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New York Senate Passes Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

Reluctantly, I do think that early trimester abortions should be legal, for those women who have no other choice. In any other case it would have to be a significant, life-threatening medical issue for either the mom or the baby. That's my take.

So you agree that early trimester abortions should be allowed only in less than 1% of all cases? And that 99% are murders for convenience?

.0001%: Pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
.001%: The woman was raped
.003%: The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
.01%: There was a serious fetus abnormality
.01%: The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
.02%: The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy

Thank you for stating this publicly.

Before I formed you in your mothers womb,I knew you.
AOC called them concentration camps, not detention camps Tibs, you lying shill. Another hero of yours, Ilhan Omar, supported her use of that very word.

Among other issues, you clearly have a problem with reading comprehension. Yes, concentration camps, just like I wrote:

...Trump's border camps, which are by definition concentration camps, as AOC correctly stated.

And for those with their panties in a bunch over calling them concentration camps, blame the Catholics.

Don't look away from concentration camps at the border

Yes, concentration camps, call them what they are. In any case, instead of focusing on semantics, why don't you care what is happening to these toddlers and young children?
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Yes, concentration camps, call them what they are. In any case, instead of focusing on semantics, why don't you care what is happening to these toddlers and young children?

They are not concentration camps and you continue to offend Jews by saying so. Why are you such an anti-semite?

And believe me, I've cared about the kids since Obama was caging and abusing them. I'd ask our Congress to fix this, which is the problem.

They are not concentration camps

That's exactly what they are, concentration camps. They are not extermination or death camps, like the ones in Auschwitz-Birkenau or Buchenwald. The only ones bringing up the Holocaust and the Nazi death camps are right-wing lunatics like yourself. Nobody made that comparison. Like it or not, Trump's border camps are the exact definition of what concentration camps are.

Concentration Camp Expert Doubles Down

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) controversial comments likening U.S. immigrant detention centers at the southern border to “concentration camps” aren’t inaccurate, a concentration camp expert and author said Tuesday.

Andrea Pitzer, who literally wrote the book on the global history of concentration camps, defended the freshman lawmaker against Republican backlash during an appearance Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes.”

What the U.S. is doing at the U.S.-Mexico border today by detaining hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants and children “fits very cleanly” inside the historical definition of concentration camps, Pitzer argued.
That's exactly what they are, concentration camps. They are not extermination or death camps, like the ones in Auschwitz-Birkenau or Buchenwald. The only ones bringing up the Holocaust and the Nazi death camps are right-wing lunatics like yourself. Nobody made that comparison. Like it or not, Trump's border camps are the exact definition of what concentration camps are.

Concentration Camp Expert Doubles Down

You have to be incredibly dizzy from that amount of spin. I'm sure AOC would appreciate your effort but she's a ******* nitwit who said something unbelievably insensitive and hurtful to Jews. But Jews aren't a protected class by Progressives so nobody gives a ****.
Since this morphed into a debate about concentration camps, I'll just leave this here. A couple of authorities on the subject have something to say to that idiot AOC:

Like it or not, Trump's border camps are the exact definition of what concentration camps are.

You say this like Trump actually built these facilities or 'camps'. These facilities have been here during Obama and those before him.
That's exactly what they are, concentration camps. They are not extermination or death camps, like the ones in Auschwitz-Birkenau or Buchenwald. The only ones bringing up the Holocaust and the Nazi death camps are right-wing lunatics like yourself. Nobody made that comparison. Like it or not, Trump's border camps are the exact definition of what concentration camps are.

Concentration Camp Expert Doubles Down

You quote HuffPo and a Liberal. Of COURSE they are going to spin to back pedal and defend.

con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

These are ILLEGAL immigrants being detained at our borders because they are not citizens. The border is currently overwhelmed, as is the judicial system to grant them asylum or citizenship. The US could turn them away and send them back. Instead they are housing them. Inadequate or not, they are granting them temporary stay.

They are NOT being forced into labor. They are not awaiting execution.

You could debate that they are prisoners, to which I would remind you they are ILLEGAL aliens with no right to be in the United States. They are being "detained" (a far better word). Not bad considering they are invaders.

But by no stretch are these concentration camps and you persist being insensitive to Jews. Not at all surprising.

As a Rabbi, I Agree with AOC: Trump is Running Concentration Camps on our Southern Border

Last December, I was arrested on the border in San Diego while standing with faith leaders to protest, among other things, Trump's unlawful incarceration of immigrants. My experiences on the border and at immigrant detention centers in my home state of Illinois have left me with no doubt whatsoever that our nation is warehousing humanity in concentration camps—and that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is correct when she refers to them by this term.

As a rabbi, I am compelled to act on behalf of immigrants because my religious faith and historical legacy demands that I do so. And I'm not alone: most American Jews embrace progressive values of social justice—and understand that we ourselves have a history of oppression at the hands of state violence.

Yesterday, AOC stirred something of a hornet's nest when she retweeted an article in Esquire by an expert on immigrant detention who characterized Trump's immigrant detention centers as "concentration camps." Almost immediately, some Republican politicians, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York pounced, claiming AOC's "regrettable use of Holocaust terminology to describe these contemporary concerns diminishes the evil intent of the Nazis to eradicate the Jewish people."

