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Bob Woodward's New Book - Fear: Trump in the White House

he gives names

He doesn't give the names that count...the people who supposedly told him this stuff.

It does give one pause to wonder why NO ONE is willing to go on the record with any of these allegations about Trump. It's very curious.

Like I said, I try to look at this stuff objectively and I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle and there is a lot of nuance involved. Yeah, there are establishment people on both sides of the aisle who don't like how much he has upset the apple cart and want to get him and the party back under their control. At the same time he sure does give them a lot of ammunition.

What a fascinating time in American history.
‘The sleeper cells have awoken’: Trump and aides shaken by ‘resistance’ op-ed

President Trump and his aides reacted with indignation Wednesday to an unsigned opinion column from a senior official blasting the president’s “amorality” and launched a frantic hunt for the author, who claims to be part of a secret “resistance” inside the government protecting the nation from its commander in chief.

The extraordinary column, published anonymously in the New York Times, surfaced one day after the first excerpts emerged from Bob Woodward’s new book, in which Trump’s top advisers painted a devastating portrait of the president and described a “crazytown” atmosphere inside the White House.

Taken together, they landed like a thunder clap, portraying Trump as a danger to the country that elected him and feeding the president’s paranoia about who around him he can trust.

Trump reacted to the column with “volcanic” anger and was “absolutely livid” over what he considered a treasonous act of disloyalty, and told confidants he suspects the official works on national security issues or in the Justice Department, according to two people familiar with his private discussions.

The column, which published midafternoon Wednesday, sent tremors through the West Wing and launched a frantic guessing game. Startled aides canceled meetings and huddled behind closed doors to strategize a response. Aides were analyzing language patterns to try to discern author’s identity, or at a minimum the part of the administration where the author works.

“The problem for the president is it could be so many people,” said one administration official, who like many others interviewed for this story spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid. “You can’t rule it down to one person. Everyone is trying, but it’s impossible.”

The phrase, “The sleeper cells have awoken,” circulated on text messages among aides and outside allies.

“It’s like the horror movies when everyone realizes the call is coming from inside the house,” said one former White House official in close contact with former co-workers.

The stark and anonymous warning was a breathtaking event without precedent in modern presidential history.

“The problem for the president is it could be so many people.”
Really? How is that possible if all of it are lies and made up stuff? The stench is growing stronger and stronger.
Wonder how many people thought the Rolling Stone article about the rape on UVAs campus was real as well. Journalism has pretty much lost all its credibility in my lifetime. I remember Walter Cronkite very well when I was growing up and the CBS Nightly News was always on in the background during dinner. I wonder what he'd think of the news industry these days.

If it's true come out and give the public facts. Otherwise it's just fodder for the low information voter and the dwindling and maniacal base of the left
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‘The sleeper cells have awoken’: Trump and aides shaken by ‘resistance’ op-ed

“The problem for the president is it could be so many people.”
Really? How is that possible if all of it are lies and made up stuff? The stench is growing stronger and stronger.

Trump seems a lot more convinced of the legitimacy of the op-ed than the faithful here on this forum. And only a couple days after Trump openly expresses his disappointment in Sessions for not putting politics before the law. “Unhinged? Who, what? Trump?” Like it’s outta left field or something. SMH.
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Next big hysteria. I don't know why we are even dicussing this. Michel Wolfe, Omarossa. Woodward.

It is a campaign against Trump. Do you think the timing of this is random? This is the left wing full court press.

Next 2 months are going to be madness.

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More than anything, this senior official in the Trump adminstration is a coward. He/she should resign immediately and offer to testify under oath in front of a congressional hearing to lay bare what's happening at the highest levels of government. If you feel things are so bad that the Republic is in dire straights, take specific steps to save the Republic. It's interesting the article states there are multiple people - maybe dozens? - in the cabinet and administration that are basically running a 'shadow' government. These are people Trump interacts with on a daily basis. I don't think anything like this has ever happened in the history of our country. How this ends up nobody knows, but damn...it's ****** up.

