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See, Omar believes there has to be a far-reaching "conspiracy"...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I hold the best conspiracies are far less "far-reaching".

For your consideration, I give you Al Riveron.

1) Against the Texans, Al Riveron let stand a TD by Brandin Cooks where he toe-tapped a catch in the end-zone, but bobbled the ball as he went to the ground. From the reverse angle you can see the ball come away from his body and "float" until he hits the ground where he crumples into it and traps it against his facemask and body. Riveron, believed Cooks did NOT lose control of the ball, nor did he fail to survive the ground. Even though it is clear that the ball is loose as Cooks hits the ground and it's only when his body falls on top of it that he truly fully retains control. This catch, late against the Texans led to a P*ts last second win.

2) In probably the most egregious and painfully obvious case of biased officiating in recent memory (until last weekend) Al Riveron overturned a TD by the Jets in a game where the Jets trailed 20 to 24. A Jets TE makes a reception, rumbles toward the end-zone and is tackled by two P*ts defenders as he tumbles over the goal line. A TouchDown is called and seemingly nothing weird can happen. Well, You don't know Al Riveron. Riveron decided, inexplicably. Truly inexplicably that the TE may have loosened his grip as he crossed the goal line, even though he had clear and obvious possession as he went to the ground and the ball never once touched the ground. Riveron determined that since the PLAYER went out of bounds through the endzone and since he may or may not have had clear possession, the only reasonable thing to do was to give the P*ts a touchback and give them possession at the 20. That of course was the most obviously WRONG call he could have made. He could have awarded the Touchdown. He could have given the Jets the ball at the one. Instead, he flat out jumps the shark and goes all in for the P*ts, rational minds be damned. The P*ts hold on and win the game.

3) In the highest rated game of the season, Jesse James receives a pass from Roethlisberger, falls to a knee short of the end-zone and lunges forward. As he does so the ball spins in his hands due to the positioning of his elbows. His right hand appears to be beneath and beside the ball, but it isn't entirely clear. What is clear is that the ball did spin in his hand before he hit the ground. The Referees call a touchdown in the most thrilling game of the year and this touchdown will almost certainly spell doom for the P*ts. Unless, of course All Riveron has 3 to 5 minutes to look at every conceivable angle of film in order to come up with "conclusive" evidence that the ball hit the ground and that James did not have control of it. This is more difficult for him given his earlier ruling in the season favoring Brandin Cooks, but ultimately, given the importance of this game, the ruling MUST be made and it is. The fact that a photograph surfaces later showing James' hand quite conclusively UNDER the ball does not escape the attention of those paying attention. Apparently in his search for "conclusive" evidence, Riveron missed that shot.

Also missed was the blatant pass interference on a pass two plays later when Roethlisberger threw toward a slanting Eli Rogers in the end-zone. Rogers was pulled backward and down by a P*ts defender who used his grip on the receivers jersey to leverage himself into position to tip the ball. The back judge was in position to see this clearly, yet did not throw a flag. To do so would have prolonged the game and given the Steelers another opportunity to either move into Overtime, or outright win the game. Something the NLF could not allow as the P*ts could not survive the #3 seed. A #1 seed and a home game against one of their difficult matchups in the Ravens or Jaguars or even Steelers is bad enough. But to attempt to wade through those defensive powerhouses with the 3 seed would be impossible.

#4 in order to ensure that the Patriots retain their #1 seed and not have to face a loaded Jaguar team or have to potentially travel once more to Pittsburgh, Riveron had to once more step in and quash the burgeoning momentum of the upstart Buffalo Bills who were threatening to go in to halftime with a LEAD of all things. As we have clearly come to understand Riveron does NOT need conclusive evidence, he merely needs a somewhat reasonable excuse. (Not even that in the case of the Jets game.) In this case he ruled that Kelvin Benjamin had momentarily lost control of the ball while his "toe dragged". Of course he had no conclusive evidence of this. The film of the dragging toes and the film of the ball momentarily out of Kelvin's complete control are not synched such that you can determine that they occur at the same time. But Riveron merely needs to be able to justify to himself that they could have happened at the same time in order to overturn Benjamin's TD and leave the P*ts with yet ANOTHER (Their 4th) gift ruling from him.

