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Initial Thoughts on the bills game

I'd say Naj is the closest player they have to being a leader. The team is in disarray and he's the only one with the guts to put it on the line and say what needed to be said.
Based on what? I don't see it. He's a guy who likes to talk a lot after bad performances. What is he doing during the week to change the culture and hold his teammates accountable?
Based on what?
Years of experience and knowledge of being a wise assed know it all.

I thought it took courage for him to speak out about the lack of discipline in his interview and not just sulk, ***** and/or moan. It was not self-centered as is usually the case with high profile positions like WR or QB. Not sure if he's a leader or not but what he displayed was more from a leadership standpoint than that of a follower. Just my .02
Years of experience and knowledge of being a wise assed know it all.

I thought it took courage for him to speak out about the lack of discipline in his interview and not just sulk, ***** and/or moan. It was not self-centered as is usually the case with high profile positions like WR or QB. Not sure if he's a leader or not but what he displayed was more from a leadership standpoint than that of a follower. Just my .02
I don't know, it's easy to talk after another loss. It takes leadership to hold your teammates accountable during the week.
After watching replay of game just hard to get. Something is really missing. No flow to our game on defense or offense. We make a play and look lost three plays in a row. Defense is really overrated. WE make a deal over the interception, but the defense allowed the Bills to go right down the field for 7. We have no leaders that c on anyone jersey means little with our team. We have no characters that can do something during the game to get some spark. There is no spark, watching the shots of Tomlin is how we play a stare in the dark. I watched the play of Diggs grabbing the water bottle and laughing, we had coaches and players just watch no big deal, we still our pay check laugh all you want. No reaction and this seems to be the way Tomlin has molded this team. We have no identity or mystique we have lost all hint of being truly physical. Teams seem to have our number from play one. Watching teams as KC you know what to expect. Even as fans we don't know from game to game what to expect. Ther truly needs to be a shake up . Love playing for Tomlin and Tomlin wining seasons does not compute when many seasons we were one game over five hundred. Looking back at the scores of the playoff games we have been trounced. Watching the rerun you see three four players that seemed to be playing that is all. Truthfully when I saw our defensive line coach laughing on the side lines (no matter what caused it) losing as we were I thought this is the Steelers tonight. I truly expected more, we snuck in had nothing to lose by letting it all hang out and the only one played like this was Warren, others hot and cold. Love the Steelers but something needs to be changed.
I don't know, it's easy to talk after another loss. It takes leadership to hold your teammates accountable during the week.
Unless you're in the locker room you don't really know who says what. But I think it's safe to say there really isn't a problem with the RB room. Naj and Warren seem more than willing to compliment each other and share time.

The WR room is a whole other issue with the problems they had at various times of the season. Did it straighten itself out? Did Robinson play any role if it did? I would hope so, otherwise he added virtually nothing to last season's product.
There's definitely an issue with accountability in practices, how many players this season have said something about that?
It went pretty much how I expected. Tough to watch a team that lacks execution, passion and in some cases the ability to play fundamentally sound football. Our tackling has been atrocious all year, players celebrate after making routine plays, and a lack of talent in some key areas pretty much dictated the outcome. We got to the playoffs because we got lucky that there was a potentially better team that was more inept than us. I've never really been a fire Tomlin guy but when you add all these things up it's impossible to not acknowledge that these things have his finger print all over them. I just don't see the that Steeler fire any more. What exactly is our identity? I know in the past, even when we've not had a winning football team you knew you were at least going to get punched in the mouth and have to play physical football. I don't get that feeling anymore. I live in the Detroit area but grew up a Steelers fan, it's strange to see but it's as if the two organizations have switched identities. I don't know what all the answers are but if the Steeler organization doesn't get back to playing fundamentally sound, smash mouth football we're in for a long period of disappointment.
Steelers are over. Is it too early to ask what everyone is watching? Any great new series on Netflix or whatever streaming?🙃

Also ….Go Canucks go! I always start watching the great game of Hockey after the Steelers are out.
Yep, watch, "Who is Erin Carter? and "Fool Me Once". Both are on Netflix. They are kind of an action suspense with tons of twists and turns.
Unless you're in the locker room you don't really know who says what. But I think it's safe to say there really isn't a problem with the RB room. Naj and Warren seem more than willing to compliment each other and share time.

