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Somebody has to say it.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I feel for Israel. I really do. And I know we're close allies with them. But it's time for America to start thinking about herself.

I'm 54 years old. The other day I got to wondering how much money we (U.S.) has given, loaned, granted etc. to other countries in my lifetime.

And then I started wondering, how much money have OTHER countries sent us in that span?

Somebody has to have the balls to stand up and say "No more.". We need to spend about a generation re-investing ALL our resources on ourselves. Infrastructure, S.S., defence, education.

No more money to Ukraine, or Israel, or Germany or France, or Canada, or Mexico or whoever the **** else is lined up for the teat.

Jesus. Can we fix our OWN **** before we Mother-******* Teresa the rest of the ******* world?
That’s what I’m saying. Half the money we give away gets used against us or our interests anyway. It’s time to halt the planet wide welfare program. We can’t afford it and have enough of our own problems to fix.
We simply just need to take care of our own 1st. Go to most Indian Reservations. they could use some of that $$$.
I feel for Israel. I really do. And I know we're close allies with them. But it's time for America to start thinking about herself.

I'm 54 years old. The other day I got to wondering how much money we (U.S.) has given, loaned, granted etc. to other countries in my lifetime.

And then I started wondering, how much money have OTHER countries sent us in that span?

Somebody has to have the balls to stand up and say "No more.". We need to spend about a generation re-investing ALL our resources on ourselves. Infrastructure, S.S., defence, education.

No more money to Ukraine, or Israel, or Germany or France, or Canada, or Mexico or whoever the **** else is lined up for the teat.

Jesus. Can we fix our OWN **** before we Mother-******* Teresa the rest of the ******* world?
You are the white devil. Mainstream media and our government told me so.
Well said Wig. But it's been said before. We always give to other nations.

9/11 happened. You know how much was donated to the USA to rebuild?
You know how much money other nations sent after hurricane Katrina or any of the others?
After earthquakes or other natural disasters?

You know the answer.
Wig. But it's been said before. We always give to other nations.

9/11 happened. You know how much was donated to the USA to rebuild?
You know how much money other nations sent after hurricane Katrina or any of the others?
After earthquakes or other natural disasters?

You know the answer.

Well said Wig. But it's been said before. We always give to other nations.

9/11 happened. You know how much was donated to the USA to rebuild?
You know how much money other nations sent after hurricane Katrina or any of the others?
After earthquakes or other natural disasters?

You know the answer.

Nobody sends us ****. They send us ********,leeches, fentanyl,terror cells,people who set up their own country here and don't assimilate.

They do send money to our politicians, who will gladly **** us.

I don't think we owe the world ****.
We're running 33 trillion in the hole and adding a few trillion to that every year.
I feel for Israel. I really do. And I know we're close allies with them. But it's time for America to start thinking about herself.

I'm 54 years old. The other day I got to wondering how much money we (U.S.) has given, loaned, granted etc. to other countries in my lifetime.

And then I started wondering, how much money have OTHER countries sent us in that span?

Somebody has to have the balls to stand up and say "No more.". We need to spend about a generation re-investing ALL our resources on ourselves. Infrastructure, S.S., defence, education.

No more money to Ukraine, or Israel, or Germany or France, or Canada, or Mexico or whoever the **** else is lined up for the teat.

Jesus. Can we fix our OWN **** before we Mother-******* Teresa the rest of the ******* world?
While I also sympathize with Israel, I’m confused because I feel like we’re always told they have one of the most powerful, sophisticated militaries in the world? So why do we need to send more funding every time there’s a conflict? I don’t get it.
While I also sympathize with Israel, I’m confused because I feel like we’re always told they have one of the most powerful, sophisticated militaries in the world? So why do we need to send more funding every time there’s a conflict? I don’t get it.
They do. They take our equipment and add better **** to it. It’s nuts what they’ve done with their AH-64’s. That said, I agree. It’s time to stop funding all of this nonsense, regardless f who we’re giving the money to.
I'm 54 years old. The other day I got to wondering how much money we (U.S.) has given, loaned, granted etc. to other countries in my lifetime.

And then I started wondering, how much money have OTHER countries sent us in that span?
Hey, some of my (and other Australian taxpayers money) was given to the Clintons as was other countries' money.
We simply just need to take care of our own 1st. Go to most Indian Reservations. they could use some of that $$$.
They get a **** load from our government already, and much more from their casinos. They need to start standing on their own feet. Yes they have financial issues, but most of their problems are self inflicted culturally driven issues.
Being a vet, I have no stomach for war any longer. I see Israeli children and Palestinian children broken, battered, suffering at the hands of mad men who sit in palaces concerned about absolute power, consumed by greed who use people like me to achieve their goals. There aren't "sides" to these orchestrated global chess matches unless you look at it from the lens of elites versus everyone else. F*** Israel, F*** Palestine, F*** Russia, F*** Ukraine, F*** China, F*** Tiawan, and F*** Joe Biden.
They get a **** load from our government already, and much more from their casinos. They need to start standing on their own feet. Yes they have financial issues, but most of their problems are self inflicted culturally driven issues.
Stop watching TV and actually go visit one.
Stop watching TV and actually go visit one.
The corruption on tribal funding is not dissimilar to the corruption on government spending, creating haves and have-nots at every level.

And many Tribes/First Nations simply do not have the "necessary paperwork" signed 150/200 years ago, furthering un-equal treatment.

Wouldn't it be cool if all "citizens" had the same rights, regardless of who your great grandfather was?
Thank you. Badcat, for being clear and concise. Bravo.
The only reason we can afford it is because our system, capitalism, works best.
Stop watching TV and actually go visit one.
I don’t need to I currently live on the edge of a Rez. I see first hand their issues, as well as associate with them. For every one that does better themselves, 5 try to also. The biggest problem is that those that try to or do succeed, they are branded Apples by those who are too lazy to. The cultural issues are their biggest problems, and they just want to ***** and moan. Hell, there is a huge Casino complex and golf resort on this Rez, and they can’t even fill the jobs, because no one wants to work. They also have Tribal farms, but not enough workers. They do have plenty of drunks and drug addicts, even though the Tribal jobs for Tribal members start @ $20 an hour. The drop out rate has averaged almost 60% over the last 10-20 years. So don’t tell me to visit, I see it first hand EVERY ****** DAY.

This isn’t even one of the bad areas.