Which is why it isn't true. If these people really were as "scared for our Republic" as Woodward writes, they WOULD come forward. They WOULD come out and say it without a mask on.

That's where all these "all hell is breaking loose" stories fail in the sniff test. And that's why I'm not really believing any of it. Some of it might have a hint of truth but it is embellished a LOT (which is how you get around the limited libel laws in this country). Exaggeration is never libel.

Obviously it's not really "THAT" bad because people would start breaking ranks instead of "leaking" **** to the press (probably after geting paid in under the table favors, money, gifts, etc.). Woodward is part of the swamp. It's inside the beltway power vs. Trump. They infiltrate every level of government because they are CAREER Washington insiders. Trump has 100's under him employ because he couldn't bring in all outsiders to do all the bullshit work. Unfortunately that network of Washington insiders and "sources" is (I think) as corrupt and out of touch with what America wants as any in our history. They are insulated in their like minded bubbles and feed off each others bullshit.
Whatever you believe about Woodward's book. Whether you believe the anonymous senior source or not. If you are comfortable with Trump telling the Times they MUST be handing over that source to "the government". I think you really need to consider the founding principles of your nation.
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I believe the Woodward book for the most part. If you listen / read Trumps own quotes it is not very hard to picture the quotes / stories in the book as probably true. There is just no defense for some of the things Trump says / does. People who defend Trump to the death seem to believe that everyone else in the whole world is lying but Trump. It is just not reality. There is no doubt the media is biased against Trump, but Trump has created a lot of that bias himself. Also if you throw out CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT etc etc and gather your own facts or look at Trumps own words it is not hard to come to the conclusion that Trump is a petty moron. Remember some of these people that Trump is constantly bashing were hand picked by him and not all of them were career politicians or part of the so called "swamp." Trump has 0 credibility based on how many times he has blatantly lied or flip flopped within days or even with in the same day. It is delusional to believe that all of these people are lying except for Trump. I agree with most of Trumps policies, but I am concerned about his mental state and just the way he conducts business in general.

On a side note the NYT did not write the "resistance" piece. They just published it.
On a side note the NYT did not write the "resistance" piece. They just published it.

Maybe. Maybe a NYT editor wrote the **** and published as an anonymous article from somebody in the Trump administration.

Maybe George Soros wrote it, and bribed a low-level coffee-getter in the administration to claim it's his.

Maybe Trump wrote it, gave it to a member of his staff, and told the staff member to give it to the NYT and publish anonymously to see how ****** that publication has become, and to see if the Times would publish unattributed rumor, as opposed to the "two independent source" confirmation standard that existed in 1972.

You can neither confirm nor deny any scenario I put forth because the article, unfortunately, is unattributed, anonymous horseshit.
But if any of scenarios which seem far less plausible than it really is a senior source are correct. STILL you are comfortable with what Trump said. You live in a banana republic?
Maybe. Maybe a NYT editor wrote the **** and published as an anonymous article from somebody in the Trump administration.

Maybe George Soros wrote it, and bribed a low-level coffee-getter in the administration to claim it's his.

Maybe Trump wrote it, gave it to a member of his staff, and told the staff member to give it to the NYT and publish anonymously to see how ****** that publication has become, and to see if the Times would publish unattributed rumor, as opposed to the "two independent source" confirmation standard that existed in 1972.

You can neither confirm nor deny any scenario I put forth because the article, unfortunately, is unattributed, anonymous horseshit.

You are right, but based on Trumps erratic public behavior then the most likely scenario is that it probably was a senior official. Like I said seems that die hard supporters believe that Trump is the only credible person left, which is laughable at best. Mike Pence has been awful quiet I am wondering if he is behind some of this stuff.
But if any of scenarios which seem far less plausible than it really is a senior source are correct. STILL you are comfortable with what Trump said. You live in a banana republic?

An anonymous source said you have a pet gerbil that you named "Buttboy." The anonymous source further says that your pet gerbil smells like anus, and that you stroke the gerbil and coo as you are doing so.

