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Apparently many people in the White House knew this had criminal implications and they went about an elaborate cover-up of the matter. The cover-up investigation
is going to be the fun part to uncover, because many people are in a lot of trouble.

You would think, yet here we are years later and Bill, Hillary, and Obama are still not in prison.
First, this story is another nothingburger by the Democrats. In a long line of minor problems they want to make grounds for impeachment. Russian Collusion in the Wikileaks scandal. Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller investigation. Campaign Finance laws with Stormy Daniels. Tax Evasion and withholding tax records. None of these issues even REMOTELY came to the "high crimes and misdemeanors" both the media and congressional democrats shouted about from the rooftops. To say this rises above those claims is ludicrous.

Read the transcript. The whole thing. There is nothing wrong about it. Nothing.


Corruption in Ukraine is a real thing. Their new President won because of it. Attorney General after Attorney General in that country was corrupt and failed to find the truth.

Of those "truths" still outstanding are three things: 1) How was Ukraine involved in the DNC server hack and the start of the Mueller investigation. 2) Were there any ulterior motives behind the Obama/Biden State Department pushing for the firing of the Ukrainian AG and 3) How the hell did Hunter Biden, with NO EXPERIENCE in the energy industry and literally 3 months removed from TESTING POSITIVE FOR COCAINE and fired from his former job, get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Corporation and paid $50,000/month for literally doing nothing.

For Trump to broach these subjects with a brand new, young, eager, anti-corruption President Zalinski is CERTAINLY REASONABLE. For him to broach Europe's failures to help Ukraine during the Russia conflict is REASONABLE. For him to toot the horn of his Presidency and how we help Ukraine is REASONABLE. And to reiterate all these items in the same conversation is REASONABLE. None of these items was in a vacuum by itself. None of these issues were more or less important in the conversation. All were just two leaders talking about what is currently relevant.

I saw no quid pro quo because the conversation NEVER talked about money. Not once. In fact it was implied that the sale of arms, the support of the U.S. was going to continue because Europe (Germany and France) had done so little. President Zalinski brought up how Europe is not enforcing sanctions on Russia. Zalinski brought up buying more military weapons.

This issue is so banal.

It will go no where. And after ALL these wild goose chases by the Democrats, when are their constituents and supporters going to start and question the WASTE OF TIME this is costing America? The lack of actual governance (or even attempt to govern) by the House since their election into the majority? They have become more concerned with their control of committees and media attention and outrageousness to get their names on TV. With freshmen know-nothing socialists and race baiters deciding on the agenda and direction of the party.

It's a disgrace. If you're a democrat, you need to wake the **** up.
Apparently many people in the White House knew this had criminal implications and they went about an elaborate cover-up of the matter. The cover-up investigation
is going to be the fun part to uncover, because many people are in a lot of trouble.

Are you retarded?

They declassified released and published the transcript. Worst cover up ever.
I have a question for Democrats. When you read that conversation, Zelisnsky talked about one of HIS opponents (or at least someone that doesn't like him); the former Ambassador to the U.S., who Zelinsky remembers as named "Ivanovich" (a woman). He ASKS Trump and I quote...

"On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough."

Is that not a President of a country asking for help to locate corruption in his own government even though it's a "political rival" that thinks his Presidency is illegitimate? Asking for a favor from President Trump?

I mean, it's the SAME ******* THING!!! And there is no way that is criminal. No way Democrats would sit here and tell me what Zelinsky did during this conversation was an "impeachable" offense or treason or "high crimes and misdemeanors".

Take your ******* glasses off. Substitute Obama in for every time you read Trump and explain how this is even REMOTELY a bad conversation.

It's just stupid. Honestly, this is the least relevant of ALL the made up offenses Democrats have gone after. It's like they are getting more desperate and irrational, not less so.
This is literally all the Democrats have to run on, their policies certainly won't fly.

So they attack, attack, attack, hoping to sway those that get their news from 20 second sound bites.
I suspect the Dems got word Ruth Bader Ginsburg wont last past Thanksgiving, they will say a president being impeached shouldnt be allowed to appoint a replacement
I suspect the Dems got word Ruth Bader Ginsburg wont last past Thanksgiving, they will say a president being impeached shouldnt be allowed to appoint a replacement

I heard that the Barr investigation into the corruption behind the Russia hoax is completed and the Dims are in full apeshit panic mode.
I heard that the Barr investigation into the corruption behind the Russia hoax is completed and the Dims are in full apeshit panic mode.