The WR room is a whole other issue with the problems they had at various times of the season. Did it straighten itself out? Did Robinson play any role if it did? I would hope so, otherwise he added virtually nothing to last season's product.
If Najee was trying to hold his teammates accountable in the locker room he wouldn't be talking about it to the media after losses.
If Najee was trying to hold his teammates accountable in the locker room he wouldn't be talking about it to the media after losses.
I don't see where I said he was trying to hold teammates accountable. All Najee was saying, that in the present culture no one was holding anyone accountable.
I don't see where I said he was trying to hold teammates accountable. All Najee was saying, that in the present culture no one was holding anyone accountable.
I know that, but we also know that it's Tomlin's style and therefore the style of his coaching staff to allow the players to hold each other accountable. Since that's the way it is, the players themselves have to do a better job of it.
I know that, but we also know that it's Tomlin's style and therefore the style of his coaching staff to allow the players to hold each other accountable. Since that's the way it is, the players themselves have to do a better job of it.
100%. Tomlin needed to realize it wasn't happening and adjust his style and do it from the coaching staff. But we all know Tomlin sucks at adjustments whether in game or in season.
All new coaching staff

Cut / release Pat Pete and Trubisky.

Sign a Bridgewater or Tyrod type or keep MR if he'll stick around. Draft a QB in 3rd or 4th round.

Draft Cam's replacement and a nose tackle.

Draft an OL.
100%. Tomlin needed to realize it wasn't happening and adjust his style and do it from the coaching staff. But we all know Tomlin sucks at adjustments whether in game or in season.
It doesn't even need to come from Tomlin if he hired top-level OCs and DCs and allow them to run each unit. Austin appears to be the DC by title only and Canada was a non-communicator who many said is difficult to work with. Position coaches can only do so much. But yes, if you see it's no longer coming from the players, you would think the head coach would notice just as if that's what the players need to do, then they need to step up.
5 playoff losses in a row. Last playoff win 2017. Impressive streak.
It's officially 7 years sans a playoff win, 7. But Shades is such a great coach. How many "great" coaches go 7 years without a playoff win? I'll wait right here.
What leaders? Heyward? He's always been an excuse maker when the team fails. Watt? He's not a vocal leader. Minkah? I have no idea. Literally anyone else on the team? This isn't the Steelers of the 2000s that was loaded with leadership. They had leaders that were both stars and role players as well as players in between. Not anymore.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. In the 2000s (prior to HCMT) the leaders were established. The culture change hasn't allowed the rise of potential new leaders, IMO. The closest I heard to real leadership was from Jaylon telling the media "he'd block for Pickens if the roles were reversed". Bringing in a "culture guy" like Hines Ward (offense) or Deshea Townsend (defense) would go a long way to fixing the culture problem, IMO.
All new coaching staff

Cut / release Pat Pete and Trubisky.

Sign a Bridgewater or Tyrod type or keep MR if he'll stick around. Draft a QB in 3rd or 4th round.

Draft Cam's replacement and a nose tackle.

Draft an OL.
Think there are a bunch of names to add to that cut list: Allen Robinson, Cole, Chuks, Ogunjobi, Wallace, Cam, Minkah…maybe we can get something for Cam or Minkah but there are a bunch of overpaid/under performing vets on this squad

And damn why pay Najee 6 mill if he’s just gonna take reps away from a cheaper more explosive back

There’s a lotta dudes that would be easily replaced at cheaper price tags- hopefully Khan/Weidl clean this mess of a staff and roster up
I don't know, it's easy to talk after another loss. It takes leadership to hold your teammates accountable during the week.
Isn't that mostly on the coaches?
If a player had bad tape, or isnt executing in practice, shouldn't those paid to enhance player and team performnce lead their charges to accountability of both effort and performance?
Isn't that mostly on the coaches?
If a player had bad tape, or isnt executing in practice, shouldn't those paid to enhance player and team performance lead their charges to accountability of both effort and performance?
Former Steelers have said that isn't how Tomlin works, he relies on the veteran leadership to do that. Tomlin and his staff need to do otherwise, however, since they don't the players need to be the ones to step up.
My girl stopped watching the Pirates after they showed no desire to improve. I think from a coaching perspective they are showing the same thing. Just filling their pockets from the money we give them and not caring. I think my health is more important at this point. I can't let them be the nail. I don't mind losing seasons if they are trying something different to improve. But if you are out there just trying to line your pockets without a care in the world. Yeah we will see...
Yea, I hear that. It's not often in life that you hit much higher than you are aiming and this team (owner, coach) is only aiming for "non losing" seasons and that all they will get. II hope all the Tomlin apologists are happy with the "non losing" trophies that Art and Shades keep piling up. That's all we are gonna get from this crew.