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Migrant crisis in Europe


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Things are getting pretty out of hand all through the EU border countries with thousands of migrants making their way out of war-torn Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Hungary is the southern-most EU state within the Shengen zone, there's been a mad rush to the borders here in hopes of moving on to Germany, Austria, England et al. Hungary has decided to erect a 3-fold barbed wire fence, basically overnight, all along the southern, Serbian border. Migrants came through this no prob, climbing under and over....

Nobody was prepared for the mass of humanity that have shown up on the streets of Budapest. This afternoon there was a brawl in front of one of the restaurants I own and operate, about 20-25 migrants just had it out, Jerry Springer-style. Benches have been removed from the main streets, many shops have white disinfectant powder all along their storefronts. It's an eerie scene.

They've created a few temporary transition zones at the railroad stations. This one - at the Eastern Railroad Station - is a two minute walk from my flat.

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your pictures could look like our country
I thought the UN existed to fix stuff like this?
Heading to Italy in two weeks. Probably will have a great view of refugees sailing north from Libya.

There are a lot of people on the streets selling sunglasses and umbrellas. Just say "No grazie" and keep going.
Spent 3 weeks there in 2012. PM me if you need any tips.
The Steelers Bar is called La Boticella, it's on a side street off of Piazza Navona in Rome.
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And they will have Muslim terrorists mixed in as well.
So it's OK for them to build a wall

Of course it is. Building walls is awesome. There should be walls and fences built everywhere. Certainly on the southern border with Mexico, that's a no-brainer. And everyone knows we need one up north to keep the Canadians out. Walls and fences, the bigger the better with razor barbed wire on top, maybe a moat or two in front, it's the way to go. I'm not conviced we shouldn't have massive walls separating our States as well.

And if you don't want to wait on your damn government to build you a protective fence, I suggest you order your own personal-space fence to keep the nasty migrants out!

There are a lot of people on the streets selling sunglasses and umbrellas. Just say "No grazie" and keep going.
Spent 3 weeks there in 2012. PM me if you need any tips.
The Steelers Bar is called La Boticella, it's on a side street off of Piazza Navona in Rome.

A guy I worked with was at a Steelers bar in Rome (assuming it was the same one) and he met a couple from Pittsburgh. He returned home and a couple of weeks later he saw them at a grocery store.
A guy I worked with was at a Steelers bar in Rome (assuming it was the same one) and he met a couple from Pittsburgh. He returned home and a couple of weeks later he saw them at a grocery store.
Yeah, there is only one. My aunt and uncle went there this spring, they're sitting outside with a drink, another couple rolls up wearing Steeler swag, and it turns out the guy was two years ahead of my uncle in the same high school (Brentwood).
Of course it is. Building walls is awesome. There should be walls and fences built everywhere. Certainly on the southern border with Mexico, that's a no-brainer. And everyone knows we need one up north to keep the Canadians out. Walls and fences, the bigger the better with razor barbed wire on top, maybe a moat or two in front, it's the way to go. I'm not conviced we shouldn't have massive walls separating our States as well.

Tibs, I asked in another thread and did not get an answer.

You live in Hungary, right? So what would you know about illegal immigration in, say, Los Angeles, where I live??? Serious question.

I ask because I see what illegal immigration has done to Los Angeles. Public hospitals are overflowing and many shut down due to fact that they have to treat illegals for free.

Public schools are in horrible condition due to the massive influx of students completely unprepared to learn in English. Further, we spend a ****-ton of money feeding the students because the parents can't or won't. As a result of "white flight," public schools are now basically babysitters and restaurants for grade school kids and teenagers, where the graduation rate is woeful, and the literacy rate even worse.

Further, illegal immigrants routinely have multiple families sharing a single-bedroom apartment to save money. Those apartments then are driven into disrepair since they are not meant to house 10 people, including 5 adults. The ****** living conditions then have the desirable tenants move out, since they don't want to live in an apartment building with the noise, smell and traffic caused by so money people living in a small unit. The apartment buildings then become "illegal central," where every unit has more people living in it than it was designed to handle. The outcome is that the living conditions become 3rd world.

I know this because I have represented landlords in tenant-landlord disputes, and I see the conditions. The tenants say that the landlord is responsible for changing light-bulbs, shampooing carpets made filthy by tremendous foot traffic in a 650 square foot unit, for fixing drains clogged by tenants who make food to sell on the street and are therefore running an ersatz restaurant.

Further, the illegal immigrant population has resulted in a huge number of gang members and crime. In sum, illegal immigration has brought about (1) overwhelming demands on the public health system, (2) resulting in some hospitals just closing the emergency room to avoid having to provide free care to illegals, (3) a degradation of our public education with lower graduation rates and a student population shuffled off to school for the free food, (4) decline in living conditions, (5) increase in gang activity, and (6) an increase in crime.

I say this based on personal observation, personal experience and data.

Let me put it this way: If the Mexicans coming to Los Angeles were an economic benefit, and not a burden, Mexico would have built the ******* wall.
Tibs, I asked in another thread and did not get an answer.
You asked in another thread and you got an answer.

So Tibs you live in Hungary, right? I live in Northern Mexico, a.k.a., Los Angeles. So who do you think knows more about the effect of anchor babies - you or me? Honest answer, please.

