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High School football team taking a knee.


Active member
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Went to my son's away football game yesterday in a town that boarders ours and the Band actually started it with taking a knee while playing. The football Team followed. If this becomes a black white issue in students who view this as a race issue can end in really bad ways. It's gotten out of hand and as far as I understand Cappy did not start his protest geared towards whites in this country but towards the governing bodies and police. My sons team saw this as a slight towards our country as most people do and It got tense at times with lots of early plays ending in pile ups pushing and shoving. Our team ended up winning 36-12. Nice but this could manifest itself into something really bad for the kids. Next week is our worst rival the Seahawks.

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This is going to happen more and more often. It is going to cause problems nationwide. You don't need to be Nostradamus to foresee this.
This is going to happen more and more often. It is going to cause problems nationwide. You don't need to be Nostradamus to foresee this.

It's meant to cause problems. It's meant to marginalize white people in general and conservative white people in particular. The Socialist apparatchiks down at the DNC want to keep their white folks browbeaten into guilt to the point they don't think about having done nothing racist thus maintaining their votes out of the need for progressive enforcement of "fairness". And they have to keep their black folks whipped up into an I hate whitey frenzy so as to keep their votes as a means of protection from evil white conservative racists. Hilarity always ensues when black Socialists go nuts on white Socialists.
It's meant to cause problems. It's meant to marginalize white people in general and conservative white people in particular. The Socialist apparatchiks down at the DNC want to keep their white folks browbeaten into guilt to the point they don't think about having done nothing racist thus maintaining their votes out of the need for progressive enforcement of "fairness". And they have to keep their black folks whipped up into an I hate whitey frenzy so as to keep their votes as a means of protection from evil white conservative racists. Hilarity always ensues when black Socialists go nuts on white Socialists.

So... these kids (and Kaepernick) took their orders from socialist apparatchiks down at the DNC?
kids want to emulate their heroes. I'm sure some are conscious why they are doing it, so they are following in line. It's the latest trend to give a FU to the president. From police officers to govt officials to kids on the football field. Like anything else, as the smoke clears, so will the kneeling. If they feel they need to take a knee, have at it.
I predict that within a year there will be someone who will shoot someone else over this. Then others will feel emboldened to do the same. Soon we will have a full blown civil war on our hands. Too bad for the Liberals who will be using rocks and strong words against others with guns, lots of guns.
So... these kids (and Kaepernick) took their orders from socialist apparatchiks down at the DNC?

No Kaepernick and the kids are both simply useful idiots reacting to a false or narrative spun by the political left.
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Last night the anthem was played 5 minutes early before the players were on the field at our home game. We are are a predominantly white community but do have a few black and hispanic students and players.
There was a lot of confusion as to what was going on so being friends with most of the administrators and AD's I went and asked, the explanation is that the district had received warnings of protests by certain schools and were not sure what would happen with the team we were playing. Our students trend to the conservative side and on USA night many were wearing Trump shirts as well as even old Reagan and Bush gear. The team runs onto the field holding a flag before every game. The fear was the other team kneeling and causing fights on the field as well as ugliness in the stands. As a parent I appreciate the concern for the kids safety even if as an American I am upset. As soon as the kids heard the Anthem playing they came out of the locker room and stood at attention. Unfortunately we got our ***** stomped 51-7 as they outweighed us on the line by an average of over 65 pounds. They had 5 300 plus players. And 6 over 250.

This was the explanation from our School Superintendent.

An explanation and apology. It is wonderful to live in a community that defends our country, our flag, our veterans, and our service men and women currently defending our country. Lebanon students, staff, and community shows it love for our country through many activities, lessons, and celebrations throughout the school year. Last night, in an effort to avoid any situations that might place people, including our kids and Northmont kids, our fans and Northmont fans, our athletes and Northmont athletes, and both coaching staffs in any danger or the subject of ridicule, we made the decision to play our National Anthem 3-5 minutes earlier than usual. The intent was to try and remove student athletes from both teams from the opportunity of protesting using the National Anthem as the source. We had received information that protests were being planned by some some high school athletes (across the state and nation) and we did not want our student athletes or the visiting student athletes to conduct themselves, in that manner, at our home stadium.

Our concerns were threefold:

1. We know this issue is currently volatile. We were concerned about the fan reaction towards any of our players or Northmont players who would use the National Anthem as a course of protest.

2. We were concerned about a protest creating a hostile environment among adults and distracting from the game or leading to physical/verbal altercations.

3. We were concerned for any post-game altercations for our student athletes and Northmont student athletes.

Again, we were simply trying to remove our student athletes from the potential of something happening. There was certainly no disrespect intended. We were not trying to make a political statement. We thought, at the time, we were taking steps to keep people safe.

I will take full credit for the decision. Please do not blame our coaches, our student athletes, or other members of our administration. Our school board members were unaware of the decision, but I have since communicated with them. Looking back, we should have consulted more people on the decision. The entire focus of our decision was safety. We know how quickly these types of actions can get out of control and we were simply trying to avoid it. We now understand the gravity of that decision and will use it as a lesson for the future. Be assured that our Warrior Pride and Pride of Country remains as strong as ever. We're human. We made a mistake in what we felt was the best interest of all. On behalf of the Lebanon City School District and our Board of Education, I apologize to everyone who was offended by that decision. We ask for your forgiveness.

Todd Yohey
Superintendent of Schools
Lebanon City School District
I wonder when players/students/others will create "alternative" anthems to support and show their respects to publicly?

Wouldn't surprise me one bit....nope not one iota..
I have a possible solution to this mess..

Us Catholics have a sacrament called Confirmation...this happens when young adults confirm their love and honor for Jesus Christ publicly for the entire congregation and/or Parrish to witness.

Maybe America needs to start doing something like a "Confirmation" for all young adults to publicly display their allegiance to the United States of America.
Then we will all know who are truly our comrades, supporters, and defenders of our country's values and beliefs.

Lets just get it all out in the open, so we all know who are are fellow citizens and believers in the America Way and who are not.

Protest as an American right are one thing.... but total disregard of what we stand for as a nation is another...

This is becoming more than just a social protest....Our Union is being challenged......make no mistake.
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You have young kids in elementary school kneeling for the pledge of allegiance now.
This socialist disease is spreading

Sad how being patriotic in your own country can spark a backlash.
Truly violent times.

And now kids are being affected.
went to my grandsons peewee game today, we played a school that was all black; at their school. the first thing that happened before the kick off was a prayer, then the National Anthem was played. EVERY kid from both sides stood tall with hands over heart staring at the flag and singing. you could see the pride in every fans face at that game both black and white. I am so glad in live in the deep south. half the people in the stands had tears on their face during the Anthem, including me and my son as we watched my six year old grandson standing there staring at the flag hand over heart and singing. I wanted to give every one of those damn kids a hug. this is how I get my football fix for this season.
We have a class of 'Africans in America' that just don't comprehend how fortunate they are to live in this Country.



two high schoolers in Crosby Tx knelt during the Anthem (after being told by the coach not to) and were told to take their uniforms off and leave the field.....

Good for him. Those types usually get the brainwashed youngsters in their region to adore them....


Now in the interest of keeping it real I'll add that I hope that district gets the **** sued out of them.
Good for him. Those types usually get the brainwashed youngsters in their region to adore them....

Now in the interest of keeping it real I'll add that I hope that district gets the **** sued out of them.

it is a private school.....

now go **** off......
I'd like to thank my Sons entire school !!!! Not only did his multi racial team stand for the national Anthem the entire stands which were full stood for the Anthem. I had to fight back tears when I looked back and saw everyone standing.

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