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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

If you ever wondered what Floggy looks like ...

I am finding it harder and harder to take life seriously. Each day I start by perusing the headlines for pertinent information and each day gets more depressing. Let us take today's headlines and use them as an example, shall we ?

President Joe Biden’s new COVID-19 Coordinator – Dr. Ashish Jha – has vigorously advocated for “vaccine passports” and other hardline measures including mandated vaccines for air travel, despite also defending left-wing protests as “essential”.

I don't get it....is it the power trip thing or are they just stupid ?


Biden may remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from terrorist list​


I can't add too much to this plan except shake my head at the obvious direction that we are taking toward communism.

House Dems block energy independence bill​


This is a part of a continued effort to be as blatantly stubborn and in my mind dangerous, not only for the Country's well being but our National security as well.


NY Democrats Demand $345M for Health Insurance for Illegal Aliens

Again we see Democrats raiding American citizens pockets to cater to criminal interlopers .


After Killing U.S. Energy Production, The Biden Administration Is Negotiating With Venezuelan Terrorists For Oil

If anybody can see the sense in this, please feel free to let the rest of the Country know what it is.

LGBTQIA+ Disney Employees Plan Walkout over Company’s Response to Florida’s Don’t-Groom-Kids Bill​


Oh heck yeah, who doesn;t support sending pre-k kids to a public school class to learn how to be a queer....bigots.


Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas wins women’s 500-yard NCAA title​


Makes sense to me. If you suck as a male swimmer, tell people you are a woman, maybe you can win that way. Next he'll put his application in at Disney.

New Federal Reserve projections show six more rate hikes this year​


There, see...there is a bright side. Between inflation and soaring gas prices we won't have the spare cash to go see any of the awful movies being produced these days.

You can’t have a one-world government without getting the Communists and Muzzies on board.
Where the heck is the naughty word toggle. Sick of seeing the ****

My lord has this administration been a complete joke.

The U.S. State Department said it was "profoundly disappointed and troubled" by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's official visit to the UAE.

"We urge states considering engagement with the Assad regime to weigh carefully the horrific atrocities visited by the regime on the Syrians over the last decade, as well as the regime's continuing efforts to deny much of the country access to humanitarian aid and security," State Department spokesperson Ned Price said, according to Reuters.
Kunstler killing it

National Assisted Suicide

The defining moment last week in America’s ongoing mental health crisis was U Penn swimmer Lia Thomas’s record-setting win in the NCAA women’s 500-yard freestyle championship race. It was celebrated in the sports news as a thing — that is, an alleged feature of reality. Lia Thomas began “transitioning” in 2019 when “she” was a full-grown male human being, otherwise known as a “man,” and was already competing in men’s NCAA swimming events. One thing you can conclude from this is that the board of the NCAA is insane.

It’s not the only institution in our country that has lost its mind. Are you comfortable with that? Outside of certain fairy-tales involving naked emperors, there is but one greater instance of a people being so willingly insulted by falsehood, namely, the still-continuing campaign to “vaccinate” and “boost” the public against Covid-19 with a genetic cocktail that doesn’t work to prevent illness or transmission of disease and has already killed or injured many thousands of people.

Yet, they’re still out there pimping for the vaxxes: Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mary Basset (New York Commissioner of Public Health), and many other officials in other lands. This is a major part of the scripted suicide of the USA, along with the rest of Western Civ. Our government’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now lists a total of 24,177 pericarditis and myocarditis cases for all of year 2021, and 11,829 cases for just January and February of 2022. Do you see an ominous trend there? Those are but two deadly conditions linked to the vaxxes; there are over a thousand more.

The deluded people getting boosted now are taking on-board additional toxic spike proteins to the ones they already acquired in the first two shots. Might one predict that quite a few of them will develop a horrifying array of bodily disorders and die or become disabled in the next two years? It might soon even get hard for the Woked-up, vaxxed-up, Trump-maddened “blue” multitudes to ignore the impending mass murder they have been subjected to.

Such an unappetizing prospect might account for America’s reckless poking of the Russian bear over the future of Ukraine, a distraction from the developing picture of national assisted suicide here at home. The prospect of World War Three is apparently more compelling than the emerging information that indicates the US government is killing off its own population, and lying its face off in the process.

