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Toronto Van Attack

we had bottle rocket fights. of course, some pricks would use roman candles and made **** not as fair. but it's their own damn fault for coming to a bottle rocket fight completely under-powered.
Yeah, we did the bottle rockets too. Not sure how I never lost an eye.
I am gonna disagree. On two counts.

1) I hunted with a .222 Savage from age 12 to age 17. I shot and killed 9 deer with that rifle. Only ever took one shot to kill any of them. My best shot, and this is probably in my lifetime (I was 16 at the time), was a deer running full bore about 40 meters out from my right to left. One shot, behind the shoulder, deer took about two more leaps and dropped dead. When I gutted it, it was missing 1 1/2 lungs and there was a piece of the heart left that was about the size of my thumb. PLENTY of stopping power. If deer are living for days after you shoot them or live their life maimed from being shot, maybe the shooter is a piss poor shot. I never had a problem keeping a deer down with a .222. Ever.

2) If a .223 has such terrible stopping power, why is it our primary military combat weapon? I have seen the effects of .223 on human beings first hand. I can assure you, if you hit a person in the vitals, good chance the guy isn't gonna make it. True, on non kill shots, it will **** a person up pretty bad. But stopping power isn't a problem.

Sarge, I'm not saying that a .222 or a .223 isn't lethal. In the right hands, you can kill a deer with it. My first ever deer kill was with an over and under .222 20 gauge. I was a terrible shot at a young age. I hit that poor deer in the guts with the .222.

It ran and ran and ran. Spent an entire day tracking it. Had I hit that poor deer with a .270 or .30-06, it likely would have died very quickly.

Until I was nearly 40, I hunted with a .243. Bigger bullet and just as fast as the .223. Had many, many kills with the .243. But also a handful of mishaps I regretted. The .243 hits a branch, you've lost your shot. And I hunt in some dense areas. I switched to a 7MM-08. Still pretty light, but I like it a lot better. I was laughed at for years for hunting with ONLY a .243.

If I hunted in open plains areas, I'd be fine with a .223 or a .243. But not hunting deep in thick woods. Not worth the chance to spend 3 days waiting for a shot then have a small branch cause a bullet to divert. A .270 will carry through. I tried a .280 for a few years and it did fine as well.
So you created this entire alternate reality where I tried to say soldiers carried .22 rimfire rifles and ammo into battle.

We can go on and on for 100 pages.

Your original post stated that soldiers carry an AR15 with .22 ammunition into battle.

I'll post it a hundred times, if you'd like.

This victory has been too damned easy.
Sarge, I'm not saying that a .222 or a .223 isn't lethal. In the right hands, you can kill a deer with it. My first ever deer kill was with an over and under .222 20 gauge. I was a terrible shot at a young age. I hit that poor deer in the guts with the .222.

It ran and ran and ran. Spent an entire day tracking it. Had I hit that poor deer with a .270 or .30-06, it likely would have died very quickly.

Until I was nearly 40, I hunted with a .243. Bigger bullet and just as fast as the .223. Had many, many kills with the .243. But also a handful of mishaps I regretted. The .243 hits a branch, you've lost your shot. And I hunt in some dense areas. I switched to a 7MM-08. Still pretty light, but I like it a lot better. I was laughed at for years for hunting with ONLY a .243.

If I hunted in open plains areas, I'd be fine with a .223 or a .243. But not hunting deep in thick woods. Not worth the chance to spend 3 days waiting for a shot then have a small branch cause a bullet to divert. A .270 will carry through. I tried a .280 for a few years and it did fine as well.

.243 is my favorite hunting rifle, bar none. When I hunt, it is in western PA. The places I hunt are wooded, clear shots up to about 40-50 meters. If I am in something thicker, 7mm is the rifle. Hate 30-30's, lever action ain't my thing. Pump or bolt.
We can go on and on for 100 pages.

Your original post stated that soldiers carry an AR15 with .22 ammunition into battle.

I'll post it a hundred times, if you'd like.

This victory has been too damned easy.

Below is my original post with the link to the page. It's post # 45


I have highlighted what I said so that everyone can see how it matches what the Gun Digest article says.

This is my original unedited post below.

Indoctrination does nothing as a substitute for critical thinking skills.

Example: Black people kill other black people in almost every single case (other than cheating wife/ husband etc.) because of their economic status, as a result of the generational systemic racism that initiated it and fosters it to this day.

They don't kill each other because they are racist towards black people, or because they believe in a different sky fairy...see the difference?

Example 2:

Vans serve many purposes: family haulers, delivery, service vehicle, and ironically as ambulances to carry off the wounded and dead from an act of gun violence.

They also sadly can be used as a weapon, although this was never their intended purpose.

Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And as a bonus that .22 caliber bullet because it's so small and fragments easy, tends to cause serious cavitation once it gets inside a human being so it might not kill him, but the damage is horrendous.

But yeah.......vans.

See how that critical thinking stuff works?

Here is the Gun digest article again, can you see that what I wrote in my original post matches the words from the article?

So once again you show us what kind of a liar you are....a really ****** one.


Subsequently, the Board recommended further investigation into the AR-10. In 1957 General Wyman, impressed by the merits and performance of the AR-10, went to the ArmaLite Company and asked Gene Stoner to join a weapons program, offering ArmaLite financial support for future development of ArmaLite rifles in exchange for proprietary rights to the final product. Subsequently, ArmaLite introduced a totally new concept for the modern battlefield, a 22-caliber battle rifle. As a result, the 30-caliber AR-10 was to have a short history with the U.S. military.

No need to go 100 pages. You said I wrote in my original post that soldiers carried .22 ammunition into battle.