I was born in CA, grew up in the Valley, lived in Long Beach for 22 years. So you can try to one-up someone else with your indepth knowledge of anchor babies...

And to your post in this thread, where is CA agriculture, landscaping, child care, fast food or hospital staffing et al without Mexican immigrants? Have you seen the numbers of whites leaving California? Moving East? So what gives? Study Californian - and Texan - history and tell me who's who.

And get off your big white - or black - horse. It's not becoming of an Angeleno...
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You asked in another thread and you got an answer.

And to your post in this thread, where is CA agriculture, landscaping, child care, fast food or hospital staffing et al without Mexican immigrants? Have you seen the numbers of whites leaving California? Moving East? So what gives? Study Californian - and Texan - history and tell me who's who.

And get off your big white - or black - horse. It's not becoming of an Angeleno...

CA had all the Mexicans they needed to do landscaping, babysitting, etc. 20 years ago. There aren't enough jobs to employ everyone now, in CA or anywhere else. We don't need them.
Ok, Ron Burgundy, then spend the resources to move 10-12 million people out of the country. Good luck with that....
Ok, Ron Burgundy, then spend the resources to move 10-12 million people out of the country. Good luck with that....

It would be worth it. Bill Clinton didn't have a problem with it.

It would be worth it. Bill Clinton didn't have a problem with it.
Really, you're equating Donald Trump's call for mass deportation with anything that's ever happened in the country? Easy answer, there's never been anything like it. To uproot huge numbers of American citizens and deport them? For inspiration, you can look to the Third Reich in Europe or closer to home the Japanese interment camps during WWII.
Really, you're equating Donald Trump's call for mass deportation with anything that's ever happened in the country? Easy answer, there's never been anything like it. To uproot huge numbers of American citizens and deport them? For inspiration, you can look to the Third Reich in Europe or closer to home the Japanese interment camps during WWII.

No, I'm talking about uprooting and deporting huge numbers of people who are not American citizens. They are a drain on the economy, not a help, we don't have enough jobs for them, and we don't need them. I don't see why we have to let Mexico and Central America export their unemployment to us. It's not our problem.
Really, you're equating Donald Trump's call for mass deportation with anything that's ever happened in the country? Easy answer, there's never been anything like it. To uproot huge numbers of American citizens and deport them? For inspiration, you can look to the Third Reich in Europe or closer to home the Japanese interment camps during WWII.

WTF you talking about, American Citizens? How is an illegal immigrant an American Citizen? No one is talking about deporting anyone here legally. Quit making **** up. If you come here illegally you are a criminal period. That is all we need to send your *** back. If you come here legally and contribute to our society, culture and economy your are more than welcome.
SteelerInLebanon -- all your bold and large font won't diminish Trump's suggestion of denying 14th amendment birthright. You can pretend to be upset as much as you want, I don't give a ****, really, but listen to the candidate and pay attention to what it is that HE IS SUGGESTING.

It is quite clear he's speaking of AMERICAN citizens, like it or not.

Trump: 'Many' scholars say 'anchor babies' aren't covered by Constitution
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He could be right. Regardless, I'm in favor of an amendment if necessary to fix it so children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens. I don't have a problem with it. In fact I'd like to deny ALL Constitutional rights and protections to non-citizens whether legal or ill. Kinda like how Mexico does it. Make America such a miserable place to be a non-citizen that they quit trying to enter. I'm perfectly fine with that.
In fact I'd like to deny ALL Constitutional rights and protections to non-citizens whether legal or ill. Kinda like how Mexico does it. Make America such a miserable place to be a non-citizen that they quit trying to enter. I'm perfectly fine with that.
Of course you are. But don't stop for even a moment to consider what the country would look like if that was in place when our Polish, Italian, German, Hungarian, British, Irish forefathers showed up on America's shores.
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And to your post in this thread, where is CA agriculture, landscaping, child care, fast food or hospital staffing et al without Mexican immigrants?

California was NOT inundated with illegals from 1930 to 1975. During that time, California became an economic powerhouse. The influx of illegals has NOT benefited California.

Further, as a matter of basic common sense, if the illegals were a benefit to the economy, do you seriously believe that Mexico would give handouts to the population, telling them how to get illegal access to the United States??

This incredibly ridiculous belief that illegals are some sort of "benefit" has killed my state. You got the **** out; the rest of us are not far behind. Hey, as soon as the state is 75% illegals, it will be an economic powerhouse again, right?
Tibs, aren't you the one who started this thread with a post about the "migrant crisis" in Europe? If illegal immigrants are so great for a country why is it a crisis? Why aren't you all standing at the border welcoming them in with flowers and champagne? Are you some kind of racist or something?
Tibs, aren't you the one who started this thread with a post about the "migrant crisis" in Europe? If illegal immigrants are so great for a country why is it a crisis? Why aren't you all standing at the border welcoming them in with flowers and champagne? Are you some kind of racist or something?
it may be because these illegal migrants havent a place to live, or they're bringing in diseases from wherever they came from, or are not able to acclimate to a new society and culture, so they want others to acclimate to theirs, or that they require healthcare that they cannot pay for, or they do not speak the language, or they have no skills, or they're criminals by nature, or ....