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Toronto Van Attack

steal from whom in a country setting? everyone knows everyone and it's not exactly bristling with a **** ton of resources.
but, I do like how you're now saying that country folk are cooking and using meth non-stop. or are you saying we should allow the procurement of resources for the cooking, supplying and usage of meth in urban settings?

please continue to educate us with your well thought out, and entirely lucid points. such a beacon of light on this board, you are.

So now I said meth is being cooked "non stop"

And there is also NO criminal activity like theft, burglary, etc. from meth users because they are not in the big city.........

Does the lying and flat out idiocy from the Alt- Right on this board ever taper off?
Keep on backing it up Tard. As I've said, your writing skills suck. Pretty blunt. You never mention the M16, assume we will all figure it out. Do enlighten us, firearms genius, since you diverted this conversation to "diameter" of caliber after stepping in your own ****...how many weapons fire a .22 diameter caliber? I won't go count, but I'll guess hundreds since using your designation of "diameter" of the caliber references a major **** ton list of .22 cal bullets by "diameter"

There is no "diameter of caliber"....the caliber IS the diameter you idiot. And you say my writing sucks?

Your comprehension and ignorance is what truly sucks.

Again I was comparing the .22 bullet in the AR/M-16 to the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles, you then jumped to "Aha! Dumbass thinks soldiers carry .22 caliber ammunition into battle."

Ammunition as in the ENTIRE PROJECTILE, when I repeatedly referred to THE BULLET ONLY. I highlighted this in red for all to see.

Your analogy of a car and engine size is beyond idiotic because the "brand" and model had been mentioned when I wrote AR-15
Tyou then jumped to "Aha! Dumbass thinks soldiers carry .22 caliber ammunition into battle."

No, you actually SAID they carry it into battle. Your very own very specific words out of your mouth.

Your analogy of a car and engine size is beyond idiotic because the "brand" and model had been mentioned when I wrote AR-15

So now you are backtracking and saying that you were VERY specific in mentioning the AR15...without any reference in your original post whatsoever to an M16...the AR15 in the same breath

Ar-15's have only one purpose and one user intention in mind by it's designer(Eugene Stoner by the way) and that is to kill or mame as many human beings as efficiently as possible. That manifested itself in the choice of a .22 caliber bullet to decrease recoil as well as to allow the soldier to carry more ammunition than would be possible with the previous generation of .30 caliber rifles. And as a bonus that .22 caliber bullet because it's so small and fragments easy, tends to cause serious cavitation once it gets inside a human being so it might not kill him, but the damage is horrendous.

You can keep pointing to your subsequent 'qualification' threads attempting to step out of the grave you dug.

That's fine.

Back it up again. This is utterly comical.

"I mentioned specifically the AR15!!" but..."I meant the M16"...but I meant...

For your next trick?

No, you actually SAID they carry it into battle. Your very own very specific words out of your mouth.

So now you are backtracking and saying that you were VERY specific in mentioning the AR15...without any reference in your original post whatsoever to an M16...the AR15 in the same breath

You can keep pointing to your subsequent 'qualification' threads attempting to step out of the grave you dug.

That's fine.

Back it up again. This is utterly comical.

"I mentioned specifically the AR15!!" but..."I meant the M16"...but I meant...

For your next trick?


Tim, what is the relevance of all of this? Yet another obsession, this one about rather esoteric gun knowledge. Is it your opinion that a person’s knowledge of guns is relevant to their opinion on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment? That anyone lacking a certain amount of gun expertise has an uninformed opinion?

Anyone else think this way?
Tim, what is the relevance of all of this? Yet another obsession, this one about rather esoteric gun knowledge. Is it your opinion that a person’s knowledge of guns is relevant to their opinion on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment? That anyone lacking a certain amount of gun expertise has an uninformed opinion?

Anyone else think this way?