“Joe Biden” and company might have prevented Russia’s “operation” there by simply reiterating what NATO itself had declared: that Ukraine would not be invited to join the alliance. But Ukraine has been a special client of the USA since 2014, when we changed-out a pain-in-the-*** government there. Since then, we’ve used Ukraine as an international money laundry, a proxy forward base for NATO, and, apparently, a place removed from the USA to set up bio-weapons labs when our own government called an at-home “moratorium” on gain-of-function research in 2014.

Part of the forward base activity in Ukraine since 2014 was the training and arming of the 600,000-troop Ukrainian army, one of the biggest armed forces in the world, which Russia now feels constrained to disarm and neutralize. How successful Russia might be in that endeavor, with an operational force of about 200,000, is the subject of a propaganda war being waged one level removed from the action on the ground.

The reality, as one might expect from such basic troop numbers, has been an onerous grind for the Russians. American javelin missiles have proven deadly to Russian tanks and armored vehicles. But, contrary to the narrative script of CNN and The New York Times, Russia is hardly “losing” the contest. Russian forces are in the process of kettling up Ukraine’s most potent units, the notorious Azov battalions, along the Donbass line in the east. There are a lot of them. They are surrounded, cut off from their central command, and now given the choice of surrendering or being slaughtered. For the moment, it is Ukraine’s choice.

For the Russians, this is, as they say, an existential matter, something they have faced before and understand the stakes of — think Napoleon and Hitler. The US has shown, at least, an exorbitant will to antagonize Russia using Ukraine. This, too, is yet more insanity. In Mr. Putin’s early years as head-of-state, Russia asked to join NATO, in Russia’s quest to be treated as a normal European nation after overcoming 75 years of Soviet insanity. Request rebuffed.

Twenty years later, and many instances of antagonism in the meantime, Russia had enough. It is doing something America no longer can do: establishing boundaries. Ukraine will not be used as a platform for further antagonisms. Our response: wreck the global economy starting with the international money system, and possibly bring on a world famine by destroying supply lines for fossil fuels and things made from them, such as fertilizer.

Our country is interested only in dissolving boundaries — geographical, as in our boundary with Mexico, behaviorally, as in the boundary between male and female, psychologically, as in the boundary between reality and fantasy, and existentially, as in being alive or dead. And now Russia, at considerable cost, has to literally teach the USA a lesson in the importance of boundaries. They are going to complete their operation in Ukraine and they’ll likely work-around the “sanctions” heaped on them. Their part of the world these days has all the production, a great many valuable commodities, and most of the world’s population.

Our part of the world seems bent on submitting to self-imposed tyranny and suicide. At least that has been the trend until now. Suddenly information is busting out from all angles penetrating and shattering the dome of unreality we’ve lived under for years. Yes, those vaxxes are killing a lot of people… yes, the Intel Community and the DNC overthrew the previous president… yes, every US Intel bigwig in the land lied to you about Hunter Biden’s laptop… yes, that laptop is crammed with hard evidence of bribery and, arguably, treason involving the current president… yes, the US economy is tanking because we’ve borrowed more money than we can ever pay back and we don’t produce enough stuff of value… and no, Russia is not “losing” in the Ukraine — rather, Russia is showing the commitment and fortitude of a nation interested in self-preservation. You think we might learn something from that?
President AssHat wants to lead the New World Order. No, really. He's said it so much, fact checkers are employed to remind us all that even though he keeps saying it, it's not what he really really means....

“You know we are in an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy” the Commander-in-Chief said, “Not just the economy, the world. It occurs every three or four generations. As one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we established a liberal world order and that hadn’t happened in a long while. Lot of people dying [now], but nowhere near the chaos. And now’s the time when things are shifting. There’s gonna be a new world order out there, and we’ve gotta lead it. And we’ve gotta unite the rest of the world in doing it.”

I live 95 miles across the Chesapeake or a 2 hour drive slightly southeast of DC.

It has been one of the coldest winters and shittiest early springs since i moved here in 2006!
The trees are well behind normal budding for late March as compared to previous years.

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I live 95 miles across the Chesapeake about or a 2 hour drive slightly southeast of DC.

It has been one of the coldest winters and shittiest early springs since i moved here in 2006!
The trees are well behind normal budding for late March as compared to previous years.


Yer a Marylander too? Wrong side of MD dahnair though.

Yeah, my trees here just 30 miles from the White House ain't in bloom. That photo's from another day/time.
Yer a Marylander too? Wrong side of MD dahnair though.

Yeah, my trees here just 30 miles from the White House ain't in bloom. That photo's from another day/time.
It was a better time... They probably photoshopped in the schmuck. The photo was probably taken during the Reagan years. 🤣