Am I comfortable with those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no. See how easy this is?

Do I render any decision on those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no.
Whatever you believe about Woodward's book. Whether you believe the anonymous senior source or not. If you are comfortable with Trump telling the Times they MUST be handing over that source to "the government". I think you really need to consider the founding principles of your nation.

This is where they say “you can’t take Trump literally” or some ****.
An anonymous source said you have a pet gerbil that you named "Buttboy." The anonymous source further says that your pet gerbil smells like anus, and that you stroke the gerbil and coo as you are doing so.

Am I comfortable with those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no. See how easy this is?

Do I render any decision on those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no.

If they reply with “TREASON?” I suspect they have indeed been putting gerbils up their ***.
The NYT has published questionable, unverified pieces in the past. Fact. Now they publish ab anonymous OpEd. Color me suspicious.

The article, as it currently is, would work well at the bottom of a bird cage.

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You are right, but based on Trumps erratic public behavior then the most likely scenario is that it probably was a senior official. Like I said seems that die hard supporters believe that Trump is the only credible person left, which is laughable at best. Mike Pence has been awful quiet I am wondering if he is behind some of this stuff.
What erratic public behavior? Are you mixing this up with the dems in the Kavanaugh hearings?
This is where they say “you can’t take Trump literally” or some ****.

Or Trump gets national security advice. His access to what is happening is better than anyone's so it he hints something in a tweet, there is a very good chance he's doing it because he knows. I don't know how many people are in the deep state, but the book, if you believe it shows there are some. And we already saw some in the FBI.
What erratic public behavior? Are you mixing this up with the dems in the Kavanaugh hearings?

The 1 / 2 am childish tweets. The constant flip flopping over various issues. The crazy factless rants he goes on etc etc. On a side note there were some conservative outbursts in the hearing as well.
An anonymous source said you have a pet gerbil that you named "Buttboy." The anonymous source further says that your pet gerbil smells like anus, and that you stroke the gerbil and coo as you are doing so.

Am I comfortable with those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no. See how easy this is?

Do I render any decision on those unconfirmed, anonymous rumors? Hell no.
I'm not speaking about the book, or the article there grade 10 boy. I'm saying you are comfortable living in a country where your president demands journalists turn over names so he can throw the entire weight of the government against them because he didnt linke what they said.
This book serves one purpose, to cater to those who are concerned only with hating Trump....nothing else matters to them, the economy, jobs etc...
Quite frankly I couldn't care less if it were all true.

In order to for this book to draw concern and be taken seriously by we rational Americans, it would have to coincide with an America that is in a current state of disaster on all fronts....but "sadly" it's not... "sadly" for Trump haters who long for Americas demise just so they can say "I told ya so".
I just highly doubt the coincidence of this book coming out, the nytimes editorial, and the midterms... its coordinated propaganda and obviously so... again with all the crying wolf there is zero credibility for these sources... their best bet is to forsake the narrative agenda and put basic, proveable facts out from every side, even the pro trump side, for several years and maybe they get their credibility back... frankly i think the only way any media source gets universal cred again is if they are 100% apolitical in reporting and give up politics driven editorials.. just the boring facts man... nothing more, nothing less
An anonymous source says that Tibs and Trog are butt buddies.
The Op ED and the Book don't really tell anyone anything new. Anyone can tell from Trump's speaking and tweets that he isn't very knowledgeable
about a lot of things. Is that OK in a President? I believe it hurts the country and shows conservatives are really more concerned about having
power than having a President that is competent and in the best interests of the country. Fake Patriots.
Whatever you believe about Woodward's book. Whether you believe the anonymous senior source or not. If you are comfortable with Trump telling the Times they MUST be handing over that source to "the government". I think you really need to consider the founding principles of your nation.

I do take issue with that. But that said, for far too long, the media has gotten away with using anonymous sources. Almost everything in print and on the net is anonymously sourced. Hell, a media source can pretty much print anything they want and credit it to “sources.” I think that kind of **** is pretty irresponsible given the power the press in this country has.