The irony being Trog that he keeps making fun of you I believe, about something to do with a .30-.30

Meanwhile he backed himself into a hypocrites or a liars corner without even realizing it. And that is he is mocking you for supposedly not knowing something related to firearms, but he claims to have not known that the AR is the same exact weapon as the M-16 except for the fully automatic aspect.

Either he is ignorant to this fact, yet he mocks you....or he is a liar.

No two ways about it, either way I am done with him as everyone who has visited this thread realizes he's made an *** of himself.
I have to be honest. Between what people are interpreting about others, and what some are claiming that others have claimed or stated or implied or inferred I am not sure what is being argued anymore. This thread has gotten ridiculous and should be shot and killed. By a .22 caliber bullet. Or a .22. Whichever is least painful.
I have to be honest. Between what people are interpreting about others, and what some are claiming that others have claimed or stated or implied or inferred I am not sure what is being argued anymore. This thread has gotten ridiculous and should be shot and killed. By a .22 caliber bullet. Or a .22. Whichever is least painful.

I have Elfie on ignore, so i didnt read it. Based on experience, i can infer that it was idiotic.
The point was, and remains, that people can kill other people in a large variety of ways and with many different tools/weapons. But the loony left only blames guns. They don’t blame trucks or pressure cookers or knives or or or or or...just guns. The problem is the PERSON who kills and their mental disorders. It really is that simple. Don’t be misguided and try to take away OUR 2nd amendment rights. Fucktards.
The irony being Trog that he keeps making fun of you I believe, about something to do with a .30-.30

Meanwhile he backed himself into a hypocrites or a liars corner without even realizing it. And that is he is mocking you for supposedly not knowing something related to firearms, but he claims to have not known that the AR is the same exact weapon as the M-16 except for the fully automatic aspect.

Either he is ignorant to this fact, yet he mocks you....or he is a liar.

No two ways about it, either way I am done with him as everyone who has visited this thread realizes he's made an *** of himself.

You twats live in an altered state of reality. The back peddling and excuses are unreal.
Tim, what is the relevance of all of this? Yet another obsession, this one about rather esoteric gun knowledge. Is it your opinion that a person’s knowledge of guns is relevant to their opinion on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment? That anyone lacking a certain amount of gun expertise has an uninformed opinion?

Anyone else think this way?

It's really rather simple. When people come here dictating the way the world should be on subjects they are uneducated on, I will call them on it when I know better. I wouldn't profess to tell Ark how the world of accounting should work and make myself out to be an accounting expert and scream and rant and rave about how unfair accounting law is when I am not close to knowing much on the subject.

When people come into a guns thread and try to convince others that a .22 is "dangerous" in a blanket statement not understanding what they are speaking about, I'll rightfully call them on it.

MSM and Liberals would have you believe these are all equally dangerous. They are not comparable at all in killing power. Not even close.


Think of it as stopping fake news.
The irony being Trog that he keeps making fun of you I believe, about something to do with a .30-.30

Meanwhile he backed himself into a hypocrites or a liars corner without even realizing it. And that is he is mocking you for supposedly not knowing something related to firearms, but he claims to have not known that the AR is the same exact weapon as the M-16 except for the fully automatic aspect.

Either he is ignorant to this fact, yet he mocks you....or he is a liar.

No two ways about it, either way I am done with him as everyone who has visited this thread realizes he's made an *** of himself.

And you remain the one stating for the world to see that our soldiers carry AR15s in battle.

Yeah, you TRIED to back pedal it.

As is said so often on this board, "you can't make this **** up."
It's really rather simple. When people come here dictating the way the world should be on subjects they are uneducated on, I will call them on it when I know better. I wouldn't profess to tell Ark how the world of accounting should work and make myself out to be an accounting expert and scream and rant and rave about how unfair accounting law is when I am not close to knowing much on the subject.

Well, yeah, but look at all the legal information we get from elftardPoloLiar. Dude is not a lawyer, never went to law school, knows less about the law than the average housecat, but DAMN!! He claims a ****-ton of knowledge.