For those of you paying attention, all of this requires no conspiracy, merely Al Riveron interpreting the rules as he wishes and making final calls on reviewable plays within the last 2 minutes of a half. As well as all Scoring plays. Something he is allowed to do for every game, mind you.

It should also interest you to note that a Texans receiver stretched out to score a TD against Pittsburgh last week. As he reached out for a TD, he lost control of the football and it fumbled harmlessly (so it would seem) out of bounds past the pylon. Now, the Al Riveron from the Jets Game would call that a Touchback. The Texans player clearly lost control of the ball and it fumbled out of bounds out of the end-zone. The question of WHERE the player lost control and WHERE he is down is key. Had this game been against the P*ts, history tells us convincingly that would have been a touchback. With the Texans and Steelers, the ball was down at the 1 or 2 (As it should have been.) Since Riveron had no stake in that game, he didn't need to make any "Unca Al" calls for it.

#5 If any of you were watching the Rams vs the Titans last weekend you were given a glimpse into what happens when the league quietly wants **** to go one way. The Titans, mediocrity in the flesh, managed to even up the Rams at 20-20. That in itself was mind-shattering entertainment. But then the Titans did something crazy. They hustled up to perform an onside kick. The Rams weren't prepared. They weren't moving quickly enough but the referees had set the ball and whistled it in play. The Titans kicked and recovered an onside ball. But! a flag flew.

It seemed, the Rams head coach had called a time out. Except that if you looked at the broadcast, you could see the Rams coach emphatically saying "What he Hell?" and clearly indicating he had done no such thing. Mularkey (Great name) of the Titans noticed this too. The referees calmly explained the situation to the Rams head coach who quickly changed his tune and got with the program. "Yep. called a timeout!" But Mularkey was having no such mularkey. He raised holy hell. Pointed to the replays, demanded that the refs tell him which ref had gotten the signal and explain it to him in small words. Of course they couldn't as a timeout hadn't really been called.

So... The refs huddled and muddled and mulled it over. Then they came back and said "There was no timeout called. The Rams are NOT charged with a timeout. The ball was NOT in play. We will re-kick."

In short, Hey, Titans, we're gonna **** you in the *** with a hot poker. The Rams are pretty much ready for you now. The ball was certainly in play when the set it, blew the whistle and circled their arms... But when the Titans recovered and there was a honest to God slim as **** chance that they might upset the Rams, suddenly, that **** wasn't in play.

Now why? You ask. Why would the league give a ****?

The Rams were terrible last year. They're having a good old fashioned resurgence. Makes for great television. The Rams are ALSO trying to build a fan base in God and NFL forsaken L.A. AND they're tying to build and finance a billion dollar stadium, hopefully to cater to those newly won over fans. But the ******, can't win a game to save their souls Rams aren't going to win too many fans are they? And then that beautiful, just waiting to be plucked L.A. marked will once again wither and die on the vine. And then they'll be stuck with those animals in Oakland or God forgive us for mentioning it, San Diego. No, L.A. NEEDS a winner. At least a team that makes some noise in the playoffs. Ya. That's good for Television. That's good for the owners. That's good for L.A.

So, WTF, The Titans are already a bit sucky this year. So they get ****** on an onside-kick. Greater Good baby! The owners will get their TV money. The fans will get their spectacle. They may even get some hope now and then that their team might just have a magical season. Problem is, the NFL is becoming a bit too heavy handed with the "magic". It's looking more and more like cheap parlor tricks. And Unca Al is off script and working way too hard to protect a bloated and blighted paper champion. And the shield? Well, the Rog doesn't talk too much about the shield anymore.
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Wig, it's not a conspiracy theory for as FACT isn't conspiracy. Coincidental can be classified as conspiracy but even then 4-coincidental plays in favor of the cheaters?????? NOT coincidence
but fact of cheating. Is there a constant involved..... I'd say yes and more than one. Uncle Al is a huge constant and the cheatriots are next biggest constant........... all add up to fixed games.

No conspiracy theory here, just to many factual coincidences adding up to fixed.

Salute the nation
I don't agree, but I love the research, and the argument wig!
Tin foil hat--- the CIA has been secretly running the league since 01 when they rigged it forthe Patriots to win after 911... its more plausable than leprechauns secretly running soccer...
I guess some fans don't believe in obvious patterns.

A team that over and over and over and over and over is shady.