It is deeply problematic, highly partisan—and historically incorrect—to declare that the use of "concentration camps" is to be constrained to the limits of "Holocaust terminology" (itself hardly an academic term.) As scholar Jonathan Katz recently pointed out in the LA Times, the term "was invented by a Spanish official ...during Cuba's 1895 independence war." FDR, notably, also used the term in reference to his Executive Order to incarcerate Japanese Americans during World War II. And enough people have pointed out in recent days the usage of the term by the British suppressing the Boer rebellion in South Africa for it to be elaborated on here.

We Jews do not own this term. But in fact, I would argue it is imperative that we Jews use this term whenever these dreadful facilities are imposed on groups of people other than ourselves.

History has shown us that the concentration of humanity into forced detention invariably leads entire societies to exceedingly dark places. This practice did not begin with Nazi policies against European Jewry—nor did it end there.

The same is true of AOC's impassioned and all-too familiar call, "Never again." As a rabbi, a Jew and a person of conscience, allow me to put it as plainly as I can: AOC's use of this phrase was altogether appropriate. I do not and cannot view this call as "Holocaust terminology." On the contrary: "Never Again" means never again for anyone, or else it doesn't mean anything at all.

The fact that we are even debating these terms shows just how twisted the conversation has become. Rather than parsing the words of a human rights champion like AOC for petty political gain, these politicians and Jewish leaders should be directing their criticism where it truly belongs: at a morally depraved national policy that parses out access to human rights according to origin and ethnicity, tears apart families, and cages children in, yes, concentration camps.
As a Rabbi, I Agree with AOC: Trump is Running Concentration Camps on our Southern Border

Yeah, we can go back and forth for weeks on opinions.

Here's an opinion from rabid liberal Chuck Todd.


CHUCK TODD: Welcome back. Tonight, I’m obsessed with what's happening on our southern border. You can call our government's detention of migrants many things depending on how you see it. It's a stain on our nation maybe, a necessary evil to others, a deal with untenable situation perhaps. But do you know what you can't call it? Take a listen.

ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. And that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps.

TODD: That was obviously New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram. After being criticized, Ocasio-Cortez tried to make a distinction between concentration camps and Nazi death camps, where the industrialized mass slaughter of the Holocaust occurred. Fair enough.

But Congresswoman, tens of thousands were also brutalized, tortured, starved, and ultimately died in concentration camps. Camps like Dachau.

If you want to criticize the shameful treatment of people at our southern border, fine. You’ll have plenty of company. But be careful comparing them to Nazi concentration camps! Because they're not at all comparable in the slightest.

But here's where it’s upsetting as her comments. Some Democrats have been reluctant to condemn her remarks and don’t want to get criticized on Twitter. Fellow New York Congressman Jerry Nadler tweeted in response: “One of the lessons from the Holocaust is ‘never again’ … We failed to learn that lesson when we don’t call out such inhumanity right in front of us.”

Jerry Nadler surely knows migrant detainment camps are not the same as concentration camps. So why didn’t he just say that? Why are we so sheepish calling out people we agree with politically these days? Obviously, this isn’t a Democratic thing. It's an even bigger problem on the Republican side of the aisle when it comes to President Trump and the reluctance there.

Are we really so ensconced in our political bubbles, liberal versus conservative that we cannot talk about right versus wrong anymore? Some things are bigger than partisanship. Or at least they used to be. And in the interim, the crux of what’s truly at stake is lost: What is this country going to do about what's happening at the border in this humanitarian crisis?

We’ll get to that at some point I guess, after we have this debate. But no doubt Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cares deeply about what's happening at the border. But she just did the people there a tremendous disservice by distracting from their plight.

She said she didn't use those words lightly. Well, neither did I.

Sure, and along those lines you must be up in arms over the treatment of young children in Trump's border camps, which are by definition concentration camps, as AOC correctly stated. Can't find a stadium large enough to fit your moral outrage over this, I presume.

Four migrant toddlers hospitalized after time at US border facility: lawyers

If it’s so bad why take your kids there.
Yes The state I live in is run by insane Democrats. They have some law stopping Us from shooting them. WTH has happened to the Democratic party. The public was polled and we voted down this disgusting abortion law 75/25 yet they do what they want. Nothing they do is for the people. Can't wait till November 2020. Hopefully some of them jump out a window whether or not they win the job back just by Trump losing. That truly would be the end of our country.

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If it’s so bad why take your kids there.

Not only that, but the bleating bullshit about "separating" kids from parents is a lie. The parents can get re-united with the children immediately simply by asking to be released to return to their homeland.

The parents who are sobbing about missing their kids are the ones who decided to put their kids into the custody of U.S. immigration, and the only ones who can keep them there by failing to return home.

This entire thing is the biggest piece of liberal propaganda bullshit of the past 10 years. It really is. Idiot leftists act as if the United States is sending ICE agents into Guatemala, kidnapping little kids, and forcing the parents to remain in custody while they raise a ransom for the children.

Yeah, no. It is the parents who travel hundreds of miles, putting their children at significant risk, and then leave them in border patrol custody because the parents want something and simply don't care that the kids are separated from them.
Trump's Concentration Camps are so bad that people leave their home country and walk hundreds of miles through the desert risking death via heat exposure, deyhdration, and malnutrition to get into.