Wait, does that mean he is actually a LIAR?!?
It's really rather simple. When people come here dictating the way the world should be on subjects they are uneducated on, I will call them on it when I know better.

When people come into a guns thread and try to convince others that a .22 is "dangerous" in a blanket statement not understanding what they are speaking about, I'll rightfully call them on it.

MSM and Liberals would have you believe these are all equally dangerous. They are not comparable at all in killing power. Not even close.

Think of it as stopping fake news.

Uh, no. They are ALL dangerous. They are ALL capable of killing someone. Fake news? JFC. Those are facts.

Trauma surgeons and .22 gun shot victims would call you out for your pointless assertion.
And you remain the one stating for the world to see that our soldiers carry AR15s in battle.

Yeah, you TRIED to back pedal it.

As is said so often on this board, "you can't make this **** up."

not just AR-15s, but .22 caliber AR-15s.
Uh, no. They are ALL dangerous. They are ALL capable of killing someone. Fake news? JFC. Those are facts.

Trauma surgeons and .22 gun shot victims would call you out for your pointless assertion.

the mixing of truth, fable and complete ignorance in just this one post is a stunning revelation of your overall intelligence of the subject as well as your lack of critical thinking skills. you've done a dis-service to everyone here by wasting bandwidth. your parents should be slapped and publicly humiliated for having birthed you.
When we were kids, we used to take our .22's out into the woods and have gun battles. Good times.
Uh, no. They are ALL dangerous. They are ALL capable of killing someone. Fake news? JFC. Those are facts.

Trauma surgeons and .22 gun shot victims would call you out for your pointless assertion.

The lack of knowledge you continue to display simply defies odds.

"It [the .22] is the most common bore for rimfire ammunition, and has gained popularity in the air gun discipline as a hunting/field target/HFT pellet caliber." You can die from a .22. But if I ever have to take a bullet and I get to choose between a .308, a .44, a .223, a .280, a .30-06, or a .22, I'm taking the god damned .22 anytime because my chances of surviving are INFINITELY better being hit by a .22.

You MISS this point. Utterly. You conflate all weapons and calibers together as BAD.

You shoot semi-automatic 30-30 rifles though - which don't ******* exist - so I'm not surprised by your idiocy.

You put forward any "TRAUMA" surgeon you seem to know all about and ask them the question above...does the human stand a better chance of surviving a gunshot wound from a 308, a .44, a .223, a .280, a .30-06, or a .22...and get back to me.

By the way I'll try to edumacate you again...since you clearly have no clue and shoot imaginary guns.

There are LEAPS to go from a .22 rifle to a .223. See the pictures above. A .223 is FAR more lethal than the .22. YET most hunters refuse to hunt DEER with a .223 because it doesn't have the kill power. Humans by and large are bigger than most deer in North America. Where I hunt they are small, getting up to 130 lbs and it is STILL FROWNED upon to hunt small deer with such a small caliber because the bullet often doesn't kill instantly, it maims leaving the animals to die days later or to live a maimed life.

Are you starting to get the point??? Not all guns and bullets are as dangerous as others.

When we were kids, we used to take our .22's out into the woods and have gun battles. Good times.

I knew kids who did the same.

But Trog just got done telling you that trauma surgeons will tell you that a .22 rifle is just stunningly deadly.

Once again, my friend growing up took a .22 to the chin, passed through his chin, out the back of his neck. Was home in days. Had that been a gun of any greater caliber I'd have attended his funeral.

Ty still has that dimpled scar right in the cleft of his chin.

Deadly ****, those .22s
It's really rather simple. When people come here dictating the way the world should be on subjects they are uneducated on, I will call them on it when I know better. I wouldn't profess to tell Ark how the world of accounting should work and make myself out to be an accounting expert and scream and rant and rave about how unfair accounting law is when I am not close to knowing much on the subject.

When people come into a guns thread and try to convince others that a .22 is "dangerous" in a blanket statement not understanding what they are speaking about, I'll rightfully call them on it.

MSM and Liberals would have you believe these are all equally dangerous. They are not comparable at all in killing power. Not even close.


