fly and moaning start in...




Excellent find Coolie.

Let's ask our brethren (and ladies) if Coach Cowher or Noll where the "greatest coaches" in the league???

I love them all and Coach Noll is still hands down my favorite because of the results he provided during his tenure. Coach Tomlin is an inch behind because of the difficulty of coaching in the new NFL is 180 degrees different then the Coach Noll era.

Let tomatoes fly and moaning start in...




It is a good point about things being much different in today's society. Tomlin has "embraced" today's culture and players for the most part love to play for him. I am perfectly fine with Tomlin being the coach if he would just hire competent assistants and let them do their job.
“Let them do their job”

What are you willing to do………………..

Salute the nation
Nice find and post Coolie, appreciate it and all your great post(s) along the way.

I’m not argue ing good coach or bad coach, but YES, he is a hellA motivational speaker. He has good command of the “speaker” role.

He most certainly is above average as far as a coach goes. I’m waiting to see how much lee-way Smith (OC) will have. Doesn’t matter if front office mandates it or if Tomlin allows it, it needs to happen and freely flow to the field of play.

Defense is a different story, Tomlin will not give up his ”hand” on the D. He was brought in for his defensive prowl-ness, which seems to have taken a hiatus.

Here’s to watching the season play out !!!

Salute the nation
It is a good point about things being much different in today's society. Tomlin has "embraced" today's culture and players for the most part love to play for him. I am perfectly fine with Tomlin being the coach if he would just hire competent assistants and let them do their job.
I am hoping that is the course with the new OC. I would think being a successful OC and a former head coach Tommy would let him do his job. Fingers and toes crossed. 😁
I do enjoy motivational speeches,but motivation comes and goes. You can't rely on motivation whether it's intrinsic or extrinsic,because sometimes you just don't feel like doing something. There's just no motivation.

That's where discipline comes in.You'll never see an undisciplined team win a championship.

I can't fathom what the coaches these days have to deal with when it comes to undisciplined spoiled men.
That doesn't appear to be getting any better given the current state of college football.

I'm pulling for Coach Tomlin and his staff to find a way back to the top and to produce a well oiled machine of a football team.
If he/they could surround him with top coordinators and x and o guys he couod win a championship. He/they won't. So he won't.
I think Tomlin could have been one of the greatest ever if he could have learned a couple things. First off the head coach does not have to be the smartest X and O coach on the team that is why you hire other coaches. second is you don't need to be friends with your players or have them love you respect is all you need.

There is no doubt he has the word speak down. if he would just hire competent assistant and let them coach. you be the motivator and get the most out of not only your players but also your coaches. If he would have followed this path I truly believe we would have at least two more rings....
It is a good point about things being much different in today's society. Tomlin has "embraced" today's culture and players for the most part love to play for him. I am perfectly fine with Tomlin being the coach if he would just hire competent assistants and let them do their job.
Until they get here that is. Then they do whatever is necessary to get out. Why? Usually they were told one thing and something else happens but this is the NFL I am told. Lying is part of coaching apparently. So really you have to put Tomlin top 5? Maybe top 3?
Until they get here that is. Then they do whatever is necessary to get out. Why? Usually they were told one thing and something else happens but this is the NFL I am told. Lying is part of coaching apparently. So really you have to put Tomlin top 5? Maybe top 3?

If it were up to Legarrette Blount, Melvin Ingram, James Harrison, Kenny Pickett and Diontae Johnson, Mike Tomlin would be the greatest coach ever.
The biggest differences I see between the three coaches, Noll and Cowher built teams. Noll helped build great teams in the 70’s and Cowher built excellent teams both in the 90’s and again in the early 2000’s. Cowher until Ben came along won with the likes of Neil O’Donell, Mike Tomczack, Kordell Stuart and Tommy Maddox. Both coaches always hired top notch staffs,
Now to smooth talking slow walking Tomlin. Eighteen seasons he’s built one roster that reached the AFCCG. One! 2008 and 2010 rosters most of those players he inherited including a future HOF QB.
Now to his staffs! Other than Bruce and LeBeau who he inherited, he’s hired a lot of duds. Todd Haley may have been his best hire.
I’m to the point I just don’t give a **** any longer.Im resigned to the fact he’s not going anywhere but I refuse to ignore the facts.
The guy is an average coach who has this organization stuck smack dab in the middle. Never good enough to compete with the elite and never bad enough to get those premium draft picks.
Finish in the middle, draft in the middle, stay in the middle.
But hay, never had a losing season.
Tomlin has to deal with children and many outside distractions that Noll never had to.

I have said it before , and still stand by it, Tomlin seems to be an excellent creator of men and a person to aspire to. With that being said, he is a below average X’s & O’s coach who refuses to admit this, and holds him back. I believe that if he were to surround himself with the best X’s & O’s people, and allow them to do their thing without “micromanaging” he COULD be one of the best. He doesn’t, so he isn’t.
Tomlin has to deal with children and many outside distractions that Noll never had to.

I have said it before , and still stand by it, Tomlin seems to be an excellent creator of men and a person to aspire to. With that being said, he is a below average X’s & O’s coach who refuses to admit this, and holds him back. I believe that if he were to surround himself with the best X’s & O’s people, and allow them to do their thing without “micromanaging” he COULD be one of the best. He doesn’t, so he isn’t.
Noll had to deal with some crazy situations. I am not sure I can say Tomlin had it more difficult…

(Ernie Holmes for one situation)
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Noll had to deal with some crazy situations. I am not sure I can say Tomlin had it more difficult…

(Ernie Holmes for one situation)
Oh yeah he did Slash.
Ernie Holmes shooting at state police with a high powered rifle.
Terry Bradshaw unhappy after being benched for Jefferson Street Joe and Bradshaw wanting traded.
No FA back then so players were stuck where they were. Couldn’t pout like todays players and get away with it.
Noll had to deal with some crazy situations. I am not sure I can say Tomlin had it more difficult…

(Ernie Holmes for one situation)
The Raiders and Steelers ended up in court when Noll called the Raiders the criminal element after a game that Lynn Swann got closelined after a play was over and knocked him out.

If I recall you certainly had some contract issues with numerous guys wanting more money.

He held that team together when it could have easily disintegrated.

And those guys made absolute peanuts compared to today's NFL....hell fieldgoal kickers and punters make more.
Noll had to deal with some crazy situations. I am not sure I can say Tomlin had it more difficult…

(Ernie Holmes for one situation)
This is true, but I was making reference to immature entitled kids leaving college early and all the social media BS
Tomlin has to deal with children and many outside distractions that Noll never had to.

I have said it before , and still stand by it, Tomlin seems to be an excellent creator of men and a person to aspire to. With that being said, he is a below average X’s & O’s coach who refuses to admit this, and holds him back. I believe that if he were to surround himself with the best X’s & O’s people, and allow them to do their thing without “micromanaging” he COULD be one of the best. He doesn’t, so he isn’t.
He’ll never jump that hurdle of his ego again, the hurdle has grown too tall
Everybody says Tomlin micromanages. Who really knows? But I actually think the problem is as stated here, he has hired some poor assistants, but the reality is he then gives them autonomy until it is too late.