Are cheaters.
I have no problem with the referee consulting a replay official either at a central location or one of 16 in the stadiums. But ultimately it has to be the head of the game officials who has the final say. He is in the flow of the game and should decide what is irrefutable in the context of the play. He has to face the other referees in his crew.
glad to see that i live in Wig's head, lol.

make sure you pull all the thread and post-it notes off the wall before the wife gets home, wig.

I guess some fans don't believe in obvious patterns.

A team that over and over and over and over and over is shady.

Are cheaters.

slash, I've heard every reasoning under the sun from to much money to risk it to if it had been called in your teams favor.............. The constant is the FACT. Some people can get slapped by a tuna fish over and over and over
and still think it's it's a CARP. A coincidence is a chance happening but the same thing twice is less coincidental........add in three and it is NO coincidence at all as that is fact. Detectives get to the second coincidence and
consider it fact in solving many cases.........here in just this short time we are past 4 coincidences.............. FACT and a slap with a "carp"

Salute the nation

Wig! I didn't realize there was a gif of you out here on the world wide web! well I'll be goshdarned!

The fact that almost all of these situations happen against the same team and every single call goes their way really does make you think.
I guess some fans don't believe in obvious patterns.

A team that over and over and over and over and over is shady.

Are cheaters.

I hold the best conspiracies are far less "far-reaching".
The fact that almost all of these situations happen against the same team and every single call goes their way really does make you think.

Simplest explanations are usually the best. The league has a vested interest in the appearance that the Pats***** are winning after they are no longer cheating. Darth Hoodie knows this and knows he has a free pass now. The league will NOT bust him a fourth time and have all those SB's called into question.
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Too many coink-a-dinks to not make an intelligent, logical person say what the ****?

Wig! I didn't realize there was a gif of you out here on the world wide web! well I'll be goshdarned!


Wig needs to get together with this guy.......

I love how he reads the rule, then proceeds to try to make a case from his misunderstanding of the rule.......you can't make it up.

Simplest explanations are usually the best. The league has a vested interest in the appearance that the Pats***** are winning after they are no longer cheating. Darth Hoodie knows this and knows he has a free pass now. The league will NOT bust him a fourth time and have all those SB's called into question.

So just judging from the posts about the Pats and cheating on this board; how's that working out for the NFL?

And why couldn't they let it go now? They've won after the last cheating incident.....why keep going?

No my friend, they are that good, Bellichick is a defensive genius without peer except for maybe Dick LeBeau. If we are ever going to beat him it's this time around as his D is so depleted not even his brilliant schemes will save him.
They don’t beat us because they cheat. They weren’t cheating when we let Gronkowski practically sprint all the way down the field. They weren’t cheating when we came out of the review completely unprepared, and their cheating (probably PI) didn’t make Ben force a stupid throw.
So just judging from the posts about the Pats and cheating on this board; how's that working out for the NFL?

And why couldn't they let it go now? They've won after the last cheating incident.....why keep going?

No my friend, they are that good, Bellichick is a defensive genius without peer except for maybe Dick LeBeau. If we are ever going to beat him it's this time around as his D is so depleted not even his brilliant schemes will save him.

the same reason any other habitual cheater keeps going

for self gain self profit

was that minor slap on the wrist supposed to sway billacheat into playing it straight?

the illegal formations
head set out
reports of playbook thefts
deflated footballs
Al Riveron

says different

thanks for playing

more overturned game deciding wins than any other team
more penalty changing first downs than any other team

if it was a snake it would have bitten you on the ***
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I can be a defensive genius if I know what the offense is about to do. Anybody who can't see how much they get the benefit of every game changing call is kidding themselves. We STILL should have beaten those ********. Calls or not, had we played to put them away before their final drive we would have been in victory formation on the last drive.
I can be a defensive genius if I know what the offense is about to do. Anybody who can't see how much they get the benefit of every game changing call is kidding themselves. We STILL should have beaten those ********. Calls or not, had we played to put them away before their final drive we would have been in victory formation on the last drive.

I think we did, that's just as good as we can do against them.
The fact that almost all of these situations happen against the same team and every single call goes their way really does make you think.

Sometimes in the judicial World judges who have issues that suggest a compromise to their impartiality either are asked or voluntarily recuse themselves.
Sounds like the Rog may want to have a sit down with Unca Al to discuss these strange "coincidences"?