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Let Cam walk

Its a fact Ben took a 5 million dollar pay cut, its not something he just said.
I understand you may not have been aware of it, but it 100% was the case.
dont let facts get in the way on an uneducated fool tryna make a point

Cam himself referenced it, but now he’s a hero for not being the same type of guy

Hypocrite frfr
Except nothing else from a seedling growing from under the Shades tree
dont let facts get in the way on an uneducated fool tryna make a point

Cam himself referenced it, but now he’s a hero for not being the same type of guy

Hypocrite frfr
Except nothing else from a seedling growing from under the Shades tree
You are making me laugh. I'm not trying to make any point other than I don't think Cam needs to be disparaged. He's been an excellent player and a good citizen. That should be appreciated. I have said a number of times I get the business of it. He can't play at that salary, and if he won't accept less, then thank you for your service. But why kick him on the way out? Everyone seems to be mad at him for what he said about not taking a cut. Ok. Guys say things all the time. Let it play out. My point about Ben is I didn't remember if he made a statement on it or not. I will concede to those who said he did because I just do not remember. I know he did take a cut and I think that was admirable. But again, maybe let this play out before we rip a guy.
Not mad at him 1 bit, he’s been great for years, thanks for the years of solid service Cam…

and don’t let the door hit in ya in the *** on the way out unless ya wanna stop being a hypocrite and take the sizable pay cut to match the rotational player skill set currently possessed…just logic, no anger

It’s business and he needs a come to reality moment, or doesn’t as the Steelers will more than likely continue to overpay for his services as they are loyal to a FAULT…fault being the primary word

And to say he’s not being hypocritical and hasn’t been a Tomlin lackey for years would be putting your head in the sand

It is what it is, just call a spade a spade it’s ok

All logic no anger, impossible to get upset by a team that repeats the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over

Do I need a few more and overs or do ya get the point?
Not mad at him 1 bit, he’s been great for years, thanks for the years of solid service Cam…

and don’t let the door hit in ya in the *** on the way out unless ya wanna stop being a hypocrite and take the sizable pay cut to match the rotational player skill set currently possessed…just logic, no anger

It’s business and he needs a come to reality moment, or doesn’t as the Steelers will more than likely continue to overpay for his services as they are loyal to a FAULT…fault being the primary word

And to say he’s not being hypocritical and hasn’t been a Tomlin lackey for years would be putting your head in the sand

It is what it is, just call a spade a spade it’s ok

All logic no anger, impossible to get upset by a team that repeats the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over

Do I need a few more and overs or do ya get the point?
Oh, no. There is no anger or bitterness there. All logic, no overwrought emotion. Hahaha.
Regardless of pay cut or no pay cut, Cam is not good enough at this point. No disrespect, just a fact. He should take the next flight out of town with his brother and Pickett, the Steelers would be better off.
We are making this too complicated.

Yes--football is a business...a performance business as most are.

What favors Cam returning next year....is that currently as the roster sits...he is probably our 2nd best Dl behind Benton.
What favors Cam returning next year....is that currently as the roster sits...he is probably our 2nd best Dl behind Benton.
And does your 2nd-best DLman deserve $22 mill per year? Not in this case. He needs to wake the F up.
Oh, no. There is no anger or bitterness there. All logic, no overwrought emotion. Hahaha.
Oh no I said ***, sorry Karen
That’s not anger
That’s the mouth of a sailor

I’m done tryna talk with a moron cuz it’s pointless and you bring nothing factual to the table…ever

Refute how he’s not a hypocrite, logic says you can’t unless he’s just flat out lying as part of a ploy for an extension

And you prove with every post what an effin moron you are as you have zero clue to my disposition or emotions you just constantly come with more BS

Can’t fix stupid so I’m done with ya clown
We are making this too complicated.

Yes--football is a business...a performance business as most are.

What favors Cam returning next year....is that currently as the roster sits...he is probably our 2nd best Dl behind Benton.
What favors Cam returning is also the loyalty to a FAULT of the Steelers

Rooney overly loyal to Shades-Cam a Shades dude-Cam will get his money and possibly even an extension if the deuce and Shades have their way
Rooney overly loyal to Shades-Cam a Shades dude-Cam will get his money and possibly even an extension if the deuce and Shades have their way
If this is the case, it's a giant sign of a poorly--run franchise and Art would have no one to blame but himself. If you can't tell your obtuse, favor-giving head coach to stuff his favoritism to his pet yes-men, then you're too weak to run the team, period. :sorry:
Well Cam said he can play til he’s 40

might only be 10 snaps a game, but who’s counting

Might as well throw more money at him to lower that hit this year…just keep getting deeper into their asset allocation mistakes by making more mistakes in the name of loyalty as that is far more important than fielding a winning team
And does your 2nd-best DLman deserve $22 mill per year? Not in this case. He needs to wake the F up.
that's not his fault.

I think he can be productive another year...what he makes doing it is between him and the franchise.
I think he can be productive another year...what he makes doing it is between him and the franchise.
2 sacks for $22 mill a year, but we're not to worry. $11 mill per sack isn't that bad a price.
Oh no I said ***, sorry Karen
That’s not anger
That’s the mouth of a sailor

I’m done tryna talk with a moron cuz it’s pointless and you bring nothing factual to the table…ever

Refute how he’s not a hypocrite, logic says you can’t unless he’s just flat out lying as part of a ploy for an extension

And you prove with every post what an effin moron you are as you have zero clue to my disposition or emotions you just constantly come with more BS

Can’t fix stupid so I’m done with ya clown
Aw, I am enjoying this. Especially where you call me the Karen. You are the one calling names, I would argue that is the height of Karen. Your position is not really tenable at this juncture, so this is what you do.

He is not a hypocrite yet. We are just a few weeks after the end of the season. Nothing has happened yet! He may turn out to be one if he doesn't take a reduced salary. I have never argued that he should get the $22 million or whatever it is. You know that, but you go right past it with your over emotional responses and childish name calling. But at this moment, as we sit here, he is not a hypocrite. Let's see what happens before we make that assessment.
It is absolutely laughable the positions of some of you with this. What do you want him to do? Go charging up to Art's office, call a press conference, and tell everyone he wants his salary cut? And it has to be done now?

I hope the same applies to you at your places of employment. You have a bad day, or week, or whatever...maybe you got the flu and your production is down, are you running up to the bosses office and asking for a pay cut? It's damn stupid. Let it play out before you make pronouncements.
Where will they ever find a player to cover his 25 snaps a game and minimal production???

This roster has been built on loyalty for years tho so I expect they bring Cam back at his lofty number for one last meaningless season, not like Deuce is worried about contending or being truly relevant

If the money flows no need to change a damn thing, just keep regurgitating the same damn 💩
Obviously via the draft. Maybe we already have the guy on the roster in Benton and they need someone to cover the middle. Guys can't produce forever
Let Cam test the market. lol Nobody is gonna break the bank for him.
If they ask him to renegotiate and take a lesser salary and he refuses, Cam will be testing the market. Will the Steelers fold and pay him his contract or cut him and he becomes a FA?

The STEELERS have a fine understanding of business and keeping a career player. The DRAFT & FAcy will help determine Cam’s leverage, if any is there. The team will take care of business and I don’t foresee him getting 22 mil for the season. I hope they don’t corrupt CAP hell by pushing his salary forward, he isn’t young enough to take that risk With.

Salute the nation