I find it all very treasonous by the left. Three years of it. Is this sort of stuff how it's going to be from here on out? Gosh if/when he wins another term they won't have many options left to undermine the office and the supreme court will be solid for a long time
I find it all very treasonous by the left. Three years of it. Is this sort of stuff how it's going to be from here on out? Gosh if/when he wins another term they won't have many options left to undermine the office and the supreme court will be solid for a long time

It’s really pathetic at this point. If they gave a fraction of that effort and put it towards making a difference in this country, for Their people. This country could be much better off. No....let’s ******* stomp are feet like a 2yr old endlessly with the hopes someone listens and they get their way. Pathetic
This is literally all the Democrats have to run on, their policies certainly won't fly. So they attack, attack, attack, hoping to sway those that get their news from 20 second sound bites.

A dim could not win an election, any election, it they were forthright about their beliefs and agenda. They and their party are anathema to everything this Republic stands for and everything the citizens of this Republic believe. They actively support anything and everything that would come against this Republic. Their intent is to destroy it. Their 200+ year history betrays them as the party of sedition, succession, segregation, sodomy, and socialism. Stalin referred to them as 'useful idiots'. The sum of their 'platform' is the death that results from abortion and communities of various philiacs they cobble together as their 'base'. The real estate they control is overwhelmed by crime, illegals, disease, death, homelessness, vermin, human waste, used syringes, etc, etc, etc. and has been so for 50 years. Then they stand there and proclaim to the stupid, 'vote for us... we're fighting for you'. Don't go by what they say - go by what they do.

And the Republican party is a waste of space because they allow it to go on, and increasingly, join them.
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It’s really pathetic at this point. If they gave a fraction of that effort and put it towards making a difference in this country, for Their people. This country could be much better off. No....let’s ******* stomp are feet like a 2yr old endlessly with the hopes someone listens and they get their way. Pathetic

They don't care about that. It's about power and pushing an agenda that will destroy the country as we know it. I'm pretty sure the architects of this divine idea we call the United States would surely be taking up arms against those who seek to destroy it.

This stuff can not stand for long.
Rush Limbaugh.

That's good enough for me.

Another great Rush rant.


RUSH: You heard me correctly. John Kasich told CNN (summarized), “There’s nothing in the Mueller report to impeach Trump over, and you can’t impeach the guy ’cause he makes a phone call to the president of Ukraine!” And then John Kasich, Never Trumper number 1… John Kasich wants rid of Trump as much as George Conway does. Anyway, John Kasich told Alisyn Camerota, “You guys gotta be real careful about this, because nobody in Ohio is talking about this.”

Exactly! Nobody is talking about this in Ohio, meaning impeachment — meaning it did not drop with this gigantic explosion. It did not create this groundswell of public opinion calling Washington demanding Trump be impeached and sent home. None of that happened. All this is seen as just another stage in the Democrats’ effort to play politics. That’s all it is! It doesn’t carry any gravity the way the Democrats have run this whole show.

You’re not gonna see evidence of this. I’m telling you: It has not played out like the Democrats thought or like the Democrats hoped. In fact, I’m pretty comfortable characterizing it as a dud. Now, the thing about Democrats and their duds is they just keep doubling and tripling down on them. So it isn’t going away. Don’t misunderstand me. But it did not have the result they desired. It did not have anything close to the desire they had.

You see, folks, there’s nothing more important to the left than unseating Donald Trump. Nothing. It has consumed them. It is literally eating them alive right in front of our eyes — and there are reasons. There are reasons. It’s not just because they lost. It’s not just because they can’t deal with losing. It’s not just ’cause they can’t believe Hillary didn’t win. It’s not because they can’t believe Trump actually won. It’s not…

Those are all factors. There are a lot of people at risk here. Obama is at risk. The Clintons are at risk. The entire deep state, the administrative state, the ruling class is at risk. The Democrat Party… Remember what Watergate did to the Republicans? It devastated the party for a while. It was a disaster. Now, the media… The media has supported every coup — and that’s what this is. We’re in the midst of a Cold Civil War, and the Democrats with the media have supported every coup attempt.

This is just the next phase of the ongoing Democrat coup to overtake the Donald Trump government and reverse the election results of 2016. And they are scared to death about the Barr investigations, and I’ll tell you why. Because they did it! They are corrupt! They did spy! They violated laws left and right! The FBI and the DOJ behaved in ways unconstitutional from here to Sunday! Individuals in the FBI, from the director on down! Intelligence people who heretofore have remained anonymous — other than Clapper and Brennan.