Think of it as stopping fake news.

Here let's end this:

What is it that you know better?

You didn't like what I had to say because I am a progressive. There is one thing CONservatives LOVE and that is to claim exclusivity of certain things.

Patriotism, military service, morality.

When other than the military service most of them don't have a clue as to what a patriot is, and are hypocrites when it comes to morality( 81% of evangelical x-tians voting for Trump anyone......LMAO)

So because you are a typical Reich Wing snowflake your J.Edgar Hoover Signature Series Fake Patriot Panties immediately wadded up when I brought up firearms.

So you created this entire alternate reality where I tried to say soldiers carried .22 rimfire rifles and ammo into battle.

Then you moved to a semantics game where I said AR-15 instead of M-16 and you tried dragging me through the mud with that petty childs argument, when the AR-15 IS the M-16 for all practical purposes other than the auto function.

The first rifles Armalite built as military full auto were AR in designation, the military changed them to M

The bullet they fire is a .22 caliber bullet as I claimed whether you and your ignorance like it or not.

This is for everyone to see what an ignorant *** you are.


Subsequently, the Board recommended further investigation into the AR-10. In 1957 General Wyman, impressed by the merits and performance of the AR-10, went to the ArmaLite Company and asked Gene Stoner to join a weapons program, offering ArmaLite financial support for future development of ArmaLite rifles in exchange for proprietary rights to the final product. Subsequently, ArmaLite introduced a totally new concept for the modern battlefield, a 22-caliber battle rifle. As a result, the 30-caliber AR-10 was to have a short history with the U.S. military.

"I will call them out on it when I know better"

What an ignorant ******* putz.......
When we were kids, we used to take our .22's out into the woods and have gun battles. Good times.

I really didn't do that. Too dangerous.
YET most hunters refuse to hunt DEER with a .223 because it doesn't have the kill power. Humans by and large are bigger than most deer in North America. Where I hunt they are small, getting up to 130 lbs and it is STILL FROWNED upon to hunt small deer with such a small caliber because the bullet often doesn't kill instantly, it maims leaving the animals to die days later or to live a maimed life.

I am gonna disagree. On two counts.

1) I hunted with a .222 Savage from age 12 to age 17. I shot and killed 9 deer with that rifle. Only ever took one shot to kill any of them. My best shot, and this is probably in my lifetime (I was 16 at the time), was a deer running full bore about 40 meters out from my right to left. One shot, behind the shoulder, deer took about two more leaps and dropped dead. When I gutted it, it was missing 1 1/2 lungs and there was a piece of the heart left that was about the size of my thumb. PLENTY of stopping power. If deer are living for days after you shoot them or live their life maimed from being shot, maybe the shooter is a piss poor shot. I never had a problem keeping a deer down with a .222. Ever.

2) If a .223 has such terrible stopping power, why is it our primary military combat weapon? I have seen the effects of .223 on human beings first hand. I can assure you, if you hit a person in the vitals, good chance the guy isn't gonna make it. True, on non kill shots, it will **** a person up pretty bad. But stopping power isn't a problem.
In contrast, my step father has a .270 that can't keep **** down. I shot a huge groundhog with it one summer and decapitated it, but aside from a deer that took a shot behind the shoulder, one in the neck and two in the back of the head before it fell down and my step dad slit its throat, that .270 didn't kill ****.
I knew kids who did the same.

But Trog just got done telling you that trauma surgeons will tell you that a .22 rifle is just stunningly deadly.

You’ve completely lost it.

Providing anecdotal stories of kids hunting each other with .22s as if it’s some form of safe recreational fun in attempt to prove an increasingly stupid point. SMH.
You’ve completely lost it.

Providing anecdotal stories of kids hunting each other with .22s as if it’s some form of safe recreational fun in attempt to prove an increasingly stupid point. SMH.

We used hollow point .380's. Mom made us wait until ammo was on sale though.
We did have BB gun battles. That was plenty stupid enough.