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Tulsi Gabbard: Transcript doesn't show 'compelling' case for impeachment



Tulsi baby, why are you a Democrat?

Think you're right Spike she would make an outstanding VP in 2020.
thar blows the whistle

More Beltway Theater, you've seen them before

Steele Dossier II, Witch Hunt 2
Clearly the entire democrat party has sold their souls. Their 3 year policy of attacking on every front, every minute of every day can only have one goal. They want to exhaust middle America so overwhelmingly with '**** thrown against the wall' that come election time people will wonder if the current administration is frankly worth the hassle.

I expect that this strategy may actually work on many folks. On the other hand, the damage to the image of the party has to be enormous. How can the democrats HOPE to put forward a candidate that wouldn't be attacked just as aggressively and mercilessly if he or she DID win? How can they hope to accomplish anything when THEY have worked so tirelessly to utterly destroy American politics? They can't possibly expect any of us to ever respect a candidate or president again?

What frustrates me is the asinine lack of forethought. They have utterly annihilated the concept of respect for the office of president. Are they so ******* stupid as to believe that respect will simply "reappear" the moment they get a democrat in office? Or is this a glimpse of a much darker, uglier agenda - to destroy american politics in their current state and usher in a political system that isn't based on the vote of the people but rather elevates and sustains a political aristocracy that will govern the peasantry as they see fit.
Whatever we may personally think about the conversation the fact remains that it was incredibly stupid thing for Trump to do. He just seems determined to give them fuel for their fire. Maybe he wants to be impeached.
Whatever we may personally think about the conversation the fact remains that it was incredibly stupid thing for Trump to do. He just seems determined to give them fuel for their fire. Maybe he wants to be impeached.

Trump has done nothing that every single president hasn't done 10X over. He just has swamp creatures reporting his every step. Obama was caught on mic telling a Russia that he'll have more flexibility after the election. The Russia told him he would relay the information to Putin. But nobody cares because Obama is a dem. Biden told the world he blackmailed the Ukraine government to get a prosecutor fired who was looking into his son. This goes on all the time.
I wouldn't be surprised if the whistleblower was Trump's idea in the first place. From the facebook....


By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)

I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents.

That said, I hope that the House of
Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!

1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the
Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.

2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel
investigation, which was very one-sided.

So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch,
Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing cover up activities.

A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison.

All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.

4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump.
Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution.
Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office.

They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction.

**Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will
determine what testimony is allowed -- and EVERYTHING will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and
destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information.

They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros.

After the Senate declines to convict the
President, we will have an election, and Trump will win.

It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty.

Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people.

And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.

So let's move on to impeachment.
Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD

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The Dims are so frickin stupid and hypocritical. They want to impeach Trump because he tried to expose Biden's corruption. It's unreal.
Trump has done nothing that every single president hasn't done 10X over. He just has swamp creatures reporting his every step. Obama was caught on mic telling a Russia that he'll have more flexibility after the election. The Russia told him he would relay the information to Putin. But nobody cares because Obama is a dem. Biden told the world he blackmailed the Ukraine government to get a prosecutor fired who was looking into his son. This goes on all the time.

I agree there is a double standard but Trump just spent 3 years defending himself from accusations that he solicited foreign intervention in an election. Then he goes and asks a foreign leader to investigate the Dem frontrunner.

Just plain stupid. There are numerous ways to get this done that could have happened without Trump directly asking the president of the Ukraine to do this...and not so subtly implying that it's reciprocity for our support of their country.

Sorry, but he has the judgement and diplomatic skills of a kindergartener.
Crazy *** Adam Schitt made up a conversation that didn't happen. He flat out lied about Trump in his pathetic opening statement. Thankfully, the actual transcript is proof that he lied. The Dims are a pathetic, lying deranged joke.


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) performed an entirely made-up conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his opening statement at a committee hearing Thursday morning.
The White House released a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Zelensky on Wednesday, but Schiff made up and fabricated his own own transcript that he read at the hearing, which sought to create a quid pro quo that Democrats have accused the president of making.

“This is the essence of what the president communicates,” Schiff began.

“We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from YOU though. And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good,” Schiff read from his fabricated conversation.

“I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it,” he continued.

“On this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people and not just any people,” he continued, affecting an accent meant to resemble Trump’s. “I’m going to put you with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him.”

“And I’m gonna put you in touch with Rudy, you’re gonna love him, trust me,” Schiff said, still avoiding any real quotations from the transcript. “You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And by the way don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I’ve asked.”

Schiff said of his made-up conversation, “This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate.”

******* googly-eyed moron.
I agree there is a double standard but Trump just spent 3 years defending himself from accusations that he solicited foreign intervention in an election. Then he goes and asks a foreign leader to investigate the Dem frontrunner.

Just plain stupid. There are numerous ways to get this done that could have happened without Trump directly asking the president of the Ukraine to do this...and not so subtly implying that it's reciprocity for our support of their country.

Sorry, but he has the judgement and diplomatic skills of a kindergartener.

There is nothing illegal about it. The optics may look bad but it's perfectly legal. Trump shouldn't be punished for doing the same thing other presidents have done over the years. Hell the dems asked Ukraine to look into Trump. Are they going to be impeached? It's stupid.
Crazy *** Adam Schitt made up a conversation that didn't happen. He flat out lied about Trump in his pathetic opening statement. Thankfully, the actual transcript is proof that he lied. The Dims are a pathetic, lying deranged joke.


******* googly-eyed moron.

I saw part of his opening statement this morning and it sounded like it was right out of a movie. I wonder which one of his Hollywood pals wrote the script for him?
Crazy *** Adam Schitt made up a conversation that didn't happen. He flat out lied about Trump in his pathetic opening statement. Thankfully, the actual transcript is proof that he lied. The Dims are a pathetic, lying deranged joke.


******* googly-eyed moron.

Holy ****, that's disgraceful. They need to force this piece of **** to resign. Parody? Really?
There is nothing illegal about it. The optics may look bad but it's perfectly legal. Trump shouldn't be punished for doing the same thing other presidents have done over the years. Hell the dems asked Ukraine to look into Trump. Are they going to be impeached? It's stupid.

Whatever. There's nothing he could do that some of you wouldn't defend. I doubt they'll ever flip enough in the Senate to remove him from office but this is not going to be good for him.
this is not going to be good for him.

You're right. It's going to be fantastic for him. His campaign has gotten over $5 million in donations in the two days since Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry. This scam is going to send even more people fleeing from the Dim party.
The incompetence and lack of judgement is breathtaking.
There is nothing illegal about it. The optics may look bad but it's perfectly legal. Trump shouldn't be punished for doing the same thing other presidents have done over the years. Hell the dems asked Ukraine to look into Trump. Are they going to be impeached? It's stupid.

Trump never gave a **** about optics or placating anyone who does.
The incompetence and lack of judgement is breathtaking.

This is boiler plate stuff at the federal level. Look at all the illegal things BHO did and nobody said BO. There was nothing wrong with the inquiry.