All of these people are at risk of being exposed for orchestrating and implementing a silent coup to overthrow a duly constituted presidential election! Donald Trump can expose them all. Bill Barr can expose them all. This is the third coup attempt. They are not for nothing. The 2016 election wasn’t about Trump colluding with Russia. It was about Obama-Clinton election fixing. It was about the illicit help they received from the FBI, the DOJ, and various intelligence agencies.

That’s why Trump wants to know about CrowdStrike. That’s why Trump told the president of Ukraine to dig into CrowdStrike. Trump wants to fully expose what happened in 2016. He wants to drain the swamp. He wants to expose all of the corruption and the shenanigans that have been going on in this country, in the deep state for decades. He doesn’t care who he runs against in 2020. He isn’t trying to eliminate Biden from the race as much as he wants to expose the corruption surrounding the Obama administration!

The Obama administration was as dirty as the day is long, and the people that ran that administration are still as dirty as the day is long — and Trump wants everybody to know how screwed up and dangerous Washington has become. We’re on the verge of losing! Folks, we’re in the middle of a silent coup here! We’re in the middle of a Cold Civil War, I’m calling it. We’re on the verge of losing a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

We are at the precipice here! Trump is the enemy of certain sects of the government of the United States of America. There is a turf war underway, and everybody is playing for keeps. Fortunes, money, careers, futures for children, status, guaranteed status, respect, places in the pecking order. All of these are at stake. Access to valuable information.

The power that information brings, the power of unelected government officials to steer the country’s course from invisible regulatory agencies who do not have to pass a single law to change the behavior of the American people. Let me tell you who the real whistleblower is. The real whistleblower is Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump is the most important whistleblower ever. Donald J. Trump is blowing the whistle on the entire Washington deep state, administrative state, establishment, elites, however you wish to characterize it.

He is the whistleblower! And he has a minimum of 65 million people on his side sticking with him and supporting him. The United States government has been out of control for a long time, and the American people didn’t know the extent to which it has been out of control. It has developed a life of its own independent from the Constitution, independent from the founding principles of our country.

The Washington government, the Washington ruling class has set up their own little fiefdom — which is designed to enrich them, protect them, secure futures for their kids — at the expense of the country at large. What’s happening here is pretty simply. Donald Trump is fighting and working to give the country back to the people. He’s fighting the Democrats and the media. He’s fighting corrupt elected Democrats. He’s fighting Never-Trump Republicans, and deep state operatives who report to the Obamas.

Deep state operatives like Clinton, Clapper, Brennan, who report to Obama and Clinton. Trump is in a position to expose them all, and has said that that’s exactly what he’s going to do. Their names, their schemes, their connections. That’s why all of this is happening, in addition to the fact that they hate Trump simply because he won. It’s because of what’s at stake of being exposed.
Flashback: Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort

McCarthy notes that “the Obama administration’s law-enforcement agencies pressured their Ukrainian counterparts to revive a dormant corruption investigation of Paul Manafort” in the middle of the 2016 presidential election.

He cites his recent book, Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency, recently excerpted on Fox News, which reports that Obama administration officials urged Ukrainian prosecutors to investigate Manafort — which amounted to “effectively meddling in the American presidential election.” The results were soon clear: leaks about Manafort’s activities in Ukraine began to appear in the U.S. media, spun in the worst possible light. He was replaced at the Trump campaign and became a target in the phony “collusion” narrative.

McCarthy notes the glaring double standard: “When the Obama administration leans on Ukraine for help in an investigation of political opponents, the Democrats and the media say, “But look how corrupt Paul Manafort was!” When the Trump administration leans on Ukraine for help in an investigation of political opponents, the Democrats and the media say, “Abuse of power — impeach him!”

Two key differences: there is actual evidence of former Vice President Joe Biden extorting the Ukrainian government; and Trump has released the transcript of his conversation with the new Ukrainian president. Only one administration has been transparent.
Democrats good. Republicans bad.
That can't be true. cxrman and 21 said that Trump is guilty and that nobody in the history of the world had every done anything so vile before. Surely not the dems???

C'mon now, surely you know that the Dems have never done anything wrong....they're as pure as the driven snow.
C'mon now, surely you know that the Dems have never done anything wrong....they're as pure as the driven snow.

Dems are the party of the working people, as long as you work for the government.
Dems are the party of the working people, as long as you work for the government.

People of the government, by the government, and for the government...as opposed to these words from the Gettysburg Address:

..that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
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