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Kavanaugh hearing


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May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Im stuck on a plane... can only read transcripts... sounds amazingly hilarious though... political party meltdowns are always so entertaining
Throw the rabble rousers out!

ha ha

Democrats move to adjourn Kavanaugh hearing, Grassley rejects motion

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing quickly devolved into a farce Tuesday morning with screeching protesters and Democrats demanding the committee be shut down immediately.

“We cannot possibly move forward,” demanded Sen. Kamala Harris, California Democrat.

“I move to adjourn!” added Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat.

Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley shot him down, saying they weren’t even in executive session so they couldn’t vote to adjourn.

He also threatened to keep the committee in session through the weekend to finish the confirmation hearing if Democrats continue their interruptions and demands.

Cruz gives the hysterical commies a reality check:

12:38 PM: Cruz says Kavanaugh battle is nothing more than an attempt to “re-litigate” the 2016 presidential election. He says Gorsuch/Kavanaugh have a “super legitimacy” because voters in 2016 knew the election was about the Supreme Court. He points out that Trump released his list of potential Supreme Court nominees for voters to know. He also specifically cites free speech, religious liberty, and the Second Amendment as being important to 2016 voters. Cruz notes that Clinton specifically said that she would appoint Justices to overturn the seminal ruling in Heller. Cruz says overturning the individual right to keep and bear arms (Heller) would be “radical” because it could potentially “erase” the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights.


'If this were a court of law' Democrats 'would be held in contempt.'

Cornyn Accuses Dem Colleagues of Mob Rule

Texas GOP senator John Cornyn, the majority whip, accused Democrats of promoting “mob rule.”

“I would suggest that if this were a court of law, that virtually every member on the dais on that [Democratic] side would be held in contempt of court because this whole process is supposed to be a civil one where people get to ask questions and we get to get answers”

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What a circus.
What a circus.

But remember, TRUMP is the bad guy! He's the only one that tells lies! He's the only one that we have to worry about! Tibs will be along any moment and tell you everyone on TV today is a civil servant dedicated to the American people and a bastion of truth, justice and the American way! Trump is the bad guy and needs to be brought down to SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!!! And people like this is congress are much better suited to be President of the United States because they don't use Twitter or lie or embarrass the U.S. overseas!!!
What an embarrassing day for the Left. The recordings are hard to listen to. Screeching, shrieking and throwing fits during what is supposed to be a civilized proceeding. Dems are the party of intolerance, disruption, chaos and communism. Democrats everywhere should be sick with shame.

Obstruction: Democrats Begin Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing with 62 Interruptions

4 Sep 2018240
Senate Democrats threw a tantrum on Tuesday during the opening of the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Abandoning decorum, Senate Democrats interrupted the proceedings 62 times, without waiting for proper recognition from the chair, and many of them spoke out of turn.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal led Senate Democrats by interrupting the proceedings 21 times, and Corey Booker interrupted 13 times while his staff sent out fundraising letters based on his performance.

Here is the current count of interruptions, according to the Republican National Committee, during the first two hours of the hearing:


Richard Blumenthal 21

Cory Booker 13

Christopher Coons 2

Dick Durbin 0

Dianne Feinstein 0

Kamala Harris 9

Mazie Hirono 8

Amy Klobuchar 5

Patrick Leahy 2

Sheldon Whitehouse 2


NBC reported that Senate Democrats planned the disruption over the phone with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. But the protests did not have their intended effect as the hearings continued.

Republican senators condemned the interruptions as Democrats trying to enact “mob rule” over the serious nature of the confirmation hearing.
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Demonrats making themselves look like complete fools. The typical Demonrat has said, "Uh, duh.....I am not voting for him no matter what. Lie, lie, lie.... as I said, I have never met the guy or interviewed him and I am not voting for him....lie, lie, lie....he will not get rid of the constitution so I won't vote for him...lie, lie, lie..."
A bunch of irrational, spoiled children. It's almost cute, in a very sad way.
Demonrats making themselves look like complete fools. The typical Demonrat has said, "Uh, duh.....I am not voting for him no matter what. Lie, lie, lie.... as I said, I have never met the guy or interviewed him and I am not voting for him....lie, lie, lie....he will not get rid of the constitution so I won't vote for him...lie, lie, lie..."

Democrats can't win here, but they sure do a good job of making themselves look foolish and firing up a republican base near mid terms.
Petulant little children. DC has crossed the point of no return when it comes to civility and bipartisanship.

The sad thing is, is that they're likely patting themselves on the back right now and saying good job. This is who we elected?
NOTHING the Dems say matter!


They are irrelevant, let them stamp their feet and hold their breathe till they turn blue in their temper tantrums, it doesn't matter!


Judiciary Committee sets date for vote on Kavanaugh confirmation

Senate Republicans laid out a fast schedule Tuesday for action on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, setting up a Sept. 20 vote in committee which would be followed by action on the full Senate floor the final week of the month.

That schedule would put Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court before its Oct. 1 start of the new session.


If the commiecrats get in power again across the board they're going to disarm all of you peasants with pitch forks and then pass laws to shut you up. You will submit to them or else.

All kidding aside these folks are ******* unhinged.
If the commiecrats get in power again across the board they're going to disarm all of you peasants with pitch forks and then pass laws to shut you up. You will submit to them or else.

All kidding aside these folks are ******* unhinged.

I know you are joking but its true. History bears this out, leftist regimes all over the world happily murder those who will not submit to their rule.
Chuck Grassley doing what we sent him there to do. He's every bit of ninety but still sharp as a tack.
I know you are joking but its true. History bears this out, leftist regimes all over the world happily murder those who will not submit to their rule.

I know you are joking but its true. History bears this out, leftist regimes all over the world happily murder those who will not submit to their rule.

I was joking about joking. You're absolutely right. Of course they use a handful of nutjobs around the country to say we're only trying to protect you. It's for your own good. That's a lie. I damn sure know what's good for me and what is not. History does repeat itself over and over. People forget. They give up many things to rulers they should not. We've had 16 years of globalist douche cookie presidents. Bush&Barry. They really jacked a lot of things up increased federal authority and incurred massive debt.

Just looking at all of these nutwings working the media from the Hollywood scene to that little shitfuck Hogg spewing rubbish and talking of revolution.They're in for a lofty surprise should/when those times come.
The Brett Kavanaugh hearings for the future Justice of the Supreme Court are truly a display of how mean, angry, and despicable the other side is. They will say anything, and are only….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2018

….looking to inflict pain and embarrassment to one of the most highly renowned jurists to ever appear before Congress. So sad to see!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2018