I just provided my original post which references .22 caliber bullets and the Gun Digest article verifies what I stated....you are a ******, ****** liar.
Below is my original post with the link to the page. It's post # 45


I have highlighted what I said so that everyone can see how it matches what the Gun Digest article says.

This is my original unedited post below.

Here is the Gun digest article again, can you see that what I wrote in my original post matches the words from the article?

So once again you show us what kind of a liar you are....a really ****** one.


Subsequently, the Board recommended further investigation into the AR-10. In 1957 General Wyman, impressed by the merits and performance of the AR-10, went to the ArmaLite Company and asked Gene Stoner to join a weapons program, offering ArmaLite financial support for future development of ArmaLite rifles in exchange for proprietary rights to the final product. Subsequently, ArmaLite introduced a totally new concept for the modern battlefield, a 22-caliber battle rifle. As a result, the 30-caliber AR-10 was to have a short history with the U.S. military.

No need to go 100 pages. You said I wrote in my original post that soldiers carried .22 ammunition into battle.

I just provided my original post which references .22 caliber bullets and the Gun Digest article verifies what I stated....you are a ******, ****** liar.

Lol....admire your determination....cause by golly this time you know you're right and you aint letting Tim get away with it!
Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles.

Yep. You said the AR-15 is what the soldier uses to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And you and Flog shoot semi auto 30-30 rifles on weekends.

Trust me, we got it.



.243 is my favorite hunting rifle, bar none. When I hunt, it is in western PA. The places I hunt are wooded, clear shots up to about 40-50 meters. If I am in something thicker, 7mm is the rifle. Hate 30-30's, lever action ain't my thing. Pump or bolt.

That's why I switched to the 7MM. Thompson Center Core rifle, single shot. To eliminate any branch interference.
Yep. You said the AR-15 is what the soldier uses to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And you and Flog shoot semi auto 30-30 rifles on weekends.

This is probably the last I will post in this thread, but based on the part of his post you just quoted, I am still failing to see where he said that. I just can’t get there, and I am TRYING to get there. Oh well. Carry on.
This is probably the last I will post in this thread, but based on the part of his post you just quoted, I am still failing to see where he said that. I just can’t get there, and I am TRYING to get there. Oh well. Carry on.

I've explained it before. You said previously you thought Tard was talking about the M16. This is from the original post. Can you point to where the M16 is mentioned? Nowhere. Not one place in Ze's original post is the M16 mentioned.

Tard mentions one and one weapon only - the AR15. "THAT" manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet. What does "THAT" refer to? It could only refer to the AR15. "THAT [the AR15] manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the solider to carry more ammunition....

Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles.
I've explained it before. You said previously you thought Tard was talking about the M16. This is from the original post. Can you point to where the M16 is mentioned? Nowhere. Not one place in Ze's original post is the M16 mentioned.

Tard mentions one and one weapon only - the AR15. "THAT" manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet. What does "THAT" refer to? It could only refer to the AR15. "THAT [the AR15] manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the solider to carry more ammunition....

The AR-15 is the only gun that most Liberals can name because they've been told it's "bad".
so now Elfie can add plagiarist to ze's numerous titles.
I've explained it before. You said previously you thought Tard was talking about the M16. This is from the original post. Can you point to where the M16 is mentioned? Nowhere. Not one place in Ze's original post is the M16 mentioned.

Tard mentions one and one weapon only - the AR15. "THAT" manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet. What does "THAT" refer to? It could only refer to the AR15. "THAT [the AR15] manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the solider to carry more ammunition....

Yeah, I get all of that. However, when I read what he typed, I understand it to mean that the military liked the AR-15, and them liking it is what led them to go with the M16. No, the M-16 is not specifically mentioned in his post, but knowing that the military liked the AR15, and they also wanted a .22 caliber rifle, those desires led to the M16. Or manifested, if you will. That's how I read it.

I am not even sure why I am arguing it. This whole thread has morphed into a new kind of stupid anyway. Anyway, I am done. As I said before, carry on.
so now Elfie can add plagiarist to ze's numerous titles.

So you're saying Ze wrote words that were nearly WORD for WORD from Gun Digest, pretending to preach to us as if this was Ze's knowlege and Ze's words?

Are we shocked or surprised?

So you're saying Ze wrote words that were nearly WORD for WORD from Gun Digest, pretending to preach to us as if this was Ze's knowlege and Ze's words?

Are we shocked or surprised?


I found that article when I wrote that last post. I needed something that literally stated .22 caliber.

I've forgotten more things I've learned about firearms since I was a teenager than you'll know in your entire life, of that I'm sure.

I also have stories about playing games as a pre teen /teen involving air rifles and bows that all of you will find unique and interesting in a way that you will begin to understand Elfie's creativity when it comes to weapons.

I'll post it soon.
I've forgotten more things I've learned about firearms since I was a teenager than you'll know in your entire life, of that I'm sure.

So you're a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, good to know.
I've forgotten more things I've learned about firearms since I was a teenager than you'll know in your entire life, of that I'm sure.
That's a negative, so alrighty then.

I've forgotten more things I've learned about firearms since I was a teenager than you'll know in your entire life, of that I'm sure.

As a person who's had weapons in his hands since he could walk, well. I'll just let Ronnie reply.

Ronald Reagan — 'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.'
So you're a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, good to know.

Absolutely. I stated as much years ago in the first discussion I had on this board with edreed4prez iirc.

I have no problem though with an assault rifle ban and or large capacity mag ban.

Civilians have no use for those weapons when it comes to self defense. The people who fight the hardest against that ban are almost always the same lunatics who think they are going to fight the government or Bill Maher in a civil war, many of them on this board.
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As Burgundy stated that puts you in the negative....so how much will you have to learn to get back to zero? lol

No it's not.

I've forgotten more than he'll know.

And I still possess vast knowledge. Try again.